Source code for pyconform.datasets

DatasetDesc Interface Class

This file contains the interface classes to the input and output multi-file

Copyright 2017-2020, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
LICENSE: See the LICENSE.rst file for details

from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy
from os import linesep
from os.path import exists
from warnings import warn

from cf_units import Unit
from netCDF4 import Dataset as NC4Dataset
from numpy import dtype

from pyconform.physarray import PhysArray

[docs]class DefinitionWarning(Warning): """Warning to indicate that a variable definition might be bad"""
def _group_by_name_(*descs): """ Return a dictionary of the objects elements, grouped by name This is a simple group-by implementation for the Desc objects, used when making the objects unique by name. Parameters: descs: A list of Desc objects (with a 'name' attribute) """ grp = OrderedDict() for desc in descs: if in grp: grp[].append(desc) else: grp[] = [desc] return grp def _is_list_of_type_(obj, typ): """ Check that an object is a list/tuple of a given type Parameters: obj: A list or tuple of objects typ: The type of objects that should be in the list """ if not isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): return False return all([isinstance(o, typ) for o in obj])
[docs]class DimensionDesc(object): """ Descriptor for a dimension in a DatasetDesc Contains the name of the dimensions, its size, and whether the dimension is limited or unlimited. """ def __init__(self, name, size=None, unlimited=False, stringlen=False): """ Initializer Parameters: name (str): Dimension name size (int): Dimension size unlimited (bool): Whether the dimension is unlimited or not stringlen (bool): Whether the dimension represents a string length or not """ self._name = name self._size = None if size is None else int(size) self._unlimited = bool(unlimited) self._stringlen = bool(stringlen) @property def name(self): """Name of the dimension""" return self._name @property def size(self): """Numeric size of the dimension (if set)""" return self._size @property def unlimited(self): """Boolean indicating whether the dimension is unlimited or not""" return self._unlimited @property def stringlen(self): """Boolean indicating whether the dimension represents a string length or not""" return self._stringlen
[docs] def is_set(self): """ Return True if the dimension size and unlimited status is set, False otherwise """ return self._size is not None
[docs] def unset(self): """ Unset the dimension's size and unlimited status """ self._size = None self._unlimited = False
[docs] def set(self, dd): """ Set the size and unlimited status from another DimensionDesc Parameters: dd (DimensionDesc): The DimensionDesc from which to set the size and unlimited status """ if not isinstance(dd, DimensionDesc): err_msg = ( "Cannot set dimension {!r} from object of type {!r}, needs to be a " "DimensionDesc." ).format(, type(dd)) raise TypeError(err_msg) self._size = dd.size self._unlimited = dd.unlimited self._stringlen = dd.stringlen
def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, DimensionDesc): return False if != return False if self.size != other.size: return False if self.unlimited != other.unlimited: return False if self.stringlen != other.stringlen: return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __str__(self): set_str = ( "{}{}".format(self.size, "+" if self.unlimited else "") if self.is_set() else "?" ) return "{!r} [{}]".format(, set_str)
[docs] @staticmethod def unique(descs): """ Return a mapping of names to unique DimensionDescs Parameters: descs: A list of DimensionDesc objects """ ugrp = OrderedDict() if not all([isinstance(d, DimensionDesc) for d in descs]): err_msg = ( "All arguments to unique must be DimensionDesc objects: {}".format( descs ) ) raise TypeError(err_msg) grp = _group_by_name_(*descs) for name, ndescs in grp.items(): setdescs = [d for d in ndescs if d.is_set()] if len(setdescs) == 0: ugrp[name] = ndescs[0] elif len(setdescs) == 1: ugrp[name] = setdescs[0] else: if not all([d == setdescs[0] for d in setdescs[1:]]): err_msg = ( "Multiple DimensionDescs of same name but different settings: " "{}" ).format(", ".join([str(d) for d in setdescs])) raise ValueError(err_msg) ugrp[name] = setdescs[0] return ugrp
