.. _quickStartGuide: ================= Quick Start Guide ================= First, install Vapor from our :ref:`downloads ` page. Sample data can be found :ref:`here `. Launch Vapor ------------ After following the :ref:`installation instructions `, launch the application by doing the following: :OSX: Vapor3 will be located within your Applications folder. Double click on Vapor3's icon. :Windows: Unless you chose a different directory during installation, Vapor3 will exist in C:\\Program Files\\VAPOR\\vapor.exe. Double click on the executable. :Linux: From a BASH shell, navigate to the directory you installed Vapor3 into. Then issue the following command: :: user@localhost:/vaporInstallDir$ bin/vapor Load Data --------- There are two ways to get data into Vapor3. To load data, do one of the following from the ``File`` menu: 1. Load a .vdc file after converting your data into a :ref:`vdc` ``File->Open VDC`` 2. Import your data, if your datatype is supported. ``File->Import->[dataType]`` +-------------------------------------------------+----+--------------------------------------------------+ | Loading a .vdc file | | Importing data | +-------------------------------------------------+----+--------------------------------------------------+ | .. image :: /_images/loadData.png | or | .. image :: /_images/importData.png | +-------------------------------------------------+----+--------------------------------------------------+ Create a Renderer ----------------- Now that we've loaded data, we can create a new :ref:`Renderer `. Vapor3 displays all of your renderers in a table in the upper left corner of the application. Next to this table are controls that let you create ``New`` renderers, ``Delete`` renderers, or ``Duplicate`` existing renderers. .. figure:: /_images/rendererTable.png :width: 500 :align: center :figclass: align-center Vapor3's Renderer Table. Click on ``New``. This will raise a window that will let you choose from the currently available renderers. Pick the Slice Renderer by double-clicking on the ``Slice`` button. .. figure:: /_images/newRenderer.png :width: 500 :align: center :figclass: align-center Vapor3's ``New Renderer`` Dialog Notice that your new Slice Renderer has been added to the Renderer Table. By default, all renderers are disabled after being created. To enable your Slice renderer, click the ``Enabled`` checkbox in the Renderer Table that's in the same row as your new Slice. Now that you have your first Renderer, you can do the following: 1. Change the displayed variable in the :ref:`Variables Tab ` 2. Change the color mapping of your variable in the :ref:`Appearance Tab ` 3. Modify the orientation and region that your renderer is drawn to in the :ref:`Geometry Tab ` 4. Add annotations and color bars in the :ref:`Annotations Tab ` At this point, we've created our first renderer. To customize it, we need to get familiar with the four tabs listed above. The :ref:`Variables Tab ` and :ref:`Appearance Tab ` are the most important to get started with. We also encourage you to watch active demonstrations in our `YouTube channel `_. If you have any questions, bug reports, or feature requests, see our `forum `_ section. Thank you.