
Core C/C++ code for LROSE.

This project is maintained by NCAR

 * TDRP params for KdpFiltParams

// KdpFilt computes KDP from PHIDP.
// KDP is defined as half the change in PHIDP per km in range.
// Regions with valid PHIDP are determined by examining the quality of 
//   the PHIDP data, from RHOHV, and optionally from SNR and the variance 
//   of ZDR.
// PHIPD folds, so unfolding is the first step in the processing. After 
//   unfolding, filtering is applied to smooth PHIDP in range. This is 
//   followed by a step to identify regions with phase shift on 
//   backscatter.
// KDP is then computed as the PHIDP slope between range gates. For DBZ 
//   values < 20, 8 gates are used; for DBZ between 20 and 35, 4 gates are 
//   used; and if the DBZ exceeds 35, 2 adjacent gates are used.
// The various filtering steps smeer out the KDP in range, which means 
//   that the high KDP values are not always located in the core of the 
//   precip. To help correct for this effect, we can make use of the 
//   self-consistency approach. This allows us to theoretically determine 
//   KDP from Z and ZDR - we can call this KDP_ZZDR. We can then use these 
//   self-consistent KDP_ZZDR values to compute a conditioned KDP field, 
//   by constraining the estimated KDP values to the relevant gates. This 
//   reduces the smeering effect. We refer to this KDP field, conditioned 
//   using self-consistency, as KDP_SC.
// The first step is to unfold the PHIDP data. PHIDP folds at -180/180 
//   for simultaneous mode radars, and at -90/90 for alternating mode 
//   radars. In order to compute the gradient of PHIDP, we need to unfold 
//   it so that it varies smoothly rather than folding.
///////////// KDP_fir_filter_len //////////////////////
// Filter length for the FIR filter for PHIDP (gates).
// When computing KDP, an FIR filter is first applied to PHIDP to smooth 
//   it. This is the length of that filter, in gates.
// Type: enum
// Options:
//     KDP_FIR_LEN_125
//     KDP_FIR_LEN_60
//     KDP_FIR_LEN_40
//     KDP_FIR_LEN_30
//     KDP_FIR_LEN_20
//     KDP_FIR_LEN_10

KDP_fir_filter_len = KDP_FIR_LEN_10;

///////////// KDP_n_filt_iterations_unfolded //////////
// Sets the number of iterations for the initial FIR filter for unfolded 
//   PHIDP.
// After unfolding PHIDP, the FIR filter is applied to the unfolded 
//   phidp, a set number of times, to smooth it. The effect of the filter 
//   is a combination of the filter length and the number of iterations.
// Type: int

KDP_n_filt_iterations_unfolded = 2;

// As the beam passes through liquid precip, PHIDP generally increases. 
//   In some regions this increase is augmented by phase shift on 
//   backscatter (PSOB) leading to localized peaks in PHIDP. After a PSOB 
//   region, PHIDP will decrease to some intermediate level.
// KdpFilt offers 2 methods for handling PSOB:
// 	(a) The HUBBERT/BRINGI method, which uses an iterative filtering 
//   approach (Hubbert. J, and V.N.Bringi, 1995: An Iterative Filtering 
//   technique for the Analysis of Copolar Differential Phase and 
//   Dual-Frequency Radar Measurements. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic 
//   Technology, Vol 12, No 3, June 1995).
// 	(b) The Peak Removal method, which works backwards from longer to 
//   shorter ranges, finding the peaks caused by backscatter and trimming 
//   them off.
///////////// KDP_psob_method /////////////////////////
// Method for handling pbase shift on backscatter.
// Type: enum
// Options:


///////////// KDP_n_filt_iterations_hubbert_bringi ////
// Sets the number of iterations for the Hubbert Bringi method.
// See above.
// Type: int

KDP_n_filt_iterations_hubbert_bringi = 4;

///////////// KDP_phidp_difference_threshold_hubbert_bringi 
// Difference threshold for the Hubbert Bringi method.
// After each iteration of the filter, the result is checked against the 
//   original. If the difference is less than this parameter, the original 
//   value at that gate is retained. If the difference exceeds this 
//   parameter, the new filtered value is retained.
// Type: double

KDP_phidp_difference_threshold_hubbert_bringi = 4;

// In weak signal, the PHIDP is very noisy and contains no useful 
//   information. We compute various statistics to help to identify those 
//   gates containing valid PHIDP, and those with just noise.
///////////// KDP_ngates_for_stats ////////////////////
// Number of gates over which the phidp mean, sdev and jitter are 
//   computed.
// The mean, sdev and jitter of phidp are computed over a consecutive 
//   number of gates in range, centered on the current gate of interest. 
//   This parameter is the number of gates over which these statistics are 
//   computed.
// Type: int

KDP_ngates_for_stats = 9;

///////////// KDP_phidp_sdev_max //////////////////////
// Sets the threshold for the standard deviation of phidp in range.
// The sdev of phidp is a good test for valid phidp. The sdev is 
//   computed in the circle, so that it takes account of folding if 
//   present. If the sdev is less than this value, we conclude we are in 
//   weather echo and the PHIDP is valid and KDP should be computed.
// Type: double

KDP_phidp_sdev_max = 20;

