Module to manage the ICAR wind field, including calls to linear winds importantly it also rotates the wind field into the ICAR grid and balances the U, V, and W fields for "mass" conservation
real, parameter | deg2rad =0.017453293 |
Module to manage the ICAR wind field, including calls to linear winds importantly it also rotates the wind field into the ICAR grid and balances the U, V, and W fields for "mass" conservation
- Author
- Ethan Gutmann (
subroutine wind::allocate_winds |
( |
type(domain_type), intent(inout) |
domain | ) |
private |
subroutine, public wind::balance_uvw |
( |
type(domain_type), intent(inout) |
domain, |
type(options_type), intent(in) |
options |
) |
| |
subroutine wind::finalize_winds |
( |
type(domain_type), intent(inout) |
domain | ) |
private |
subroutine, public wind::init_winds |
( |
type(domain_type), intent(inout) |
domain, |
type(options_type), intent(in) |
options |
) |
| |
subroutine wind::make_winds_grid_relative |
( |
type(domain_type), intent(inout) |
domain | ) |
private |
subroutine, public wind::update_winds |
( |
type(domain_type), intent(inout) |
domain, |
type(options_type), intent(in) |
options |
) |
| |
real, parameter wind::deg2rad =0.017453293 |
private |
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