User Guide#


Stand-alone TUV-x can be run from the command-line as:

./tuv-x configuration_file.json

The configuration_file.json contains the TUV-x configuration information described in configuration.

If photolysis rate constants are included in the configuration, TUV-x will output a file named in the working directory. This file will contain the photolysis rate constants for each reaction at each vertical level for every time specified in the configuration file.

If dose rates are included in the configuration, TUV-x will output a file named in the working directory. This file will contain the calculated dose rates at each vertical level for every time specified in the configuration.

Some example configurations are available in the examples folder. These will be copied to the build folder during the CMake build step. To run an example, from the build folder run:

./tuv-x examples/full_config.json


The TUV-x configuration JSON file is used to set up TUV-x to calculate a set of user-selected photolysis rate constants and/or dose rates. It also allows you to specify details about how these are calculated (solver options, which absorbing species should be considered in determining the radiation field, etc.) and the conditions they should be calculated for (temperature, solar flux, solar zenith angle, etc.).

Configuration data for specific components of TUV-x may include paths to needed data files. These paths can be absolute or relative to the folder in which you run the tuvx executable. (There are no hard-coded paths to data files in the TUV-x source code; they are all specified in the JSON configuration file.)

TUV-x JSON data include a number of required and optional elements. Users can additionally decorate the JSON file with custom elements by using a “__” prefix for the custom key. TUV-x will ignore all key-value pairs whose key includes this prefix. These can be useful for including notes, descriptions, or references. They can also be useful if TUV-x is embedded in an application that needs to attach specific information to TUV-x objects.

  "tuv object": {
    "a TUV-x required key": "foo",
    "a TUV-x optional key": "sometimes bar",
    "__my note": "TUV-x will ignore this",
    "__user provided data" : {
      "will TUV-x ignore this object?": true

The TUV-x configuration JSON file has six objects:

  "O2 absorption": { ... },
  "grids": [ ... ],
  "profiles": [ ... ],
  "radiative transfer": { ... },
  "photolysis": { ... },
  "dose rates": { ... }
  "enable diagnostics" : false,

We use elipses (...) here and throughout this section for JSON data that are described in a separate sub-section of this page.

The first four objects (O2 absorption, grids, profiles, and radiative transfer) are required for every TUV-x run. The last two objects (photolysis rate constants and dose rates) are optional and allow the user to calculate photolysis rates or dose rates or both. Finally, the enable diagnostics field is used to output diagnostics from the core of tuv-x. If set to true, a folder called output will be created. This flag is optional and defaults to false.

The following sections describe each of these six JSON object.

O2 Absorption#

This object describes how TUV-x calculates the special Lyman–Alpha and Shumann–Runge absorption bands for O2. It has a single required data member that provides the path to a text file containing parameters needed in these calculations:

"O2 absorption": {
  "cross section parameters file": "data/cross_sections/O2_parameters.txt"

This file is a hold-over from the original TUV and has not yet been converted into a NetCDF file. It can be found in the location shown above relative to the tuv-x/ root directory.


Grids define axes along which TUV-x data are distributed or calculations are performed. Depending on your use case, certain grids may or may not need to be included. At minimum, you will need to include a height grid (units: km) that defines the vertical grid TUV-x operates on, and a wavelength grid (units: nm), that defines the wavelength bins for which optical property data is provided. For stand-alone TUV-x, you will also need to provide a time grid (units: hours) that provides the time of day for which to calculate the photolysis and/or dose rates.

There are three key-value pairs that are required for every grid, type , units, and name. The type is a string that describes how the grid data is specified, and must be one of equal interval, from csv file, and from config file. These types are described below. The units are the units for the grid values and are used to ensure consistency throughout configuration inputs and with TUV conventions.

Equal Interval#

This grid type is defined by start and end points, and a cell width:

  "name": "my grid"
  "type": "equal interval",
  "units": "foos",
  "begins at": 12.0,
  "ends at": 112.0,
  "cell delta": 10.0

From CSV File#

This grid type is defined by data from a text file. The first line of the file is ignored and can be used for header info. The remaining lines should each include a single real number that will be used to define the grid. Values should be monotonic and increasing.

  "name": "my grid"
  "type": "from csv file",
  "units": "bars",
  "file path": "path/to/file"

From Config File#

The values for each cell of this grid type are included directly in the configuration file. Values should be monotonically increasing.