[docs]class VariableDesc(object): """ Descriptor for a variable in a dataset Contains the variable name, string datatype, dimensions tuple, attributes dictionary, and a string definition (how to construct the data for the variable) or data array (if the data is contained in the variable declaration). """ # Elemental NetCDF datatypes _NTYPES_ = ( "byte", "ubyte", "char", "short", "ushort", "int", "uint", "int64", "uint64", "float", "real", "double", ) _DTYPES_ = ( dtype("b"), dtype("u1"), dtype("S1"), dtype("i2"), dtype("u2"), dtype("i4"), dtype("u4"), dtype("i8"), dtype("u8"), dtype("f4"), dtype("f4"), dtype("f8"), ) def __init__( self, name, datatype=None, dimensions=(), definition=None, attributes={} ): """ Initializer Parameters: name (str): Name of the variable datatype (str): NetCDF datatype or NumPy dtype of the variable data dimensions (tuple): Tuple of DimensionDesc objects for the variable definition: String or data definition of variable attributes (dict): Dictionary of variable attributes """ self._name = name # Datatype is inheritable, in which case the datatype is set to None if datatype is None: self._ntype = None self._dtype = None elif isinstance(datatype, str) and datatype in VariableDesc._NTYPES_: self._ntype = datatype self._dtype = VariableDesc._DTYPES_[VariableDesc._NTYPES_.index(datatype)] elif isinstance(datatype, dtype) and datatype in VariableDesc._DTYPES_: self._ntype = VariableDesc._NTYPES_[VariableDesc._DTYPES_.index(datatype)] self._dtype = datatype else: raise TypeError( "Invalid variable datatype {} for variable {}".format(datatype, name) ) # Dimensions are required for all variables if not _is_list_of_type_(dimensions, DimensionDesc): err_msg = ( "Dimensions for variable {!r} must be a list or tuple of type " "DimensionDesc" ).format(name) raise TypeError(err_msg) self._dimensions = DimensionDesc.unique(dimensions) # Definition is required for output variables, but None for input variables self._definition = definition # Attributes are modifiable after the variable descriptor is constructed if not isinstance(attributes, dict): raise TypeError("Attributes for variable {!r} not dict".format(name)) self._attributes = deepcopy(attributes) # Initially, no files are associated with the variables, but it is modifiable after construction self._files = {} @property def name(self): """Name of the variable""" return self._name @property def datatype(self): """String datatype of the variable""" return self._ntype @property def dtype(self): """NumPy dtype of the variable data""" return self._dtype @property def definition(self): return self._definition @property def attributes(self): """Variable attributes dictionary""" return self._attributes @property def dimensions(self): """Dictionary of dimension descriptors for dimensions on which the variable depends""" return self._dimensions @property def files(self): """Dictionary of file descriptors for files containing this variable""" return self._files def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, VariableDesc): return False if != return False if self.datatype != other.datatype: return False if self.dimensions.keys() != other.dimensions.keys(): return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __str__(self): strvals = ["Variable: {!r}".format(] if self.datatype is not None: strvals += [" datatype: {!r}".format(self.datatype)] strvals += [" dimensions: {!s}".format(tuple(self.dimensions.keys()))] if self.definition is not None: strvals += [" definition: {!r}".format(self.definition)] if len(self.attributes) > 0: strvals += [" attributes:"] for aname, avalue in self.attributes.items(): strvals += [" {}: {!r}".format(aname, avalue)] if len(self.files) > 0: strvals += [" files:"] for fname in self.files: strvals += [" {}".format(fname)] return linesep.join(strvals) def __repr__(self): dtyp_str = ( "" if self.datatype is None else ", datatype={!r}".format(self.datatype) ) dimn_str = ", dimensions={!s}".format(tuple(self.dimensions.keys())) defn_str = ( "" if self.definition is None else ", definition={!r}".format(self.definition) ) return "{!s}(name={!r}{}{}{})".format( self.__class__.__name__,, dtyp_str, dimn_str, defn_str )
[docs] def units(self): """Retrieve the units string otherwise None""" ustr = str(self.attributes.get("units", "?")).split("since")[0].strip() return None if ustr in ("", "?", "unknown") else ustr
[docs] def refdatetime(self): """Retrieve the reference datetime string, otherwise None""" lstr = str(self.attributes.get("units", "?")).split("since") rstr = lstr[1].strip() if len(lstr) > 1 else "" return None if rstr in ("", "?", "unknown") else rstr
