3. CICE Namelists

CICE uses the same namelists for both the coupled and uncoupled models. This section describes the namelist variables, which determine time management, output frequency, model physics, and filenames. The ice namelists for the coupled model are now located in $CASE/CaseDocs. Some additional documentation on the CICE namelist is available here:


A script reads the input namelist at runtime, and writes the namelist information to the file ice_in in the directory where the model executable is located. Therefore, the namelist will be updated even if the ice model is not recompiled. The default values of the ice setup, grid, tracer, and physics namelists are set in ice_init.F90. The prescribed ice option along with the history namelist variables are set in ice_prescribed.F90 and ice_history.F90 respectively. If they are not set in the namelist in the script, they will assume the default values listed in the following tables, which list all available namelist parameters. The default values shown here are for the coupled model, which is set up for a production run. Only a few of these variables are required to be set in the namelist; these values are noted in the paragraphs below. An example of the default namelist is shown in Section CICE Namelist Examples.

The main run management namelist options are shown in Table 1: Setup Namelist Options. While additional namelist variables are available in the uncoupled version, they are set by the driver in CESM. For a full list of namelist variables, you should consult the CICE Reference Guide [6].

Variables set by the driver include: dt, runid, runtype, istep0, days_per_year, restart and dumpfreq. These should be changed in the CESM configuration files.

Table 1: Setup Namelist Options
Variable Name Type Default Description
ice_ic character default Filename for initial and branch runs. Set by driver scripts
pointer_file character ’rpointer.ice’ Pointer file that contains the name of the restart file
restart_file character none Restart file prefix. Set by driver.
restart_format character none Restart file format. bin = binary, nc = netcdf, pio = use pio library (default).
restart_ext logical .false. Write ghost cells as a part of restarts
history_file character ‘unknown’ History file prefix. Set by driver. ’default’ uses default initialization. ’none’ initializes with no ice.
days_per_year integer 365 Standard number of days per year for calendar. Does interact with Gregorian calendar setting. Set by driver.
year_init integer 1 Used in leap year calculation. Do not change
ndtd integer 1 Number of dynamic timesteps per thermodynamic timestep
histfreq char array ’m’,’x’,’x’,’x’,’x’ Unit for frequency of output written to history streams
      ’H’ or ’h’ writes hourly data
      ’D’ or ’d’ writes daily data
      ’M’ or ’m’ writes monthly data
      ’Y’ or ’y’ writes yearly data
      ’1’ writes every timestep
      ’x’ no history data is written
histfreq_n integer 1,1,1,1,1 Frequency of histfreq history data is written to each stream
dumpfreq character ‘x’ Unit for frequency of dump files. Set by driver.
dumpfreq_n integer 1 Frequency of dumpfreq dump files. Set by driver.
hist_avg logical .true. If true, averaged history information is written out at a frequency determined by histfreq. If false, instantaneous values are written in all streams.
write_ic logical .true. If true, write initial conditions
diagfreq integer 24 Frequency of diagnostics written (min, max, hemispheric sums) to standard output.
      ‘24’ = diagnostics written once every 24 timesteps
      ‘1’ = diagnostics written each timestep
      ‘0’ = no diagnostics written
print_global logical .true. Print global diagnostics
print_points logical .true. Print diagnostics at latpnt and lonpnt
latpnt float arr 90.0, -65.0 Latitudes for diagnostic points (print_points)
lonpnt float arr 0.0, -45.0 Longitudes for diagnostic points (print_points)
lcdf64 logical .false. Use 64-bit offset in netcdf files
bfbflag logical .false. Require bit-for-bit global sums

3.1. Changing the timestep

dt is the timestep in seconds for the ice model thermodynamics. The thermodynamics component is stable but not necessarily accurate for any value of the timestep. The value chosen for dt depends on the stability of the transport and the grid resolution. A conservative estimate of dt for the transport using the upwind advection scheme is:


