module | mom_set_diffusivity |
| Calculate vertical diffusivity from all mixing processes.
integer | mom_set_diffusivity::id_clock_kappashear |
| CPU time clocks. More...
integer | mom_set_diffusivity::id_clock_cvmix_ddiff |
| CPU time clocks. More...
subroutine, public | mom_set_diffusivity::set_diffusivity (u, v, h, u_h, v_h, tv, fluxes, optics, visc, dt, G, GV, US, CS, Kd_lay, Kd_int) |
| Sets the interior vertical diffusion of scalars due to the following processes: More...
subroutine | mom_set_diffusivity::find_tke_to_kd (h, tv, dRho_int, N2_lay, j, dt, G, GV, US, CS, TKE_to_Kd, maxTKE, kb) |
| Convert turbulent kinetic energy to diffusivity. More...
subroutine | mom_set_diffusivity::find_n2 (h, tv, T_f, S_f, fluxes, j, G, GV, US, CS, dRho_int, N2_lay, N2_int, N2_bot) |
| Calculate Brunt-Vaisala frequency, N^2. More...
subroutine | mom_set_diffusivity::double_diffusion (tv, h, T_f, S_f, j, G, GV, US, CS, Kd_T_dd, Kd_S_dd) |
| This subroutine sets the additional diffusivities of temperature and salinity due to double diffusion, using the same functional form as is used in MOM4.1, and taken from an NCAR technical note (REF?) that updates what was in Large et al. (1994). All the coefficients here should probably be made run-time variables rather than hard-coded constants. More...
subroutine | mom_set_diffusivity::add_drag_diffusivity (h, u, v, tv, fluxes, visc, j, TKE_to_Kd, maxTKE, kb, G, GV, US, CS, Kd_lay, Kd_int, Kd_BBL) |
| This routine adds diffusion sustained by flow energy extracted by bottom drag. More...
subroutine | mom_set_diffusivity::add_lotw_bbl_diffusivity (h, u, v, tv, fluxes, visc, j, N2_int, G, GV, US, CS, Kd_lay, Kd_int, Kd_BBL) |
| Calculates a BBL diffusivity use a Prandtl number 1 diffusivitiy with a law of the wall turbulent viscosity, up to a BBL height where the energy used for mixing has consumed the mechanical TKE input. More...
subroutine | mom_set_diffusivity::add_mlrad_diffusivity (h, fluxes, j, G, GV, US, CS, Kd_lay, TKE_to_Kd, Kd_int) |
| This routine adds effects of mixed layer radiation to the layer diffusivities. More...
subroutine, public | mom_set_diffusivity::set_bbl_tke (u, v, h, fluxes, visc, G, GV, US, CS) |
| This subroutine calculates several properties related to bottom boundary layer turbulence. More...
subroutine | mom_set_diffusivity::set_density_ratios (h, tv, kb, G, GV, US, CS, j, ds_dsp1, rho_0) |
subroutine, public | mom_set_diffusivity::set_diffusivity_init (Time, G, GV, US, param_file, diag, CS, int_tide_CSp, tm_CSp, halo_TS) |
subroutine, public | mom_set_diffusivity::set_diffusivity_end (CS) |
| Clear pointers and dealocate memory. More...