mom_wave_interface Module Reference

Detailed Description

Interface for surface waves.

Brandon Reichl, 2018.

This module should be moved as wave coupling progresses and likely will should mirror the iceberg or sea-ice model set-up.

This module is meant to contain the routines to read in and interpret surface wave data for MOM6. In its original form, the capabilities include setting the Stokes drift in the model (from a variety of sources including prescribed, empirical, and input files). In short order, the plan is to also ammend the subroutine to accept Stokes drift information from an external coupler. Eventually, it will be necessary to break this file apart so that general wave information may be stored in the control structure and the Stokes drift effect can be isolated from processes such as sea-state dependent momentum fluxes, gas fluxes, and other wave related air-sea interaction and boundary layer phenomenon.

The Stokes drift are stored on the C-grid with the conventional protocol to interpolate to the h-grid to compute Langmuir number, the primary quantity needed for Langmuir turbulence parameterizations in both the ePBL and KPP approach. This module also computes full 3d Stokes drift profiles, which will be useful if second-order type boundary layer parameterizations are implemented (perhaps via GOTM, work in progress).

Data Types

type  wave_parameters_cs
 Container for all surface wave related parameters. More...


subroutine, public get_langmuir_number (LA, G, GV, US, HBL, ustar, i, j, H, U_H, V_H, Override_MA, Waves)
 Interface to get Langmuir number based on options stored in wave structure. More...
integer wavemethod =-99
 Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
integer, public numbands =0
 Number of wavenumber/frequency partitions to receive This needs to match the number of bands provided via either coupling or file. More...
integer, public partitionmode
 Method for partition mode (meant to check input) 0 - wavenumbers 1 - frequencies. More...
integer datasource
 Integer that specifies where the Model Looks for Data Valid choices are: 1 - FMS DataOverride Routine 2 - Reserved For Coupler 3 - User input (fixed values, useful for 1d testing) More...
character(len=40) surfbandfilename
 Filename if using DataOverride. More...
logical dataoverrideisinitialized
 Flag for DataOverride Initialization. More...
real la_frachbl
 Fraction of OSBL for averaging Langmuir number. More...
logical la_misalignment = .false.
 Flag to use misalignment in Langmuir number. More...
character(len=40) mdl = "MOM_wave_interface"
 This module's name. More...
integer, parameter testprof = 0
 Undocumented parameters. More...
integer, parameter surfbands = 1
 Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
integer, parameter dhh85 = 2
 Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
integer, parameter lf17 = 3
 Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
integer, parameter null_wavemethod =-99
 Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
integer, parameter dataovr = 1
 Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
integer, parameter coupler = 2
 Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
integer, parameter input = 3
 Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
real tp_stkx0
 Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
real tp_stky0
 Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
real tp_wvl
 Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
logical waveagepeakfreq
 Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
logical staticwaves
 Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
logical dhh85_is_set
 Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
real waveage
 Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
real wavewind
 Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
real pi
 Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
subroutine, public mom_wave_interface_init (time, G, GV, US, param_file, CS, diag)
 Initializes parameters related to MOM_wave_interface. More...
subroutine, public mom_wave_interface_init_lite (param_file)
 A 'lite' init subroutine to initialize a few inputs needed if using wave information with the wind-speed dependent Stokes drift formulation of LF17. More...
subroutine, public update_surface_waves (G, GV, US, Day, dt, CS)
 Subroutine that handles updating of surface wave/Stokes drift related properties. More...
subroutine, public update_stokes_drift (G, GV, US, CS, h, ustar)
 Constructs the Stokes Drift profile on the model grid based on desired coupling options. More...
subroutine surface_bands_by_data_override (day_center, G, GV, US, CS)
 A subroutine to fill the Stokes drift from a NetCDF file using the data_override procedures. More...
subroutine get_stokessl_lifoxkemper (ustar, hbl, GV, US, UStokes_SL, LA)
 Get SL averaged Stokes drift from Li/FK 17 method. More...
subroutine get_sl_average_prof (GV, AvgDepth, H, Profile, Average)
 Get SL Averaged Stokes drift from a Stokes drift Profile. More...
subroutine get_sl_average_band (GV, AvgDepth, NB, WaveNumbers, SurfStokes, Average)
 Get SL averaged Stokes drift from the banded Spectrum method. More...
subroutine dhh85_mid (GV, US, zpt, UStokes)
 Compute the Stokes drift at a given depth. More...
subroutine, public stokesmixing (G, GV, dt, h, u, v, Waves)
 Explicit solver for Stokes mixing. Still in development do not use. More...
subroutine, public coriolisstokes (G, GV, DT, h, u, v, WAVES, US)
 Solver to add Coriolis-Stokes to model Still in development and not meant for general use. Can be activated (with code intervention) for LES comparison CHECK THAT RIGHT TIMESTEP IS PASSED IF YOU USE THIS**. More...
subroutine ust_2_u10_coare3p5 (USTair, U10, GV, US)
 Computes wind speed from ustar_air based on COARE 3.5 Cd relationship Probably doesn't belong in this module, but it is used here to estimate wind speed for wind-wave relationships. Should be a fine way to estimate the neutral wind-speed as written here. More...
subroutine, public waves_end (CS)
 Clear pointers, deallocate memory. More...

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ coriolisstokes()

subroutine, public mom_wave_interface::coriolisstokes ( type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in)  G,
type(verticalgrid_type), intent(in)  GV,
real, intent(in)  DT,
real, dimension(szi_(g),szj_(g),szk_(g)), intent(in)  h,
real, dimension(szib_(g),szj_(g),szk_(g)), intent(inout)  u,
real, dimension(szi_(g),szjb_(g),szk_(g)), intent(inout)  v,
type(wave_parameters_cs), pointer  WAVES,
type(unit_scale_type), intent(in)  US 

Solver to add Coriolis-Stokes to model Still in development and not meant for general use. Can be activated (with code intervention) for LES comparison CHECK THAT RIGHT TIMESTEP IS PASSED IF YOU USE THIS**.

Not accessed in the standard code.

[in]gOcean grid
[in]gvOcean vertical grid
[in]hLayer thicknesses [H ~> m or kg m-2]
[in,out]uVelocity i-component [m s-1]
[in,out]vVelocity j-component [m s-1]
wavesSurface wave related control structure.
[in]usA dimensional unit scaling type

