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openIoTwx is an open source community committed to increasing access to weather observation hardware, software, and data. This is achieved through our portable, modular, and affordable platform. openIoTwx can be installed with up to 7 sensors or "nodes." These nodes include, but are not limited to: temperature, relative humidity, pressure, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), digital rain sensors, sky cameras, and sonic anemometers (Devices that measure wind speed). The platform is small enough to mount anywhere using low cost commercial off-the-shelf materials and 3D printed parts.

Any of these nodes can be attached to the body using universal one inch screw-in connectors. This approach allows for any 1" PVC pipe or other threaded connector to be used as a base for the station. This specification was chosen due to how commonly available it is to find components that fit. The body of the station has threaded connectors. Depending on the housing used, there are between three and five ports.

Users are provided with a starter set of screw in adaptors for an initial set of sensors such as the RG15 digital rain sensor, air quality monitor, and radiation shields. We also provide screw-in connectors with a cap so that users can cap off connectors not in use and deploy. This prevents water and dust from getting into the electronics. Should a user want to attach a new sensor, they can modify the 3D design files (provided in the print section) for whatever their needs demand.