  "name": "my grid"
  "type": "from config file",
  "units": "foos",
  "values": [ 1.0, 7.0, 12.5 ]


Profiles define parameters on a grid. Similar to grids, depending on your use case, certain profiles may or may not need to be included. At minimum, you will need to include the key-value pairs listed in the following table.





solar zenith angle


Earth-Sun distance


surface albedo


extraterrestrial flux




The air profile defines the number density (molecules cm-3) of air as a function of height.

In addition to the required profiles, profiles of atmospheric constituents that affect the radiation field by absorbing or scattering light should be included when these exist as radiators in the radiative transfer object.

As with grids, there are two key-value pairs required for every profile, type, units, and name. The units are the units for the profile data and are used to ensure consistency throughout the configuration data and with expectations in the code. The type is a string that describes how the profile data is specified. There are two general-use types that can be used for any profile, from csv file and from config file. In addition, there are several profile types that are useful for describing specific types of profiles, O2, O3, air, solar zenith angle, Earth-Sun distance, and extraterrestrial flux.

The specific profile types are described below.

From CSV file#

This profile type loads profile data from a text file where the data is expected to be space-separated with the first column being the grid-point value and the second column being the value of the profile at that grid-point. Any number of header lines can be included at the top of the file by prefixing them with any of #!$%*.







file path






scale height


The format for the profile is:

  "name": "my profile"
  "type": "from csv file",
  "units": "foos",
  "file path": "path/to/file",
  "grid": {
    "name": "bar",
    "units": "bazes"

An optional interpolator key can be used to specify the interpolation strategy to apply to the incoming data if needed. The possible values are:

  • linear Standard linear interpolation scheme. This is the default interpolator used when one is not specified in the configuration data.

  • conserving Linear interpolation that conserves the area under the curve.

  • fractional source Interpolation scheme for profiles that are integrated values. The interpolation is based on the fractional overlap between source and target grid sections relative to the source grid width.

  • fractional target Interpolation scheme for profiles that are integrated values. The interpolation is based on the fractional overlap between source and target grid sections relative to the target grid width.

From Config File#

This profile type extracts profile data directly from the configuration data file. There are two options for this profile format. Each option will require that type and units be present in the configuration file.

The grid option is required. In the case of values, the grid ensures that the number of elements in values matches the length of the grid. When using the uniform value option, the edge_val, or the edges of the cells, are determined from the grid.













uniform value


The first option specifies a single uniform value at every grid point:

  "name": "my profile"
  "type": "from config file",
  "units": "bars",
  "uniform value": 12.3,
  "grid": {
    "name": "foo",
    "units": "bazes"

The second option specifies values at each grid point in an array:

    "name": "my profile"
    "type": "from config file",
    "units": "bars",
    "values": [ 12.3, 32.4, 103.2 ],
    "grid": {
      "name": "foo",
      "units": "bazes"

From Host#


fill this out

Solar Zenith Angle#

This profile is specifically for calculating the solar zenith angle as a function of time.



















time zone


Its configuration takes the form:

  "name": "solar zenith angle",
  "type": "solar zenith angle",
  "units": "degrees",
  "year" : 2002,
  "month": 3,
  "day": 21,
  "longitude": 0.0,
  "latitude": 0.0

The latitude and longitude are in degrees. There is an optional argument time zone that defaults to 0, and is an offset in hours to adjust for a specific time zone relative to GMT.

Earth-Sun Distance#

This profile is specifically for calculating the Earth-Sun distance as a function of time. This profile requires that a grid named time be defined in the Grids section.















time zone


Its configuration takes the form:

  "name": "Earth-Sun distance",
  "type": "Earth-Sun distance",
  "units": "AU",
  "year" : 2002,
  "month": 3,
  "day": 21

There is an optional argument time zone that defaults to 0, and is an offset in hours to adjust for a specific time zone relative to GMT.

Other Profiles#

The remaining profile types support legacy code from the original implementation of TUV. These will be gradually removed as configurations employing the general-use profile types are developed.