///////////// KDP_phidp_jitter_max ////////////////////
// Sets the threshold for the jitter of phidp in range.
// The jitter of phidp is defined as the mean absolute change in angle 
//   between successive phidp measurements in range. It is computed on the 
//   circle to take account of folding. If the jitter is less than this 
//   value, we conclude we are in weather echo, the PHIDP is valid and KDP 
//   should be computed at this gate.
// Type: double

KDP_phidp_jitter_max = 25;

///////////// KDP_check_rhohv /////////////////////////
// Check the RHOHV.
// Type: boolean

KDP_check_rhohv = TRUE;

///////////// KDP_rhohv_threshold /////////////////////
// Sets the threshold for checking RHOHV.
// If the RHOHV drops below this value, KDP will not be computed at this 
//   gate.
// Type: double

KDP_rhohv_threshold = 0.95;

///////////// KDP_check_snr ///////////////////////////
// Check the SNR.
// Type: boolean

KDP_check_snr = FALSE;

///////////// KDP_snr_threshold ///////////////////////
// Sets the threshold for checking SNR (dB).
// If the SNR drops below this value, KDP will not be computed at this 
//   gate.
// Type: double

KDP_snr_threshold = -6;

///////////// KDP_check_zdr_sdev //////////////////////
// Check the standard deviation of ZDR in range?.
// Type: boolean

KDP_check_zdr_sdev = FALSE;

///////////// KDP_zdr_sdev_max ////////////////////////
// Sets the threshold for the standard deviation of zdr in range.
// The sdev of zdr is a good test for clutter. If the sdev is less than 
//   this value, we conclude we are in weather echo rather than clutter.
// Type: double

KDP_zdr_sdev_max = 2;

// Using the self-consistency approach, we can estimate KDP from Z and 
//   ZDR - we call this KDP_ZZDR. We can then compute KDP conditioned 
//   using self-consistenty. We call this KDP_SC.
///////////// KDP_minimum_for_self_consistency ////////
// Sets the lower limit of KDP for computing KDP conditioned by 
//   self-consistency.
// To compute KDP_SC, we first find the gates over which regular KDP 
//   exceeds a minimum threshold (i.e. this parameter). Over this run of 
//   gates we compute the PHIDP change from the regular KDP and from 
//   KDP_ZZDR. By taking the ratio of sum(KDP) / sum(KDP_ZZDR), and 
//   applying that ratio to KDP_ZZDR over these gates, we can compute 
//   KDP_SC such that the PHIDP change over these gates is the same for 
//   both KDP and KDP_SC.
// Type: double

KDP_minimum_for_self_consistency = 0.25;

///////////// KDP_median_filter_len_for_ZZDR //////////
// Sets the length of the median filter when computing KDP_ZZDR.
// When we compute KDP_ZZDR, we first apply a median filter to both Z 
//   and ZDR in range. This parameter is the length of that median filter, 
//   in gates.
// Type: int

KDP_median_filter_len_for_ZZDR = 5;

// Ignore small KDP values, which are likely just noise.
///////////// KDP_min_valid_abs_kdp ///////////////////
// Sets the min valid KDP value.
// Values less than this are set to 0.
// Type: double

KDP_min_valid_abs_kdp = 0.01;

// Received power attenuation, and differential attenuation, occur 
//   whenever scattering occurs, but is of most importance at shorter 
//   wavelengths or in reqions of heavy precipition. We use the reference 
//   text Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radar, by Bringi and Chandrasekar, 
//   Table 7.1, page 494, to provide the default coefficients from which 
//   to estimate the attenuation correction. You may also choose to 
//   specify these coefficients in this section.
///////////// KDP_specify_coefficients_for_attenuation_correction 
// Option to specify the coefficients and exponents.
// If false, the default coefficients will be determined for the radar 
//   wavelength.
// Type: boolean

KDP_specify_coefficients_for_attenuation_correction = FALSE;

///////////// KDP_dbz_attenuation_coefficient /////////
// Coefficient for computing DBZ attenuation correction.
// Default is 0.017. See Bringi and Chandrasekar, Table 7.1, page 494.
// Type: double

KDP_dbz_attenuation_coefficient = 0.017;

///////////// KDP_dbz_attenuation_exponent ////////////
// Exponent for computing DBZ attenuation correction.
// Default is 0.84. See Bringi and Chandrasekar, Table 7.1, page 494.
// Type: double

KDP_dbz_attenuation_exponent = 0.84;

///////////// KDP_zdr_attenuation_coefficient /////////
// Coefficient for computing ZDR attenuation correction.
// Default is 0.003. See Bringi and Chandrasekar, Table 7.1, page 494.
// Type: double

KDP_zdr_attenuation_coefficient = 0.003;

///////////// KDP_zdr_attenuation_exponent ////////////
// Exponent for computing ZDR attenuation correction.
// Default is 1.05. See Bringi and Chandrasekar, Table 7.1, page 494.
// Type: double

KDP_zdr_attenuation_exponent = 1.05;

///////////// KDP_debug ///////////////////////////////
// Option to print debug messages in KDP computation.
// Type: boolean

KDP_debug = FALSE;

///////////// KDP_write_ray_files /////////////////////
// Option to write ray files to debug KDP computation.
// Type: boolean

KDP_write_ray_files = FALSE;

///////////// KDP_ray_files_dir ///////////////////////
// Directory for KDP ray files.
// Type: string

KDP_ray_files_dir = "/tmp/kdp_ray_files";