subroutine, public | mom_remapping::remapping_set_param (CS, remapping_scheme, boundary_extrapolation, check_reconstruction, check_remapping, force_bounds_in_subcell, answers_2018) |
| Set parameters within remapping object. More...
subroutine, public | mom_remapping::extract_member_remapping_cs (CS, remapping_scheme, degree, boundary_extrapolation, check_reconstruction, check_remapping, force_bounds_in_subcell) |
subroutine | mom_remapping::buildgridfromh (nz, h, x) |
| Calculate edge coordinate x from cell width h. More...
logical function | mom_remapping::ispossumerrsignificant (n1, sum1, n2, sum2) |
| Compare two summation estimates of positive data and judge if due to more than round-off. When two sums are calculated from different vectors that should add up to the same value, the results can differ by round off. The round off error can be bounded to be proportional to the number of operations. This function returns true if the difference between sum1 and sum2 is larger than than the estimated round off bound. More...
subroutine, public | mom_remapping::remapping_core_h (CS, n0, h0, u0, n1, h1, u1, h_neglect, h_neglect_edge) |
| Remaps column of values u0 on grid h0 to grid h1 assuming the top edge is aligned. More...
subroutine, public | mom_remapping::remapping_core_w (CS, n0, h0, u0, n1, dx, u1, h_neglect, h_neglect_edge) |
| Remaps column of values u0 on grid h0 to implied grid h1 where the interfaces of h1 differ from those of h0 by dx. More...
subroutine, public | mom_remapping::build_reconstructions_1d (CS, n0, h0, u0, ppoly_r_coefs, ppoly_r_E, ppoly_r_S, iMethod, h_neglect, h_neglect_edge) |
| Creates polynomial reconstructions of u0 on the source grid h0. More...
subroutine | mom_remapping::check_reconstructions_1d (n0, h0, u0, deg, boundary_extrapolation, ppoly_r_coefs, ppoly_r_E, ppoly_r_S) |
| Checks that edge values and reconstructions satisfy bounds. More...
subroutine | mom_remapping::remap_via_sub_cells (n0, h0, u0, ppoly0_E, ppoly0_coefs, n1, h1, method, force_bounds_in_subcell, u1, uh_err, ah_sub, aisub_src, aiss, aise) |
| Remaps column of n0 values u0 on grid h0 to grid h1 with n1 cells by calculating the n0+n1+1 sub-integrals of the intersection of h0 and h1, and the summing the appropriate integrals into the h1*u1 values. h0 and h1 must have the same units. More...
real function, public | mom_remapping::average_value_ppoly (n0, u0, ppoly0_E, ppoly0_coefs, method, i0, xa, xb) |
| Returns the average value of a reconstruction within a single source cell, i0, between the non-dimensional positions xa and xb (xa<=xb) with dimensional separation dh. More...
subroutine | mom_remapping::measure_input_bounds (n0, h0, u0, ppoly_E, h0tot, h0err, u0tot, u0err, u0min, u0max) |
| Measure totals and bounds on source grid. More...
subroutine | mom_remapping::measure_output_bounds (n1, h1, u1, h1tot, h1err, u1tot, u1err, u1min, u1max) |
| Measure totals and bounds on destination grid. More...
subroutine | mom_remapping::remapbyprojection (n0, h0, u0, ppoly0_E, ppoly0_coefs, n1, h1, method, u1, h_neglect) |
| Remaps column of values u0 on grid h0 to grid h1 by integrating over the projection of each h1 cell onto the h0 grid. More...
subroutine | mom_remapping::remapbydeltaz (n0, h0, u0, ppoly0_E, ppoly0_coefs, n1, dx1, method, u1, h1, h_neglect) |
| Remaps column of values u0 on grid h0 to implied grid h1 where the interfaces of h1 differ from those of h0 by dx. The new grid is defined relative to the original grid by change dx1(:) = xNew(:) - xOld(:) and the remapping calculated so that hNew(k) qNew(k) = hOld(k) qOld(k) + F(k+1) - F(k) where F(k) = dx1(k) qAverage and where qAverage is the average qOld in the region zOld(k) to zNew(k). More...
