mom_document Module Reference

Detailed Description

The subroutines here provide hooks for document generation functions at various levels of granularity.

Data Types

interface  doc_param
 Document parameter values. More...
type  doc_type
 A structure that controls where the documentation occurs, its veborsity and formatting. More...
type  link_msg
 A linked list of the parameter documentation messages that have been issued so far. More...


subroutine doc_param_none (doc, varname, desc, units)
 This subroutine handles parameter documentation with no value. More...
subroutine doc_param_logical (doc, varname, desc, units, val, default, layoutParam, debuggingParam)
 This subroutine handles parameter documentation for logicals. More...
subroutine doc_param_logical_array (doc, varname, desc, units, vals, default, layoutParam, debuggingParam)
 This subroutine handles parameter documentation for arrays of logicals. More...
subroutine doc_param_int (doc, varname, desc, units, val, default, layoutParam, debuggingParam)
 This subroutine handles parameter documentation for integers. More...
subroutine doc_param_int_array (doc, varname, desc, units, vals, default, layoutParam, debuggingParam)
 This subroutine handles parameter documentation for arrays of integers. More...
subroutine doc_param_real (doc, varname, desc, units, val, default, debuggingParam)
 This subroutine handles parameter documentation for reals. More...
subroutine doc_param_real_array (doc, varname, desc, units, vals, default, debuggingParam)
 This subroutine handles parameter documentation for arrays of reals. More...
subroutine doc_param_char (doc, varname, desc, units, val, default, layoutParam, debuggingParam)
 This subroutine handles parameter documentation for character strings. More...
subroutine, public doc_openblock (doc, blockName, desc)
 This subroutine handles documentation for opening a parameter block. More...
subroutine, public doc_closeblock (doc, blockName)
 This subroutine handles documentation for closing a parameter block. More...
subroutine doc_param_time (doc, varname, desc, units, val, default, layoutParam, debuggingParam)
 This subroutine handles parameter documentation for time-type variables. More...
subroutine writemessageanddesc (doc, vmesg, desc, valueWasDefault, indent, layoutParam, debuggingParam)
 This subroutine writes out the message and description to the documetation files. More...
character(len=32) function real_string (val)
 This function returns a string with a real formatted like '(G)'. More...
character(len=1320) function real_array_string (vals, sep)
 Returns a character string of a comma-separated, compact formatted, reals e.g. "1., 2., 5*3., 5.E2", that give the list of values. More...
logical function testformattedfloatisreal (str, val)
 This function tests whether a real value is encoded in a string. More...
character(len=24) function int_string (val)
 This function returns a string with an integer formatted like '(I)'. More...
character(len=24) function logical_string (val)
 This function returns a string with an logical formatted like '(L)'. More...
character(len=mlen) function define_string (doc, varName, valString, units)
 This function returns a string for formatted parameter assignment. More...
character(len=mlen) function undef_string (doc, varName, units)
 This function returns a string for formatted false logicals. More...
subroutine, public doc_module (doc, modname, desc)
 This subroutine handles the module documentation. More...
subroutine, public doc_subroutine (doc, modname, subname, desc)
 This subroutine handles the subroutine documentation. More...
subroutine, public doc_function (doc, modname, fnname, desc)
 This subroutine handles the function documentation. More...
subroutine, public doc_init (docFileBase, doc, minimal, complete, layout, debugging)
 Initialize the parameter documentation. More...
subroutine open_doc_file (doc)
 This subroutine allocates and populates a structure that controls where the documentation occurs and its formatting, and opens up the files controlled by this structure. More...
integer function find_unused_unit_number ()
 Find an unused unit number, returning >0 if found, and triggering a FATAL error if not. More...
subroutine, public doc_end (doc)
 This subroutine closes the the files controlled by doc, and sets flags in doc to indicate that parameterization is no longer permitted. More...
logical function mesghasbeendocumented (doc, varName, mesg)
 Returns true if documentation has already been written. More...


integer, parameter mlen = 1240
 Length of interface/message strings. More...
character(len=4), parameter string_true = 'True'
 A string for true logicals. More...
character(len=5), parameter string_false = 'False'
 A string for false logicals. More...

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ define_string()

character(len=mlen) function mom_document::define_string ( type(doc_type), pointer  doc,
character(len=*), intent(in)  varName,
character(len=*), intent(in)  valString,
character(len=*), intent(in)  units 

This function returns a string for formatted parameter assignment.

docA pointer to a structure that controls where the documentation occurs and its formatting
[in]varnameThe name of the parameter being documented
[in]valstringA string containing the value of the parameter
[in]unitsThe units of the parameter being documented

Definition at line 679 of file MOM_document.F90.

679  type(doc_type), pointer :: doc !< A pointer to a structure that controls where the
680  !! documentation occurs and its formatting
681  character(len=*), intent(in) :: varName !< The name of the parameter being documented
682  character(len=*), intent(in) :: valString !< A string containing the value of the parameter
683  character(len=*), intent(in) :: units !< The units of the parameter being documented
684  character(len=mLen) :: define_string
685 ! This function returns a string for formatted parameter assignment
686  integer :: numSpaces
687  define_string = repeat(" ",mlen) ! Blank everything for safety
688  if (doc%defineSyntax) then
689  define_string = "#define "//trim(varname)//" "//valstring
690  else
691  define_string = trim(varname)//" = "//valstring
692  endif
693  numspaces = max(1, doc%commentColumn - len_trim(define_string) )
694  define_string = trim(define_string)//repeat(" ",numspaces)//"!"
695  if (len_trim(units) > 0) define_string = trim(define_string)//" ["//trim(units)//"]"

References mlen.

Referenced by doc_param_char(), doc_param_int(), doc_param_int_array(), doc_param_logical(), doc_param_logical_array(), doc_param_real(), and doc_param_real_array().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ doc_closeblock()

subroutine, public mom_document::doc_closeblock ( type(doc_type), pointer  doc,
character(len=*), intent(in)  blockName 

This subroutine handles documentation for closing a parameter block.

docA pointer to a structure that controls where the documentation occurs and its formatting
[in]blocknameThe name of the parameter block being closed

Definition at line 392 of file MOM_document.F90.

392  type(doc_type), pointer :: doc !< A pointer to a structure that controls where the
393  !! documentation occurs and its formatting
394  character(len=*), intent(in) :: blockName !< The name of the parameter block being closed
395 ! This subroutine handles documentation for closing a parameter block.
396  character(len=mLen) :: mesg
397  character(len=doc%commentColumn) :: valstring
398  integer :: i
400  if (.not. (is_root_pe() .and. associated(doc))) return
401  call open_doc_file(doc)
403  if (doc%filesAreOpen) then
404  mesg = '%'//trim(blockname)
406  call writemessageanddesc(doc, mesg, '')
407  endif
408  i = index(trim(doc%blockPrefix), trim(blockname)//'%', .true.)
409  if (i>1) then
410  doc%blockPrefix = trim(doc%blockPrefix(1:i-1))
411  else
412  doc%blockPrefix = ''
413  endif

References mom_error_handler::is_root_pe(), open_doc_file(), and writemessageanddesc().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ doc_end()

subroutine, public mom_document::doc_end ( type(doc_type), pointer  doc)

This subroutine closes the the files controlled by doc, and sets flags in doc to indicate that parameterization is no longer permitted.

docA pointer to a structure that controls where the documentation occurs and its formatting

Definition at line 912 of file MOM_document.F90.