Definition at line 1277 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

1277  type(ocean_grid_type), &
1278  intent(in) :: G !< Ocean grid
1279  type(verticalGrid_type), &
1280  intent(in) :: GV !< Ocean vertical grid
1281  real, intent(in) :: Dt !< Time step of MOM6 [s] CHECK IF PASSING RIGHT TIMESTEP
1282  real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(G)), &
1283  intent(in) :: h !< Layer thicknesses [H ~> m or kg m-2]
1284  real, dimension(SZIB_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(G)), &
1285  intent(inout) :: u !< Velocity i-component [m s-1]
1286  real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJB_(G),SZK_(G)), &
1287  intent(inout) :: v !< Velocity j-component [m s-1]
1288  type(Wave_parameters_CS), &
1289  pointer :: Waves !< Surface wave related control structure.
1290  type(unit_scale_type), intent(in) :: US !< A dimensional unit scaling type
1291  ! Local variables
1292  real :: DVel ! A rescaled velocity change [m s-1 T-1 ~> m s-2]
1293  integer :: i,j,k
1295  do k = 1, g%ke
1296  do j = g%jsc, g%jec
1297  do i = g%iscB, g%iecB
1298  dvel = 0.25*(waves%us_y(i,j+1,k)+waves%us_y(i-1,j+1,k))*g%CoriolisBu(i,j+1) + &
1299  0.25*(waves%us_y(i,j,k)+waves%us_y(i-1,j,k))*g%CoriolisBu(i,j)
1300  u(i,j,k) = u(i,j,k) + dvel*us%s_to_T*dt
1301  enddo
1302  enddo
1303  enddo
1305  do k = 1, g%ke
1306  do j = g%jscB, g%jecB
1307  do i = g%isc, g%iec
1308  dvel = 0.25*(waves%us_x(i+1,j,k)+waves%us_x(i+1,j-1,k))*g%CoriolisBu(i+1,j) + &
1309  0.25*(waves%us_x(i,j,k)+waves%us_x(i,j-1,k))*g%CoriolisBu(i,j)
1310  v(i,j,k) = v(i,j,k) - dvel*us%s_to_T*dt
1311  enddo
1312  enddo
1313  enddo

◆ dhh85_mid()

subroutine mom_wave_interface::dhh85_mid ( type(verticalgrid_type), intent(in)  GV,
type(unit_scale_type), intent(in)  US,
real, intent(in)  zpt,
real, intent(out)  UStokes 

Compute the Stokes drift at a given depth.

Taken from Qing Li (Brown) use for comparing MOM6 simulation to his LES computed at z mid point (I think) and not depth averaged. Should be fine to integrate in frequency from 0.1 to sqrt(-0.2*grav*2pi/dz

[in]gvOcean vertical grid
[in]usA dimensional unit scaling type
[in]zptDepth to get Stokes drift [Z ~> m]. !### THIS IS NOT USED YET.
[out]ustokesStokes drift [m s-1]

Definition at line 1154 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

1154  type(verticalGrid_type), intent(in) :: GV !< Ocean vertical grid
1155  type(unit_scale_type), intent(in) :: US !< A dimensional unit scaling type
1156  real, intent(in) :: ZPT !< Depth to get Stokes drift [Z ~> m]. !### THIS IS NOT USED YET.
1157  real, intent(out) :: UStokes !< Stokes drift [m s-1]
1158  !
1159  real :: ann, Bnn, Snn, Cnn, Dnn
1160  real :: omega_peak, omega, u10, WA, domega
1161  real :: omega_min, omega_max, wavespec, Stokes
1162  integer :: Nomega, OI
1164  wa = waveage
1165  u10 = wavewind
1167  !/
1168  omega_min = 0.1 ! Hz
1169  ! Cut off at 30cm for now...
1170  omega_max = 10. ! ~sqrt(0.2*GV%mks_g_Earth*2*pi/0.3)
1171  nomega = 1000
1172  domega = (omega_max-omega_min)/real(nomega)
1174  !
1175  if (waveagepeakfreq) then
1176  omega_peak = gv%mks_g_Earth / (wa * u10)
1177  else
1178  omega_peak = 2. * pi * 0.13 * gv%mks_g_Earth / u10
1179  endif
1180  !/
1181  ann = 0.006 * waveage**(-0.55)
1182  bnn = 1.0
1183  snn = 0.08 * (1.0 + 4.0 * waveage**3)
1184  cnn = 1.7
1185  if (wa < 1.) then
1186  cnn = cnn - 6.0*log10(wa)
1187  endif
1188  !/
1189  ustokes = 0.0
1190  omega = omega_min + 0.5*domega
1191  do oi = 1,nomega-1
1192  dnn = exp( -0.5 * (omega-omega_peak)**2 / (snn**2 * omega_peak**2) )
1193  ! wavespec units = m2s
1194  wavespec = (ann * gv%mks_g_Earth**2 / (omega_peak*omega**4 ) ) * &
1195  exp(-bnn*(omega_peak/omega)**4)*cnn**dnn
1196  ! Stokes units m (multiply by frequency range for units of m/s)
1197  stokes = 2.0 * wavespec * omega**3 * &
1198  exp( 2.0 * omega**2 * zpt / gv%mks_g_Earth) / gv%mks_g_Earth
1199  ustokes = ustokes + stokes*domega
1200  omega = omega + domega
1201  enddo
1203  return

References pi, waveage, waveagepeakfreq, and wavewind.

Referenced by update_stokes_drift().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_langmuir_number()

subroutine, public mom_wave_interface::get_langmuir_number ( real, intent(out)  LA,
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in)  G,
type(verticalgrid_type), intent(in)  GV,
type(unit_scale_type), intent(in)  US,
real, intent(in)  HBL,
real, intent(in)  ustar,
integer, intent(in)  i,
integer, intent(in)  j,
real, dimension( gv %ke), intent(in), optional  H,
real, dimension( gv %ke), intent(in), optional  U_H,
real, dimension( gv %ke), intent(in), optional  V_H,
logical, intent(in), optional  Override_MA,
type(wave_parameters_cs), pointer  Waves 

Interface to get Langmuir number based on options stored in wave structure.

Note this can be called with an unallocated Waves pointer, which is okay if we want the wind-speed only dependent Langmuir number. Therefore, we need to be careful about what we try to access here.

[in]gOcean grid structure
[in]gvOcean vertical grid structure
[in]usA dimensional unit scaling type
[in]iMeridional index of h-point
[in]jZonal index of h-point
[in]ustarFriction velocity [Z T-1 ~> m s-1].
[in]hbl(Positive) thickness of boundary layer [Z ~> m].
[in]override_maOverride to use misalignment in LA calculation. This can be used if diagnostic LA outputs are desired that are different than those used by the dynamical model.
[in]hGrid layer thickness [H ~> m or kg m-2]
[in]u_hZonal velocity at H point [m s-1]
[in]v_hMeridional velocity at H point [m s-1]
wavesSurface wave control structure.
[out]laLangmuir number