These can be used as follows (note that file paths are relative to the root tuv-x/ folder):

   "name": "O3",
   "type": "O3",
   "units": "molecule cm-3",
   "file path": "data/profiles/atmosphere/ussa.ozone"
   "name": "air",
   "type": "air",
   "units": "molecule cm-3",
   "file path": "data/profiles/atmosphere/ussa.dens"
   "name": "O2",
   "type": "O2",
   "units": "molecule cm-3",
   "file path": "data/profiles/atmosphere/ussa.dens"
   "name": "extraterrestrial flux",
   "type": "extraterrestrial flux",
   "units": "photon cm-2 s-1",
   "file path": ["data/profiles/solar/susim_hi.flx",
   "interpolator": ["","","","fractional target"]
Air Keys#







file path




Extraterrestrial Flux Keys#







file path






enable diagnostics


The regressoin tests compare the new version of TUV-x to the old version. One way is by directly comparing output. The enable diagnostics allows for this ouptut to be disabled. If this is enabled, a folder named output will be created in the same directory TUV-x is run from.

O2 Keys#







file path






scale height


O3 Keys#







file path






scale height


reference column


Radiative Transfer#


Radiative transfer specifies how the radiation field is calculated. The general format for radiative transfer is:

"radiative transfer": {
  "cross sections": [
      "name": "foo",
      "type": "base",
      "netcdf files": [ "my/data/" ]
  "radiators": [
      "name": "foo",
      "type": "base",
      "cross section": "foo",
      "vertical profile": "foo",
      "vertical profile units": "molecule cm-3"
  "solver": {
    "type": "delta eddington"

The cross sections and radiators are required arrays (even if they are of zero length). The cross sections define the absorption cross sections for the radiators. Cross section configuration formats are described below.

The radiators define the atmospheric constituents that should be considered in the calculation of the radiation field. Radiator configuration formats are described below.

The solver key is required and specifies the solver to use for radiative transfer. There are currently two options, described below.

Delta Eddington#

This is a fast 2-stream solver based on: Toon et al., J.Geophys.Res., v94 (D13), Nov 20, 1989. The configuration format for the delta-Eddington solver is:

"type" : "delta eddington"

There are no configuration options for this solver.

Discrete Ordinate#

This is an n-stream solver, where n is an even number between 2 and 32. The configuration format for the discrete ordinate solver is:

"type": "discrete ordinate",
"number of streams": 4

The number of streams is required and specifies the number of streams to solve for. The value must be an even number between 2 and 32.


Radiators represent atmospheric constituents that attenuate solar radiation and will be considered in calculations of the radiation field.


The generic configuration data format for standard radiators is as follows:

  "type": "base",
  "name": "foo",
  "treat as air": true,
  "cross section": "foo",
  "vertical profile": "foo",
  "vertical profile units": "molecule cm-3",
  "enable diagnostics": false







treat as air


cross section


vertical profile


vertical profile units


enable diagnostics


The regression tests compare the new version of TUV-x to the old version. One way is by directly comparing output. The enable diagnostics allows for this ouptut to be disabled. If this is enabled, a folder named output will be created in the same directory TUV-x is run from.

The treat as air flag can be used to indicate that the radiator should be treated in a unique way specific to air in the calculation of optical properties. The default value is false.

The cross section must be the name of a cross section in the list of cross sections in the Radiative Transfer object. The vertical profile must be the name of a profile with the provided units that is present in the list of Profiles. These profiles should describe the concentration of the constituent on the height grid.

From NetCDF file#

This radiator type allows loading the optical properties of a radiator from a NetCDF file. The optical properties will remain constant throughout the calculations.

  "name": "foo",
  "type": "from netcdf file",
  "file path": "path/to/"







file path


The file path should be a string containing the absolute or relative path to the NetCDF file containing the optical properties.

The NetCDF file should be structured as follows:

   wavelengths = NUMBER_OF_WAVELENGTH_BINS ;
   double optical_depth(wavelengths, heights) ;
   double single_scattering_albedo(wavelengths, heights) ;
   double asymmetry_factor(wavelengths, heights) ;

The NUMBER_OF_VERTICAL_LAYERS and NUMBER_OF_WAVELENGTH_BINS must correspond to the number of bins in the height and wavelength grids specified in the TUV-x configuration file. (Note that these optical properties are per grid section and not at grid edges.) No interpolation is performed on this data set.


A special radiator type exists for aerosols, which provides fixed optical depths at each wavelength. An example of the aerosol configuration is provided below.