912  type(doc_type), pointer :: doc !< A pointer to a structure that controls where the
913  !! documentation occurs and its formatting
914  type(link_msg), pointer :: this => null(), next => null()
916  if (.not.associated(doc)) return
918  if (doc%unitAll > 0) then
919  close(doc%unitAll)
920  doc%unitAll = -2
921  endif
923  if (doc%unitShort > 0) then
924  close(doc%unitShort)
925  doc%unitShort = -2
926  endif
928  if (doc%unitLayout > 0) then
929  close(doc%unitLayout)
930  doc%unitLayout = -2
931  endif
933  if (doc%unitDebugging > 0) then
934  close(doc%unitDebugging)
935  doc%unitDebugging = -2
936  endif
938  doc%filesAreOpen = .false.
940  this => doc%chain_msg
941  do while( associated(this) )
942  next => this%next
943  deallocate(this)
944  this => next
945  enddo

◆ doc_function()

subroutine, public mom_document::doc_function ( type(doc_type), pointer  doc,
character(len=*), intent(in)  modname,
character(len=*), intent(in)  fnname,
character(len=*), intent(in)  desc 

This subroutine handles the function documentation.

docA pointer to a structure that controls where the documentation occurs and its formatting
[in]modnameThe name of the module being documented
[in]fnnameThe name of the function being documented
[in]descA description of the function being documented

Definition at line 755 of file MOM_document.F90.

755  type(doc_type), pointer :: doc !< A pointer to a structure that controls where the
756  !! documentation occurs and its formatting
757  character(len=*), intent(in) :: modname !< The name of the module being documented
758  character(len=*), intent(in) :: fnname !< The name of the function being documented
759  character(len=*), intent(in) :: desc !< A description of the function being documented
760 ! This subroutine handles the function documentation
761  if (.not. (is_root_pe() .and. associated(doc))) return
762  call open_doc_file(doc)

References mom_error_handler::is_root_pe(), and open_doc_file().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ doc_init()

subroutine, public mom_document::doc_init ( character(len=*), intent(in)  docFileBase,
type(doc_type), pointer  doc,
logical, intent(in), optional  minimal,
logical, intent(in), optional  complete,
logical, intent(in), optional  layout,
logical, intent(in), optional  debugging 

Initialize the parameter documentation.

[in]docfilebaseThe base file name for this set of parameters, for example MOM_parameter_doc
docA pointer to a structure that controls where the documentation occurs and its formatting
[in]minimalIf present and true, write out the files (.short) documenting those parameters that do not take on their default values.
[in]completeIf present and true, write out the (.all) files documenting all parameters
[in]layoutIf present and true, write out the (.layout) files documenting the layout parameters
[in]debuggingIf present and true, write out the (.debugging) files documenting the debugging parameters

Definition at line 770 of file MOM_document.F90.

770  character(len=*), intent(in) :: docFileBase !< The base file name for this set of parameters,
771  !! for example MOM_parameter_doc
772  type(doc_type), pointer :: doc !< A pointer to a structure that controls where the
773  !! documentation occurs and its formatting
774  logical, optional, intent(in) :: minimal !< If present and true, write out the files (.short) documenting
775  !! those parameters that do not take on their default values.
776  logical, optional, intent(in) :: complete !< If present and true, write out the (.all) files documenting all
777  !! parameters
778  logical, optional, intent(in) :: layout !< If present and true, write out the (.layout) files documenting
779  !! the layout parameters
780  logical, optional, intent(in) :: debugging !< If present and true, write out the (.debugging) files documenting
781  !! the debugging parameters
783  if (.not. associated(doc)) then
784  allocate(doc)
785  endif
787  doc%docFileBase = docfilebase
788  if (present(minimal)) doc%minimal = minimal
789  if (present(complete)) doc%complete = complete
790  if (present(layout)) doc%layout = layout
791  if (present(debugging)) doc%debugging = debugging

◆ doc_module()

subroutine, public mom_document::doc_module ( type(doc_type), pointer  doc,
character(len=*), intent(in)  modname,
character(len=*), intent(in)  desc 

This subroutine handles the module documentation.

docA pointer to a structure that controls where the documentation occurs and its formatting
[in]modnameThe name of the module being documented
[in]descA description of the module being documented

Definition at line 723 of file MOM_document.F90.

723  type(doc_type), pointer :: doc !< A pointer to a structure that controls where the
724  !! documentation occurs and its formatting
725  character(len=*), intent(in) :: modname !< The name of the module being documented
726  character(len=*), intent(in) :: desc !< A description of the module being documented
727 ! This subroutine handles the module documentation
728  character(len=mLen) :: mesg
730  if (.not. (is_root_pe() .and. associated(doc))) return
731  call open_doc_file(doc)
733  if (doc%filesAreOpen) then
734  call writemessageanddesc(doc, '', '') ! Blank line for delineation
735  mesg = "! === module "//trim(modname)//" ==="
736  call writemessageanddesc(doc, mesg, desc, indent=0)
737  endif

References mom_error_handler::is_root_pe(), open_doc_file(), and writemessageanddesc().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ doc_openblock()

subroutine, public mom_document::doc_openblock ( type(doc_type), pointer  doc,
character(len=*), intent(in)  blockName,
character(len=*), intent(in), optional  desc 

This subroutine handles documentation for opening a parameter block.

docA pointer to a structure that controls where the documentation occurs and its formatting
[in]blocknameThe name of the parameter block being opened
[in]descA description of the parameter block being opened

Definition at line 367 of file MOM_document.F90.

367  type(doc_type), pointer :: doc !< A pointer to a structure that controls where the
368  !! documentation occurs and its formatting
369  character(len=*), intent(in) :: blockName !< The name of the parameter block being opened
370  character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: desc !< A description of the parameter block being opened
371 ! This subroutine handles documentation for opening a parameter block.
372  character(len=mLen) :: mesg
373  character(len=doc%commentColumn) :: valstring
375  if (.not. (is_root_pe() .and. associated(doc))) return
376  call open_doc_file(doc)
378  if (doc%filesAreOpen) then
379  mesg = trim(blockname)//'%'
381  if (present(desc)) then
382  call writemessageanddesc(doc, mesg, desc)
383  else
384  call writemessageanddesc(doc, mesg, '')
385  endif
386  endif
387  doc%blockPrefix = trim(doc%blockPrefix)//trim(blockname)//'%'

References mom_error_handler::is_root_pe(), open_doc_file(), and writemessageanddesc().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ doc_param_char()

subroutine mom_document::doc_param_char ( type(doc_type), pointer  doc,
character(len=*), intent(in)  varname,
character(len=*), intent(in)  desc,
character(len=*), intent(in)  units,
character(len=*), intent(in)  val,
character(len=*), intent(in), optional  default,
logical, intent(in), optional  layoutParam,
logical, intent(in), optional  debuggingParam 

This subroutine handles parameter documentation for character strings.

docA pointer to a structure that controls where the documentation occurs and its formatting
[in]varnameThe name of the parameter being documented
[in]descA description of the parameter being documented
[in]unitsThe units of the parameter being documented
[in]valThe value of the parameter
[in]defaultThe default value of this parameter
[in]layoutparamIf present and true, this is a layout parameter.
[in]debuggingparamIf present and true, this is a debugging parameter.

Definition at line 332 of file MOM_document.F90.