Definition at line 879 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

879  type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in) :: G !< Ocean grid structure
880  type(verticalGrid_type), intent(in) :: GV !< Ocean vertical grid structure
881  type(unit_scale_type), intent(in) :: US !< A dimensional unit scaling type
882  integer, intent(in) :: i !< Meridional index of h-point
883  integer, intent(in) :: j !< Zonal index of h-point
884  real, intent(in) :: ustar !< Friction velocity [Z T-1 ~> m s-1].
885  real, intent(in) :: HBL !< (Positive) thickness of boundary layer [Z ~> m].
886  logical, optional, intent(in) :: Override_MA !< Override to use misalignment in LA
887  !! calculation. This can be used if diagnostic
888  !! LA outputs are desired that are different than
889  !! those used by the dynamical model.
890  real, dimension(SZK_(GV)), optional, &
891  intent(in) :: H !< Grid layer thickness [H ~> m or kg m-2]
892  real, dimension(SZK_(GV)), optional, &
893  intent(in) :: U_H !< Zonal velocity at H point [m s-1]
894  real, dimension(SZK_(GV)), optional, &
895  intent(in) :: V_H !< Meridional velocity at H point [m s-1]
896  type(Wave_parameters_CS), &
897  pointer :: Waves !< Surface wave control structure.
899  real, intent(out) :: LA !< Langmuir number
901 !Local Variables
902  real :: Top, bottom, midpoint
903  real :: Dpt_LASL, ShearDirection, WaveDirection
904  real :: LA_STKx, LA_STKy, LA_STK ! Stokes velocities in [m s-1]
905  logical :: ContinueLoop, USE_MA
906  real, dimension(SZK_(G)) :: US_H, VS_H
907  real, dimension(NumBands) :: StkBand_X, StkBand_Y
908  integer :: KK, BB
910  ! Compute averaging depth for Stokes drift (negative)
911  dpt_lasl = min(-0.1*us%m_to_Z, -la_frachbl*hbl)
913  use_ma = la_misalignment
914  if (present(override_ma)) use_ma = override_ma
916  ! If requesting to use misalignment in the Langmuir number compute the Shear Direction
917  if (use_ma) then
918  if (.not.(present(h).and.present(u_h).and.present(v_h))) then
919  call mom_error(fatal,'Get_LA_waves requested to consider misalignment.')
920  endif
921  continueloop = .true.
922  bottom = 0.0
923  do kk = 1,g%ke
924  top = bottom
925  midpoint = bottom + gv%H_to_Z*0.5*h(kk)
926  bottom = bottom + gv%H_to_Z*h(kk)
927  if (midpoint > dpt_lasl .and. kk > 1 .and. continueloop) then
928  sheardirection = atan2(v_h(1)-v_h(kk),u_h(1)-u_h(kk))
929  continueloop = .false.
930  endif
931  enddo
932  endif
934  if (wavemethod==testprof) then
935  do kk = 1,g%ke
936  us_h(kk) = 0.5*(waves%US_X(i,j,kk)+waves%US_X(i-1,j,kk))
937  vs_h(kk) = 0.5*(waves%US_Y(i,j,kk)+waves%US_Y(i,j-1,kk))
938  enddo
939  call get_sl_average_prof( gv, dpt_lasl, h, us_h, la_stkx)
940  call get_sl_average_prof( gv, dpt_lasl, h, vs_h, la_stky)
941  la_stk = sqrt(la_stkx*la_stkx+la_stky*la_stky)
942  elseif (wavemethod==surfbands) then
943  do bb = 1,numbands
944  stkband_x(bb) = 0.5*(waves%STKx0(i,j,bb)+waves%STKx0(i-1,j,bb))
945  stkband_y(bb) = 0.5*(waves%STKy0(i,j,bb)+waves%STKy0(i,j-1,bb))
946  enddo
947  call get_sl_average_band(gv, dpt_lasl, numbands, waves%WaveNum_Cen, stkband_x, la_stkx )
948  call get_sl_average_band(gv, dpt_lasl, numbands, waves%WaveNum_Cen, stkband_y, la_stky )
949  la_stk = sqrt(la_stkx**2 + la_stky**2)
950  elseif (wavemethod==dhh85) then
951  ! Temporarily integrating profile rather than spectrum for simplicity
952  do kk = 1,gv%ke
953  us_h(kk) = 0.5*(waves%US_X(i,j,kk)+waves%US_X(i-1,j,kk))
954  vs_h(kk) = 0.5*(waves%US_Y(i,j,kk)+waves%US_Y(i,j-1,kk))
955  enddo
956  call get_sl_average_prof( gv, dpt_lasl, h, us_h, la_stkx)
957  call get_sl_average_prof( gv, dpt_lasl, h, vs_h, la_stky)
958  la_stk = sqrt(la_stkx**2 + la_stky**2)
959  elseif (wavemethod==lf17) then
960  call get_stokessl_lifoxkemper(ustar, hbl*la_frachbl, gv, us, la_stk, la)
961  elseif (wavemethod==null_wavemethod) then
962  call mom_error(fatal, "Get_Langmuir_number called without defining a WaveMethod. "//&
963  "Suggest to make sure USE_LT is set/overridden to False or "//&
964  "choose a wave method (or set USE_LA_LI2016 to use statistical "//&
965  "waves.")
966  endif
968  if (.not.(wavemethod==lf17)) then
969  ! This is an arbitrary lower bound on Langmuir number.
970  ! We shouldn't expect values lower than this, but
971  ! there is also no good reason to cap it here other then
972  ! to prevent large enhancements in unconstrained parts of
973  ! the curve fit parameterizations.
974  ! Note the dimensional constant background Stokes velocity of 10^-10 m s-1.
975  la = max(waves%La_min, sqrt(us%Z_to_m*us%s_to_T*ustar / (la_stk+1.e-10)))
976  endif
978  if (use_ma) then
979  wavedirection = atan2(la_stky, la_stkx)
980  la = la / sqrt(max(1.e-8, cos( wavedirection - sheardirection)))
981  endif
983  return

References dhh85, get_sl_average_band(), get_sl_average_prof(), get_stokessl_lifoxkemper(), la_frachbl, la_misalignment, lf17, mom_error_handler::mom_error(), null_wavemethod, numbands, surfbands, testprof, and wavemethod.

Referenced by mom_energetic_pbl::epbl_column(), mom_cvmix_kpp::kpp_compute_bld(), and update_stokes_drift().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_sl_average_band()

subroutine mom_wave_interface::get_sl_average_band ( type(verticalgrid_type), intent(in)  GV,
real, intent(in)  AvgDepth,
integer, intent(in)  NB,
real, dimension(nb), intent(in)  WaveNumbers,
real, dimension(nb), intent(in)  SurfStokes,
real, intent(out)  Average 

Get SL averaged Stokes drift from the banded Spectrum method.

[in]gvOcean vertical grid
[in]avgdepthDepth to average over [Z ~> m].
[in]nbNumber of bands used
[in]wavenumbersWavenumber corresponding to each band [Z-1 ~> m-1]
[in]surfstokesSurface Stokes drift for each band [m s-1]
[out]averageOutput average Stokes drift over depth AvgDepth [m s-1]

Definition at line 1121 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

1121  type(verticalGrid_type), &
1122  intent(in) :: GV !< Ocean vertical grid
1123  real, intent(in) :: AvgDepth !< Depth to average over [Z ~> m].
1124  integer, intent(in) :: NB !< Number of bands used
1125  real, dimension(NB), &
1126  intent(in) :: WaveNumbers !< Wavenumber corresponding to each band [Z-1 ~> m-1]
1127  real, dimension(NB), &
1128  intent(in) :: SurfStokes !< Surface Stokes drift for each band [m s-1]
1129  real, intent(out) :: Average !< Output average Stokes drift over depth AvgDepth [m s-1]
1131  ! Local variables
1132  integer :: bb
1134  ! Loop over bands
1135  average = 0.0
1136  do bb = 1, nb
1137  ! Factor includes analytical integration of e(2kz)
1138  ! - divided by (-H_LA) to get average from integral.
1139  average = average + surfstokes(bb) * &
1140  (1.-exp(-abs(avgdepth * 2.0 * wavenumbers(bb)))) / &
1141  abs(avgdepth * 2.0 * wavenumbers(bb))
1142  enddo
1144  return

Referenced by get_langmuir_number().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_sl_average_prof()

subroutine mom_wave_interface::get_sl_average_prof ( type(verticalgrid_type), intent(in)  GV,
real, intent(in)  AvgDepth,
real, dimension(szk_(gv)), intent(in)  H,
real, dimension(szk_(gv)), intent(in)  Profile,
real, intent(out)  Average 

Get SL Averaged Stokes drift from a Stokes drift Profile.