  "name": "aerosols",
  "type": "aerosol",
  "optical depths": [2.40e-01, 1.06e-01, 4.56e-02, 1.91e-02, 1.01e-02, 7.63e-03,
                     5.38e-03, 5.00e-03, 5.15e-03, 4.94e-03, 4.82e-03, 4.51e-03,
                     4.74e-03, 4.37e-03, 4.28e-03, 4.03e-03, 3.83e-03, 3.78e-03,
                     3.88e-03, 3.08e-03, 2.26e-03, 1.64e-03, 1.23e-03, 9.45e-04,
                     7.49e-04, 6.30e-04, 5.50e-04, 4.21e-04, 3.22e-04, 2.48e-04,
                     1.90e-04, 1.45e-04, 1.11e-04, 8.51e-05, 6.52e-05, 5.00e-05,
                     3.83e-05, 2.93e-05, 2.25e-05, 1.72e-05, 1.32e-05, 1.01e-05,
                     7.72e-06, 5.91e-06, 4.53e-06, 3.46e-06, 2.66e-06, 2.04e-06,
                     1.56e-06, 1.19e-06, 9.14e-07],
  "single scattering albedo": 0.99,
  "asymmetry factor": 0.61,
  "550 nm optical depth": 0.235,
  "enable diagnostics": false







optical depths


single scattering albdeo


asymmetry factor


550 nm optical depth


enable diagnostics


The regression tests compare the new version of TUV-x to the old version. One way is by directly comparing output. The enable diagnostics allows for this ouptut to be disabled. If this is enabled, a folder named output will be created in the same directory TUV-x is run from.

The optical depths are expected to be on the wavelength grid.

From Host#


fill this out

Photolysis Reactions#

The configuration for photolysis reactions takes the following form:

"photolysis": {
  "enable diagnostics": false,
  "reactions": [
     "name": "my first reaction",
     "cross section": { ... },
     "quantum yield": { ... },
     "scaling factor": 1.3
     "name": "my second reaction",
     "cross section": { ... },
     "quantum yield": { ... },

Each member of reactions describes a photolysis reaction that TUV-x will calculate a rate constant for at runtime. The name for each photolysis reaction is user-defined, associated with the calculated rate constant, and can be used for mapping to a chemistry solver or other package. Each reaction must have a cross section, whose configuration format is described here. Each reaction must also have a quantum yield, whose configuration is described here. The scaling factor is a optional scaling factor that will be applied to the calculated rate constant.

Diagnostic output can be enabled by setting enable diagnostics to true. This keyword is not required and is false by default. When enabled, a folder named output will be created with some diagnostic output for the cross sections and quantum yields. This is only used for regression tests and will be removed in the future.

The file data/photolysis_rate_constants.json contains configuration data for every photolysis rate constant that can be calculated from data available in the data/ folder.

Dose Rates#

The configuration for dose rates takes the following form:

"dose rates": {
  "my first dose rate": {
    "weights": { ... }
  "my second dose rate": {
    "weights": { ... }

Each member of dose rates describes a dose rate that TUV-x will calculate at runtime. The key for each dose rate is a user-defined name that will be associated with the calculated rate. Each dose rate must have a weights object that defines a spectral weight, whose configuration format is described here.

Additionally, diagnostic output can be enabled by adding enable diagnostics to the json configuration like in the sample below. In this case, a folder named output will be created with some diagnostic output for the cross sections and quantum yields. This is only used for regression tests and will be removed in the future.

"dose rates": {
  "enable diagnostics" : true,
  "my first dose rate": {
    "weights": { ... }
  "my second dose rate": {
    "weights": { ... }

Additional Objects#

These configuration JSON objects are used in one or more of the six high-level JSON objects in the TUV-x data file.

Cross Sections#

The configuration for a standard cross section is as follows:

  "type": "base",
  "netcdf files": [
      "file path": "path/to/my/netcdf/",
      "lower extrapolation": {
        "type": "boundary"
      "upper extrapotion": {
        "type": "constant",
        "value": 0.0
      "zero below": 215.4,
      "zero above": 768.4
  "override bands": [
      "band": "lyman-alpha",
      "value": 0.32
  "apply O2 bands": true

The NetCDF file should be structured as follows:

         parameters = 1 ;
         double wavelength(bins) ;
                  wavelength:units = "nm" ;
         double cross_section_parameters(parameters, bins) ;

Here, NUMBER_OF_WAVELENGTH_BINS is the number of wavelength bins the cross section values are provided on.

The cross_section_parameters array should hold the value of the cross section at each wavelength. TUV-x will interpolate the cross section data onto the TUV-x wavelength grid, as specified by the “wavelength” grid.