[docs] def calendar(self): """Retrieve the calendar attribute, if it exists, otherwise None""" return self.attributes.get("calendar", None)
[docs] def units_attr(self): return self.attributes.get("units", None)
[docs] def cfunits(self): """Construct a cf_units.Unit object from the units/calendar attributes""" return Unit(self.units_attr(), calendar=self.calendar())
[docs] @staticmethod def unique(descs): """ Return a mapping of names to unique VariableDescs Parameters: descs: A list of VariableDesc objects """ if not all([isinstance(d, VariableDesc) for d in descs]): err_msg = "All arguments to unique must be VariableDesc objects: {}".format( descs ) raise TypeError(err_msg) ugrp = OrderedDict() for name, ndescs in _group_by_name_(*descs).items(): if len(ndescs) == 0: err_msg = "No VariableDesc objects found with given name {}".format( name ) raise ValueError(err_msg) elif len(ndescs) == 1: ugrp[name] = ndescs[0] else: if not all([d == ndescs[0] for d in ndescs[1:]]): err_msg = ( "Multiple VariableDescs of same name but different settings: " "{}" ).format(ndescs[0].name) raise ValueError(err_msg) ugrp[name] = ndescs[0] return ugrp
[docs]class FileDesc(object): """ A class describing the contents of a single dataset file In simplest terms, the FileDesc contains the header information for a single NetCDF file. It contains the name of the file, the type of the file, a dictionary of global attributes in the file, a dict of DimensionDesc objects, and a dict of VariableDesc objects. """ def __init__( self, name, format="NETCDF4_CLASSIC", deflate=2, variables=(), attributes={}, autoparse_time_variable=None, ): # @ReservedAssignment """ Initializer Parameters: name (str): String name of the file (i.e., a path name or file name) fmt (str): String defining the NetCDF file format (one of 'NETCDF4', 'NETCDF4_CLASSIC', 'NETCDF3_CLASSIC', 'NETCDF3_64BIT_OFFSET' or 'NETCDF3_64BIT_DATA') deflate (int): Level of lossless compression to use in all variables within the file (0-9) variables (tuple): Tuple of VariableDesc objects describing the file variables attributes (dict): Dict of global attributes in the file autoparse_time_variable (str): The name of an output variable that should be used to represent the 'time' when autoparsing the output filename """ self._name = name if format not in ( "NETCDF4", "NETCDF4_CLASSIC", "NETCDF3_CLASSIC", "NETCDF3_64BIT_OFFSET", "NETCDF3_64BIT_DATA", "NETCDF3_64BIT", ): err_msg = "NetCDF file format {!r} unrecognized in file {!r}".format( format, name ) raise TypeError(err_msg) self._format = format if not isinstance(deflate, int): raise TypeError("Deflate value must be an integer, not {}".format(deflate)) if deflate < 0 or deflate > 9: raise TypeError( "Deflate value must be in the range 0-9, not {}".format(deflate) ) self._deflate = deflate if not _is_list_of_type_(variables, VariableDesc): err_msg = ( "Variables in file {!r} must be a list or tuple of type " "VariableDesc" ).format(name) raise TypeError(err_msg) dimensions = [] for vdesc in variables: dimensions.extend(vdesc.dimensions.values()) self._dimensions = DimensionDesc.unique(dimensions) for vdesc in variables: for dname in vdesc.dimensions: vdesc.dimensions[dname] = self._dimensions[dname] self._variables = VariableDesc.unique(variables) for vdesc in self._variables.values(): vdesc.files[name] = self if not isinstance(attributes, dict): err_msg = ( "Attributes in file {!r} cannot be of type {!r}, needs to be a " "dict" ).format(name, type(attributes)) raise TypeError(err_msg) self._attributes = deepcopy(attributes) if autoparse_time_variable: if autoparse_time_variable not in self._variables: err_msg = ( "Variable {!r} does not exist in describe file {!r}, but is required " "for autoparsing the filename".format(autoparse_time_variable, name) ) raise ValueError(err_msg) self.autoparse_time_variable = autoparse_time_variable @property def name(self): """Name of the file""" return self._name
[docs] def exists(self): """Whether the file exists or not""" return exists(