Maximum values for dt for the two standard CESM POP grids, assuming max(u,v)=0.5 m/s, are shown in Table 2: Recommended timesteps. The default timestep for CICE is 30 minutes for gx1, which must be equvialent to the coupling interval (NCPL_ICE and NCPL_ATM) set in the CESM configuration files env_run.xml. One should only change the CICE timestep using the NCPL_ATM variable in env_run.xml. For more on this see:


Table 2: Recommended timesteps
gx3 28845.9 m 4.0 hr
gx1 8558.2 m 1.2 hr

Occasionally, ice velocities are calculated that are larger than what is assumed when the model timestep is chosen. This causes a CFL violation in the transport scheme. A namelist option was added (ndtd) to subcycle the dynamics to get through these instabilities that arise during long integrations. The default value for this variable is one, and is typically increased to two when the ice model reaches an instability. The value in the namelist should be returned to one by the user when the model integrates past that point.

3.2. Writing Output

The namelist variables that control the frequency of the model diagnostics, netCDF history, and restart files are shown in Table 1: Setup Namelist Options. By default, diagnostics are written out once every 48 timesteps to the ascii file ice.log.$LID (see section Stdout Output). $LID is a time stamp that is set in the main script.

The namelist variable histfreq controls the output frequency of the netCDF history files; writing monthly averages is the default. The content of the history files is described in section CICE History Files. The value of hist_avg determines if instantaneous or averaged variables are written at the frequency set by histfreq. If histfreq is set to 1 for instantaneous output, hist_avg is set to .false. within the source code to avoid conflicts. The latest version of CICE allows for multiple history streams, currently set to a maximum of 5. The namelist variables, histfreq and histfreq_n are now arrays which allow for different frequency history file sets. More detail on this is available in CICE History Files.

The namelist variable pointer_file is set to the name of the pointer file containing the restart file name that will be read when model execution begins. The pointer file resides in the scripts directory and is created initially by the ice setup script but is overwritten every time a new restart file is created. It will contain the name of the latest restart file. The default filename ice.restart_file shown in Table 1: Setup Namelist Options will not work unless some modifications are made to the ice setup script and a file is created with this name and contains the name of a valid restart file; this variable must be set in the namelist. More information on restart pointer files can be found in Section CICE Restart Files.

The variables dumpfreq and dumpfreq_n control the output frequency of the netCDF restart files; writing one restart file per year is the default and is set by the CESM driver. The default format for all reads and writes of files in CESM is now pio, but this can be changed to binary or netCDF through the namelist variable, restart_format.

The Parallel Input/Output libraries or “PIO” are used within the CESM for more efficient reading and writing. PIO includes options for binary, netCDF version3, parallel netCDF, or netCDF version 4 parallel. More on this can be found here: http://ncar.github.io/ParallelIO/

If print_points is .true., diagnostic data is printed out for two grid points, one near the north pole and one near the Weddell Sea. The points are set via namelist variables latpnt and lonpnt. This option can be helpful for debugging.

3.3. Model Physics

Some of the most commonly used namelist variables for the ice model physics are listed in the following tables. More information can be found in the CICE reference guide at [6].

The calculation of the ice velocities is subcycled ndte times per timestep so that the elastic waves are damped before the next timestep. The subcycling timestep is calculated as dte=dt/ndte and must be sufficiently smaller than the damping timescale T, which needs to be sufficiently shorter than dt.


This relationship is discussed in [6]. The best ratio for [dte:T:dt] is [1:40:120]. Typical combinations of (dt, ndte) are (3600., 120), (7200., 240) (10800., 120). The default ndte is 120 as set in ice_init.F90.

kitd determines the scheme used to redistribute sea ice within the ice thickness distribution (ITD) as the ice grows and melts. The linear remapping scheme is the default and approximates the thickness distribution in each category as a linear function. The delta function method represents g(h) in each category as a delta function. This method can leave some categories mostly empty at any given time and cause jumps in the properties of g(h).

kdyn determines the ice dynamics used in the model. The default is the elastic-viscous-plastic (EVP) dynamics (kdyn = 1). If kdyn is set to 0, the ice dynamics is inactive. In this case, ice velocities are not computed and ice is not transported. Since the initial ice velocities are read in from the restart file, the maximum and minimum velocities written to the log file will be non-zero in this case, but they are not used in any calculations.

