.. _volumeRenderer: Volume Renderer _______________ .. raw:: html | Description ----------- The Volume Renderer displays the user's 3D data variables within a volume described by the source data file, according to color and opacity settings defined by the user. Basic Controls -------------- This renderer contains all of Vapor's standard renderer controls: the :ref:`Variables `, :ref:`Appearance `, :ref:`Geometry `, and :ref:`Annotation ` tabs. The Volume Renderer additionally has specialized controls in its Variables and Appearance tabs. Specialized Controls -------------------- The Volume Renderer's Variables tab allows users to color the volume by a secondary variable. This mans that the opacity of the volume can be controlled by a primary variable, and the color can bee attributed to a secondary variable. Under the Appearance tab, the Volume Renderer also allows users to modify its Raytracing and Lighting parameters. .. include:: commonControls/raytracingParameters.rst .. include:: commonControls/lightingParameters.rst