332  type(doc_type), pointer :: doc !< A pointer to a structure that controls where the
333  !! documentation occurs and its formatting
334  character(len=*), intent(in) :: varname !< The name of the parameter being documented
335  character(len=*), intent(in) :: desc !< A description of the parameter being documented
336  character(len=*), intent(in) :: units !< The units of the parameter being documented
337  character(len=*), intent(in) :: val !< The value of the parameter
338  character(len=*), &
339  optional, intent(in) :: default !< The default value of this parameter
340  logical, optional, intent(in) :: layoutParam !< If present and true, this is a layout parameter.
341  logical, optional, intent(in) :: debuggingParam !< If present and true, this is a debugging parameter.
342 ! This subroutine handles parameter documentation for character strings.
343  character(len=mLen) :: mesg
344  logical :: equalsDefault
346  if (.not. (is_root_pe() .and. associated(doc))) return
347  call open_doc_file(doc)
349  if (doc%filesAreOpen) then
350  mesg = define_string(doc,varname,'"'//trim(val)//'"',units)
352  equalsdefault = .false.
353  if (present(default)) then
354  if (trim(val) == trim(default)) equalsdefault = .true.
355  mesg = trim(mesg)//' default = "'//trim(adjustl(default))//'"'
356  endif
358  if (mesghasbeendocumented(doc, varname, mesg)) return ! Avoid duplicates
359  call writemessageanddesc(doc, mesg, desc, equalsdefault, &
360  layoutparam=layoutparam, debuggingparam=debuggingparam)
361  endif

References define_string(), mom_error_handler::is_root_pe(), mesghasbeendocumented(), open_doc_file(), and writemessageanddesc().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ doc_param_int()

subroutine mom_document::doc_param_int ( type(doc_type), pointer  doc,
character(len=*), intent(in)  varname,
character(len=*), intent(in)  desc,
character(len=*), intent(in)  units,
integer, intent(in)  val,
integer, intent(in), optional  default,
logical, intent(in), optional  layoutParam,
logical, intent(in), optional  debuggingParam 

This subroutine handles parameter documentation for integers.

docA pointer to a structure that controls where the documentation occurs and its formatting
[in]varnameThe name of the parameter being documented
[in]descA description of the parameter being documented
[in]unitsThe units of the parameter being documented
[in]valThe value of this parameter
[in]defaultThe default value of this parameter
[in]layoutparamIf present and true, this is a layout parameter.
[in]debuggingparamIf present and true, this is a debugging parameter.

Definition at line 181 of file MOM_document.F90.

181  type(doc_type), pointer :: doc !< A pointer to a structure that controls where the
182  !! documentation occurs and its formatting
183  character(len=*), intent(in) :: varname !< The name of the parameter being documented
184  character(len=*), intent(in) :: desc !< A description of the parameter being documented
185  character(len=*), intent(in) :: units !< The units of the parameter being documented
186  integer, intent(in) :: val !< The value of this parameter
187  integer, optional, intent(in) :: default !< The default value of this parameter
188  logical, optional, intent(in) :: layoutParam !< If present and true, this is a layout parameter.
189  logical, optional, intent(in) :: debuggingParam !< If present and true, this is a debugging parameter.
190 ! This subroutine handles parameter documentation for integers.
191  character(len=mLen) :: mesg
192  character(len=doc%commentColumn) :: valstring
193  logical :: equalsDefault
195  if (.not. (is_root_pe() .and. associated(doc))) return
196  call open_doc_file(doc)
198  if (doc%filesAreOpen) then
199  valstring = int_string(val)
200  mesg = define_string(doc,varname,valstring,units)
202  equalsdefault = .false.
203  if (present(default)) then
204  if (val == default) equalsdefault = .true.
205  mesg = trim(mesg)//" default = "//(trim(int_string(default)))
206  endif
208  if (mesghasbeendocumented(doc, varname, mesg)) return ! Avoid duplicates
209  call writemessageanddesc(doc, mesg, desc, equalsdefault, &
210  layoutparam=layoutparam, debuggingparam=debuggingparam)
211  endif

References define_string(), int_string(), mom_error_handler::is_root_pe(), mesghasbeendocumented(), open_doc_file(), and writemessageanddesc().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ doc_param_int_array()

subroutine mom_document::doc_param_int_array ( type(doc_type), pointer  doc,
character(len=*), intent(in)  varname,
character(len=*), intent(in)  desc,
character(len=*), intent(in)  units,
integer, dimension(:), intent(in)  vals,
integer, intent(in), optional  default,
logical, intent(in), optional  layoutParam,
logical, intent(in), optional  debuggingParam 

This subroutine handles parameter documentation for arrays of integers.

docA pointer to a structure that controls where the documentation occurs and its formatting
[in]varnameThe name of the parameter being documented
[in]descA description of the parameter being documented
[in]unitsThe units of the parameter being documented
[in]valsThe array of values to record
[in]defaultThe default value of this parameter
[in]layoutparamIf present and true, this is a layout parameter.
[in]debuggingparamIf present and true, this is a debugging parameter.

Definition at line 217 of file MOM_document.F90.

217  type(doc_type), pointer :: doc !< A pointer to a structure that controls where the
218  !! documentation occurs and its formatting
219  character(len=*), intent(in) :: varname !< The name of the parameter being documented
220  character(len=*), intent(in) :: desc !< A description of the parameter being documented
221  character(len=*), intent(in) :: units !< The units of the parameter being documented
222  integer, intent(in) :: vals(:) !< The array of values to record
223  integer, optional, intent(in) :: default !< The default value of this parameter
224  logical, optional, intent(in) :: layoutParam !< If present and true, this is a layout parameter.
225  logical, optional, intent(in) :: debuggingParam !< If present and true, this is a debugging parameter.
226 ! This subroutine handles parameter documentation for arrays of integers.
227  integer :: i
228  character(len=mLen) :: mesg
229  character(len=mLen) :: valstring
230  logical :: equalsDefault
232  if (.not. (is_root_pe() .and. associated(doc))) return
233  call open_doc_file(doc)
235  if (doc%filesAreOpen) then
236  valstring = int_string(vals(1))
237  do i=2,min(size(vals),128)
238  valstring = trim(valstring)//", "//trim(int_string(vals(i)))
239  enddo
241  mesg = define_string(doc,varname,valstring,units)
243  equalsdefault = .false.
244  if (present(default)) then
245  equalsdefault = .true.
246  do i=1,size(vals) ; if (vals(i) /= default) equalsdefault = .false. ; enddo
247  mesg = trim(mesg)//" default = "//(trim(int_string(default)))
248  endif
250  if (mesghasbeendocumented(doc, varname, mesg)) return ! Avoid duplicates
251  call writemessageanddesc(doc, mesg, desc, equalsdefault, &
252  layoutparam=layoutparam, debuggingparam=debuggingparam)
253  endif

References define_string(), int_string(), mom_error_handler::is_root_pe(), mesghasbeendocumented(), open_doc_file(), and writemessageanddesc().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ doc_param_logical()

subroutine mom_document::doc_param_logical ( type(doc_type), pointer  doc,
character(len=*), intent(in)  varname,
character(len=*), intent(in)  desc,
character(len=*), intent(in)  units,
logical, intent(in)  val,
logical, intent(in), optional  default,
logical, intent(in), optional  layoutParam,
logical, intent(in), optional  debuggingParam 

This subroutine handles parameter documentation for logicals.

docA pointer to a structure that controls where the documentation occurs and its formatting
[in]varnameThe name of the parameter being documented
[in]descA description of the parameter being documented
[in]unitsThe units of the parameter being documented
[in]valThe value of this parameter
[in]defaultThe default value of this parameter
[in]layoutparamIf present and true, this is a layout parameter.
[in]debuggingparamIf present and true, this is a debugging parameter.

Definition at line 89 of file MOM_document.F90.

