Quickstart Guide

mom6_tools library can be utilized via its Python API, i.e., directly within Python scripts or within Jupyter notebooks. In this quickstart guide, we describe how the tool can be utilized within a Jupyter Notebook, but the majority of these instructions apply to Python scripts as well.

Step 1: Import modules

The first step is to import the Grid and Topo classes of the mom6_bathy package. The Grid class represents horizontal MOM6 grids, and is to be instantiated with the desired grid configuration and resolution. After creating a grid instance, a Topo class instance is to be created to generate an associated bathymetry.

from mom6_bathy.grid import Grid
from mom6_bathy.topo import Topo

Step 2: Create the horizontal grid

After having imported the modules, we can now create a horizontal grid. An example Grid instantiation:

grid = Grid(
    nx         = 180,         # Number of grid points in x direction
    ny         = 80,          # Number of grid points in y direction
    lenx       = 360.0,       # grid length in x direction, e.g., 360.0 (degrees)
    leny       = 160,         # grid length in y direction
    cyclic_x   = True,        # reentrant, spherical domain
    ystart     = -80.0        # start/end 10 degrees above/below poles to avoid singularity

In the above example, the Grid object, named grid, is constructed by specifying the required arguments nx, ny, config, axis_units, lenx, and leny, in addition to the optional argument ystart. The full list of Grid arguments and their descriptions may be printed by running Grid? statement on a notebook cell:



nx : int
    Number of grid points in x direction
ny : int
    Number of grid points in y direction
lenx : float
    grid length in x direction, e.g., 360.0 (degrees)
leny : float
    grid length in y direction, e.g., 160.0 (degrees)
srefine : int, optional
    refinement factor for the supergrid. 2 by default
xstart : float, optional
    starting x coordinate. 0.0 by default.
ystart : float, optional
    starting y coordinate. -0.5*leny by default.
cyclic_x : bool, optional
    flag to make the grid cyclic in x direction. False by default.
tripolar_n : bool, optional
    flag to make the grid tripolar. False by default.
displace_pole : bool, optional
    flag to make the grid displaced polar. False by default.

Note that tripolar and displaced pole grids cannot yet be created from scratch, but existing tripolar and displaced pole grids can be modified via mom6_bathy.

Avoiding singularity points

To avoid singularity points within the ocean grid:
  • The grid poles (which may be different than the true poles) must be left out of the grid, by making sure that the extent of the grid in the y-direction do not cover the poles, e.g., by setting ystart to -80.0 degrees and leny to 160.0 degrees.

  • Alternatively, one or two singularities (typically, in the northern hemisphere) may be displaced into land masses if displace_pole or tripolar_n options are to be used. The other singularity (typically, in the southern hemisphere) would still need to be left out the geographic extent of the grid.

If a singularity (a pole) is present within the ocean grid, a land component (active or data) must be added to the pose of hiding the singularity points of spherical ocean grids within the CESM framework.

Grid Metrics and Attributes

When a Grid instance gets created, several grid metrics and attributes on all staggerings are automatically computed and populated. These metrics and attributes are accessible via the accessor operator (.). For example, to access “the array of t-grid longitutes” of grid:


The full list of grid metrics and attributes:

  • tlon: array of t-grid longitudes

  • tlat: array of t-grid latitudes

  • ulon: array of u-grid longitudes

  • ulat: array of u-grid latitudes

  • vlon: array of v-grid longitudes

  • vlat: array of v-grid latitudes

  • qlon: array of corner longitudes

  • qlat: array of corner latitudes

  • dxt: x-distance between U points, centered at t

  • dyt: y-distance between V points, centered at t

  • dxCv: x-distance between q points, centered at v

  • dyCu: y-distance between q points, centered at u

  • dxCu: x-distance between y points, centered at u

  • dyCv: y-distance between t points, centered at v

  • angle: angle T-grid makes with latitude line

  • tarea: T-cell area


In addition to above grid metrics and attributes, the Grid class incorporates an underlying supergrid instance associated the grid instance, which is again accessible via the (.) operator:


Any user changes to coordinates, e.g., increasing the equatorial resolution, must be applied to the supergrid using the update_supergrid method. This is because the supergrid is the underlying refined grid that is used to determine the the four staggered grids (T,U,V,Q) that forms the actual computational grid. Users can modify the supergrid by providing a new x and y coordinate arrays, e.g., as follows:

grid.update_supergrid(xdat, ydat)

where xdat and ydat are user-defined 2-dimensional numpy arrays containing the new x and y coordinates of the supergrid. Running the update_supergrid method of a Grid instance automatically updates all other grid metrics listed above.

