mam  v1.0
A Modal Aerosol Model
Todo List
page mam documentation

Finish installation instructions

Finish instructions for building the mam library

Subprogram mam_mode::add_shortwave_optics (this, environmental_state, mode_state, optics)
Are single-scatter albedo and layer_aod the correct terms to use?
Subprogram mam_mode::mode_state_t::number_mixing_ratio__num_mol_
Is this dry air or wet air?
Subprogram mam_mode::number_mixing_ratio__num_mol (this, mode_state)
is this per mole dry or wet air?
Subprogram mam_mode::specific_absorption__m2_kg (this, mode_state, number_of_bands, number_of_coefficients, coefficients, size_function, max_absorption)
is "specific absorption" (m2 kg-1) the correct name/units for what is returned from this function?
Subprogram mam_mode::specific_extinction__m2_kg (this, mode_state, number_of_bands, number_of_coefficients, coefficients, size_function, optics_lookup)

is "specific extinction" (m2 kg-1) the correct name/units for what is returned from this function?

is the data returned from the lookup table in ln( m2/kg )?

in the original code, this is labelled as converting "m2/kg water to m2/kg aerosol", but it appears to convert instead to m2/kg dry air - is this right???

Subprogram mam_optics_util::add_shortwave_asymmetry_factor (extinction_optical_depth, single_scatter_albedo, asymmetry_factor, optics)
the parameter calculated from the lookup-table is called asymmetry factor, as is the value returned to radiation after multiplying by extinction and single-scatter albedo. Which is correct?
Subprogram mam_optics_util::add_shortwave_single_scatter_albedo (extinction_optical_depth, single_scatter_albedo, asymmetry_factor, optics)
the parameter calculated from the lookup-table is called single-scatter albedo, as is the value returned to radiation after multiplying by extinction. Which is correct?
Subprogram mam_species::constructor (config)
The complex refractive indices in the NetCDF files use a different convention for specifying the complex index of refraction that results in the need to take the absolute value of the imaginary part to get the complex index of refraction used in MAM. The NetCDF files should be updated to use positive values for the imaginary part.
Type mam_species::species_t
species should read in the wavelength grid for refractive indices instead of assuming it matches the MAM grid