89  type(doc_type), pointer :: doc !< A pointer to a structure that controls where the
90  !! documentation occurs and its formatting
91  character(len=*), intent(in) :: varname !< The name of the parameter being documented
92  character(len=*), intent(in) :: desc !< A description of the parameter being documented
93  character(len=*), intent(in) :: units !< The units of the parameter being documented
94  logical, intent(in) :: val !< The value of this parameter
95  logical, optional, intent(in) :: default !< The default value of this parameter
96  logical, optional, intent(in) :: layoutParam !< If present and true, this is a layout parameter.
97  logical, optional, intent(in) :: debuggingParam !< If present and true, this is a debugging parameter.
98 ! This subroutine handles parameter documentation for logicals.
99  character(len=mLen) :: mesg
100  logical :: equalsDefault
102  if (.not. (is_root_pe() .and. associated(doc))) return
103  call open_doc_file(doc)
105  if (doc%filesAreOpen) then
106  if (val) then
107  mesg = define_string(doc,varname,string_true,units)
108  else
109  mesg = undef_string(doc,varname,units)
110  endif
112  equalsdefault = .false.
113  if (present(default)) then
114  if (val .eqv. default) equalsdefault = .true.
115  if (default) then
116  mesg = trim(mesg)//" default = "//string_true
117  else
118  mesg = trim(mesg)//" default = "//string_false
119  endif
120  endif
122  if (mesghasbeendocumented(doc, varname, mesg)) return ! Avoid duplicates
123  call writemessageanddesc(doc, mesg, desc, equalsdefault, &
124  layoutparam=layoutparam, debuggingparam=debuggingparam)
125  endif

References define_string(), mom_error_handler::is_root_pe(), mesghasbeendocumented(), open_doc_file(), string_false, string_true, undef_string(), and writemessageanddesc().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ doc_param_logical_array()

subroutine mom_document::doc_param_logical_array ( type(doc_type), pointer  doc,
character(len=*), intent(in)  varname,
character(len=*), intent(in)  desc,
character(len=*), intent(in)  units,
logical, dimension(:), intent(in)  vals,
logical, intent(in), optional  default,
logical, intent(in), optional  layoutParam,
logical, intent(in), optional  debuggingParam 

This subroutine handles parameter documentation for arrays of logicals.

docA pointer to a structure that controls where the documentation occurs and its formatting
[in]varnameThe name of the parameter being documented
[in]descA description of the parameter being documented
[in]unitsThe units of the parameter being documented
[in]valsThe array of values to record
[in]defaultThe default value of this parameter
[in]layoutparamIf present and true, this is a layout parameter.
[in]debuggingparamIf present and true, this is a debugging parameter.

Definition at line 131 of file MOM_document.F90.

131  type(doc_type), pointer :: doc !< A pointer to a structure that controls where the
132  !! documentation occurs and its formatting
133  character(len=*), intent(in) :: varname !< The name of the parameter being documented
134  character(len=*), intent(in) :: desc !< A description of the parameter being documented
135  character(len=*), intent(in) :: units !< The units of the parameter being documented
136  logical, intent(in) :: vals(:) !< The array of values to record
137  logical, optional, intent(in) :: default !< The default value of this parameter
138  logical, optional, intent(in) :: layoutParam !< If present and true, this is a layout parameter.
139  logical, optional, intent(in) :: debuggingParam !< If present and true, this is a debugging parameter.
140 ! This subroutine handles parameter documentation for arrays of logicals.
141  integer :: i
142  character(len=mLen) :: mesg
143  character(len=mLen) :: valstring
144  logical :: equalsDefault
146  if (.not. (is_root_pe() .and. associated(doc))) return
147  call open_doc_file(doc)
149  if (doc%filesAreOpen) then
150  if (vals(1)) then ; valstring = string_true ; else ; valstring = string_false ; endif
151  do i=2,min(size(vals),128)
152  if (vals(i)) then
153  valstring = trim(valstring)//", "//string_true
154  else
155  valstring = trim(valstring)//", "//string_false
156  endif
157  enddo
159  mesg = define_string(doc,varname,valstring,units)
161  equalsdefault = .false.
162  if (present(default)) then
163  equalsdefault = .true.
164  do i=1,size(vals) ; if (vals(i) .neqv. default) equalsdefault = .false. ; enddo
165  if (default) then
166  mesg = trim(mesg)//" default = "//string_true
167  else
168  mesg = trim(mesg)//" default = "//string_false
169  endif
170  endif
172  if (mesghasbeendocumented(doc, varname, mesg)) return ! Avoid duplicates
173  call writemessageanddesc(doc, mesg, desc, equalsdefault, &
174  layoutparam=layoutparam, debuggingparam=debuggingparam)
175  endif

References define_string(), mom_error_handler::is_root_pe(), mesghasbeendocumented(), open_doc_file(), string_false, string_true, and writemessageanddesc().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ doc_param_none()

subroutine mom_document::doc_param_none ( type(doc_type), pointer  doc,
character(len=*), intent(in)  varname,
character(len=*), intent(in)  desc,
character(len=*), intent(in)  units 

This subroutine handles parameter documentation with no value.

docA pointer to a structure that controls where the documentation occurs and its formatting
[in]varnameThe name of the parameter being documented
[in]descA description of the parameter being documented
[in]unitsThe units of the parameter being documented

Definition at line 64 of file MOM_document.F90.

64  type(doc_type), pointer :: doc !< A pointer to a structure that controls where the
65  !! documentation occurs and its formatting
66  character(len=*), intent(in) :: varname !< The name of the parameter being documented
67  character(len=*), intent(in) :: desc !< A description of the parameter being documented
68  character(len=*), intent(in) :: units !< The units of the parameter being documented
69 ! This subroutine handles parameter documentation with no value.
70  integer :: numspc
71  character(len=mLen) :: mesg
73  if (.not. (is_root_pe() .and. associated(doc))) return
74  call open_doc_file(doc)
76  if (doc%filesAreOpen) then
77  numspc = max(1,doc%commentColumn-8-len_trim(varname))
78  mesg = "#define "//trim(varname)//repeat(" ",numspc)//"!"
79  if (len_trim(units) > 0) mesg = trim(mesg)//" ["//trim(units)//"]"
81  if (mesghasbeendocumented(doc, varname, mesg)) return ! Avoid duplicates
82  call writemessageanddesc(doc, mesg, desc)
83  endif

References mom_error_handler::is_root_pe(), mesghasbeendocumented(), open_doc_file(), and writemessageanddesc().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ doc_param_real()

subroutine mom_document::doc_param_real ( type(doc_type), pointer  doc,
character(len=*), intent(in)  varname,
character(len=*), intent(in)  desc,
character(len=*), intent(in)  units,
real, intent(in)  val,
real, intent(in), optional  default,
logical, intent(in), optional  debuggingParam 

This subroutine handles parameter documentation for reals.

docA pointer to a structure that controls where the documentation occurs and its formatting
[in]varnameThe name of the parameter being documented
[in]descA description of the parameter being documented
[in]unitsThe units of the parameter being documented
[in]valThe value of this parameter
[in]defaultThe default value of this parameter
[in]debuggingparamIf present and true, this is a debugging parameter.

Definition at line 259 of file MOM_document.F90.