The value of kstrength determines which formulation is used to calculate the strength of the pack ice. The calculation depends on mean ice thickness and open water fraction. The calculation is based on energetics and should not be used if the ice that participates in ridging is not well resolved.

The variable advection determines the horizontal transport scheme used. The default scheme is the incremental remapping method (advection = “remap”). This method is less diffusive and is computationally efficient for large numbers of categories or tracers than other options. The upwind scheme is also available, but this scheme is only first order accurate.

Table 3: Dynamics Namelist Options
Variable Name Type Default Description
kdyn Integer 1 Determines ice dynamics, 0 = No ice dynamics, 1 = Elastic viscous plastic dynamics
revised_evp Logical .false. Revised EVP formulation
ndte Integer 1 Number of sub-cycles in EVP dynamics.
advection Character ‘remap’ Determines horizontal advection scheme. ’remap’ = incremental remapping, ’upwind’ = first order advection
kstrength Integer 1 Determines pressure formulation, 0 = parameterization, 1 = parameterization
krdg_partic Integer 1 Ridging participation function, 0 = Thorndike, 1 = Expontential
krdg_redist Integer 1 Ridging distribution function, 0 = Hibler , 1 = Expontential
mu_rdg Real 4.0 e-folding scale of ridged ice
cf Real 17.0 Ratio of ridging work to PE change

A new thermodynamics option (ktherm = 2) is now the default. This is the so-called mushy-layer thermodyanmics of [10]. The basic idea of this is that prognostic salinity is now used in the vertical thermodynamic calculation where this used to be a constant profile. The CESM1 and older option of [3], (ktherm = 1) is still available. There are several additional thermodynamic options not listed that go with ktherm = 2, that are described more thoroughly in [6].

Table 4: Thermodynamics Namelist Options
Variable Name Type Default Description
kitd Integer 1 Determines ITD conversion, 0 = delta scheme, 1=linear remapping
ktherm Integer 1 Determines ice thermodynamics, 1 = BL99, 2 = mushy layer
conduct Character ‘MU71’ Determines conductivity formulation used with ktherm = 1, MU71, bubbly

For the newer delta-Eddington shortwave radiative transfer scheme shortwave = dEdd, the base albedos are computed based on the inherent optical properties of snow, sea ice, and melt ponds. These albedos are most commonly changed through adjustments to the snow grain radius, R_snw, temperature to transition to melting snow, dT_mlt_in, and maximum snow grain radius, rsnw_mlt_in. Note, the older CCSM3 radiation scheme is still available through shortwave = default.

Table 5: Radiation Namelist Options
Variable Name Type Default: CESM-CAM4 gx3 Default: CESM-CAM4 gx1 Default: CESM-CAM5 gx1 Description
shortwave Character ‘dEdd’ ‘dEdd’ ‘dEdd’ Shortwave Radiative Transfer Scheme, ’dEdd’ = delta-Eddington Shortwave, ’default’ = CCSM3 Shortwave
albicev Real 0.68 0.75 0.75 Visible ice albedo (CCSM3)
albicei Real 0.30 0.45 0.45 Near-infrared ice albedo (CCSM3)
albsnowv Real 0.91 0.98 0.98 Visible snow albedo (CCSM3)
albsnowi Real 0.63 0.73 0.73 Near-infrared snow albedo (CCSM3)
r_ice Real 0.0 0.0 0.0 Base ice tuning parameter (dEdd)
r_pnd Real 0.0 0.0 0.0 Base pond tuning parameter (dEdd)
r_snw Real -2.0 1.5 1.75 Base snow grain radius tuning parameter (dEdd)
dt_mlt Real 2.0 1.5 1.0 Snow melt onset temperature parameter (dEdd)
rsnw_mlt Real
Snow melt maximum radius (dEdd)

3.4. Tracer Namelist

The namelist parameters listed in Table 6: Tracer Namelist Options are for adding tracers. The tracers should be added through the CESM driver scripts via the CICE_CONFIG_OPTS variable.

