MOM_restart.F90 File Reference

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Data Types

type  mom_restart::p4d
 A type for making arrays of pointers to 4-d arrays. More...
type  mom_restart::p3d
 A type for making arrays of pointers to 3-d arrays. More...
type  mom_restart::p2d
 A type for making arrays of pointers to 2-d arrays. More...
type  mom_restart::p1d
 A type for making arrays of pointers to 1-d arrays. More...
type  mom_restart::p0d
 A type for making arrays of pointers to scalars. More...
type  mom_restart::field_restart
 A structure with information about a single restart field. More...
type  mom_restart::obsolete_restart
 A structure to store information about restart fields that are no longer used. More...
type  mom_restart::mom_restart_cs
 A restart registry and the control structure for restarts. More...
interface  mom_restart::register_restart_field
 Register fields for restarts. More...
interface  mom_restart::query_initialized
 Indicate whether a field has been read from a restart file. More...


module  mom_restart
 The MOM6 facility for reading and writing restart files, and querying what has been read.


subroutine, public mom_restart::register_restart_field_as_obsolete (field_name, replacement_name, CS)
subroutine mom_restart::register_restart_field_ptr3d (f_ptr, var_desc, mandatory, CS)
 Register a 3-d field for restarts, providing the metadata in a structure. More...
subroutine mom_restart::register_restart_field_ptr4d (f_ptr, var_desc, mandatory, CS)
 Register a 4-d field for restarts, providing the metadata in a structure. More...
subroutine mom_restart::register_restart_field_ptr2d (f_ptr, var_desc, mandatory, CS)
 Register a 2-d field for restarts, providing the metadata in a structure. More...
subroutine mom_restart::register_restart_field_ptr1d (f_ptr, var_desc, mandatory, CS)
 Register a 1-d field for restarts, providing the metadata in a structure. More...
subroutine mom_restart::register_restart_field_ptr0d (f_ptr, var_desc, mandatory, CS)
 Register a 0-d field for restarts, providing the metadata in a structure. More...
subroutine mom_restart::register_restart_field_4d (f_ptr, name, mandatory, CS, longname, units, hor_grid, z_grid, t_grid)
 Register a 4-d field for restarts, providing the metadata as individual arguments. More...
subroutine mom_restart::register_restart_field_3d (f_ptr, name, mandatory, CS, longname, units, hor_grid, z_grid, t_grid)
 Register a 3-d field for restarts, providing the metadata as individual arguments. More...
subroutine mom_restart::register_restart_field_2d (f_ptr, name, mandatory, CS, longname, units, hor_grid, z_grid, t_grid)
 Register a 2-d field for restarts, providing the metadata as individual arguments. More...
subroutine mom_restart::register_restart_field_1d (f_ptr, name, mandatory, CS, longname, units, hor_grid, z_grid, t_grid)
 Register a 1-d field for restarts, providing the metadata as individual arguments. More...
subroutine mom_restart::register_restart_field_0d (f_ptr, name, mandatory, CS, longname, units, t_grid)
 Register a 0-d field for restarts, providing the metadata as individual arguments. More...
logical function mom_restart::query_initialized_name (name, CS)
 query_initialized_name determines whether a named field has been successfully read from a restart file yet. More...
logical function mom_restart::query_initialized_0d (f_ptr, CS)
 Indicate whether the field pointed to by f_ptr has been initialized from a restart file. More...
logical function mom_restart::query_initialized_1d (f_ptr, CS)
 Indicate whether the field pointed to by f_ptr has been initialized from a restart file. More...
logical function mom_restart::query_initialized_2d (f_ptr, CS)
 Indicate whether the field pointed to by f_ptr has been initialized from a restart file. More...
logical function mom_restart::query_initialized_3d (f_ptr, CS)
 Indicate whether the field pointed to by f_ptr has been initialized from a restart file. More...
logical function mom_restart::query_initialized_4d (f_ptr, CS)
 Indicate whether the field pointed to by f_ptr has been initialized from a restart file. More...
logical function mom_restart::query_initialized_0d_name (f_ptr, name, CS)
 Indicate whether the field pointed to by f_ptr or with the specified variable name has been initialized from a restart file. More...
logical function mom_restart::query_initialized_1d_name (f_ptr, name, CS)
 Indicate whether the field pointed to by f_ptr or with the specified variable name has been initialized from a restart file. More...
logical function mom_restart::query_initialized_2d_name (f_ptr, name, CS)
 Indicate whether the field pointed to by f_ptr or with the specified variable name has been initialized from a restart file. More...
logical function mom_restart::query_initialized_3d_name (f_ptr, name, CS)
 Indicate whether the field pointed to by f_ptr or with the specified variable name has been initialized from a restart file. More...
logical function mom_restart::query_initialized_4d_name (f_ptr, name, CS)
 Indicate whether the field pointed to by f_ptr or with the specified variable name has been initialized from a restart file. More...
subroutine, public mom_restart::save_restart (directory, time, G, CS, time_stamped, filename, GV)
 save_restart saves all registered variables to restart files. More...
subroutine, public mom_restart::restore_state (filename, directory, day, G, CS)
 restore_state reads the model state from previously generated files. All restart variables are read from the first file in the input filename list in which they are found. More...
logical function, public mom_restart::restart_files_exist (filename, directory, G, CS)
 restart_files_exist determines whether any restart files exist. More...
logical function, public mom_restart::determine_is_new_run (filename, directory, G, CS)
 determine_is_new_run determines from the value of filename and the existence automatically named restart files in directory whether this would be a new, and as a side effect stores this information in CS. More...
logical function, public mom_restart::is_new_run (CS)
 is_new_run returns whether this is going to be a new run based on the information stored in CS by a previous call to determine_is_new_run. More...
integer function mom_restart::open_restart_units (filename, directory, G, CS, units, file_paths, global_files)
 open_restart_units determines the number of existing restart files and optionally opens them and returns unit ids, paths and whether the files are global or spatially decomposed. More...
subroutine, public mom_restart::restart_init (param_file, CS, restart_root)
 Initialize this module and set up a restart control structure. More...
subroutine, public mom_restart::restart_init_end (CS)
 Indicate that all variables have now been registered. More...
subroutine, public mom_restart::restart_end (CS)
 Deallocate memory associated with a MOM_restart_CS variable. More...
subroutine mom_restart::restart_error (CS)
subroutine mom_restart::get_checksum_loop_ranges (G, pos, isL, ieL, jsL, jeL)
 Return bounds for computing checksums to store in restart files. More...