259  type(doc_type), pointer :: doc !< A pointer to a structure that controls where the
260  !! documentation occurs and its formatting
261  character(len=*), intent(in) :: varname !< The name of the parameter being documented
262  character(len=*), intent(in) :: desc !< A description of the parameter being documented
263  character(len=*), intent(in) :: units !< The units of the parameter being documented
264  real, intent(in) :: val !< The value of this parameter
265  real, optional, intent(in) :: default !< The default value of this parameter
266  logical, optional, intent(in) :: debuggingParam !< If present and true, this is a debugging parameter.
267 ! This subroutine handles parameter documentation for reals.
268  character(len=mLen) :: mesg
269  character(len=doc%commentColumn) :: valstring
270  logical :: equalsDefault
272  if (.not. (is_root_pe() .and. associated(doc))) return
273  call open_doc_file(doc)
275  if (doc%filesAreOpen) then
276  valstring = real_string(val)
277  mesg = define_string(doc,varname,valstring,units)
279  equalsdefault = .false.
280  if (present(default)) then
281  if (val == default) equalsdefault = .true.
282  mesg = trim(mesg)//" default = "//trim(real_string(default))
283  endif
285  if (mesghasbeendocumented(doc, varname, mesg)) return ! Avoid duplicates
286  call writemessageanddesc(doc, mesg, desc, equalsdefault, &
287  debuggingparam=debuggingparam)
288  endif

References define_string(), mom_error_handler::is_root_pe(), mesghasbeendocumented(), open_doc_file(), real_string(), and writemessageanddesc().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ doc_param_real_array()

subroutine mom_document::doc_param_real_array ( type(doc_type), pointer  doc,
character(len=*), intent(in)  varname,
character(len=*), intent(in)  desc,
character(len=*), intent(in)  units,
real, dimension(:), intent(in)  vals,
real, intent(in), optional  default,
logical, intent(in), optional  debuggingParam 

This subroutine handles parameter documentation for arrays of reals.

docA pointer to a structure that controls where the documentation occurs and its formatting
[in]varnameThe name of the parameter being documented
[in]descA description of the parameter being documented
[in]unitsThe units of the parameter being documented
[in]valsThe array of values to record
[in]defaultThe default value of this parameter
[in]debuggingparamIf present and true, this is a debugging parameter.

Definition at line 293 of file MOM_document.F90.

293  type(doc_type), pointer :: doc !< A pointer to a structure that controls where the
294  !! documentation occurs and its formatting
295  character(len=*), intent(in) :: varname !< The name of the parameter being documented
296  character(len=*), intent(in) :: desc !< A description of the parameter being documented
297  character(len=*), intent(in) :: units !< The units of the parameter being documented
298  real, intent(in) :: vals(:) !< The array of values to record
299  real, optional, intent(in) :: default !< The default value of this parameter
300  logical, optional, intent(in) :: debuggingParam !< If present and true, this is a debugging parameter.
301 ! This subroutine handles parameter documentation for arrays of reals.
302  integer :: i
303  character(len=mLen) :: mesg
304  character(len=mLen) :: valstring
305  logical :: equalsDefault
307  if (.not. (is_root_pe() .and. associated(doc))) return
308  call open_doc_file(doc)
310  if (doc%filesAreOpen) then
311  valstring = trim(real_array_string(vals(:)))
313  mesg = define_string(doc,varname,valstring,units)
315  equalsdefault = .false.
316  if (present(default)) then
317  equalsdefault = .true.
318  do i=1,size(vals) ; if (vals(i) /= default) equalsdefault = .false. ; enddo
319  mesg = trim(mesg)//" default = "//trim(real_string(default))
320  endif
322  if (mesghasbeendocumented(doc, varname, mesg)) return ! Avoid duplicates
323  call writemessageanddesc(doc, mesg, desc, equalsdefault, &
324  debuggingparam=debuggingparam)
325  endif

References define_string(), mom_error_handler::is_root_pe(), mesghasbeendocumented(), open_doc_file(), real_array_string(), real_string(), and writemessageanddesc().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ doc_param_time()

subroutine mom_document::doc_param_time ( type(doc_type), pointer  doc,
character(len=*), intent(in)  varname,
character(len=*), intent(in)  desc,
character(len=*), intent(in)  units,
type(time_type), intent(in)  val,
type(time_type), intent(in), optional  default,
logical, intent(in), optional  layoutParam,
logical, intent(in), optional  debuggingParam 

This subroutine handles parameter documentation for time-type variables.

docA pointer to a structure that controls where the documentation occurs and its formatting
[in]varnameThe name of the parameter being documented
[in]descA description of the parameter being documented
[in]unitsThe units of the parameter being documented
[in]valThe value of the parameter
[in]defaultThe default value of this parameter
[in]layoutparamIf present and true, this is a layout parameter.
[in]debuggingparamIf present and true, this is a debugging parameter.

Definition at line 419 of file MOM_document.F90.

419  type(doc_type), pointer :: doc !< A pointer to a structure that controls where the
420  !! documentation occurs and its formatting
421  character(len=*), intent(in) :: varname !< The name of the parameter being documented
422  character(len=*), intent(in) :: desc !< A description of the parameter being documented
423  character(len=*), intent(in) :: units !< The units of the parameter being documented
424  type(time_type), intent(in) :: val !< The value of the parameter
425  type(time_type), optional, intent(in) :: default !< The default value of this parameter
426  logical, optional, intent(in) :: layoutParam !< If present and true, this is a layout parameter.
427  logical, optional, intent(in) :: debuggingParam !< If present and true, this is a debugging parameter.
428 ! This subroutine handles parameter documentation for time-type variables.
429 ! ### This needs to be written properly!
430  integer :: numspc
431  character(len=mLen) :: mesg
432  logical :: equalsDefault
434  if (.not. (is_root_pe() .and. associated(doc))) return
435  call open_doc_file(doc)
437  equalsdefault = .false.
438  if (doc%filesAreOpen) then
439  numspc = max(1,doc%commentColumn-18-len_trim(varname))
440  mesg = "#define "//trim(varname)//" Time-type"//repeat(" ",numspc)//"!"
441  if (len_trim(units) > 0) mesg = trim(mesg)//" ["//trim(units)//"]"
443  if (mesghasbeendocumented(doc, varname, mesg)) return ! Avoid duplicates
444  call writemessageanddesc(doc, mesg, desc, equalsdefault, &
445  layoutparam=layoutparam, debuggingparam=debuggingparam)
446  endif

References mom_error_handler::is_root_pe(), mesghasbeendocumented(), open_doc_file(), and writemessageanddesc().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ doc_subroutine()

subroutine, public mom_document::doc_subroutine ( type(doc_type), pointer  doc,
character(len=*), intent(in)  modname,
character(len=*), intent(in)  subname,
character(len=*), intent(in)  desc 

This subroutine handles the subroutine documentation.

docA pointer to a structure that controls where the documentation occurs and its formatting
[in]modnameThe name of the module being documented
[in]subnameThe name of the subroutine being documented
[in]descA description of the subroutine being documented

Definition at line 742 of file MOM_document.F90.

742  type(doc_type), pointer :: doc !< A pointer to a structure that controls where the
743  !! documentation occurs and its formatting
744  character(len=*), intent(in) :: modname !< The name of the module being documented
745  character(len=*), intent(in) :: subname !< The name of the subroutine being documented
746  character(len=*), intent(in) :: desc !< A description of the subroutine being documented
747 ! This subroutine handles the subroutine documentation
748  if (.not. (is_root_pe() .and. associated(doc))) return
749  call open_doc_file(doc)

References mom_error_handler::is_root_pe(), and open_doc_file().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ find_unused_unit_number()

integer function mom_document::find_unused_unit_number ( )

Find an unused unit number, returning >0 if found, and triggering a FATAL error if not.

Definition at line 897 of file MOM_document.F90.

897 ! Find an unused unit number.
898 ! Returns >0 if found. FATAL if not.
899  integer :: find_unused_unit_number
900  logical :: opened
901  do find_unused_unit_number=512,42,-1
902  inquire( find_unused_unit_number, opened=opened)
903  if (.not.opened) exit
904  enddo
905  if (opened) call mom_error(fatal, &
906  "doc_init failed to find an unused unit number.")

