class | Preferences |
| Menu for global application preferences. More...
class | BarbEventRouter |
| Barb renderer GUI. More...
class | ContourEventRouter |
| Contour renderer GUI. More...
class | ErrorReporterPopup |
| A helper class for ErrorReporter that is neccessary because the Qt gui is in a separate thread. More...
class | ErrorReporter |
| A utility singleton class that provides error reporting functinality. More...
class | EventRouter |
| A pure virtual class specifying the common properties of all the parameter tabs in the VAPOR GUI. More...
class | FidelityWidget |
| A Widget that can be reused to provide fidelity selection in any renderer EventRouter class. More...
class | FlowEventRouter |
| Flow renderer GUI. More...
class | ImageEventRouter |
| Image Renderer GUI. More...
class | ModelEventRouter |
| Model renderer GUI. More...
class | ParticleEventRouter |
| Particle renderer GUI. More...
class | RenderEventRouter |
| A pure virtual class specifying the common properties of all the renderer parameter tabs in the VAPOR GUI. More...
class | RenderEventRouterGUI |
| Tab manager for renderer subtabs. More...
class | RenderHolder |
| A class that manages the display of Renderer parameters. More...
class | SliceEventRouter |
| Defines the Slice Renderer GUI. More...
class | TabManager |
| A class that manages the contents of the parameter tabs in VAPOR GUI. More...
class | TransformTable |
| A reusable promoted widget for transforming different data sets. More...
class | TwoDDataEventRouter |
| TwoDData Renderer GUI. More...
class | VSpinBoxAction |
| A menu item represented by a VLabel and VSpinBox, wrapped in a VLineItem selection tab in any renderer EventRouter class. More...
class | VCheckBoxAction |
| A menu item represented by a VLabel and VCheckBox, wrapped in a VLineItem. More...
class | VStringLineEditAction |
| A menu item represented by a VLabel and VStringLineEdit, wrapped in a VLineItem. More...
class | VIntLineEditAction |
| A menu item represented by a VLabel and VIntLineEdit, wrapped in a VLineItem. More...
class | VDoubleLineEdit |
| A wrapper for a QLineEdit that handles user input of type double, and provides Vapor's standard setters, getters, and signals. More...
class | VDoubleRangeMenu |
| A menu that allows the user to control the range of double values that can be set by a widget. Also allows for setting the numeric format that the number is displayed with. More...
class | VDoubleSliderEdit |
| A wrapper for a VSlider and a VDoubleLineEdit, that provides synchronization between the two widgets, and support for a menu that allows setting and getting the VSlider range, and the numeric representation of the VDoubleLineEdit. More...
class | VDoubleSliderEditMenu |
| A menu for VDoubleSliderEdit that allows for setting a min/max range, numeric formatting controls, and dynamic update controls in regard to how many digits are displayed, and whether scientific notation is used. More...
class | VIntLineEdit |
| A wrapper for a QLineEdit that handles user input of type int, and provides Vapor's standard setters, getters, and signals. More...
class | VIntRangeMenu |
| A menu that allows the user to control the range of integer values that can be set by a widget. Also allows for setting the numeric format that the number is displayed with. More...
class | VIntSliderEdit |
| A wrapper for a VSlider and a VIntLineEdit, that provides synchronization between the two widgets, and support for a menu that allows setting and getting the VSlider range, and the numeric representation of the VIntLineEdit. More...
class | VIntSliderEditMenu |
| A menu for VIntSliderEdit that allows for setting a min/max range, numeric formatting controls, and dynamic update controls in regard to how many digits are displayed, and whether scientific notation is used. More...
class | VizWin |
| A QGLWidget that supports display based on GL methods invoked in a Visualizer. More...
class | VizWinMgr |
| A class for managing all visualizers. More...
class | VNumericFormatMenu |
| A menu that allows users to specify how a number is displayed in a line edit, in regard to how many digits are displayed, and whether scientific notation is used. More...
class | VNumericSliderEdit |
| An abstract class defining functions used by different V*LineEdits (VDoubleLineEdit, VIntLineEdit, and VStringLineEdit). Supports menus that allow different functionalities, depending on the data type being used by the line edit. More...
class | VolumeEventRouter |
| Volume renderer GUI. More...
class | VolumeIsoEventRouter |
| Isosurface renderer GUI. More...
class | VSliderEditInterface |
| An interface class that needs to be reimplemented to support the synchronization of a VSlider and a numeric V*LineEdit, and their menus. More...
class | VStringLineEdit |
| A wrapper for a QLineEdit that handles user input of type string, and provides Vapor's standard setters, getters, and signals. More...
class | WireFrameEventRouter |
| WireFrame Renderer GUI. More...