MOM_verticalGrid.F90 File Reference
#include <MOM_memory.h>
#include "version_variable.h"
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Data Types

type  mom_verticalgrid::verticalgrid_type
 Describes the vertical ocean grid, including unit conversion factors. More...


module  mom_verticalgrid
 Provides a transparent vertical ocean grid type and supporting routines.


subroutine, public mom_verticalgrid::verticalgridinit (param_file, GV, US)
 Allocates and initializes the ocean model vertical grid structure. More...
subroutine, public mom_verticalgrid::fix_restart_scaling (GV)
 Set the scaling factors for restart files to the scaling factors for this run. More...
character(len=48) function, public mom_verticalgrid::get_thickness_units (GV)
 Returns the model's thickness units, usually m or kg/m^2. More...
character(len=48) function, public mom_verticalgrid::get_flux_units (GV)
 Returns the model's thickness flux units, usually m^3/s or kg/s. More...
character(len=48) function, public mom_verticalgrid::get_tr_flux_units (GV, tr_units, tr_vol_conc_units, tr_mass_conc_units)
 Returns the model's tracer flux units. More...
subroutine, public mom_verticalgrid::setverticalgridaxes (Rlay, GV, scale)
 This sets the coordinate data for the "layer mode" of the isopycnal model. More...
subroutine, public mom_verticalgrid::verticalgridend (GV)
 Deallocates the model's vertical grid structure. More...