References mom_error_handler::mom_error().

Referenced by open_doc_file().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ int_string()

character(len=24) function mom_document::int_string ( integer, intent(in)  val)

This function returns a string with an integer formatted like '(I)'.

[in]valThe value being written into a string

Definition at line 661 of file MOM_document.F90.

661  integer, intent(in) :: val !< The value being written into a string
662  character(len=24) :: int_string
663 ! This function returns a string with an integer formatted like '(I)'
664  write(int_string, '(i24)') val
665  int_string = adjustl(int_string)

Referenced by doc_param_int(), doc_param_int_array(), and real_array_string().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ logical_string()

character(len=24) function mom_document::logical_string ( logical, intent(in)  val)

This function returns a string with an logical formatted like '(L)'.

[in]valThe value being written into a string

Definition at line 670 of file MOM_document.F90.

670  logical, intent(in) :: val !< The value being written into a string
671  character(len=24) :: logical_string
672 ! This function returns a string with an logical formatted like '(L)'
673  write(logical_string, '(l24)') val
674  logical_string = adjustl(logical_string)

◆ mesghasbeendocumented()

logical function mom_document::mesghasbeendocumented ( type(doc_type), pointer  doc,
character(len=*), intent(in)  varName,
character(len=*), intent(in)  mesg 

Returns true if documentation has already been written.

docA pointer to a structure that controls where the documentation occurs and its formatting
[in]varnameThe name of the parameter being documented
[in]mesgA message with parameter values, defaults, and descriptions to compare with the message that was written previously

Definition at line 952 of file MOM_document.F90.

952  type(doc_type), pointer :: doc !< A pointer to a structure that controls where the
953  !! documentation occurs and its formatting
954  character(len=*), intent(in) :: varName !< The name of the parameter being documented
955  character(len=*), intent(in) :: mesg !< A message with parameter values, defaults, and descriptions
956  !! to compare with the message that was written previously
957  logical :: mesgHasBeenDocumented
958 ! Returns true if documentation has already been written
959  type(link_msg), pointer :: newLink => null(), this => null(), last => null()
961  mesghasbeendocumented = .false.
963 !!if (mesg(1:1) == '!') return ! Ignore commented parameters
965  ! Search through list for this parameter
966  last => null()
967  this => doc%chain_msg
968  do while( associated(this) )
969  if (trim(doc%blockPrefix)//trim(varname) == trim(this%name)) then
970  mesghasbeendocumented = .true.
971  if (trim(mesg) == trim(this%msg)) return
972  ! If we fail the above test then cause an error
973  if (mesg(1:1) == '!') return ! Do not cause error for commented parameters
974  call mom_error(warning, "Previous msg:"//trim(this%msg))
975  call mom_error(warning, "New message :"//trim(mesg))
976  call mom_error(warning, "Encountered inconsistent documentation line for parameter "&
977  //trim(varname)//"!")
978  endif
979  last => this
980  this => this%next
981  enddo
983  ! Allocate a new link
984  allocate(newlink)
985  newlink%name = trim(doc%blockPrefix)//trim(varname)
986  newlink%msg = trim(mesg)
987  newlink%next => null()
988  if (.not. associated(doc%chain_msg)) then
989  doc%chain_msg => newlink
990  else
991  if (.not. associated(last)) call mom_error(fatal, &
992  "Unassociated LINK in mesgHasBeenDocumented: "//trim(mesg))
993  last%next => newlink
994  endif

References mom_error_handler::mom_error().

Referenced by doc_param_char(), doc_param_int(), doc_param_int_array(), doc_param_logical(), doc_param_logical_array(), doc_param_none(), doc_param_real(), doc_param_real_array(), and doc_param_time().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ open_doc_file()

subroutine mom_document::open_doc_file ( type(doc_type), pointer  doc)

This subroutine allocates and populates a structure that controls where the documentation occurs and its formatting, and opens up the files controlled by this structure.

docA pointer to a structure that controls where the documentation occurs and its formatting

Definition at line 799 of file MOM_document.F90.

799  type(doc_type), pointer :: doc !< A pointer to a structure that controls where the
800  !! documentation occurs and its formatting
802  logical :: opened, new_file
803  integer :: ios
804  character(len=240) :: fileName
806  if (.not. (is_root_pe() .and. associated(doc))) return
808  if ((len_trim(doc%docFileBase) > 0) .and. doc%complete .and. (doc%unitAll<0)) then
809  new_file = .true. ; if (doc%unitAll /= -1) new_file = .false.
810  doc%unitAll = find_unused_unit_number()
812  write(filename(1:240),'(a)') trim(doc%docFileBase)//'.all'
813  if (new_file) then
814  open(doc%unitAll, file=trim(filename), access='SEQUENTIAL', form='FORMATTED', &
815  action='WRITE', status='REPLACE', iostat=ios)
816  write(doc%unitAll, '(a)') &
817  '! This file was written by the model and records all non-layout '//&
818  'or debugging parameters used at run-time.'
819  else ! This file is being reopened, and should be appended.
820  open(doc%unitAll, file=trim(filename), access='SEQUENTIAL', form='FORMATTED', &
821  action='WRITE', status='OLD', position='APPEND', iostat=ios)
822  endif
823  inquire(doc%unitAll, opened=opened)
824  if ((.not.opened) .or. (ios /= 0)) then
825  call mom_error(fatal, "Failed to open doc file "//trim(filename)//".")
826  endif
827  doc%filesAreOpen = .true.
828  endif
830  if ((len_trim(doc%docFileBase) > 0) .and. doc%minimal .and. (doc%unitShort<0)) then
831  new_file = .true. ; if (doc%unitShort /= -1) new_file = .false.
832  doc%unitShort = find_unused_unit_number()
834  write(filename(1:240),'(a)') trim(doc%docFileBase)//'.short'
835  if (new_file) then
836  open(doc%unitShort, file=trim(filename), access='SEQUENTIAL', form='FORMATTED', &
837  action='WRITE', status='REPLACE', iostat=ios)
838  write(doc%unitShort, '(a)') &
839  '! This file was written by the model and records the non-default parameters used at run-time.'
840  else ! This file is being reopened, and should be appended.
841  open(doc%unitShort, file=trim(filename), access='SEQUENTIAL', form='FORMATTED', &
842  action='WRITE', status='OLD', position='APPEND', iostat=ios)
843  endif
844  inquire(doc%unitShort, opened=opened)
845  if ((.not.opened) .or. (ios /= 0)) then
846  call mom_error(fatal, "Failed to open doc file "//trim(filename)//".")
847  endif
848  doc%filesAreOpen = .true.
849  endif
851  if ((len_trim(doc%docFileBase) > 0) .and. doc%layout .and. (doc%unitLayout<0)) then
852  new_file = .true. ; if (doc%unitLayout /= -1) new_file = .false.
853  doc%unitLayout = find_unused_unit_number()
855  write(filename(1:240),'(a)') trim(doc%docFileBase)//'.layout'
856  if (new_file) then
857  open(doc%unitLayout, file=trim(filename), access='SEQUENTIAL', form='FORMATTED', &
858  action='WRITE', status='REPLACE', iostat=ios)
859  write(doc%unitLayout, '(a)') &
860  '! This file was written by the model and records the layout parameters used at run-time.'
861  else ! This file is being reopened, and should be appended.
862  open(doc%unitLayout, file=trim(filename), access='SEQUENTIAL', form='FORMATTED', &
863  action='WRITE', status='OLD', position='APPEND', iostat=ios)
864  endif
865  inquire(doc%unitLayout, opened=opened)
866  if ((.not.opened) .or. (ios /= 0)) then
867  call mom_error(fatal, "Failed to open doc file "//trim(filename)//".")
868  endif
869  doc%filesAreOpen = .true.
870  endif
872  if ((len_trim(doc%docFileBase) > 0) .and. doc%debugging .and. (doc%unitDebugging<0)) then
873  new_file = .true. ; if (doc%unitDebugging /= -1) new_file = .false.
874  doc%unitDebugging = find_unused_unit_number()
876  write(filename(1:240),'(a)') trim(doc%docFileBase)//'.debugging'
877  if (new_file) then
878  open(doc%unitDebugging, file=trim(filename), access='SEQUENTIAL', form='FORMATTED', &
879  action='WRITE', status='REPLACE', iostat=ios)
880  write(doc%unitDebugging, '(a)') &
881  '! This file was written by the model and records the debugging parameters used at run-time.'
882  else ! This file is being reopened, and should be appended.
883  open(doc%unitDebugging, file=trim(filename), access='SEQUENTIAL', form='FORMATTED', &
884  action='WRITE', status='OLD', position='APPEND', iostat=ios)
885  endif
886  inquire(doc%unitDebugging, opened=opened)
887  if ((.not.opened) .or. (ios /= 0)) then
888  call mom_error(fatal, "Failed to open doc file "//trim(filename)//".")
889  endif
890  doc%filesAreOpen = .true.
891  endif