@property def format(self): """Format of the file""" return self._format @property def deflate(self): """Deflate level for variables in the file""" return self._deflate @property def attributes(self): """Dictionary of global attributes of the file""" return self._attributes @property def dimensions(self): """Dictionary of dimension descriptors associated with the file""" return self._dimensions @property def variables(self): """Dictionary of variable descriptors associated with the file""" return self._variables def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, FileDesc): return False if != return False if self.dimensions.keys() != other.dimensions.keys(): return False if self.variables.keys() != other.variables.keys(): return False for vname in self.variables: if self.variables[vname] != other.variables[vname]: return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs] @staticmethod def unique(descs): """ Return a mapping of names to unique FileDescs Parameters: descs: A list of FileDesc objects """ if not all([isinstance(d, FileDesc) for d in descs]): err_msg = "All arguments to unique must be FileDesc objects: {}".format( descs ) raise TypeError(err_msg) ugrp = OrderedDict() for name, ndescs in _group_by_name_(*descs).items(): if len(ndescs) == 0: err_msg = "No FileDesc objects found with given name {}".format(name) raise ValueError(err_msg) elif len(ndescs) == 1: ugrp[name] = ndescs[0] else: if not all([d == ndescs[0] for d in ndescs[1:]]): err_msg = ( "Multiple FileDesc of same name but different settings: " "{}" ).format(ndescs[0].name) raise ValueError(err_msg) ugrp[name] = ndescs[0] return ugrp
[docs]class DatasetDesc(object): """ A class describing a self-consistent set of dimensions and variables in one or more files In simplest terms, a single NetCDF file is a dataset. Hence, the DatasetDesc object can be viewed as a simple container for the header information of a NetCDF file. However, the DatasetDesc can span multiple files, as long as dimensions and variables are consistent across all of the files in the DatasetDesc. Self-consistency is defined as: 1. Dimensions with names that appear in multiple files must all have the same size and limited/unlimited status, and 2. Variables with names that appear in multiple files must have the same datatype and dimensions, and they must refer to the same data. """ def __init__(self, name="dataset", files=()): """ Initializer Parameters: name (str): String name to optionally give to a dataset files (tuple): Tuple of FileDesc objects contained in the dataset """ self._name = name if not _is_list_of_type_(files, FileDesc): err_msg = ( "File descriptors in DatasetDesc {!r} must be a list or tuple of type " "FileDesc" ).format(name) raise TypeError(err_msg) dimensions = [] for fdesc in files: dimensions.extend(fdesc.dimensions.values()) self._dimensions = DimensionDesc.unique(dimensions) for fdesc in files: for dname in fdesc.dimensions: fdesc.dimensions[dname] = self._dimensions[dname] for vdesc in fdesc.variables.values(): for dname in vdesc.dimensions: vdesc.dimensions[dname] = self._dimensions[dname] variables = [] for fdesc in files: variables.extend(fdesc.variables.values()) self._variables = VariableDesc.unique(variables) for fdesc in files: for vname in fdesc.variables: fdesc.variables[vname] = self._variables[vname] self._files = FileDesc.unique(files) for fname, fdesc in self._files.items(): for vdesc in fdesc.variables.values(): vdesc.files[fname] = fdesc @property def name(self): """Name of the dataset (optional)""" return self._name @property def dimensions(self): """Dicitonary of dimension descriptors contained in the dataset""" return self._dimensions @property def variables(self): """Dictionary of variable descriptors contained in the dataset""" return self._variables @property def files(self): """Dictionary of file descriptors contained in the dataset""" return self._files
[docs]class InputDatasetDesc(DatasetDesc): """ DatasetDesc that can be used as input (i.e., can be read from file) The InputDatasetDesc is a kind of DatasetDesc where all of the DatasetDesc information is read from the headers of existing NetCDF files. The files must be self-consistent according to the standard DatasetDesc definition. Variables in an InputDatasetDesc must have unset "definition" parameters, and the "filenames" parameter will contain the names of files from which the variable data can be read. """ def __init__(self, name="input", filenames=()): """ Initializer Parameters: name (str): String name to optionally give to a dataset filenames (tuple): List of filenames in the dataset """ files = [] # Loop over all of the input filenames for fname in filenames: