# Projects This page includes a list of ongoing projects related to the ESDS initiative! ## [GeoCAT](https://geocat.ucar.edu/) The [Geoscience Community Analysis Toolkit (GeoCAT) team](https://geocat.ucar.edu/) at NSF NCAR develops and contributes to resources and tools for geoscience data analysis and visualization. Below are several of the projects they support. ### [GeoCAT-comp](https://geocat-comp.readthedocs.io/) GeoCAT-comp provides implementations of computational functions for operating on geoscience data. Many of these functions are inspired by functionality in NCL. ### [GeoCAT-viz](https://geocat-viz.readthedocs.io/) GeoCAT-viz contains tools to aid in visualizing geoscience data, including convenience and plotting functions that are used to facilitate plotting with Matplotlib, Cartopy, and other visualization packages. ### [GeoCAT-examples](https://geocat-examples.readthedocs.io) GeoCAT-examples provides a gallery of analysis and visualization examples replicating in Python the functionality and visualizations from example scripts on [NCL Applications page](https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/). ### [UXarray](https://uxarray.readthedocs.io/) The GeoCAT team also leads the software development efforts of [Project Raijin](https://raijin.ucar.edu/), implementing the UXarray package in collaboration with other academic and research partners. UXarray strives to provide Xarray-like functionality for working with data on unstructured grids. ## Diagnostic Efforts ### [CESM Unified Postprocessing and Diagnostics (CUPiD)](https://github.com/NCAR/CUPiD) CUPiD is Python framework for generating unified diagnostics from all CESM components. ### [Atmosphere Diagnostics Framework (ADF)](https://github.com/NCAR/CAM_diagnostics) Python-based diagnostics focused on evaluation of the atmospheric component of CESM. Produces time series and climatology files, seasonal and annual mean maps and zonal averages, global mean statistics, and an optional static website. ### [Community Terrestrial Systems Model (CTSM) Python Gallery](https://github.com/NCAR/ctsm_python_gallery) A place to put sample workflows and tools that use CTSM model output. ### [Parallel Ocean Program (POP)-tools](https://github.com/NCAR/pop-tools) Tools to support analysis of POP2-CESM model solutions. ### [Modular Ocean Model (MOM6)-tools](https://github.com/NCAR/mom6-tools) In development: Tools to support analysis of MOM6-CESM model solutions. ### [Intake-esm](https://github.com/intake/intake-esm) An Intake plugin for parsing an Earth System Model (ESM) catalog and loading assets into xarray datasets. ### [Earth system model Catalog Generation Tools (ecgtools)](https://github.com/NCAR/ecgtools) Tool which enables one to build intake-esm catalogs. Note that this is not currently managed but functional and still useful. ### [Esm_catalog_utils](https://esm-catalog-utils.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) Utilities to build catalogs of ESM output that are usable by intake-esm. ### [Nbscuid](https://github.com/rmshkv/nbscuid) In development: package to enable running flexible, extensible notebook-based diagnostics workflows.