.. TUV-x documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Fri May 20 16:12:10 2022. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. .. tuv documentation HTML titles .. .. # (over and under) for module headings .. = for sections .. - for subsections .. ^ for subsubsections .. ~ for subsubsubsections .. " for paragraphs ################################### Welcome to the TUV-x documentation! ################################### .. todolist:: **TUV-x** (tropospheric ultraviolet-extended) is a Fortran library for calculating photolysis rate constants and dose rates. TUV-x provides a suite of algorithms for calculating photolysis rate constants and dose rates that users can apply to their systems of interest through simple configuration options. .. grid:: 1 1 2 2 :gutter: 2 .. grid-item-card:: Getting started :img-top: _static/index_getting_started.svg :link: getting_started :link-type: doc Check out the getting started guide to build and install TUV-x. .. grid-item-card:: User guide :img-top: _static/index_user_guide.svg :link: user_guide :link-type: doc Using TUV-x is quite striatforward. Check it out here! .. grid-item-card:: API reference :img-top: _static/index_api.svg :link: api/index :link-type: doc The source code for TUV-x is heavily documented. .. grid-item-card:: Contributors guide :img-top: _static/index_contribute.svg :link: contributing/index :link-type: doc If you'd like to contribute some new science code or update the docs, checkout the contributors guide! .. note:: This project is under active development. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: getting_started user_guide api/index contributing/index citation