References find_unused_unit_number(), mom_error_handler::is_root_pe(), and mom_error_handler::mom_error().

Referenced by doc_closeblock(), doc_function(), doc_module(), doc_openblock(), doc_param_char(), doc_param_int(), doc_param_int_array(), doc_param_logical(), doc_param_logical_array(), doc_param_none(), doc_param_real(), doc_param_real_array(), doc_param_time(), and doc_subroutine().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ real_array_string()

character(len=1320) function mom_document::real_array_string ( real, dimension(:), intent(in)  vals,
character(len=*), intent(in), optional  sep 

Returns a character string of a comma-separated, compact formatted, reals e.g. "1., 2., 5*3., 5.E2", that give the list of values.

The output string listing vals
[in]valsThe array of values to record
[in]sepThe separator between successive values,

Definition at line 603 of file MOM_document.F90.

603  character(len=1320) :: real_array_string !< The output string listing vals
604  real, intent(in) :: vals(:) !< The array of values to record
605  character(len=*), &
606  optional, intent(in) :: sep !< The separator between successive values,
607  !! by default it is ', '.
608 ! Returns a character string of a comma-separated, compact formatted, reals
609 ! e.g. "1., 2., 5*3., 5.E2"
610  ! Local variables
611  integer :: j, n, b, ns
612  logical :: doWrite
613  character(len=10) :: separator
614  n=1 ; dowrite=.true. ; real_array_string='' ; b=1
615  if (present(sep)) then
616  separator=sep ; ns=len(sep)
617  else
618  separator=', ' ; ns=2
619  endif
620  do j=1,size(vals)
621  dowrite=.true.
622  if (j<size(vals)) then
623  if (vals(j)==vals(j+1)) then
624  n=n+1
625  dowrite=.false.
626  endif
627  endif
628  if (dowrite) then
629  if (b>1) then ! Write separator if a number has already been written
630  write(real_array_string(b:),'(A)') separator
631  b=b+ns
632  endif
633  if (n>1) then
634  write(real_array_string(b:),'(A,"*",A)') trim(int_string(n)),trim(real_string(vals(j)))
635  else
636  write(real_array_string(b:),'(A)') trim(real_string(vals(j)))
637  endif
638  n=1 ; b=len_trim(real_array_string)+1
639  endif
640  enddo

References int_string(), and real_string().

Referenced by doc_param_real_array().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ real_string()

character(len=32) function mom_document::real_string ( real, intent(in)  val)

This function returns a string with a real formatted like '(G)'.

[in]valThe value being written into a string

Definition at line 550 of file MOM_document.F90.

550  real, intent(in) :: val !< The value being written into a string
551  character(len=32) :: real_string
552 ! This function returns a string with a real formatted like '(G)'
553  integer :: len, ind
555  if ((abs(val) < 1.0e4) .and. (abs(val) >= 1.0e-3)) then
556  write(real_string, '(F30.11)') val
557  if (.not.testformattedfloatisreal(real_string,val)) then
558  write(real_string, '(F30.12)') val
559  if (.not.testformattedfloatisreal(real_string,val)) then
560  write(real_string, '(F30.13)') val
561  if (.not.testformattedfloatisreal(real_string,val)) then
562  write(real_string, '(F30.14)') val
563  if (.not.testformattedfloatisreal(real_string,val)) then
564  write(real_string, '(F30.15)') val
565  if (.not.testformattedfloatisreal(real_string,val)) then
566  write(real_string, '(F30.16)') val
567  endif
568  endif
569  endif
570  endif
571  endif
572  do
573  len = len_trim(real_string)
574  if ((len<2) .or. (real_string(len-1:len) == ".0") .or. &
575  (real_string(len:len) /= "0")) exit
576  real_string(len:len) = " "
577  enddo
578  elseif (val == 0.) then
579  real_string = "0.0"
580  else
581  if ((abs(val) <= 1.0e-100) .or. (abs(val) >= 1.0e100)) then
582  write(real_string(1:32), '(ES24.14E3)') val
583  if (.not.testformattedfloatisreal(real_string,val)) &
584  write(real_string(1:32), '(ES24.15E3)') val
585  else
586  write(real_string(1:32), '(ES23.14)') val
587  if (.not.testformattedfloatisreal(real_string,val)) &
588  write(real_string(1:32), '(ES23.15)') val
589  endif
590  do
591  ind = index(real_string,"0E")
592  if (ind == 0) exit
593  if (real_string(ind-1:ind-1) == ".") exit
594  real_string = real_string(1:ind-1)//real_string(ind+1:)
595  enddo
596  endif
597  real_string = adjustl(real_string)

References testformattedfloatisreal().

Referenced by doc_param_real(), doc_param_real_array(), and real_array_string().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ testformattedfloatisreal()

logical function mom_document::testformattedfloatisreal ( character(len=*), intent(in)  str,
real, intent(in)  val 

This function tests whether a real value is encoded in a string.

[in]strThe string that match val
[in]valThe value being tested

Definition at line 645 of file MOM_document.F90.

645  character(len=*), intent(in) :: str !< The string that match val
646  real, intent(in) :: val !< The value being tested
647  logical :: testFormattedFloatIsReal
648  ! Local variables
649  real :: scannedVal
651  read(str(1:),*) scannedval
652  if (scannedval == val) then
653  testformattedfloatisreal=.true.
654  else
655  testformattedfloatisreal=.false.
656  endif

Referenced by real_string().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ undef_string()

character(len=mlen) function mom_document::undef_string ( type(doc_type), pointer  doc,
character(len=*), intent(in)  varName,
character(len=*), intent(in)  units 

This function returns a string for formatted false logicals.

docA pointer to a structure that controls where the documentation occurs and its formatting
[in]varnameThe name of the parameter being documented
[in]unitsThe units of the parameter being documented

Definition at line 700 of file MOM_document.F90.

