module | mom_continuity_ppm |
| Solve the layer continuity equation using the PPM method for layer fluxes.
integer | mom_continuity_ppm::id_clock_update |
| CPU time clock IDs. More...
integer | mom_continuity_ppm::id_clock_correct |
| CPU time clock IDs. More...
subroutine, public | mom_continuity_ppm::continuity_ppm (u, v, hin, h, uh, vh, dt, G, GV, US, CS, uhbt, vhbt, OBC, visc_rem_u, visc_rem_v, u_cor, v_cor, BT_cont) |
| Time steps the layer thicknesses, using a monotonically limit, directionally split PPM scheme, based on Lin (1994). More...
subroutine | mom_continuity_ppm::zonal_mass_flux (u, h_in, uh, dt, G, GV, US, CS, LB, uhbt, OBC, visc_rem_u, u_cor, BT_cont) |
| Calculates the mass or volume fluxes through the zonal faces, and other related quantities. More...
subroutine | mom_continuity_ppm::zonal_flux_layer (u, h, h_L, h_R, uh, duhdu, visc_rem, dt, G, US, j, ish, ieh, do_I, vol_CFL, OBC) |
| Evaluates the zonal mass or volume fluxes in a layer. More...
subroutine | mom_continuity_ppm::zonal_face_thickness (u, h, h_L, h_R, h_u, dt, G, US, LB, vol_CFL, marginal, visc_rem_u, OBC) |
| Sets the effective interface thickness at each zonal velocity point. More...
subroutine | mom_continuity_ppm::zonal_flux_adjust (u, h_in, h_L, h_R, uhbt, uh_tot_0, duhdu_tot_0, du, du_max_CFL, du_min_CFL, dt, G, US, CS, visc_rem, j, ish, ieh, do_I_in, full_precision, uh_3d, OBC) |
| Returns the barotropic velocity adjustment that gives the desired barotropic (layer-summed) transport. More...
subroutine | mom_continuity_ppm::set_zonal_bt_cont (u, h_in, h_L, h_R, BT_cont, uh_tot_0, duhdu_tot_0, du_max_CFL, du_min_CFL, dt, G, US, CS, visc_rem, visc_rem_max, j, ish, ieh, do_I) |
| Sets a structure that describes the zonal barotropic volume or mass fluxes as a function of barotropic flow to agree closely with the sum of the layer's transports. More...
subroutine | mom_continuity_ppm::meridional_mass_flux (v, h_in, vh, dt, G, GV, US, CS, LB, vhbt, OBC, visc_rem_v, v_cor, BT_cont) |
| Calculates the mass or volume fluxes through the meridional faces, and other related quantities. More...
subroutine | mom_continuity_ppm::merid_flux_layer (v, h, h_L, h_R, vh, dvhdv, visc_rem, dt, G, US, J, ish, ieh, do_I, vol_CFL, OBC) |
| Evaluates the meridional mass or volume fluxes in a layer. More...
subroutine | mom_continuity_ppm::merid_face_thickness (v, h, h_L, h_R, h_v, dt, G, US, LB, vol_CFL, marginal, visc_rem_v, OBC) |
| Sets the effective interface thickness at each meridional velocity point. More...
subroutine | mom_continuity_ppm::meridional_flux_adjust (v, h_in, h_L, h_R, vhbt, vh_tot_0, dvhdv_tot_0, dv, dv_max_CFL, dv_min_CFL, dt, G, US, CS, visc_rem, j, ish, ieh, do_I_in, full_precision, vh_3d, OBC) |
| Returns the barotropic velocity adjustment that gives the desired barotropic (layer-summed) transport. More...
subroutine | mom_continuity_ppm::set_merid_bt_cont (v, h_in, h_L, h_R, BT_cont, vh_tot_0, dvhdv_tot_0, dv_max_CFL, dv_min_CFL, dt, G, US, CS, visc_rem, visc_rem_max, j, ish, ieh, do_I) |
| Sets of a structure that describes the meridional barotropic volume or mass fluxes as a function of barotropic flow to agree closely with the sum of the layer's transports. More...
subroutine | mom_continuity_ppm::ppm_reconstruction_x (h_in, h_L, h_R, G, LB, h_min, monotonic, simple_2nd, OBC) |
| Calculates left/right edge values for PPM reconstruction. More...
subroutine | mom_continuity_ppm::ppm_reconstruction_y (h_in, h_L, h_R, G, LB, h_min, monotonic, simple_2nd, OBC) |
| Calculates left/right edge values for PPM reconstruction. More...
subroutine | mom_continuity_ppm::ppm_limit_pos (h_in, h_L, h_R, h_min, G, iis, iie, jis, jie) |
| This subroutine limits the left/right edge values of the PPM reconstruction to give a reconstruction that is positive-definite. Here this is reinterpreted as giving a constant thickness if the mean thickness is less than h_min, with a minimum of h_min otherwise. More...
subroutine | mom_continuity_ppm::ppm_limit_cw84 (h_in, h_L, h_R, G, iis, iie, jis, jie) |
| This subroutine limits the left/right edge values of the PPM reconstruction according to the monotonic prescription of Colella and Woodward, 1984. More...
real function | mom_continuity_ppm::ratio_max (a, b, maxrat) |
| Return the maximum ratio of a/b or maxrat. More...
subroutine, public | mom_continuity_ppm::continuity_ppm_init (Time, G, GV, US, param_file, diag, CS) |
| Initializes continuity_ppm_cs. More...
integer function, public | mom_continuity_ppm::continuity_ppm_stencil (CS) |
| continuity_PPM_stencil returns the continuity solver stencil size More...
subroutine, public | mom_continuity_ppm::continuity_ppm_end (CS) |
| Destructor for continuity_ppm_cs. More...