Chapter 0#

Installing MUSICA#

This tutorial will guide you through the installation and use of MUSICA and the MUSICA-Fortran interface. The MUSICA library is a C++ library that provides a set of tools and solvers for the simulation of atmospheric chemistry and aerosols. The MUSICA-Fortran interface provides a Fortran API to the MUSICA library.

The MUSICA library and the MUSICA-Fortran interface can be installed together or separately. The MUSICA library is required to build the MUSICA-Fortran interface.

The MUSICA library and the MUSICA-Fortran interface can be installed using the CMake build system.

Local Installation#

First, ensure that you have the required dependencies installed. On Fedora, you can install the required dependencies with the following:

sudo dnf install -y cmake git gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran netcdf-devel netcdf-fortran-devel

On other distributions or operating systems, you may need to install the dependencies using the package manager for your system.

Next, clone the MUSICA repository from GitHub:

git clone

Next, create a build directory and run CMake:

mkdir build
cd build

where <INSTALL_DIR> is the directory where you want to install MUSICA. We use the MUSICA_BUILD_FORTRAN_INTERFACE option to build the MUSICA-Fortran interface, which is not built by default.

Finally, build and install MUSICA:

make install

Docker Installation#

Alternatively, you can build and install MUSICA using Docker. First, ensure that you have Docker Desktop installed and running on your system.

Then, clone the MUSICA GitHub repository and use the provided Dockerfile to build the MUSICA Docker image:

git clone
cd musica
docker build -t musica-fortran -f docker/Dockerfile.fortran-gcc .
docker run -it musica-fortran bash

You can then perform the remainder of the tutorial inside the Docker container. The <MUSICA_DIR> directory used throughout the tutorial will be located at /musica/build

Once you are finished, you can exit the container by typing exit. (Note that the container will be deleted along with any files you created or modified when you exit.)