--- author: Julia Kent date: 2021-05-19 tags: python-tutorial-series --- # Pandas Tutorial The NCAR/UCAR virtual Python Tutorial Seminar Series continues with an introduction to the Python package `pandas` on **Wednesday, May 26th at 1 PM Mountain**. This session will be led by Drew Camron and Max Grover. The content for this tutorial is hosted on Max's [NCAR Pandas Tutorial Github Repository](https://github.com/mgrover1/ncar_pandas_tutorial) ## Preparation - Check your conda install if this is the first tutorial in the series you are joining us for with `conda --version` and if necessary [install by following these instructions](https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html). - Navigate to Max's [NCAR Pandas Tutorial Github Repository](https://github.com/mgrover1/ncar_pandas_tutorial). - Clone this repository by clicking the green "Code" button and copying the SSH address under the word "Clone". This can be done by clicking the clipboard icon. - In your terminal, type `git clone PASTE` where you paste the SSH address you just copied (`git clone git@github.com:mgrover1/ncar_pandas_tutorial.git`) - Create a Conda environment from the `environment.yml` file with the terminal command `conda env create -f environment.yml`. Make sure you are in the local `ncar_pandas_tutorial` directory for this step. - Test your installation in the terminal with `conda activate ncar_pandas_tutorial`. ## Sign Up If you would like join the *learnpython@ucar.edu* Google group to be informed of updates and events in the seminar series, please do so by following this [link](https://groups.google.com/a/ucar.edu/g/learnpython/about) and clicking "Join Group" next to the group name.