Acronyms ======== | [t]ll ABL & Atmospheric Boundary Layer | AMIP & Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project | AMWG & Atmospheric Model Working Group | BATS & Biosphere-Atmosphere Transfer Scheme | CAM & Community Atmosphere Model | CAPE & Convectively Available Potential Energy | CCM & Community Climate Model | CCN & Cloud Condensation Nucleus | CCSM & Community Climate System Model | CFC & Chloro-Fluoro Carbon | CFL & Courant-Friedrichs-Levy Condition | CGD & NCAR Climate and Global Dynamics Division | CGS & Centimeters/grams/seconds | CKD & Clough-Kneizys-Davies | CLM & Community Land Model | CMS & (NCAR) Climate Modeling Section | CSIM & Community Sea-Ice Model | CWP & Condensed Water Path | DAO & (NASA Goddard) Data Assimilation Office | DAS & Data Assimilation System | DISORT & DIScrete-Ordinate method Radiative Transfer | ECMWF & European Centre for Medium Range Forecasts | EOF & Empirical Orthogonal Function | FASCODE & FASt atmosphere Signature Code | FFSL & Flux-Form Semi-Lagrangian Transport | FFT & Fast Fourier Transform | FV/fv & Finite Volume | GCM & General Circulation Model | GENLN & General Line-by-line Atmospheric Transmittance and Radiance Model | GEOS & Goddard Earth Observing System | GFDL & Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory | GSFC & Goddard Space Flight Center | GMT & Greenwich Mean Time | [t]ll HadISST & Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research SST | HITRAN & High-resolution Transmission Molecular Absorption Database | ICA & Independent Column Approximation | IPCC & International Panel on Climate Change | KNMI & Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute | LBL & Line by line | LCL & Lifting condensation level | LSM & Land Surface Model | MATCH & Model for Atmospheric Transport and Chemistry | M/R & Maximum/Random overlap | NASA & National Space Administration | NCAR & National Center for Atmospheric Research | NCEP & National Center for Environmental Prediction | NOAA & National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration | NWP & Numerical Weather Prediction | OI & Optimal Interpolation | OPAC & Optical Properties of Aerosols and Clouds | PBL & Planetary Boundary Layer | PCMDI & Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison | PPM & Piece-wise Parabolic Method | RHS & Right Hand Side | RMS & Root-mean Square | SCMO & Sufficient Condition for Monotonicity | SI & International System of Units | SOM & Slab Ocean Model | SST & Sea-surface temperature | TOA & Top Of Atmosphere | TOM & Top Of Model | UCAR & University Corporation for Atmospheric Research | WKB & Wentzel-Kramer-Brillouin approximation Resolution and dycore-dependent parameters ========================================== The following adjustable parameters differ between various finite volume resolutions in the . Refer to the model code for parameters relevant to alternative dynamical cores. +----------------------------+------------+------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+----+ | Parameter | FV 1 deg | FV 2 deg | Description | | +============================+============+============+=================================================================+====+ | :math:`q_{ic,warm}` | 2.e-4 | 2.e-4 | threshold for autoconversion of warm ice | | +----------------------------+------------+------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+----+ | :math:`q_{ic,cold}` | 18.e-6 | 9.5e-6 | threshold for autoconversion of cold ice | | +----------------------------+------------+------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+----+ | :math:`k_{e,strat}` | 5.e-6 | 5.e-6 | stratiform precipitation evaporation efficiency parameter | | +----------------------------+------------+------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+----+ | :math:`RH_{\min}^{low}` | .92 | .91 | minimum RH threshold for low stable clouds | | +----------------------------+------------+------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+----+ | :math:`RH_{\min}^{high}` | .77 | .80 | minimum RH threshold for high stable clouds | | +----------------------------+------------+------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+----+ | :math:`k_{1,deep}` | 0.10 | 0.10 | parameter for deep convection cloud fraction | | +----------------------------+------------+------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+----+ | :math:`p_{mid}` | 750.e2 | 750.e2 | top of area defined to be mid-level cloud | | +----------------------------+------------+------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+----+ | :math:`c_{0,shallow}` | 1.0e-4 | 1.0e-4 | shallow convection precip production efficiency parameter | | +----------------------------+------------+------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+----+ | :math:`c_{0,deep}` | 3.5E-3 | 3.5E-3 | deep convection precipitation production efficiency parameter | | +----------------------------+------------+------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+----+ | :math:`k_{e,conv}` | 1.0E-6 | 1.0E-6 | convective precipitation evaporation efficiency parameter | | +----------------------------+------------+------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+----+ | :math:`v_i` | 1.0 | 0.5 | Stokes ice sedimentation fall speed (m/s) | | +----------------------------+------------+------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+----+ Table: [table:adjustableparameters]Resolution-dependent parameters .. raw:: html