Go to the documentation of this file.
25 use coupler_types_mod,
only : coupler_type_set_data, ind_csurf
28 implicit none ;
30 #include <MOM_memory.h>
42 logical :: coupled_tracers = .false.
43 type(time_type),
pointer :: time => null()
45 real,
pointer :: tr(:,:,:,:) => null()
46 logical :: tracers_may_reinit
47 integer,
dimension(NTR_MAX) :: ind_tr
51 real,
dimension(NTR_MAX) :: land_val = -1.0
53 real :: remaining_source_time
78 character(len=40) :: mdl =
79 character(len=200) :: inputdir
80 character(len=48) :: var_name
81 character(len=3) :: name_tag
82 character(len=48) :: flux_units
85 #include "version_variable.h"
86 real,
pointer :: tr_ptr(:,:,:) => null()
87 real,
pointer :: rem_time_ptr => null()
89 integer :: isd, ied, jsd, jed, nz, m, i, j
90 isd = hi%isd ; ied = hi%ied ; jsd = hi%jsd ; jed = hi%jed ; nz = gv%ke
92 if (
93 call mom_error(warning,
"register_boundary_impulse_tracer called with an "// &
94 "associated control structure.")
101 call get_param(param_file, mdl,
"IMPULSE_SOURCE_TIME", cs%remaining_source_time, &
102 "Length of time for the boundary tracer to be injected "//&
103 "into the mixed layer. After this time has elapsed, the "//&
104 "surface becomes a sink for the boundary impulse tracer.", &
106 call get_param(param_file, mdl,
"TRACERS_MAY_REINIT", cs%tracers_may_reinit, &
107 "If true, tracers may go through the initialization code "//&
108 "if they are not found in the restart files. Otherwise "//&
109 "it is a fatal error if the tracers are not found in the "//&
110 "restart files of a restarted run.", default=.false.)
112 allocate(cs%tr(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nz,cs%ntr)) ; cs%tr(:,:,:,:) = 0.0
114 cs%nkml = max(gv%nkml,1)
119 cs%tr_desc(m) =
"kg kg-1", &
120 "Boundary impulse tracer", caller=mdl)
121 if (gv%Boussinesq)
then ; flux_units =
"kg kg-1 m3 s-1"
122 else ; flux_units =
"kg s-1" ;
124 tr_ptr => cs%tr(:,:,:,m)
125 call query_vardesc(cs%tr_desc(m), name=var_name, caller=
127 call register_tracer(tr_ptr, tr_reg, param_file, hi, gv, tr_desc=cs%tr_desc(m), &
128 registry_diags=.true., flux_units=flux_units, &
129 restart_cs=restart_cs, mandatory=.not.cs%tracers_may_reinit)
134 if (cs%coupled_tracers) &
136 flux_type=
' ', implementation=
' ', caller=
139 rem_time_ptr => cs%remaining_source_time
141 .not.cs%tracers_may_reinit, restart_cs, &
142 "Remaining time to apply BIR source",
145 cs%restart_CSp => restart_cs
153 logical,
intent(in) :: restart
155 type(time_type),
intent(in) :: day
158 real,
dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(G)), &
160 type(
intent(in) :: diag
171 character(len=16) :: name
172 character(len=72) :: longname
173 character(len=48) :: units
174 character(len=48) :: flux_units
177 integer :: i, j, k, is, ie, js, je, isd, ied, jsd, jed, nz, m
178 integer :: isdb, iedb, jsdb, jedb
180 if (.not.
181 if (cs%ntr < 1)
182 is = g%isc ; ie = g%iec ; js = g%jsc ; je = g%jec ; nz = gv%ke
183 isd = g%isd ; ied = g%ied ; jsd = g%jsd ; jed = g%jed
184 isdb = g%IsdB ; iedb = g%IedB ; jsdb = g%JsdB ; jedb = g%JedB
188 name =
191 call query_vardesc(cs%tr_desc(m), name=name, caller=
192 if ((.not.restart) .or. (.not. &
194 do k=1,cs%nkml ;
do j=jsd,jed ;
do i=isd,ied
196 enddo ;
enddo ;
200 if (
207 subroutine boundary_impulse_tracer_column_physics(h_old, h_new, ea, eb, fluxes, dt, G, GV, US, CS, &
208 tv, debug, evap_CFL_limit, minimum_forcing_depth)
211 real,
dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(G)), &
213 real,
dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(G)), &
215 real,
dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(G)), &
219 real,
dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(G)), &
223 type(
intent(in) :: fluxes
225 real,
intent(in) :: dt
231 logical,
intent(in) :: debug
232 real,
intent(in) :: evap_cfl_limit
234 real,
intent(in) :: minimum_forcing_depth
245 real :: isecs_per_year = 1.0 / (365.0*86400.0)
246 real :: year, h_total, scale, htot, ih_limit
247 integer :: secs, days
248 integer :: i, j, k, is, ie, js, je, nz, m, k_max
249 real,
dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(G)) :: h_work
251 is = g%isc ; ie = g%iec ; js = g%jsc ; je = g%jec ; nz = gv%ke
253 if (.not.