with NC4Dataset(fname) as ncfile: # Get file format ffmt = ncfile.file_format # Get global attributes fattrs = OrderedDict() for aname in ncfile.ncattrs(): fattrs[aname] = ncfile.getncattr(aname) # Parse variables and their dimensions fvars = [] fdims = OrderedDict() for vname, vobj in ncfile.variables.items(): vattrs = OrderedDict() for vattr in vobj.ncattrs(): vattrs[vattr] = vobj.getncattr(vattr) for dname in vobj.dimensions: if dname not in fdims: dobj = ncfile.dimensions[dname] size = len(dobj) unlimited = dobj.isunlimited() slen = ( True if dname == vobj.dimensions[-1] and vobj.dtype == dtype("S1") else False ) fdims[dname] = DimensionDesc( dname, size=size, unlimited=unlimited, stringlen=slen ) vdims = [fdims[dname] for dname in vobj.dimensions] fvars.append( VariableDesc( vname, datatype=vobj.dtype, dimensions=vdims, attributes=vattrs, ) ) files.append( FileDesc(fname, format=ffmt, attributes=fattrs, variables=fvars) ) # Call the base class initializer to check self-consistency super(InputDatasetDesc, self).__init__(name, files=files)
[docs]class OutputDatasetDesc(DatasetDesc): """ DatasetDesc that can be used for output (i.e., to be written to files) The OutputDatasetDesc contains all of the header information needed to write a DatasetDesc to files. Unlike the InputDatasetDesc, it is not assumed that all of the variable and dimension information can be found in existing files. Instead, the OutputDatasetDesc contains a minimal subset of the output file headers, and information about how to construct the variable data and dimensions by using the 'definition' parameter of the variables. The information to define an OutputDatasetDesc must be specified as a nested dictionary, where the first level of the dictionary are unique names of variables in the dataset. Each named variable defines another nested dictionary. Each 'variable' dictionary is assued to contain the following: 1. 'attributes': A dictionary of the variable's attributes 2. 'datatype': A string specifying the type of the variable's data 3. 'dimensions': A tuple of names of dimensions upon which the variable depends 4. 'definition': Either a string mathematical expression representing how to construct the variable's data from input variables or functions, or an array declaring the actual data from which to construct the variable 5. 'file': A dictionary containing a string 'filename', a string 'format' (which can be one of 'NETCDF4', 'NETCDF4_CLASSIC', 'NETCDF3_CLASSIC', 'NETCDF3_64BIT_OFFSET' or 'NETCDF3_64BIT_DATA'), a dictionary of 'attributes', and a list of 'metavars' specifying the names of other variables that should be added to the file, in addition to obvious metadata variables and the variable containing the 'file' section. """ _NC_TYPES_ = { 3: ["byte", "char", "short", "int", "float", "double"], 4: [ "byte", "char", "short", "ushort", "int", "uint", "int64", "uint64", "float", "real", "double", ], } _NC_FORMATS_ = { "NETCDF4": 4, "NETCDF4_CLASSIC": 3, "NETCDF3_CLASSIC": 3, "NETCDF3_64BIT_OFFSET": 3, "NETCDF3_64BIT_DATA": 3, "NETCDF3_64BIT": 3, } def __init__(self, name="output", dsdict=OrderedDict()): """ Initializer Parameters: name (str): String name to optionally give to a dataset dsdict (dict): Dictionary describing the dataset variables """ # Initialize a dictionary of file sections files = {} # Look over all variables in the dataset dictionary variables = OrderedDict() metavars = [] for vname, vdict in dsdict.items(): vkwds = {} # Get the variable attributes, if they are defined if "attributes" in vdict: vkwds["attributes"] = vdict["attributes"] # Get the datatype of the variable, otherwise defaults to VariableDesc default vkwds["datatype"] = "float" if "datatype" in vdict: vkwds["datatype"] = vdict["datatype"] # Get either the 'definition' (string definition or data) of the variables def_wrn = "" if "definition" in vdict: vdef = vdict["definition"] if isinstance(vdef, str): if len(vdef.strip()) > 0: vshape = None else: def_wrn = "Empty definition for output variable {!r} in dataset {!r}.".format( vname, name ) else: vshape = PhysArray(vdef).shape vkwds["definition"] = vdef else: def_wrn = "No definition given for output variable {!r} in dataset {!r}.".format( vname, name ) if len(def_wrn) > 0: warn( "{} Skipping output variable {}.".format(def_wrn, vname), DefinitionWarning, ) continue # Get the dimensions of the variable (REQUIRED) if "dimensions" in vdict: vdims = vdict["dimensions"] sldim = vdims[-1] if vkwds["datatype"] == "char" else None if vshape is None: vkwds["dimensions"] = tuple( DimensionDesc(d, stringlen=(sldim == d)) for d in vdims ) else: vkwds["dimensions"] = tuple( DimensionDesc(d, size=s, stringlen=(sldim == d)) for d, s in zip(vdims, vshape) ) else: err_msg = ( "Dimensions are required for variable {!r} in dataset {!r}".format( vname, name ) ) raise ValueError(err_msg) variables[vname] = VariableDesc(vname, **vkwds) # Parse the file section (if present) if "file" in vdict: fdict = vdict["file"] if "filename" not in fdict: err_msg = ( "Filename is required in file section of variable {!r} in dataset " "{!r}" ).format(vname, name) raise ValueError(err_msg) fname = fdict["filename"] if fname in files: err_msg = ( "Variable {!r} in dataset {!r} claims to own file " "{!r}, but this file is already owned by variable " "{!r}" ).format(vname, name, fname, files[fname]["variables"][0]) raise ValueError(err_msg) files[fname] = {} if "format" in fdict: files[fname]["format"] = fdict["format"] if "deflate" in fdict: files[fname]["deflate"] = fdict["deflate"] if "autoparse_time_variable" in fdict: files[fname]["autoparse_time_variable"] = fdict[ "autoparse_time_variable" ] if "attributes" in fdict: files[fname]["attributes"] = fdict["attributes"] files[fname]["variables"] = [vname] if "metavars" in fdict: for mvname in fdict["metavars"]: if mvname not in files[fname]["variables"]: files[fname]["variables"].append(mvname) else: metavars.append(vname) # Loop through all character type variables and get the # Loop through all found files and create the file descriptors filedescs = [] for fname, fdict in files.items(): # Get the variable descriptors for each variable required to be in the file vlist = OrderedDict( [(vname, variables[vname]) for vname in fdict["variables"]] ) # Get the unique list of dimension names required by these variables fdims = set() for vname in vlist: vdesc = vlist[vname] for dname in vdesc.dimensions: fdims.add(dname) # Loop through all the variable names identified as metadata (i.e., no 'file') for mvname in metavars: if mvname not in fdict["variables"]: vdesc = variables[mvname] # Include this variable in the file only if all of its dimensions are included # (Scalar variables are excluded and must be included as metadata explicitly) if len(vdesc.dimensions) > 0 and set( vdesc.dimensions.keys() ).issubset(fdims): vlist[mvname] = vdesc # Loop through the current list of variables and check for any "bounds" or "coordinates" attributes mvnames = set() for vname in vlist: vdesc = vlist[vname] if "bounds" in vdesc.attributes: mvname = vdesc.attributes["bounds"] if mvname not in variables: raise ValueError( ( "Variable {} references a bounds variable {} that is not " "found" ).format(, mvname) ) mvnames.add(mvname) if "coordinates" in vdesc.attributes: for mvname in vdesc.attributes["coordinates"].split(): if mvname not in variables: raise ValueError( ( "Variable {} references a coordinates variable {} that is not " "found" ).format(, mvname) ) mvnames.add(mvname) # Add the bounds and coordinates to the list of variables for mvname in mvnames: if mvname not in vlist: vlist[mvname] = variables[mvname] # Create the file descriptor fdict["variables"] = [vlist[vname] for vname in vlist] fdesc = FileDesc(fname, **fdict) # Validate the variable types for the file descriptor for vname in vlist: vdesc = vlist[vname] vdtype = vdesc.datatype fformat = fdesc.format try: OutputDatasetDesc._validate_netcdf_type_(vdtype, fformat) except: vname = raise ValueError( ( "File {!r} of format {!r} cannot write variable {!r} with " "datatype {!r}" ).format(fname, fformat, vname, vdtype) ) # Append the validated file descriptor to the list filedescs.append(fdesc) # Call the base class to run self-consistency checks super(OutputDatasetDesc, self).__init__(name, files=filedescs) @staticmethod def _validate_netcdf_type_(t, f): """ Check if a given type is valid for the given file format Parameters: t (str): The string-type to check f (str): The file format of the file in whi """ if f in OutputDatasetDesc._NC_FORMATS_: NC_VER = OutputDatasetDesc._NC_FORMATS_[f] else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized NetCDF file format {!r}".format(f)) if t not in OutputDatasetDesc._NC_TYPES_[NC_VER]: raise ValueError( "Data type {!r} unrecognized in NetCDF file format {!r}".format(t, f) )