mam  v1.0
A Modal Aerosol Model
Data Types | Modules | Functions/Subroutines
core.F90 File Reference

The mam_core module. More...

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Types

interface  mam_core::core_t
 The Modal Aerosol Model core. More...
type  mam_core::state_t
 Modal aerosol state. More...


module  mam_core
 The core_t type and related functions.


type(core_t) function, pointer mam_core::constructor (config)
 Constructor of the MAM core. More...
subroutine mam_core::dump_state (this, raw_state, index)
 Dumps the raw MAM state data to an array. More...
subroutine mam_core::load_state (this, raw_state, index)
 Loads raw MAM state data to the state_t object. More...
subroutine mam_core::longwave_optics_array (this, environmental_state, aerosol_state, optics)
 Returns longwave optical properties. More...
subroutine mam_core::longwave_optics_scalar (this, environmental_state, aerosol_state, optics)
 Returns longwave optical properties. More...
class(optics_t) function, pointer mam_core::new_optics (this, property, output_grid, interpolation_strategy)
 Creates an optics_t object for a given property. More...
class(aerosol_state_t) function, pointer mam_core::new_state (this)
 Creates a new state object for the modal aerosol. More...
subroutine mam_core::print_state (this, aerosol_state, io_unit)
 Ouptuts the current aerosol state. More...
subroutine mam_core::randomize (this)
 Sets the MAM state to a random, but reasonable, state. For testing only. More...
integer function mam_core::raw_size (this)
 Returns the number of doubles needed to hold the raw MAM aerosol state. More...
subroutine mam_core::shortwave_optics_array (this, environmental_state, aerosol_state, optics)
 Returns shortwave optical properties. More...
subroutine mam_core::shortwave_optics_scalar (this, environmental_state, aerosol_state, optics)
 Returns shortwave optical properties. More...

Detailed Description

The mam_core module.

Definition in file core.F90.