[in]gvOcean vertical grid structure
[in]avgdepthDepth to average over [Z ~> m].
[in]hGrid thickness [H ~> m or kg m-2]
[in]profileProfile of quantity to be averaged [arbitrary]
[out]averageOutput quantity averaged over depth AvgDepth [arbitrary] (used here for Stokes drift)

Definition at line 1082 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

1082  type(verticalGrid_type), &
1083  intent(in) :: GV !< Ocean vertical grid structure
1084  real, intent(in) :: AvgDepth !< Depth to average over [Z ~> m].
1085  real, dimension(SZK_(GV)), &
1086  intent(in) :: H !< Grid thickness [H ~> m or kg m-2]
1087  real, dimension(SZK_(GV)), &
1088  intent(in) :: Profile !< Profile of quantity to be averaged [arbitrary]
1089  !! (used here for Stokes drift)
1090  real, intent(out) :: Average !< Output quantity averaged over depth AvgDepth [arbitrary]
1091  !! (used here for Stokes drift)
1092  !Local variables
1093  real :: top, midpoint, bottom ! Depths [Z ~> m].
1094  real :: Sum
1095  integer :: kk
1097  ! Initializing sum
1098  sum = 0.0
1100  ! Integrate
1101  bottom = 0.0
1102  do kk = 1, gv%ke
1103  top = bottom
1104  midpoint = bottom - gv%H_to_Z * 0.5*h(kk)
1105  bottom = bottom - gv%H_to_Z * h(kk)
1106  if (avgdepth < bottom) then !Whole cell within H_LA
1107  sum = sum + profile(kk) * (gv%H_to_Z * h(kk))
1108  elseif (avgdepth < top) then !partial cell within H_LA
1109  sum = sum + profile(kk) * (top-avgdepth)
1110  endif
1111  enddo
1113  ! Divide by AvgDepth !### Consider dividing by the depth in the column if that is smaller. -RWH
1114  average = sum / abs(avgdepth)
1116  return

Referenced by get_langmuir_number().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_stokessl_lifoxkemper()

subroutine mom_wave_interface::get_stokessl_lifoxkemper ( real, intent(in)  ustar,
real, intent(in)  hbl,
type(verticalgrid_type), intent(in)  GV,
type(unit_scale_type), intent(in)  US,
real, intent(out)  UStokes_SL,
real, intent(out)  LA 

Get SL averaged Stokes drift from Li/FK 17 method.

Original description:

  • This function returns the enhancement factor, given the 10-meter wind [m s-1], friction velocity [m s-1] and the boundary layer depth [m].

Update (Jan/25):

  • Converted from function to subroutine, now returns Langmuir number.
  • Computs 10m wind internally, so only ustar and hbl need passed to subroutine.

Qing Li, 160606

  • BGR port from CVMix to MOM6 Jan/25/2017
  • BGR change output to LA from Efactor
  • BGR remove u10 input
  • BGR note: fixed parameter values should be changed to "get_params"
    [in]ustarwater-side surface friction velocity [Z T-1 ~> m s-1].
    [in]hblboundary layer depth [Z ~> m].
    [in]gvOcean vertical grid structure
    [in]usA dimensional unit scaling type
    [out]ustokes_slSurface layer averaged Stokes drift [m s-1]
    [out]laLangmuir number

Definition at line 1003 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

1003  real, intent(in) :: ustar !< water-side surface friction velocity [Z T-1 ~> m s-1].
1004  real, intent(in) :: hbl !< boundary layer depth [Z ~> m].
1005  type(verticalGrid_type), intent(in) :: GV !< Ocean vertical grid structure
1006  type(unit_scale_type), intent(in) :: US !< A dimensional unit scaling type
1007  real, intent(out) :: UStokes_SL !< Surface layer averaged Stokes drift [m s-1]
1008  real, intent(out) :: LA !< Langmuir number
1009  ! Local variables
1010  ! parameters
1011  real, parameter :: &
1012  ! ratio of U19.5 to U10 (Holthuijsen, 2007)
1013  u19p5_to_u10 = 1.075, &
1014  ! ratio of mean frequency to peak frequency for
1015  ! Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum (Webb, 2011)
1016  fm_into_fp = 1.296, &
1017  ! ratio of surface Stokes drift to U10
1018  us_to_u10 = 0.0162, &
1019  ! loss ratio of Stokes transport
1020  r_loss = 0.667
1021  real :: UStokes, hm0, fm, fp, vstokes, kphil, kstar
1022  real :: z0, z0i, r1, r2, r3, r4, tmp, lasl_sqr_i
1023  real :: u10
1025  if (ustar > 0.0) then
1026  ! Computing u10 based on u_star and COARE 3.5 relationships
1027  call ust_2_u10_coare3p5(us%Z_to_m*us%s_to_T*ustar*sqrt(us%R_to_kg_m3*gv%Rho0/1.225), u10, gv, us)
1028  ! surface Stokes drift
1029  ustokes = us_to_u10*u10
1030  !
1031  ! significant wave height from Pierson-Moskowitz
1032  ! spectrum (Bouws, 1998)
1033  hm0 = 0.0246 *u10**2
1034  !
1035  ! peak frequency (PM, Bouws, 1998)
1036  tmp = 2.0 * pi * u19p5_to_u10 * u10
1037  fp = 0.877 * gv%mks_g_Earth / tmp
1038  !
1039  ! mean frequency
1040  fm = fm_into_fp * fp
1041  !
1042  ! total Stokes transport (a factor r_loss is applied to account
1043  ! for the effect of directional spreading, multidirectional waves
1044  ! and the use of PM peak frequency and PM significant wave height
1045  ! on estimating the Stokes transport)
1046  vstokes = 0.125 * pi * r_loss * fm * hm0**2
1047  !
1048  ! the general peak wavenumber for Phillips' spectrum
1049  ! (Breivik et al., 2016) with correction of directional spreading
1050  kphil = 0.176 * ustokes / vstokes
1051  !
1052  ! surface layer averaged Stokes dirft with Stokes drift profile
1053  ! estimated from Phillips' spectrum (Breivik et al., 2016)
1054  ! the directional spreading effect from Webb and Fox-Kemper, 2015
1055  ! is also included
1056  kstar = kphil * 2.56
1057  ! surface layer
1058  z0 = abs(us%Z_to_m*hbl)
1059  z0i = 1.0 / z0
1060  ! term 1 to 4
1061  r1 = ( 0.151 / kphil * z0i -0.84 ) * &
1062  ( 1.0 - exp(-2.0 * kphil * z0) )
1063  r2 = -( 0.84 + 0.0591 / kphil * z0i ) * &
1064  sqrt( 2.0 * pi * kphil * z0 ) * &
1065  erfc( sqrt( 2.0 * kphil * z0 ) )
1066  r3 = ( 0.0632 / kstar * z0i + 0.125 ) * &
1067  (1.0 - exp(-2.0 * kstar * z0) )
1068  r4 = ( 0.125 + 0.0946 / kstar * z0i ) * &
1069  sqrt( 2.0 * pi *kstar * z0) * &
1070  erfc( sqrt( 2.0 * kstar * z0 ) )
1071  ustokes_sl = ustokes * (0.715 + r1 + r2 + r3 + r4)
1072  la = sqrt(us%Z_to_m*us%s_to_T*ustar / ustokes_sl)
1073  else
1074  ustokes_sl = 0.0
1075  la=1.e8
1076  endif

References pi, and ust_2_u10_coare3p5().