254 if (cs%ntr < 1)
257 if (
present(evap_cfl_limit) .and.
258 do k=1,nz ;
do j=js,je ;
do i=is,ie
259 h_work(i,j,k) = h_old(i,j,k)
260 enddo ;
enddo ;
262 evap_cfl_limit, minimum_forcing_depth)
270 if (cs%remaining_source_time>0.0)
271 do k=1,cs%nkml ;
do j=js,je ;
do i=is,ie
273 enddo ;
enddo ;
274 cs%remaining_source_time = cs%remaining_source_time-us%T_to_s*dt
276 do k=1,cs%nkml ;
do j=js,je ;
do i=is,ie
278 enddo ;
enddo ;
289 real,
intent(in ) :: h
290 real,
intent( out) :: stocks
294 character(len=*),
intent( out) :: names
295 character(len=*),
intent( out) :: units
296 integer,
intent(in ) :: stock_index
305 integer :: i, j, k, is, ie, js, je, nz, m
306 is = g%isc ; ie = g%iec ; js = g%jsc ; je = g%jec ; nz = gv%ke
309 if (.not.
310 if (cs%ntr < 1)
312 if (
then ;
if (stock_index > 0)
320 call query_vardesc(cs%tr_desc(m), name=names(m), units=units(m), caller=
321 units(m) = trim(units(m))//
" kg"
323 do k=1,nz ;
do j=js,je ;
do i=is,ie
324 stocks(m) = stocks(m) + cs%tr(i,j,k,m) * &
325 (g%mask2dT(i,j) * g%US%L_to_m**2*g%areaT(i,j) * h(i,j,k))
326 enddo ;
enddo ;
327 stocks(m) = gv%H_to_kg_m2 * stocks(m)
339 type(
intent(inout) :: state
341 real,
dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(G)), &
349 integer :: m, is, ie, js, je, isd, ied, jsd, jed
350 is = g%isc ; ie = g%iec ; js = g%jsc ; je = g%jec
351 isd = g%isd ; ied = g%ied ; jsd = g%jsd ; jed = g%jed
353 if (.not.
355 if (cs%coupled_tracers)
359 call coupler_type_set_data(cs%tr(:,:,1,m), cs%ind_tr(m), ind_csurf, &
360 state%tr_fields, idim=(/isd, is, ie, ied/), &
361 jdim=(/jsd, js, je, jed/) )
373 if (
374 if (
Wraps the FMS time manager functions.
subroutine, public register_tracer(tr_ptr, Reg, param_file, HI, GV, name, longname, units, cmor_name, cmor_units, cmor_longname, tr_desc, OBC_inflow, OBC_in_u, OBC_in_v, ad_x, ad_y, df_x, df_y, ad_2d_x, ad_2d_y, df_2d_x, df_2d_y, advection_xy, registry_diags, flux_nameroot, flux_longname, flux_units, flux_scale, convergence_units, convergence_scale, cmor_tendprefix, diag_form, restart_CS, mandatory)
This subroutine registers a tracer to be advected and laterally diffused.
Pointers to various fields which may be used describe the surface state of MOM, and which will be ret...
subroutine, public boundary_impulse_tracer_column_physics(h_old, h_new, ea, eb, fluxes, dt, G, GV, US, CS, tv, debug, evap_CFL_limit, minimum_forcing_depth)
Apply source or sink at boundary and do vertical diffusion.
type(vardesc) function, public var_desc(name, units, longname, hor_grid, z_grid, t_grid, cmor_field_name, cmor_units, cmor_longname, conversion, caller)
Returns a vardesc type whose elements have been filled with the provided fields. The argument name is...
subroutine, public query_vardesc(vd, name, units, longname, hor_grid, z_grid, t_grid, cmor_field_name, cmor_units, cmor_longname, conversion, caller)
This routine queries vardesc.
subroutine, public boundary_impulse_tracer_end(CS)
Performs finalization of boundary impulse tracer.
