subroutine, public | mom_vert_friction::vertvisc (u, v, h, forces, visc, dt, OBC, ADp, CDp, G, GV, US, CS, taux_bot, tauy_bot, Waves) |
| Perform a fully implicit vertical diffusion of momentum. Stress top and bottom boundary conditions are used. More...
subroutine, public | mom_vert_friction::vertvisc_remnant (visc, visc_rem_u, visc_rem_v, dt, G, GV, US, CS) |
| Calculate the fraction of momentum originally in a layer that remains after a time-step of viscosity, and the fraction of a time-step's worth of barotropic acceleration that a layer experiences after viscosity is applied. More...
subroutine, public | mom_vert_friction::vertvisc_coef (u, v, h, forces, visc, dt, G, GV, US, CS, OBC) |
| Calculate the coupling coefficients (CSa_u and CSa_v) and effective layer thicknesses (CSh_u and CSh_v) for later use in the applying the implicit vertical viscosity via vertvisc(). More...
subroutine | mom_vert_friction::find_coupling_coef (a_cpl, hvel, do_i, h_harm, bbl_thick, kv_bbl, z_i, h_ml, dt, j, G, GV, US, CS, visc, forces, work_on_u, OBC, shelf) |
| Calculate the 'coupling coefficient' (a_cpl) at the interfaces. If BOTTOMDRAGLAW is defined, the minimum of Hbbl and half the adjacent layer thicknesses are used to calculate a_cpl near the bottom. More...
subroutine, public | mom_vert_friction::vertvisc_limit_vel (u, v, h, ADp, CDp, forces, visc, dt, G, GV, US, CS) |
| Velocity components which exceed a threshold for physically reasonable values are truncated. Optionally, any column with excessive velocities may be sent to a diagnostic reporting subroutine. More...
subroutine, public | mom_vert_friction::vertvisc_init (MIS, Time, G, GV, US, param_file, diag, ADp, dirs, ntrunc, CS) |
| Initialize the vertical friction module. More...
subroutine, public | mom_vert_friction::updatecfltruncationvalue (Time, CS, activate) |
| Update the CFL truncation value as a function of time. If called with the optional argument activate=.true., record the value of Time as the beginning of the ramp period. More...
subroutine, public | mom_vert_friction::vertvisc_end (CS) |
| Clean up and deallocate the vertical friction module. More...