Referenced by get_langmuir_number().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mom_wave_interface_init()

subroutine, public mom_wave_interface::mom_wave_interface_init ( type(time_type), intent(in), target  time,
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(inout)  G,
type(verticalgrid_type), intent(in)  GV,
type(unit_scale_type), intent(in)  US,
type(param_file_type), intent(in)  param_file,
type(wave_parameters_cs), pointer  CS,
type(diag_ctrl), intent(inout), target  diag 

Initializes parameters related to MOM_wave_interface.

[in]timeModel time
[in,out]gGrid structure
[in]gvVertical grid structure
[in]usA dimensional unit scaling type
[in]param_fileInput parameter structure
csWave parameter control structure
[in,out]diagDiagnostic Pointer

Definition at line 193 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

193  type(time_type), target, intent(in) :: Time !< Model time
194  type(ocean_grid_type), intent(inout) :: G !< Grid structure
195  type(verticalGrid_type), intent(in) :: GV !< Vertical grid structure
196  type(unit_scale_type), intent(in) :: US !< A dimensional unit scaling type
197  type(param_file_type), intent(in) :: param_file !< Input parameter structure
198  type(wave_parameters_CS), pointer :: CS !< Wave parameter control structure
199  type(diag_ctrl), target, intent(inout) :: diag !< Diagnostic Pointer
200  ! Local variables
201  ! I/O
202  character*(13) :: TMPSTRING1,TMPSTRING2
203  character*(5), parameter :: NULL_STRING = "EMPTY"
204  character*(12), parameter :: TESTPROF_STRING = "TEST_PROFILE"
205  character*(13), parameter :: SURFBANDS_STRING = "SURFACE_BANDS"
206  character*(5), parameter :: DHH85_STRING = "DHH85"
207  character*(4), parameter :: LF17_STRING = "LF17"
208  character*(12), parameter :: DATAOVR_STRING = "DATAOVERRIDE"
209  character*(7), parameter :: COUPLER_STRING = "COUPLER"
210  character*(5), parameter :: INPUT_STRING = "INPUT"
212  ! Dummy Check
213  if (associated(cs)) then
214  call mom_error(fatal, "wave_interface_init called with an associated"//&
215  "control structure.")
216  return
217  endif
219  pi=4.0*atan(1.0)
221  ! Allocate CS and set pointers
222  allocate(cs)
224  cs%diag => diag
225  cs%Time => time
227  ! Add any initializations needed here
228  dataoverrideisinitialized = .false.
230  ! The only way to get here is with UseWaves enabled.
231  cs%UseWaves=.true.
233  call log_version(param_file, mdl, version)
235  ! Wave modified physics
236  ! Presently these are all in research mode
237  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "LAGRANGIAN_MIXING", cs%LagrangianMixing, &
238  "Flag to use Lagrangian Mixing of momentum", units="", &
239  default=.false.)
240  if (cs%LagrangianMixing) then
241  ! Force Code Intervention
242  call mom_error(fatal,"Should you be enabling Lagrangian Mixing? Code not ready.")
243  endif
244  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "STOKES_MIXING", cs%StokesMixing, &
245  "Flag to use Stokes Mixing of momentum", units="", &
246  default=.false.)
247  if (cs%StokesMixing) then
248  ! Force Code Intervention
249  call mom_error(fatal,"Should you be enabling Stokes Mixing? Code not ready.")
250  endif
251  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "CORIOLIS_STOKES", cs%CoriolisStokes, &
252  "Flag to use Coriolis Stokes acceleration", units="", &
253  default=.false.)
254  if (cs%CoriolisStokes) then
255  ! Force Code Intervention
256  call mom_error(fatal,"Should you be enabling Coriolis-Stokes? Code not ready.")
257  endif
259  ! Get Wave Method and write to integer WaveMethod
260  call get_param(param_file,mdl,"WAVE_METHOD",tmpstring1, &
261  "Choice of wave method, valid options include: \n"// &
262  " TEST_PROFILE - Prescribed from surface Stokes drift \n"// &
263  " and a decay wavelength.\n"// &
264  " SURFACE_BANDS - Computed from multiple surface values \n"// &
265  " and decay wavelengths.\n"// &
266  " DHH85 - Uses Donelan et al. 1985 empirical \n"// &
267  " wave spectrum with prescribed values. \n"// &
268  " LF17 - Infers Stokes drift profile from wind \n"// &
269  " speed following Li and Fox-Kemper 2017.\n", &
270  units='', default=null_string)
271  select case (trim(tmpstring1))
272  case (null_string)! No Waves
273  call mom_error(fatal, "wave_interface_init called with no specified "//&
274  "WAVE_METHOD.")
275  case (testprof_string)! Test Profile
276  wavemethod = testprof
277  call get_param(param_file,mdl,"TP_STKX_SURF",tp_stkx0,&
278  'Surface Stokes (x) for test profile',&
279  units='m/s',default=0.1)
280  call get_param(param_file,mdl,"TP_STKY_SURF",tp_stky0,&
281  'Surface Stokes (y) for test profile',&
282  units='m/s',default=0.0)
283  call get_param(param_file,mdl,"TP_WVL",tp_wvl,&
284  units='m', default=50.0, scale=us%m_to_Z)
285  case (surfbands_string)! Surface Stokes Drift Bands
286  wavemethod = surfbands
287  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "SURFBAND_SOURCE",tmpstring2, &
288  "Choice of SURFACE_BANDS data mode, valid options include: \n"// &
289  " DATAOVERRIDE - Read from NetCDF using FMS DataOverride. \n"// &
290  " COUPLER - Look for variables from coupler pass \n"// &
291  " INPUT - Testing with fixed values.", &
292  units='', default=null_string)
293  select case (trim(tmpstring2))
294  case (null_string)! Default
295  call mom_error(fatal, "wave_interface_init called with SURFACE_BANDS"//&
296  " but no SURFBAND_SOURCE.")
297  case (dataovr_string)! Using Data Override
298  datasource = dataovr
299  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "SURFBAND_FILENAME", surfbandfilename, &
300  "Filename of surface Stokes drift input band data.", default="")
301  case (coupler_string)! Reserved for coupling
302  datasource = coupler
303  case (input_string)! A method to input the Stokes band (globally uniform)
304  datasource = input
305  call get_param(param_file,mdl,"SURFBAND_NB",numbands, &
306  "Prescribe number of wavenumber bands for Stokes drift. "// &
307  "Make sure this is consistnet w/ WAVENUMBERS, STOKES_X, and "// &
