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Assembling Independent Power and Connection for your Station

Solar and Power Installation for an Independent Weather Station

  1. Setting Up the Solar Panel Mounts

    1” PVC pipe 2 PVC mounts with pilot holes 2 Screws Screwdriver Solar panel
    Instructions Image
    Pre-drill pilot holes into the outward-facing flat face of the printed PVC mounts if you have not already done so. Then, slide the PVC mounts onto the PVC. PVC mounts on PVC pipe
    Align one screw hole on the solar panel with the pilot hole on the PVC mount and screw it on. Do the same on the other side. Attaching mounts to solar panel
    Slide the solar panel off of the PVC pipe and set aside. If it is hard to slide off, try loosening the screws.
  2. Wiring the Junction Box

    Wifi modem
    Junction box
    USB to USB connector
    USB-C to USC power cord (already wired to microcontroller)
    Solar panel
    Solar panel adaptor
    Instructions Image
    Plug your USB wifi modem into your USB to USB adaptor. This will allow the modem fit better into the junction box when the time comes. Set aside. Wifi modem and USB extender
    Unscrew the lid to your junction box and the cap of the hole drilled into the junction box. Run the USB end of the USB-C to USB Power cord into the box, feeding it through the cap you unscrewed from the hole in the junction box. If your hole is too small to fit the USB end, you may have to unplug the USB-C end from the microcontroller and feed it through the junction box's hole from the inside. If you do this, wait to reconnect the cord to the microcontroller. until you have finished installing your junction box.
    Feed the solar panel cord from outside the box, in, going through the cap and the hole. Once inside, plug the end of the solar panel cord into the provided adaptor. Make sure it is a tight fit. Solar and Power Cords in Junction Box
    Re-screw cap over the hole into the junction box. Reattatched cap over wires into junction box
    Plug your hotspot and power cord into the USB ports of your battery. You will need to use the adapter for the power cord. Plug your solar cord into the side of the battery in the appropriate port. Battery with solar, wifi, and power plugged in
    Push all contents of your junction box inside so they are below the top of the box. Tuck any excess cord length into the box. Align the junction box lid with the junction box and screw in into place. Closed junction box
  3. Setting Up the Junction Box Mounts

    Wired junction box 1" PVC pipe 2 PVC mounts with pilot holes 2 Screws Screwdriver
    Instructions Image
    Pre-drill pilot holes into the outward-facing flat face of the printed PVC mounts if you have not already done so. Then, slide the PVC mounts onto the PVC. PVC mounts on PVC pipe
    Align one screw hole on the junction box with the pilot hole on the PVC mount and screw it on. Do the same on the other side. Attatching the PVC mounts to the junction box
    Slide the junction box off of the PVC pipe and set aside. If it is hard to slide off, try loosening the screws. Junction box with mounts attached
  4. Solar and Junction Box Installation

    Wired junction box with mounts Solar panel with mounts 1” PVC pipe Screwdriver
    Instructions Image
    Slide the first mount for the solar panel onto the PVC pipe. Then, slide first mount for the junction box onto the PVC pipe with the junction box resting on the opposite side as the solar panel. The first mount for the junction box should be on the opposite side of the hole where the wiring exits. First mounts of solar panel and junction box on PVC pipe
    Now slide on the second solar mount, then the second junction box mount. Feed the USB-C end of the power cable into and through the PVC, coming out on the side of the pipe that will be closest to the core unit once fully assembled. You will need to disconnect the USC-C end of the power cable from the microcontroller to complete this step if you have not done so already. Solar panel and junction box fully mounted to PVC pipe
    Once you have the solar panel and junction box exactly where you want them, tighten the screws on their mounts. Tighening screws on solar panel and junction box
  5. Final Assembly

    Note: Exactly how you execute your final assembly will depend in part of how you plan to deploy your weather station. Consider if you want to place it on a pole in the ground or attach it to something like a fence. You will want to configure your mounting to match your intended mounting area.

    PVC pipe with mounted Solar and Juntion Box
    PVC pipe
    Completed Core Weather Station
    UV addition to Station
    Instructions Image
    If you would like your UV sensor to sit if a different position than it did during core unit assembly, reposition it now. Be sure to run the wire for the sensor back into the Qwiic multiport if you adjust the sensor's position. UV Sensor Reconfiguration
    Run the power cord from where it emerged out of the power/solar pipe into the microcontroller in the core weather station Run power cord back to micrtocontroller
    Add whatever PVC configuration you need to mount your weather station. In this case, the station will be mounted on a pole into the ground, so a long PVC pipe is added extending downward. Completed weather station

    Your weather station is complete and ready for deployment!