PyReshaper Change Log¶
Copyright 2020 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
VERSION 1.1.0¶
Adding support for Python 3!!! Dropping support for Python 2.
Major refactor of testing suite. Now uses pytests, adds code coverage, implements pre-commit hooks, adds parallel testing.
VERSION 1.0.6¶
Cleaning up testing framework for serial execution
Renabled PyNIO option as a backend. Works with PyNIO 1.5.0.
Adding feature to impose least_significant_digit option to NetCDF4-python, which saves the data to file using compression and “bit truncation” (i.e., lossy compression)
Adding ability to set the read and write chunk-sizes separately
Adding feature to ignore specific time-invariable metadata
VERSION 1.0.5¶
New feature to allow reading additional time-invariant metadata variable names from a “metadata file.” (Normally, all required time-invariant metadata variable names are pulled from the first time-slice file given as input to the Reshaper. In addition to the time-invariant metadata variable names found in the first file, this option lets you pull additional names from a separately declared file.)
VERSION 1.0.4¶
Code cleanup and minor bugfixes
VERSION 1.0.3¶
Disabling use of PyNIO backend (for now) due to unknown problems
Fixes and ease of use with I/O backend utilities
VERSION 1.0.2¶
VERSION 1.0.1¶
VERSION 1.0.0¶
New I/O backend manager. Can work with netCDF4 or PyNIO.
Removing hierarchy to Reshaper classes, as there is only 1 (similarly removing hierarchy of matching Specifier classes)
No longer requires PyNIO to install…but you need netCDF4 or PyNIO to run the reshaper!
Adding ability to treat all 1D time-dependent variables as metadata with only one command-line option
Adding ability to extract out only some time-series files, instead of requiring all time-series files be extracted. This option should be used sparingly and with caution!
Adding the ability to “chunk” over user-specified dimensions when reading and writing. This finally allows for some control over memory use!
VERSION 0.9.10¶
Python 2.6 back-porting
VERSION 0.9.6¶
Split ‘slice2series’ script into 2 separate scripts: ‘s2smake’ to generate specifier object files (specfiles), and ‘s2srun’ to run a reshaper job with a given specifier object file
Now uses ‘write mode’ to determing if overwriting output files or skipping existing output files
Added capability to append to existing output files
VERSION 0.9.5¶
Fix bug in the ‘slice2series’ script
Adds a write to file option for the Specifiers
Modifying output message verbosity settings
VERSION 0.9.4¶
Newly automated versioning information
Bugfixes, performance improvements
New yellowstone testing code
Now measures read/write times separately in diagnostic data
Performance improvement (no explicit loop over time-steps in a time-slice file needed)
Enabling user-defined compression level for NetCDF4 output
VERSION 0.9.3¶
Bugfix: Now installs properly from PyPI
VERSION 0.9.2¶
Tagging new branch for version 0.9.2 release.
Restructured source tree
Installation of LICENSE file with package
Updates for upload to PyPI
VERSION 0.9.1¶
Added many new helper tools in the Yellowstone testing directory.
Perform a sort of the time-series variables by size before partitioning them across processors. Since the partition strides through the list of variables names, by sorting the variables by size first, we do a reasonable job of selecting as many small variables as large on every processor
A few minor typo bugfixes.
Added the ability to output all metadata to a “once” file. This metadata includes ALL variables that are NOT the time-series variables being written to file. Hence, this can produce time-series files that are not entirely self-describing.
Fixed a bug in which a job hangs when using more ranks than variables
Switched to using the identified ‘unlimited’ dimension name instead of explicitly using the string ‘time’.
Added the ability to process time-slice files with multiple time steps in each slice file.
Added new plotting utility and module. Some changes to the getsizes utility in the Yellowstone testing area. Some more tweaks here, too.
Updated the PyReshaper to use the newly created PyTools/trunk. (Will modify the externals to use a tag once the new PyTools has been tested and verified).
Renamed any ATM/LND 0.1 degree tests in the tests/yellowstone directory to 0.25 degree, which they actually are. Similarly, any 0.25 degree OCN/ICE tests were named 0.1 degree.
Updated the Specifier and Reshaper Doxygen comments to use Doxypypy formatting.
VERSION 0.9.0¶
Initial release. (Previously in prototype repo.)
Improvements to the Yellowstone testing scripts
Added new UCAR license agreement