308  "STOKES_Y, there are no safety checks in the code.", &
309  units='', default=1)
310  allocate( cs%WaveNum_Cen(1:numbands) )
311  cs%WaveNum_Cen(:) = 0.0
312  allocate( cs%PrescribedSurfStkX(1:numbands))
313  cs%PrescribedSurfStkX(:) = 0.0
314  allocate( cs%PrescribedSurfStkY(1:numbands))
315  cs%PrescribedSurfStkY(:) = 0.0
316  allocate( cs%STKx0(g%isdB:g%iedB,g%jsd:g%jed,1:numbands))
317  cs%STKx0(:,:,:) = 0.0
318  allocate( cs%STKy0(g%isd:g%ied,g%jsdB:g%jedB,1:numbands))
319  cs%STKy0(:,:,:) = 0.0
320  partitionmode=0
321  call get_param(param_file,mdl,"SURFBAND_WAVENUMBERS",cs%WaveNum_Cen, &
322  "Central wavenumbers for surface Stokes drift bands.",units='rad/m', &
323  default=0.12566)
324  call get_param(param_file,mdl,"SURFBAND_STOKES_X",cs%PrescribedSurfStkX, &
325  "X-direction surface Stokes drift for bands.",units='m/s', &
326  default=0.15)
327  call get_param(param_file,mdl,"SURFBAND_STOKES_Y",cs%PrescribedSurfStkY, &
328  "Y-direction surface Stokes drift for bands.",units='m/s', &
329  default=0.0)
330  case default! No method provided
331  call mom_error(fatal,'Check WAVE_METHOD.')
332  end select
334  case (dhh85_string)!Donelan et al., 1985 spectrum
335  wavemethod = dhh85
336  call mom_error(warning,"DHH85 only ever set-up for uniform cases w/"//&
337  " Stokes drift in x-direction.")
338  call get_param(param_file,mdl,"DHH85_AGE_FP",waveagepeakfreq, &
339  "Choose true to use waveage in peak frequency.", &
340  units='', default=.false.)
341  call get_param(param_file,mdl,"DHH85_AGE",waveage, &
342  "Wave Age for DHH85 spectrum.", &
343  units='', default=1.2)
344  call get_param(param_file,mdl,"DHH85_WIND",wavewind, &
345  "Wind speed for DHH85 spectrum.", &
346  units='', default=10.0)
347  call get_param(param_file,mdl,"STATIC_DHH85",staticwaves, &
348  "Flag to disable updating DHH85 Stokes drift.", &
349  default=.false.)
350  case (lf17_string)!Li and Fox-Kemper 17 wind-sea Langmuir number
351  wavemethod = lf17
352  case default
353  call mom_error(fatal,'Check WAVE_METHOD.')
354  end select
356  ! Langmuir number Options
357  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "LA_DEPTH_RATIO", la_frachbl, &
358  "The depth (normalized by BLD) to average Stokes drift over in "//&
359  "Langmuir number calculation, where La = sqrt(ust/Stokes).", &
360  units="nondim",default=0.04)
361  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "LA_MISALIGNMENT", la_misalignment, &
362  "Flag (logical) if using misalignment bt shear and waves in LA",&
363  default=.false.)
364  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "MIN_LANGMUIR", cs%La_min, &
365  "A minimum value for all Langmuir numbers that is not physical, "//&
366  "but is likely only encountered when the wind is very small and "//&
367  "therefore its effects should be mostly benign.",units="nondim",&
368  default=0.05)
370  ! Allocate and initialize
371  ! a. Stokes driftProfiles
372  allocate(cs%Us_x(g%isdB:g%IedB,g%jsd:g%jed,g%ke))
373  cs%Us_x(:,:,:) = 0.0
374  allocate(cs%Us_y(g%isd:g%Ied,g%jsdB:g%jedB,g%ke))
375  cs%Us_y(:,:,:) = 0.0
376  ! b. Surface Values
377  allocate(cs%US0_x(g%isdB:g%iedB,g%jsd:g%jed))
378  cs%US0_x(:,:) = 0.0
379  allocate(cs%US0_y(g%isd:g%ied,g%jsdB:g%jedB))
380  cs%US0_y(:,:) = 0.0
381  ! c. Langmuir number
382  allocate(cs%La_SL(g%isc:g%iec,g%jsc:g%jec))
383  allocate(cs%La_turb(g%isc:g%iec,g%jsc:g%jec))
384  cs%La_SL(:,:) = 0.0
385  cs%La_turb (:,:) = 0.0
386  ! d. Viscosity for Stokes drift
387  if (cs%StokesMixing) then
388  allocate(cs%KvS(g%isd:g%Ied,g%jsd:g%jed,g%ke))
389  cs%KvS(:,:,:) = 0.0
390  endif
392  ! Initialize Wave related outputs
393  cs%id_surfacestokes_y = register_diag_field('ocean_model','surface_stokes_y', &
394  cs%diag%axesCu1,time,'Surface Stokes drift (y)','m s-1')
395  cs%id_surfacestokes_x = register_diag_field('ocean_model','surface_stokes_x', &
396  cs%diag%axesCv1,time,'Surface Stokes drift (x)','m s-1')
397  cs%id_3dstokes_y = register_diag_field('ocean_model','3d_stokes_y', &
398  cs%diag%axesCvL,time,'3d Stokes drift (y)','m s-1')
399  cs%id_3dstokes_x = register_diag_field('ocean_model','3d_stokes_x', &
400  cs%diag%axesCuL,time,'3d Stokes drift (y)','m s-1')
401  cs%id_La_turb = register_diag_field('ocean_model','La_turbulent',&
402  cs%diag%axesT1,time,'Surface (turbulent) Langmuir number','nondim')
404  return

References coupler, dataoverrideisinitialized, dataovr, datasource, dhh85, input, la_frachbl, la_misalignment, lf17, mdl, mom_error_handler::mom_error(), numbands, partitionmode, pi, staticwaves, surfbandfilename, surfbands, testprof, tp_stkx0, tp_stky0, tp_wvl, waveage, waveagepeakfreq, wavemethod, and wavewind.

Referenced by mom_main().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mom_wave_interface_init_lite()

subroutine, public mom_wave_interface::mom_wave_interface_init_lite ( type(param_file_type), intent(in)  param_file)

A 'lite' init subroutine to initialize a few inputs needed if using wave information with the wind-speed dependent Stokes drift formulation of LF17.

[in]param_fileInput parameter structure

Definition at line 410 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

410  type(param_file_type), intent(in) :: param_file !< Input parameter structure
411  character*(5), parameter :: NULL_STRING = "EMPTY"
412  character*(4), parameter :: LF17_STRING = "LF17"
413  character*(13) :: TMPSTRING1
414  logical :: StatisticalWaves
416  ! Langmuir number Options
417  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "LA_DEPTH_RATIO", la_frachbl, &
418  "The depth (normalized by BLD) to average Stokes drift over in "//&
419  "Langmuir number calculation, where La = sqrt(ust/Stokes).", &
420  units="nondim",default=0.04)
422  ! Check if using LA_LI2016
423  call get_param(param_file,mdl,"USE_LA_LI2016",statisticalwaves, &
424  do_not_log=.true.,default=.false.)
425  if (statisticalwaves) then
426  wavemethod = lf17
427  pi=4.0*atan(1.0)
428  else
429  wavemethod = null_wavemethod
430  end if
432  return

References la_frachbl, lf17, mdl, null_wavemethod, pi, and wavemethod.