For objects in the netcdf files array, the file path is required. The remaining keys are optional.

The lower extrapolation and upper extrapolation keys will append data beyond the lower and upper limits of the input data set, respectively. When the type is boundary, the last data point in the data set is used for all points beyond the last point. When the type is constant a user-specified value is used for all points beyond the last point.

The zero above and zero below keys are used to zero all points from the file above or below the specified wavelength values AFTER INTERPOLATION.

An override bands array can be included to specify fixed values over specific bands. These values will be applied immediately before returning the cross section and thus override any calculated or interpolated values. Valid band values are lyman-alpha, schumann-runge, and schumann-runge continuum. The wavelength grid must cover the Lyman-alpha and Schumann-Runge bands if an override is specified, otherwise a configuration error is returned.

The apply O2 bands flag can be added to photolysis rates that dissociate O2. If this flag is set to true, cross section values in the Lyman-alpha and Schumann-Runge wavelength bands will be overwritten with TUV-x’s custom cross section values for O2 in these bands.

A number of custom cross section types have been developed when more complex algorithms are needed to calculate cross sections. These generally apply to a specific photolysis reaction. Their configuration data formats are demonstrated in data/photolysis_rate_constants.json.

Quantum Yields#

The configuration for a standard quantum yield can be of two forms. The first describes a quantum yield that is a constant value at all wavelengths:

  "type": "base",
  "constant value": 1.0

The second describes a quantum yield that is read from a NetCDF file:

  "type": "base",
  "netcdf files": [ "path/to/my/netcdf/" ]

The NetCDF file should be structured as follows:

        parameters = 1 ;
        double wavelength(bins) ;
                wavelength:units = "nm" ;
        double quantum_yield_parameters(parameters, bins) ;
                quantum_yield_parameters:units = "fraction" ;

Here, NUMBER_OF_WAVELENGTH_BINS is the number of wavelength bins the quantum yield values are provided on.

The quantum_yield_parameters array should hold the value of the quantum yield at each wavelength. TUV-x will perform interpolation of the quantum yield data to the native wavelength grid.

For either type of quantum yield, an override bands array can be included:

  "type": "base",
  "constant value": 1.0,
  "override bands": [
      "band": "lyman-alpha",
      "value": 0.32

An override bands array instructs TUV-x to apply fixed values over specific bands. These values will be applied immediately before returning the quantum yield and thus override any calculated or interpolated values. Valid band values are lyman-alpha, schumann-runge, and schumann-runge continuum. The wavelength grid must cover the Lyman-alpha and Schumann-Runge bands if an override is specified, otherwise a configuration error is returned.

A number of custom quantum yield types have been developed when more complex algorithms are needed to calculate quantum yields. These generally apply to a specific photolysis reaction. Their configuration data formats are demonstrated in data/photolysis_rate_constants.json.

Spectral Weights#

Standard spectral weight types load spectral weights from a NetCDF file. Their configuration format is as follows:

  "type": "base",
  "netcdf files": [ "path/to/my/netcdf/" ]

The NetCDF file should be structured as follows:

        parameters = 1 ;
        double wavelength(bins) ;
                wavelength:units = "nm" ;
        double spectral_weight_parameters(parameters, bins) ;
                spectral_weight_parameters:hdr = "" ;

Here, NUMBER_OF_WAVELENGTH_BINS is the number of wavelength bins the spectral weight values are provided on.

The spectral_weight_parameters array should hold the value of the spectral weight at each wavelength. TUV-x will perform interpolation of the spectral weight data to the native wavelength grid.

The type and netcdf files keys are required. There are also two optional key-value pairs: lower extrapolation and upper extrapolation. These both have the same structure. An example of the lower extrapolation follows.

"lower extrapolation": {
  "type": "boundary"

The value of type can be boundary or constant. If boundary is selected, the value at the lower (or upper) boundary of the input data will be extended to the lower (or upper) extent of the TUV-x wavelength grid. If constant is selected, a key-value pair value must also be present:

"lower extrapolation": {
  "type": "constant",
  "value": 12.2

This value will be used between the lower (or upper) boundaries of the input data and TUV-x wavelength grids. If no lower or upper extrapolation is specified, the values between the input data and TUV-x wavelength grids will be 0.

A number of custom spectral weight types have been developed when more complex algorithms are needed to calculate spectral weights. Their configuration data formats are demonstrated in data/dose_rates.json.