Note: the supergrid implementation in mom6_bathy relies on MIDAS, a python library developed by M. Harrison (GFDL).

Step 3: Create Bathymetry

After having generated the horizontal grid, we can now create an associated bathymetry using the Topo class of the mom6_bathy tool. We instantiate a bathymetry object as follows:

topo = Topo(grid, min_depth=10.0)

The first argument (grid) of Topo constructor is the horizontal grid instance for which the bathymetry is to be created, while the second argument (min_depth) is the minimum ocean depth. Any column in the ocean grid with a depth shallower than min_depth is masked out of the ocean domain. The minimum depth attribute of a bathymetry instance may be changed afterwards using the assignment operator. For example:

topo.min_depth = 5.0

Predefined Bathymetry Configurations

The Topo class provides three predefined bathymetry configurations, which are also available in MOM6 as idealized configurations. (See TOPO_CONFIG parameter in MOM_input)

  • flat: flat bottom set to MAXIMUM_DEPTH. Example:

  • bowl: an analytically specified bowl-shaped basin ranging between MAXIMUM_DEPTH and MINIMUM_DEPTH.

  • spoon: a similar shape to ‘bowl’, but with an vertical wall at the southern face.


# flat bottom

# bowl
topo.set_bowl(500.0, 50.0, expdecay=1e7)

# spoon
topo.set_spoon(500.0, 50.0, expdecay=1e7)

The first and the second arguments of set_bowl and set_spoon methods are maximum depth and minimum depth, respectively.

Check out the following notebook to see examples of above predefined bathymetry options: 1_spherical_grid.ipynb

Custom Bathymetry

In addition to the above predefined configurations, users may provide their own depth arrays. For example:

import numpy as np

# define a custom depth
i = grid.tlat.nx.data                # array of x-indices
j = grid.tlat.ny.data[:,np.newaxis]  # array of y-indices
custom_depth = 400.0 + 80.0 * np.sin(i*np.pi/6.) * np.cos(j*np.pi/6.)

# update the bathymetry:
topo.depth = custom_depth

Adding ridges

Simpler model bathymetry configurations typically include ridges to represent straits and continents in an idealized manner. The Topo class provides apply_ridge method to add ridges to the bathymetry. Example usage:

topo.apply_ridge(height=200, width=8, lon=240, ilat=(10,80) )

Example notebook: 3_custom_bathy.ipynb

Step 4: Write Model Input Files

The final step of mom6_bathy workflow is to write out the netcdf files containing grid and bathymetry data. These files are to be read in by CESM and MOM6 during runtime.

Supergrid File

The write_supergrid method of a Grid instance writes out the MOM6 supergrid file in netcdf format. The GRID_FILE parameter in MOM_input file can then be set to the path of the supergrid file written by the Grid instance.


The supergrid file is the only input file that is written by the Grid class. All other input files require either topography (depth) or mask information. Hence, they are to be written by the Topo class.

Topography (Bathymetry) File

The write_topo method of the Topo class writes out the MOM6 bathymetry file in netcdf format. TOPO_FILE parameter in MOM_input file can then be set to the path of the topography file written by the Topo instance.


CICE grid file

If the model is to be run with the CICE component, the write_cice_grid method of the Topo class writes out the CICE grid file in netcdf format. The relevant CICE namelist parameters can then be updated to read in the CICE grid file written by the Topo instance.


ESMF Mesh file

In addition to the MOM6 supergrid file, MOM6 topography file and CICE grid file, an ESMF mesh file is required when running CESM. The ESMF mesh file is used by the NUOPC coupler to acquire grid and mask information. The write_esmf_mesh method of the Topo class writes out the ESMF mesh file in netcdf format.


Further steps

The remaining steps of configuring the model, which include specifying initial conditions, forcings, and runtime parameters, are beyond the scope of the mom6_bathy tool. Note that a complementary tool called visualCaseGen, which includes mom6_bathy as a submodule, can be used to generate a complete model configuration. visualCaseGen provides a graphical user interface to set up the model grid, bathymetry, initial conditions, forcing, and runtime parameters for MOM6 and other CESM components. Hence, new users are encouraged to use visualCaseGen for a complete model configuration. See: visualCaseGen