Referenced by mom_main(), mom_ocean_model_mct::ocean_model_init(), and mom_ocean_model_nuopc::ocean_model_init().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ stokesmixing()

subroutine, public mom_wave_interface::stokesmixing ( type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in)  G,
type(verticalgrid_type), intent(in)  GV,
real, intent(in)  dt,
real, dimension(szi_(g),szj_(g),szk_(g)), intent(in)  h,
real, dimension(szib_(g),szj_(g),szk_(g)), intent(inout)  u,
real, dimension(szi_(g),szjb_(g),szk_(g)), intent(inout)  v,
type(wave_parameters_cs), pointer  Waves 

Explicit solver for Stokes mixing. Still in development do not use.

[in]gOcean grid
[in]gvOcean vertical grid
[in]dtTime step of MOM6 [T ~> s] for explicit solver
[in]hLayer thicknesses [H ~> m or kg m-2]
[in,out]uVelocity i-component [m s-1]
[in,out]vVelocity j-component [m s-1]
wavesSurface wave related control structure.

Definition at line 1209 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

1209  type(ocean_grid_type), &
1210  intent(in) :: G !< Ocean grid
1211  type(verticalGrid_type), &
1212  intent(in) :: GV !< Ocean vertical grid
1213  real, intent(in) :: dt !< Time step of MOM6 [T ~> s] for explicit solver
1214  real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(G)),&
1215  intent(in) :: h !< Layer thicknesses [H ~> m or kg m-2]
1216  real, dimension(SZIB_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(G)), &
1217  intent(inout) :: u !< Velocity i-component [m s-1]
1218  real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJB_(G),SZK_(G)), &
1219  intent(inout) :: v !< Velocity j-component [m s-1]
1220  type(Wave_parameters_CS), &
1221  pointer :: Waves !< Surface wave related control structure.
1222  ! Local variables
1223  real :: dTauUp, dTauDn ! Vertical momentum fluxes [Z T-1 m s-1]
1224  real :: h_Lay ! The layer thickness at a velocity point [Z ~> m].
1225  integer :: i,j,k
1227 ! This is a template to think about down-Stokes mixing.
1228 ! This is not ready for use...
1230  do k = 1, g%ke
1231  do j = g%jsc, g%jec
1232  do i = g%iscB, g%iecB
1233  h_lay = gv%H_to_Z*0.5*(h(i,j,k)+h(i+1,j,k))
1234  dtauup = 0.0
1235  if (k > 1) &
1236  dtauup = 0.5*(waves%Kvs(i,j,k)+waves%Kvs(i+1,j,k)) * &
1237  (waves%us_x(i,j,k-1)-waves%us_x(i,j,k)) / &
1238  (0.5*(h_lay + gv%H_to_Z*0.5*(h(i,j,k-1)+h(i+1,j,k-1)) ))
1239  dtaudn = 0.0
1240  if (k < g%ke-1) &
1241  dtaudn = 0.5*(waves%Kvs(i,j,k+1)+waves%Kvs(i+1,j,k+1)) * &
1242  (waves%us_x(i,j,k)-waves%us_x(i,j,k+1)) / &
1243  (0.5*(h_lay + gv%H_to_Z*0.5*(h(i,j,k+1)+h(i+1,j,k+1)) ))
1244  u(i,j,k) = u(i,j,k) + dt * (dtauup-dtaudn) / h_lay
1245  enddo
1246  enddo
1247  enddo
1249  do k = 1, g%ke
1250  do j = g%jscB, g%jecB
1251  do i = g%isc, g%iec
1252  h_lay = gv%H_to_Z*0.5*(h(i,j,k)+h(i,j+1,k))
1253  dtauup = 0.
1254  if (k > 1) &
1255  dtauup = 0.5*(waves%Kvs(i,j,k)+waves%Kvs(i,j+1,k)) * &
1256  (waves%us_y(i,j,k-1)-waves%us_y(i,j,k)) / &
1257  (0.5*(h_lay + gv%H_to_Z*0.5*(h(i,j,k-1)+h(i,j+1,k-1)) ))
1258  dtaudn = 0.0
1259  if (k < g%ke-1) &
1260  dtaudn =0.5*(waves%Kvs(i,j,k+1)+waves%Kvs(i,j+1,k+1)) * &
1261  (waves%us_y(i,j,k)-waves%us_y(i,j,k+1)) / &
1262  (0.5*(h_lay + gv%H_to_Z*0.5*(h(i,j,k+1)+h(i,j+1,k+1)) ))
1263  v(i,j,k) = v(i,j,k) + dt * (dtauup-dtaudn) / h_lay
1264  enddo
1265  enddo
1266  enddo

◆ surface_bands_by_data_override()

subroutine mom_wave_interface::surface_bands_by_data_override ( type(time_type), intent(in)  day_center,
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(inout)  G,
type(verticalgrid_type), intent(in)  GV,
type(unit_scale_type), intent(in)  US,
type(wave_parameters_cs), pointer  CS 

A subroutine to fill the Stokes drift from a NetCDF file using the data_override procedures.

[in]day_centerCenter of timestep
csWave structure
[in,out]gGrid structure
[in]gvVertical grid structure
[in]usA dimensional unit scaling type

