module | mom_tidal_mixing |
| Interface to vertical tidal mixing schemes including CVMix tidal mixing.
character *(20), parameter | mom_tidal_mixing::stlaurent_profile_string = "STLAURENT_02" |
| Initializes internal tidal dissipation scheme for diapycnal mixing. More...
character *(20), parameter | mom_tidal_mixing::polzin_profile_string = "POLZIN_09" |
| Initializes internal tidal dissipation scheme for diapycnal mixing. More...
integer, parameter | mom_tidal_mixing::stlaurent_02 = 1 |
| Initializes internal tidal dissipation scheme for diapycnal mixing. More...
integer, parameter | mom_tidal_mixing::polzin_09 = 2 |
| Initializes internal tidal dissipation scheme for diapycnal mixing. More...
character *(20), parameter | mom_tidal_mixing::simmons_scheme_string = "SIMMONS" |
| Initializes internal tidal dissipation scheme for diapycnal mixing. More...
character *(20), parameter | mom_tidal_mixing::schmittner_scheme_string = "SCHMITTNER" |
| Initializes internal tidal dissipation scheme for diapycnal mixing. More...
integer, parameter | mom_tidal_mixing::simmons = 1 |
| Initializes internal tidal dissipation scheme for diapycnal mixing. More...
integer, parameter | mom_tidal_mixing::schmittner = 2 |
| Initializes internal tidal dissipation scheme for diapycnal mixing. More...
logical function, public | mom_tidal_mixing::tidal_mixing_init (Time, G, GV, US, param_file, diag, CS) |
| Initializes internal tidal dissipation scheme for diapycnal mixing. More...
subroutine, public | mom_tidal_mixing::calculate_tidal_mixing (h, N2_bot, j, TKE_to_Kd, max_TKE, G, GV, US, CS, N2_lay, N2_int, Kd_lay, Kd_int, Kd_max, Kv) |
| Depending on whether or not CVMix is active, calls the associated subroutine to compute internal tidal dissipation and to add the effect of internal-tide-driven mixing to the layer or interface diffusivities. More...
subroutine | mom_tidal_mixing::calculate_cvmix_tidal (h, j, G, GV, US, CS, N2_int, Kd_lay, Kv) |
| Calls the CVMix routines to compute tidal dissipation and to add the effect of internal-tide-driven mixing to the interface diffusivities. More...
subroutine | mom_tidal_mixing::add_int_tide_diffusivity (h, N2_bot, j, TKE_to_Kd, max_TKE, G, GV, US, CS, N2_lay, Kd_lay, Kd_int, Kd_max) |
| This subroutine adds the effect of internal-tide-driven mixing to the layer diffusivities. The mechanisms considered are (1) local dissipation of internal waves generated by the barotropic flow ("itidal"), (2) local dissipation of internal waves generated by the propagating low modes (rays) of the internal tide ("lowmode"), and (3) local dissipation of internal lee waves. Will eventually need to add diffusivity due to other wave-breaking processes (e.g. Bottom friction, Froude-number-depending breaking, PSI, etc.). More...
subroutine, public | mom_tidal_mixing::setup_tidal_diagnostics (G, CS) |
| Sets up diagnostics arrays for tidal mixing. More...
subroutine, public | mom_tidal_mixing::post_tidal_diagnostics (G, GV, h, CS) |
| This subroutine offers up diagnostics of the tidal mixing. More...
subroutine | mom_tidal_mixing::read_tidal_energy (G, US, tidal_energy_type, tidal_energy_file, CS) |
| This subroutine read tidal energy inputs from a file. More...
subroutine | mom_tidal_mixing::read_tidal_constituents (G, US, tidal_energy_file, CS) |
| This subroutine reads tidal input energy from a file by constituent. More...
subroutine, public | mom_tidal_mixing::tidal_mixing_end (CS) |
| Clear pointers and deallocate memory. More...