700  type(doc_type), pointer :: doc !< A pointer to a structure that controls where the
701  !! documentation occurs and its formatting
702  character(len=*), intent(in) :: varName !< The name of the parameter being documented
703  character(len=*), intent(in) :: units !< The units of the parameter being documented
704  character(len=mLen) :: undef_string
705 ! This function returns a string for formatted false logicals
706  integer :: numSpaces
707  undef_string = repeat(" ",240) ! Blank everything for safety
708  undef_string = "#undef "//trim(varname)
709  if (doc%defineSyntax) then
710  undef_string = "#undef "//trim(varname)
711  else
712  undef_string = trim(varname)//" = "//string_false
713  endif
714  numspaces = max(1, doc%commentColumn - len_trim(undef_string) )
715  undef_string = trim(undef_string)//repeat(" ",numspaces)//"!"
716  if (len_trim(units) > 0) undef_string = trim(undef_string)//" ["//trim(units)//"]"

References string_false.

Referenced by doc_param_logical().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ writemessageanddesc()

subroutine mom_document::writemessageanddesc ( type(doc_type), intent(in)  doc,
character(len=*), intent(in)  vmesg,
character(len=*), intent(in)  desc,
logical, intent(in), optional  valueWasDefault,
integer, intent(in), optional  indent,
logical, intent(in), optional  layoutParam,
logical, intent(in), optional  debuggingParam 

This subroutine writes out the message and description to the documetation files.

[in]docA pointer to a structure that controls where the documentation occurs and its formatting
[in]vmesgA message with the parameter name, units, and default value.
[in]descA description of the parameter being documented
[in]valuewasdefaultIf true, this parameter has its default value
[in]indentAn amount by which to indent this message
[in]layoutparamIf present and true, this is a layout parameter.
[in]debuggingparamIf present and true, this is a debugging parameter.

Definition at line 453 of file MOM_document.F90.

453  type(doc_type), intent(in) :: doc !< A pointer to a structure that controls where the
454  !! documentation occurs and its formatting
455  character(len=*), intent(in) :: vmesg !< A message with the parameter name, units, and default value.
456  character(len=*), intent(in) :: desc !< A description of the parameter being documented
457  logical, optional, intent(in) :: valueWasDefault !< If true, this parameter has its default value
458  integer, optional, intent(in) :: indent !< An amount by which to indent this message
459  logical, optional, intent(in) :: layoutParam !< If present and true, this is a layout parameter.
460  logical, optional, intent(in) :: debuggingParam !< If present and true, this is a debugging parameter.
462  ! Local variables
463  character(len=mLen) :: mesg ! A full line of a message including indents.
464  character(len=mLen) :: mesg_text ! A line of message text without preliminary indents.
465  integer :: start_ind = 1 ! The starting index in the description for the next line.
466  integer :: nl_ind, tab_ind, end_ind ! The indices of new-lines, tabs, and the end of a line.
467  integer :: len_text, len_tab, len_nl ! The lengths of the text string, tabs and new-lines.
468  integer :: indnt, msg_pad ! Space counts used to format a message.
469  logical :: msg_done, reset_msg_pad ! Logicals used to format messages.
470  logical :: all, short, layout, debug ! Flags indicating which files to write into.
472  layout = .false. ; if (present(layoutparam)) layout = layoutparam
473  debug = .false. ; if (present(debuggingparam)) debug = debuggingparam
474  all = doc%complete .and. (doc%unitAll > 0) .and. .not. (layout .or. debug)
475  short = doc%minimal .and. (doc%unitShort > 0) .and. .not. (layout .or. debug)
476  if (present(valuewasdefault)) short = short .and. (.not. valuewasdefault)
478  if (all) write(doc%unitAll, '(a)') trim(vmesg)
479  if (short) write(doc%unitShort, '(a)') trim(vmesg)
480  if (layout) write(doc%unitLayout, '(a)') trim(vmesg)
481  if (debug) write(doc%unitDebugging, '(a)') trim(vmesg)
483  if (len_trim(desc) == 0) return
485  len_tab = len_trim("_\t_") - 2
486  len_nl = len_trim("_\n_") - 2
488  indnt = doc%commentColumn ; if (present(indent)) indnt = indent
489  len_text = doc%max_line_len - (indnt + 2)
490  start_ind = 1 ; msg_pad = 0 ; msg_done = .false.
491  do
492  if (len_trim(desc(start_ind:)) < 1) exit
494  nl_ind = index(desc(start_ind:), "\n")
496  end_ind = 0
497  if ((nl_ind > 0) .and. (len_trim(desc(start_ind:start_ind+nl_ind-2)) > len_text-msg_pad)) then
498  ! This line is too long despite the new-line character. Look for an earlier space to break.
499  end_ind = scan(desc(start_ind:start_ind+(len_text-msg_pad)), " ", back=.true.) - 1
500  if (end_ind > 0) nl_ind = 0
501  elseif ((nl_ind == 0) .and. (len_trim(desc(start_ind:)) > len_text-msg_pad)) then
502  ! This line is too long and does not have a new-line character. Look for a space to break.
503  end_ind = scan(desc(start_ind:start_ind+(len_text-msg_pad)), " ", back=.true.) - 1
504  endif
506  reset_msg_pad = .false.
507  if (nl_ind > 0) then
508  mesg_text = trim(desc(start_ind:start_ind+nl_ind-2))
509  start_ind = start_ind + nl_ind + len_nl - 1
510  reset_msg_pad = .true.
511  elseif (end_ind > 0) then
512  mesg_text = trim(desc(start_ind:start_ind+end_ind))
513  start_ind = start_ind + end_ind + 1
514  ! Adjust the starting point to move past leading spaces.
515  start_ind = start_ind + (len_trim(desc(start_ind:)) - len_trim(adjustl(desc(start_ind:))))
516  else
517  mesg_text = trim(desc(start_ind:))
518  msg_done = .true.
519  endif
521  do ; tab_ind = index(mesg_text, "\t") ! Replace \t with 2 spaces.
522  if (tab_ind == 0) exit
523  mesg_text(tab_ind:) = " "//trim(mesg_text(tab_ind+len_tab:))
524  enddo
526  mesg = repeat(" ",indnt)//"! "//repeat(" ",msg_pad)//trim(mesg_text)
528  if (reset_msg_pad) then
529  msg_pad = 0
530  elseif (msg_pad == 0) then ! Indent continuation lines.
531  msg_pad = len_trim(mesg_text) - len_trim(adjustl(mesg_text))
532  ! If already indented, indent an additional 2 spaces.
533  if (msg_pad >= 2) msg_pad = msg_pad + 2
534  endif
536  if (all) write(doc%unitAll, '(a)') trim(mesg)
537  if (short) write(doc%unitShort, '(a)') trim(mesg)
538  if (layout) write(doc%unitLayout, '(a)') trim(mesg)
539  if (debug) write(doc%unitDebugging, '(a)') trim(mesg)
541  if (msg_done) exit
542  enddo

Referenced by doc_closeblock(), doc_module(), doc_openblock(), doc_param_char(), doc_param_int(), doc_param_int_array(), doc_param_logical(), doc_param_logical_array(), doc_param_none(), doc_param_real(), doc_param_real_array(), and doc_param_time().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ mlen

integer, parameter mom_document::mlen = 1240

Length of interface/message strings.

Definition at line 25 of file MOM_document.F90.

25 integer, parameter :: mLen = 1240 !< Length of interface/message strings

Referenced by define_string().

◆ string_false

character(len=5), parameter mom_document::string_false = 'False'

A string for false logicals.

Definition at line 56 of file MOM_document.F90.

56 character(len=5), parameter :: STRING_FALSE = 'False' !< A string for false logicals

Referenced by doc_param_logical(), doc_param_logical_array(), and undef_string().

◆ string_true

character(len=4), parameter mom_document::string_true = 'True'

A string for true logicals.

Definition at line 55 of file MOM_document.F90.

55 character(len=4), parameter :: STRING_TRUE = 'True' !< A string for true logicals

Referenced by doc_param_logical(), and doc_param_logical_array().