Provides a transparent vertical ocean grid type and supporting routines.
subroutine, public applytracerboundaryfluxesinout(G, GV, Tr, dt, fluxes, h, evap_CFL_limit, minimum_forcing_depth, in_flux_optional, out_flux_optional, update_h_opt)
This routine is modeled after applyBoundaryFluxesInOut in MOM_diabatic_aux.F90 NOTE: Please note that...
subroutine, public set_up_sponge_field(sp_val, f_ptr, G, nlay, CS, sp_val_i_mean)
This subroutine stores the reference profile for the variable whose address is given by f_ptr....
The control structure for the boundary impulse tracer package.
An overloaded interface to log version information about modules.
A dummy version of atmos_ocean_fluxes_mod module for use when the vastly larger FMS package is not ne...
Pointers to an assortment of thermodynamic fields that may be available, including potential temperat...
Implements a boundary impulse response tracer to calculate Green's functions.
integer, parameter ntr_max
NTR_MAX is the maximum number of tracers in this module.
This module contains the tracer_registry_type and the subroutines that handle registration of tracers...
A structure that can be parsed to read and document run-time parameters.
An overloaded interface to read and log the values of various types of parameters.
Defines the horizontal index type (hor_index_type) used for providing index ranges.
This module contains I/O framework code.
A restart registry and the control structure for restarts.
Used to initialize tracers from a depth- (or z*-) space file.
Describes various unit conversion factors.
This module contains routines that implement physical fluxes of tracers (e.g. due to surface fluxes o...
This module implements boundary forcing for MOM6.
subroutine, public boundary_impulse_tracer_surface_state(state, h, G, CS)
This subroutine extracts the surface fields from this tracer package that are to be shared with the a...
subroutine, public tracer_vertdiff(h_old, ea, eb, dt, tr, G, GV, sfc_flux, btm_flux, btm_reservoir, sink_rate, convert_flux_in)
This subroutine solves a tridiagonal equation for the final tracer concentrations after the dual-entr...
Describes the vertical ocean grid, including unit conversion factors.
The MOM6 facility for reading and writing restart files, and querying what has been read.
Provides transparent structures with groups of MOM6 variables and supporting routines.
subroutine, public initialize_boundary_impulse_tracer(restart, day, G, GV, h, diag, OBC, CS, sponge_CSp, tv)
Initialize tracer from restart or set to 1 at surface to initialize.
Controls where open boundary conditions are applied.
The MOM6 facility to parse input files for runtime parameters.
Implements sponge regions in isopycnal mode.
logical function, public tracer_z_init(tr, h, filename, tr_name, G, US, missing_val, land_val)
This function initializes a tracer by reading a Z-space file, returning .true. if this appears to hav...
Type to carry basic tracer information.
Container for horizontal index ranges for data, computational and global domains.
Provides the ocean grid type.
This control structure holds memory and parameters for the MOM_sponge module.
Register fields for restarts.
Provides a transparent unit rescaling type to facilitate dimensional consistency testing.
Structure that contains pointers to the boundary forcing used to drive the liquid ocean simulated by ...
Type for describing a variable, typically a tracer.
integer function, public boundary_impulse_stock(h, stocks, G, GV, CS, names, units, stock_index)
Calculate total inventory of tracer.
Indicate whether a file exists, perhaps with domain decomposition.
subroutine, public mom_error(level, message, all_print)
This provides a convenient interface for writing an mpp_error message with run-time filter based on a...
integer function, public aof_set_coupler_flux(name, flux_type, implementation, atm_tr_index, param, flag, mol_wt, ice_restart_file, ocean_restart_file, units, caller, verbosity)
This subroutine duplicates an interface used by the FMS coupler, but only returns a value of -1....
An overloaded interface to log the values of various types of parameters.
Indicate whether a field has been read from a restart file.
logical function, public register_boundary_impulse_tracer(HI, GV, param_file, CS, tr_Reg, restart_CS)
Read in runtime options and add boundary impulse tracer to tracer registry.
Routines for error handling and I/O management.
Ocean grid type. See mom_grid for details.