VAPOR3 3.9.4


class  Preferences
 Menu for global application preferences. More...
class  BarbEventRouter
 Barb renderer GUI. More...
class  ContourEventRouter
 Contour renderer GUI. More...
class  ErrorReporterPopup
 A helper class for ErrorReporter that is neccessary because the Qt gui is in a separate thread. More...
class  ErrorReporter
 A utility singleton class that provides error reporting functinality. More...
class  EventRouter
 A pure virtual class specifying the common properties of all the parameter tabs in the VAPOR GUI. More...
class  FidelityWidget
 A Widget that can be reused to provide fidelity selection in any renderer EventRouter class. More...
class  FlowEventRouter
 Flow renderer GUI. More...
class  ImageEventRouter
 Image Renderer GUI. More...
class  ModelEventRouter
 Model renderer GUI. More...
class  ParticleEventRouter
 Particle renderer GUI. More...
class  RenderEventRouter
 A pure virtual class specifying the common properties of all the renderer parameter tabs in the VAPOR GUI. More...
class  RenderEventRouterGUI
 Tab manager for renderer subtabs. More...
class  RenderHolder
 A class that manages the display of Renderer parameters. More...
class  SliceEventRouter
 Defines the Slice Renderer GUI. More...
class  TabManager
 A class that manages the contents of the parameter tabs in VAPOR GUI. More...
class  TransformTable
 A reusable promoted widget for transforming different data sets. More...
class  TwoDDataEventRouter
 TwoDData Renderer GUI. More...
class  VSpinBoxAction
 A menu item represented by a VLabel and VSpinBox, wrapped in a VLineItem selection tab in any renderer EventRouter class. More...
class  VCheckBoxAction
 A menu item represented by a VLabel and VCheckBox, wrapped in a VLineItem. More...
class  VStringLineEditAction
 A menu item represented by a VLabel and VStringLineEdit, wrapped in a VLineItem. More...
class  VIntLineEditAction
 A menu item represented by a VLabel and VIntLineEdit, wrapped in a VLineItem. More...
class  VDoubleLineEdit
 A wrapper for a QLineEdit that handles user input of type double, and provides Vapor's standard setters, getters, and signals. More...
class  VDoubleRangeMenu
 A menu that allows the user to control the range of double values that can be set by a widget. Also allows for setting the numeric format that the number is displayed with. More...
class  VDoubleSliderEdit
 A wrapper for a VSlider and a VDoubleLineEdit, that provides synchronization between the two widgets, and support for a menu that allows setting and getting the VSlider range, and the numeric representation of the VDoubleLineEdit. More...
class  VDoubleSliderEditMenu
 A menu for VDoubleSliderEdit that allows for setting a min/max range, numeric formatting controls, and dynamic update controls in regard to how many digits are displayed, and whether scientific notation is used. More...
class  VIntLineEdit
 A wrapper for a QLineEdit that handles user input of type int, and provides Vapor's standard setters, getters, and signals. More...
class  VIntRangeMenu
 A menu that allows the user to control the range of integer values that can be set by a widget. Also allows for setting the numeric format that the number is displayed with. More...
class  VIntSliderEdit
 A wrapper for a VSlider and a VIntLineEdit, that provides synchronization between the two widgets, and support for a menu that allows setting and getting the VSlider range, and the numeric representation of the VIntLineEdit. More...
class  VIntSliderEditMenu
 A menu for VIntSliderEdit that allows for setting a min/max range, numeric formatting controls, and dynamic update controls in regard to how many digits are displayed, and whether scientific notation is used. More...
class  VizWin
 A QGLWidget that supports display based on GL methods invoked in a Visualizer. More...
class  VizWinMgr
 A class for managing all visualizers. More...
class  VNumericFormatMenu
 A menu that allows users to specify how a number is displayed in a line edit, in regard to how many digits are displayed, and whether scientific notation is used. More...
class  VNumericSliderEdit
 An abstract class defining functions used by different V*LineEdits (VDoubleLineEdit, VIntLineEdit, and VStringLineEdit). Supports menus that allow different functionalities, depending on the data type being used by the line edit. More...
class  VolumeEventRouter
 Volume renderer GUI. More...
class  VolumeIsoEventRouter
 Isosurface renderer GUI. More...
class  VSliderEditInterface
 An interface class that needs to be reimplemented to support the synchronization of a VSlider and a numeric V*LineEdit, and their menus. More...
class  VStringLineEdit
 A wrapper for a QLineEdit that handles user input of type string, and provides Vapor's standard setters, getters, and signals. More...
class  WireFrameEventRouter
 WireFrame Renderer GUI. More...

Detailed Description