Table 6: Tracer Namelist Options
Variable Name Type Default Description
tr_aero Logical .true. Aerosol physics and tracer
restart_aero Logical .false. Initialize aerosols to zero or from file.
tr_iage Logical .true. Ice age passive tracer
restart_age Logical .false. Initialize iage to zero or from file.
tr_FY Logical .true. First-year ice area passive tracer
restart_FY Logical .false. Initialize first-year ice to zero or from file.
tr_lvl Logical .false. Level ice area passive tracer
restart_lvl Logical .false. Initialize level ice to zero or from file.
tr_pond_cesm Logical .false. The older CESM melt pond option.
restart_pond_cesm Logical .false. Initialize CESM ponds to zero or from file.
tr_pond_lvl Logical .true. The Hunke et al. level ice pond formulation
restart_pond_lvl Logical .false. Initialize level ponds to zero or from file.
tr_pond_topo Logical .true. The Felthem et al. topographic pond formulation
restart_pond_topo Logical .false. Initialize topgraphic ponds to zero or from file.

3.5. Prescribed Ice Namelist

The namelist parameters listed in Table 7: Prescribed Ice Namelist Options are for the prescribed ice option as used in AMIP and F compset (standalone CAM) runs [prescribed].

Table 7: Prescribed Ice Namelist Options
Variable Name Type Default Description
prescribed_ice Logical .false. Flag to turn on prescribed ice
prescribed_ice_fill Logical .false. Flag to turn fill option
stream_year_first Integer 1 First year of prescribed ice data
stream_year_last Integer 1 Last year of prescribed ice data
model_year_align Integer 1 Year in model run that aligns with stream_year_first
stream_domfilename Character ‘none’ Prescribed ice stream data file
stream_fldfilename Character ‘none’ Prescribed ice stream data file
stream_fldvarname Character ‘ice_cov’ Ice fraction field name

3.6. Grid Namelist

The namelist parameters listed in Table 8: Grid Namelist Options are for grid and mask information. During execution, the ice model reads grid and land mask information from the files grid_file and kmt_file that should be located in the executable directory. There are commands in the scripts that copy these files from the input data directory, rename them from global_$ICE_GRID.grid and global_$ICE_GRID.kmt to the default filenames shown in Table 8: Grid Namelist Options.

Table 8: Grid Namelist Options
Variable Name Type Default Description
grid_type Character ‘displaced_pole’ Determines grid type.
grid_format Character ‘binary’ Grid file format (binary or netCDF)
grid_file Character ‘data.domain.grid’ Input filename containing grid information.
gridcpl_file Character ‘data.domain.grid’ Input filename containing grid information if coupling grid is different than computational grid.
kmt_file Character ‘data.domain.kmt’ Input filename containing land mask information.
kcatbound Integer 0 How category boundaries are set (0 or 1)

For coupled runs, supported grids include the ’displaced_pole’ grids (gx3 and gx1) and the ’tripole’ grids.

3.7. Domain Namelist

The namelist parameters listed in Table 9: Domain Namelist Options are for computational domain decomposition information. These are generally set in the build configure scripts through the variables CICE_DECOMPTYPE and CICE_DECOMPSETTING based on the number of processors. See the CESM scripts documentation.

Table 9: Domain Namelist Options
Variable Name Type Default Description
processor_shape Character ‘square-ice’ Approximate block shapes
distribution_type Character ‘spacecurve’ How domain is split into blocks and distributed onto processors
distribution_wght Character ‘latitude’ How blocks are weighted when using space-filling curves
distribution_wght_file Character ‘none’ File containing space-filling curve weights when using file weighting
ew_boundary_type Character ‘cyclic’ Boundary conditions in E-W direction
ns_boundary_type Character ‘open’ Boundary conditions in N-S direction
maskhalo_dyn Logical .true. Use masked halos in dynamics.
maskhalo_remap Logical .true. Use masked halos in remapping.
maskhalo_bound Logical .true. Use masked halos in state bound.

3.8. PIO Namelist

PIO settings are now handled via the CESM driver.