GeoCAT-Comp Tutorial#

The NCAR/UCAR virtual Python Tutorial Seminar Series continues highlighting the functionality developed by NCAR’s GeoCAT team with GeoCAT-comp on September 8th at 1 PM Mountain Daylight Time led by Alea Kootz.

The content for the GeoCAT-Viz tutorial is hosted on Alea’s GeoCAT-Comp Tutorial Repository.


  • Clone the repository with git clone

  • Create a conda environment from the environment.yml by first navigating into the repository with cd geocat_comp_tutorial and then running conda env create -f environment.yml

  • Activate the environment by running conda activate geocat-comp_tutorial

  • Launch JupyterLab by running jupyter lab.

Alternatively, click on the “launch binder” button in the README on the repository

It may be beneficial to review the “Plotting with GeoCAT” tutorial content, recorded here.

Sign Up#

If you would like join the Google group to be informed of updates and events in the seminar series, please do so by following this link and clicking “Join Group” next to the group name.