module | mom_dynamics_split_rk2 |
| Time step the adiabatic dynamic core of MOM using RK2 method.
integer | mom_dynamics_split_rk2::id_clock_cor |
| CPU time clock IDs. More...
integer | mom_dynamics_split_rk2::id_clock_pres |
| CPU time clock IDs. More...
integer | mom_dynamics_split_rk2::id_clock_vertvisc |
| CPU time clock IDs. More...
integer | mom_dynamics_split_rk2::id_clock_horvisc |
| CPU time clock IDs. More...
integer | mom_dynamics_split_rk2::id_clock_mom_update |
| CPU time clock IDs. More...
integer | mom_dynamics_split_rk2::id_clock_continuity |
| CPU time clock IDs. More...
integer | mom_dynamics_split_rk2::id_clock_thick_diff |
| CPU time clock IDs. More...
integer | mom_dynamics_split_rk2::id_clock_btstep |
| CPU time clock IDs. More...
integer | mom_dynamics_split_rk2::id_clock_btcalc |
| CPU time clock IDs. More...
integer | mom_dynamics_split_rk2::id_clock_btforce |
| CPU time clock IDs. More...
integer | mom_dynamics_split_rk2::id_clock_pass |
| CPU time clock IDs. More...
integer | mom_dynamics_split_rk2::id_clock_pass_init |
| CPU time clock IDs. More...
subroutine, public | mom_dynamics_split_rk2::step_mom_dyn_split_rk2 (u, v, h, tv, visc, Time_local, dt, forces, p_surf_begin, p_surf_end, uh, vh, uhtr, vhtr, eta_av, G, GV, US, CS, calc_dtbt, VarMix, MEKE, thickness_diffuse_CSp, Waves) |
| RK2 splitting for time stepping MOM adiabatic dynamics. More...
subroutine, public | mom_dynamics_split_rk2::register_restarts_dyn_split_rk2 (HI, GV, param_file, CS, restart_CS, uh, vh) |
| This subroutine sets up any auxiliary restart variables that are specific to the unsplit time stepping scheme. All variables registered here should have the ability to be recreated if they are not present in a restart file. More...
subroutine, public | mom_dynamics_split_rk2::initialize_dyn_split_rk2 (u, v, h, uh, vh, eta, Time, G, GV, US, param_file, diag, CS, restart_CS, dt, Accel_diag, Cont_diag, MIS, VarMix, MEKE, thickness_diffuse_CSp, OBC, update_OBC_CSp, ALE_CSp, setVisc_CSp, visc, dirs, ntrunc, calc_dtbt) |
| This subroutine initializes all of the variables that are used by this dynamic core, including diagnostics and the cpu clocks. More...
subroutine, public | mom_dynamics_split_rk2::end_dyn_split_rk2 (CS) |
| Close the dyn_split_RK2 module. More...