Add a jupyter notebook as a blog

  1. Install aiml-utils, or if already installed do a git pull with master before proceeding. Then switch to your branch (or create a new branch).

  2. Write your notebook, which we will assume is called test_blog.ipynb, with comments in Markdown. Be sure to check the header number of the most recently published blog, and set yours to be +1 that number (for example, the very first line in the callbacks blog has the title: 3. Callbacks: Utilities for interacting with ML training). If your blog comes next, make sure the first line is (in Markdown): #4. Your blogs title.

  3. Save your notebook in the directory blog/site. If any additional data or files accompany your blog, save those details in a separate file in blog/site.

  4. Add your blog as the last entry to the registry blog/site/_toc.yml. For example: - file: test_blog.ipynb

  5. Rebuild the blog website. First change directory to “aiml-utils/blog”, then type: jupyter-book build site (you must have juypter-book, as well as ghp-import installed via pip). Once the site is rebuilt, it will supply you with a local address to view the latest (local) build of the website. When you are happy with your entry, commit the blog to your branch of aiml-utils and issue a pull request.

  6. When the pull request is approved and merged, publish the blog by first changing to the aiml-utils/blog directory. Next, execute the following command (which will ask for your github username and password): ghp-import -n -p -f site/_build/html

  7. Check the updated website for any mistakes or errors.

Please direct any questions or comments to John Schreck ( or David John Gagne (


This work is licensed under a GNU General Public License v3.0