Build the docs ============== Our documentation is written in `sphinx `_. Read their `primer `_ to get up to speed on writing in the `reStructuredText format `_. Install Dependencies -------------------- All of the dependencies should be installed with `pip` or `conda`, except for the package which documents TUV-x's source code, `sphinx-fortran `_. This is because published `sphinx-fortran` do not work with python3. Install each of the requirements in `requirments.txt `_. Build and view the output ------------------------- From the root directory of tuv-x, run these commands .. code-block:: console cd docs make html #macOS only open _build/html/index.html Navigate to `tuv-x/docs/_build/html/index.html` in your browser and you should see the docs. Preview branch changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you are added as a contributor to the github project, anytime you push a commit on your branch, a copy of your documentation is hosted on github pages at ````. You can preview any changes you make there before submitting a PR to ensure that your changes work on our github pages. Style guide ----------- .. stolen from We use the following identifiers to add logical structure in the documentation. - ``#`` (over and under) for module headings - ``=`` for sections - ``-`` for subsections - ``^`` for subsubsections - ``~`` for subsubsubsections - ``"`` for paragraphs