subroutine | mom_remapping::integraterecononinterval (n0, h0, u0, ppoly0_E, ppoly0_coefs, method, xL, xR, hC, uAve, jStart, xStart, h_neglect) |
| Integrate the reconstructed column profile over a single cell. More...
subroutine, public | mom_remapping::dzfromh1h2 (n1, h1, n2, h2, dx) |
| Calculates the change in interface positions based on h1 and h2. More...
subroutine, public | mom_remapping::initialize_remapping (CS, remapping_scheme, boundary_extrapolation, check_reconstruction, check_remapping, force_bounds_in_subcell, answers_2018) |
| Constructor for remapping control structure. More...
subroutine | mom_remapping::setreconstructiontype (string, CS) |
| Changes the method of reconstruction Use this routine to parse a string parameter specifying the reconstruction and re-allocates work arrays appropriately. It is called from initialize_remapping but can be called from an external module too. More...
subroutine, public | mom_remapping::end_remapping (CS) |
| Destrcutor for remapping control structure. More...
logical function, public | mom_remapping::remapping_unit_tests (verbose) |
| Runs unit tests on remapping functions. Should only be called from a single/root thread Returns True if a test fails, otherwise False. More...
logical function | mom_remapping::test_answer (verbose, n, u, u_true, label) |
| Returns true if any cell of u and u_true are not identical. Returns false otherwise. More...
subroutine | mom_remapping::dumpgrid (n, h, x, u) |
| Convenience function for printing grid to screen. More...
integer, parameter | mom_remapping::remapping_pcm = 0 |
| O(h^1) remapping scheme. More...
integer, parameter | mom_remapping::remapping_plm = 1 |
| O(h^2) remapping scheme. More...
integer, parameter | mom_remapping::remapping_ppm_h4 = 2 |
| O(h^3) remapping scheme. More...
integer, parameter | mom_remapping::remapping_ppm_ih4 = 3 |
| O(h^3) remapping scheme. More...
integer, parameter | mom_remapping::remapping_pqm_ih4ih3 = 4 |
| O(h^4) remapping scheme. More...
integer, parameter | mom_remapping::remapping_pqm_ih6ih5 = 5 |
| O(h^5) remapping scheme. More...
integer, parameter | mom_remapping::integration_pcm = 0 |
| Piecewise Constant Method. More...
integer, parameter | mom_remapping::integration_plm = 1 |
| Piecewise Linear Method. More...
integer, parameter | mom_remapping::integration_ppm = 3 |
| Piecewise Parabolic Method. More...
integer, parameter | mom_remapping::integration_pqm = 5 |
| Piecewise Quartic Method. More...
character(len=40) | mom_remapping::mdl = "MOM_remapping" |
| This module's name. More...
character(len=256), public | mom_remapping::remappingschemesdoc = "PCM (1st-order accurate)\n"// "PLM (2nd-order accurate)\n"// "PPM_H4 (3rd-order accurate)\n"// "PPM_IH4 (3rd-order accurate)\n"// "PQM_IH4IH3 (4th-order accurate)\n"// "PQM_IH6IH5 (5th-order accurate)\n" |
| Documentation for external callers. More...
character(len=3), public | mom_remapping::remappingdefaultscheme = "PLM" |
| Default remapping method. More...
real, parameter | mom_remapping::hneglect_dflt = 1.E-30 |
| A thickness [H ~> m or kg m-2] that can be added to thicknesses in a denominator without changing the numerical result, except where a division by zero would otherwise occur. More...
logical, parameter | mom_remapping::old_algorithm = .false. |
| Use the old "broken" algorithm. This is a temporary measure to assist debugging until we delete the old algorithm. More...