9. Physical Constants

Following the American Meteorological Society convention, the model uses the International System of Units (SI) (see August 1974 Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Vol. 55, No. 8, pp. 926-930).

a & = & 6.37122 \times 10^{6} \quad\mathrm{m} & \mathrm{ Radius \: of \: earth} \\
g & = & 9.80616 \quad\mathrm{m \: s^{-2}} & \mathrm{ Acceleration \: due \: to \: gravity}\\
\pi & = & 3.14159265358979323846 & \mathrm{Pi} \\
t_s & = & 86164.0 \quad\mathrm{s} & \mathrm{ Earth's \: sidereal \: day}\\
\Omega & = & 2*\pi/t_s \quad\mathrm{[s^{-1}]} & \mathrm{ Earth's \: angular \: velocity}\\
\sigma_{B} & = & 5.67 \times 10^{-8} \quad\mathrm{W \: m^{-2} \: K^{-4}} & \mathrm{ Stefan-Boltzmann \: constant}\\
k & = & 1.38065 \times 10^{-23} \quad\mathrm{J K^{-1}} & \mathrm{ Boltzmann \: constant}\\
N & = & 6.02214 \times 10^{26} & \mathrm{Avogadro's \: number}\\
R^* & = & k\,N \quad\mathrm{[J K^{-1}]} & \mathrm{ Universal \: gas \: constant}\\
m_{air} & = & 28.966 \quad\mathrm{kg} & \mathrm{ Molecular \: weight \: of \: dry \: air}\\
R & = & R^*/m_{air} \quad\mathrm{[J \: kg^{-1} \: K^{-1}]} & \mathrm{ Gas \: constant \: for \: dry \: air}\\
m_{v} & = & 18.016 \quad\mathrm{kg} & \mathrm{ Molecular \: weight \: of \: water \: vapor}\\
R_{v} & = & R^*/m_{v} \quad\mathrm{[J \: kg^{-1} \: K^{-1}]} & \mathrm{ Gas \: constant \: for \: water \: vapor}\\
c_{p} & = & 1.00464 \times 10^{3} \quad\mathrm{J \: kg^{-1} \: K^{-1}} & \mathrm{ Specific \: heat \: of \: dry \: air \: at \: constant \: pressure}\\
\kappa & = & 2/5 & \mathrm{Von \: Karman \: constant} \\
z_{vir} & = & R_{v}/R-1 & \mathrm{Ratio \:of \:gas \:constants \:for \:water \:vapor \:and \:dry \:air} \\
L_{v} & = & 2.501 \times 10^{6} \quad\mathrm{J \: kg^{-1}} & \mathrm{ Latent \: heat \: of \: vaporization}\\
L_{i} & = & 3.337 \times 10^{5} \quad\mathrm{J \: kg^{-1}} & \mathrm{ Latent \: heat \: of \: fusion}\\
\rho_{H_{2}O} & = & 1.0 \times 10^{3} \quad\mathrm{kg \: m^{-3}} & \mathrm{ Density \: of \: liquid \: water}\\
c_{pv} & = & 1.81 \times 10^{3} \quad\mathrm{J \: kg^{-1} \: K^{-1}} & \mathrm{ Specific \:heat \: of \: water \: vapor \: at \: constant \: pressure}\\
T_{melt} & = & 273.16 \quad\mathrm{^{\circ}K} & \mathrm{ Melting \: point \: of \: ice}\\
p_{std} & = & 1.01325 \times 10^{5} \quad\mathrm{Pa} & \mathrm{ Standard \: pressure}\\
\rho_{air} & = & p_{std}/(R\,T_{melt}) \quad\mathrm{[kg m^{-3}]} & \mathrm{ Density \: of \: dry \: air \: at \: standard \: pressure/temperature}

The model code defines these constants to the stated accuracy. We do not mean to imply that these constants are known to this accuracy nor that the low-order digits are significant to the physical approximations employed.

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