Physical Constants ================== Following the American Meteorological Society convention, the model uses the International System of Units (SI) (see August 1974 *Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society*, **Vol. 55**, No. 8, pp. 926-930). .. math:: \begin{aligned} \begin{array}{lcll} a & = & 6.37122 \times 10^{6} \quad\mathrm{m} & \mathrm{ Radius \: of \: earth} \\ g & = & 9.80616 \quad\mathrm{m \: s^{-2}} & \mathrm{ Acceleration \: due \: to \: gravity}\\ \pi & = & 3.14159265358979323846 & \mathrm{Pi} \\ t_s & = & 86164.0 \quad\mathrm{s} & \mathrm{ Earth's \: sidereal \: day}\\ \Omega & = & 2*\pi/t_s \quad\mathrm{[s^{-1}]} & \mathrm{ Earth's \: angular \: velocity}\\ \sigma_{B} & = & 5.67 \times 10^{-8} \quad\mathrm{W \: m^{-2} \: K^{-4}} & \mathrm{ Stefan-Boltzmann \: constant}\\ k & = & 1.38065 \times 10^{-23} \quad\mathrm{J K^{-1}} & \mathrm{ Boltzmann \: constant}\\ N & = & 6.02214 \times 10^{26} & \mathrm{Avogadro's \: number}\\ R^* & = & k\,N \quad\mathrm{[J K^{-1}]} & \mathrm{ Universal \: gas \: constant}\\ m_{air} & = & 28.966 \quad\mathrm{kg} & \mathrm{ Molecular \: weight \: of \: dry \: air}\\ R & = & R^*/m_{air} \quad\mathrm{[J \: kg^{-1} \: K^{-1}]} & \mathrm{ Gas \: constant \: for \: dry \: air}\\ m_{v} & = & 18.016 \quad\mathrm{kg} & \mathrm{ Molecular \: weight \: of \: water \: vapor}\\ R_{v} & = & R^*/m_{v} \quad\mathrm{[J \: kg^{-1} \: K^{-1}]} & \mathrm{ Gas \: constant \: for \: water \: vapor}\\ c_{p} & = & 1.00464 \times 10^{3} \quad\mathrm{J \: kg^{-1} \: K^{-1}} & \mathrm{ Specific \: heat \: of \: dry \: air \: at \: constant \: pressure}\\ \kappa & = & 2/5 & \mathrm{Von \: Karman \: constant} \\ z_{vir} & = & R_{v}/R-1 & \mathrm{Ratio \:of \:gas \:constants \:for \:water \:vapor \:and \:dry \:air} \\ L_{v} & = & 2.501 \times 10^{6} \quad\mathrm{J \: kg^{-1}} & \mathrm{ Latent \: heat \: of \: vaporization}\\ L_{i} & = & 3.337 \times 10^{5} \quad\mathrm{J \: kg^{-1}} & \mathrm{ Latent \: heat \: of \: fusion}\\ \rho_{H_{2}O} & = & 1.0 \times 10^{3} \quad\mathrm{kg \: m^{-3}} & \mathrm{ Density \: of \: liquid \: water}\\ c_{pv} & = & 1.81 \times 10^{3} \quad\mathrm{J \: kg^{-1} \: K^{-1}} & \mathrm{ Specific \:heat \: of \: water \: vapor \: at \: constant \: pressure}\\ T_{melt} & = & 273.16 \quad\mathrm{^{\circ}K} & \mathrm{ Melting \: point \: of \: ice}\\ p_{std} & = & 1.01325 \times 10^{5} \quad\mathrm{Pa} & \mathrm{ Standard \: pressure}\\ \rho_{air} & = & p_{std}/(R\,T_{melt}) \quad\mathrm{[kg m^{-3}]} & \mathrm{ Density \: of \: dry \: air \: at \: standard \: pressure/temperature} \end{array}\end{aligned} The model code defines these constants to the stated accuracy. We do not mean to imply that these constants are known to this accuracy nor that the low-order digits are significant to the physical approximations employed. Bibliography ============ .. bibliography:: refs.bib