Definition at line 709 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

709  use netcdf
710  type(time_type), intent(in) :: day_center !< Center of timestep
711  type(wave_parameters_CS), pointer :: CS !< Wave structure
712  type(ocean_grid_type), intent(inout) :: G !< Grid structure
713  type(verticalGrid_type), intent(in) :: GV !< Vertical grid structure
714  type(unit_scale_type), intent(in) :: US !< A dimensional unit scaling type
715  ! Local variables
716  real :: temp_x(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G)) ! Pseudo-zonal Stokes drift of band at h-points [m s-1]
717  real :: temp_y(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G)) ! Psuedo-meridional Stokes drift of band at h-points [m s-1]
718  real :: Top, MidPoint
719  integer :: b
720  integer :: i, j
721  integer, dimension(4) :: start, counter, dims, dim_id
722  character(len=12) :: dim_name(4)
723  character(20) :: varname, varread1, varread2
724  integer :: rcode_fr, rcode_wn, ncid, varid_fr, varid_wn, id, ndims
726  if (.not.dataoverrideisinitialized) then
727  call data_override_init(ocean_domain_in=g%Domain%mpp_domain)
728  dataoverrideisinitialized = .true.
730  ! Read in number of wavenumber bands in file to set number to be read in
731  ! Hardcoded filename/variables
732  varread1 = 'wavenumber' !Old method gives wavenumber
733  varread2 = 'frequency' !New method gives frequency
734  rcode_wn = nf90_open(trim(surfbandfilename), nf90_nowrite, ncid)
735  if (rcode_wn /= 0) then
736  call mom_error(fatal,"error opening file "//trim(surfbandfilename)//&
737  " in MOM_wave_interface.")
738  endif
740  ! Check if rcode_wn or rcode_fr is 0 (checks if input has wavenumber or frequency)
741  rcode_wn = nf90_inq_varid(ncid, varread1, varid_wn)
742  rcode_fr = nf90_inq_varid(ncid, varread2, varid_fr)
744  if (rcode_wn /= 0 .and. rcode_fr /= 0) then
745  call mom_error(fatal,"error finding variable "//trim(varread1)//&
746  " or "//trim(varread2)//" in file "//trim(surfbandfilename)//" in MOM_wave_interface.")
748  elseif (rcode_wn == 0) then
749  ! wavenumbers found:
750  partitionmode = 0
751  rcode_wn = nf90_inquire_variable(ncid, varid_wn, ndims=ndims, &
752  dimids=dims)
753  if (rcode_wn /= 0) then
754  call mom_error(fatal, &
755  'error inquiring dimensions MOM_wave_interface.')
756  endif
757  rcode_wn = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, dims(1), dim_name(1), len=id)
758  if (rcode_wn /= 0) then
759  call mom_error(fatal,"error reading dimension 1 data for "// &
760  trim(varread1)//" in file "// trim(surfbandfilename)// &
761  " in MOM_wave_interface.")
762  endif
763  rcode_wn = nf90_inq_varid(ncid, dim_name(1), dim_id(1))
764  if (rcode_wn /= 0) then
765  call mom_error(fatal,"error finding variable "//trim(dim_name(1))//&
766  " in file "//trim(surfbandfilename)//" in MOM_wave_interace.")
767  endif
768  ! Allocating size of wavenumber bins
769  allocate( cs%WaveNum_Cen(1:id) )
770  cs%WaveNum_Cen(:) = 0.0
771  elseif (rcode_fr == 0) then
772  ! frequencies found:
773  partitionmode = 1
774  rcode_fr = nf90_inquire_variable(ncid, varid_fr, ndims=ndims, &
775  dimids=dims)
776  if (rcode_fr /= 0) then
777  call mom_error(fatal,&
778  'error inquiring dimensions MOM_wave_interface.')
779  endif
780  rcode_fr = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, dims(1), dim_name(1), len=id)
781  if (rcode_fr /= 0) then
782  call mom_error(fatal,"error reading dimension 1 data for "// &
783  trim(varread2)//" in file "// trim(surfbandfilename)// &
784  " in MOM_wave_interface.")
785  endif
786  rcode_fr = nf90_inq_varid(ncid, dim_name(1), dim_id(1))
787  if (rcode_fr /= 0) then
788  call mom_error(fatal,"error finding variable "//trim(dim_name(1))//&
789  " in file "//trim(surfbandfilename)//" in MOM_wave_interace.")
790  endif
791  ! Allocating size of frequency bins
792  allocate( cs%Freq_Cen(1:id) )
793  cs%Freq_Cen(:) = 0.0
794  ! Allocating size of wavenumber bins
795  allocate( cs%WaveNum_Cen(1:id) )
796  cs%WaveNum_Cen(:) = 0.0
797  allocate( cs%STKx0(g%isdB:g%iedB,g%jsd:g%jed,1:id))
798  cs%STKx0(:,:,:) = 0.0
799  allocate( cs%STKy0(g%isd:g%ied,g%jsdB:g%jedB,1:id))
800  cs%STKy0(:,:,:) = 0.0
801  endif
803  ! Reading wavenumber bins/Frequencies
804  start(:) = 1 ! Set all start to 1
805  counter(:) = 1 ! Set all counter to 1
806  counter(1) = id ! Set counter(1) to id (number of frequency bins)
807  if (partitionmode==0) then
808  rcode_wn = nf90_get_var(ncid, dim_id(1), cs%WaveNum_Cen, start, counter)
809  if (rcode_wn /= 0) then
810  call mom_error(fatal,&
811  "error reading dimension 1 values for var_name "// &
812  trim(varread1)//",dim_name "//trim(dim_name(1))// &
813  " in file "// trim(surfbandfilename)//" in MOM_wave_interface")
814  endif
815  numbands = id
816  do b = 1,numbands ; cs%WaveNum_Cen(b) = us%Z_to_m*cs%WaveNum_Cen(b) ; enddo
817  elseif (partitionmode==1) then
818  rcode_fr = nf90_get_var(ncid, dim_id(1), cs%Freq_Cen, start, counter)
819  if (rcode_fr /= 0) then
820  call mom_error(fatal,&
821  "error reading dimension 1 values for var_name "// &
822  trim(varread2)//",dim_name "//trim(dim_name(1))// &
823  " in file "// trim(surfbandfilename)//" in MOM_wave_interface")
824  endif
825  numbands = id
826  do b = 1,numbands
827  cs%WaveNum_Cen(b) = (2.*pi*cs%Freq_Cen(b)*us%T_to_s)**2 / (us%L_to_Z**2*gv%g_Earth)
828  enddo
829  endif
831  endif
833  do b = 1,numbands
834  temp_x(:,:) = 0.0
835  temp_y(:,:) = 0.0
836  varname = ' '
837  write(varname,"(A3,I0)")'Usx',b
838  call data_override('OCN',trim(varname), temp_x, day_center)
839  varname = ' '
840  write(varname,'(A3,I0)')'Usy',b
841  call data_override('OCN',trim(varname), temp_y, day_center)
842  ! Disperse into halo on h-grid
843  call pass_vector(temp_x, temp_y, g%Domain, to_all, agrid)
844  !Filter land values
845  do j = g%jsd,g%jed
846  do i = g%Isd,g%Ied
847  if (abs(temp_x(i,j)) > 10. .or. abs(temp_y(i,j)) > 10.) then
848  ! Assume land-mask and zero out
849  temp_x(i,j) = 0.0
850  temp_y(i,j) = 0.0
851  endif
852  enddo
853  enddo
855  ! Interpolate to u/v grids
856  do j = g%jsc,g%jec
857  do i = g%IscB,g%IecB
858  cs%STKx0(i,j,b) = 0.5 * (temp_x(i,j) + temp_x(i+1,j))
859  enddo
860  enddo
861  do j = g%JscB,g%JecB
862  do i = g%isc,g%iec
863  cs%STKy0(i,j,b) = 0.5 * (temp_y(i,j) + temp_y(i,j+1))
864  enddo
865  enddo
866  ! Disperse into halo on u/v grids
867  call pass_vector(cs%STKx0(:,:,b),cs%STKy0(:,:,b), g%Domain, to_all)
868  enddo !Closes b-loop

References dataoverrideisinitialized, mom_error_handler::mom_error(), numbands, partitionmode, pi, surfbandfilename, and mom_domains::to_all.

Referenced by update_surface_waves().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ update_stokes_drift()

subroutine, public mom_wave_interface::update_stokes_drift ( type(ocean_grid_type), intent(inout)  G,
type(verticalgrid_type), intent(in)  GV,
type(unit_scale_type), intent(in)  US,
type(wave_parameters_cs), pointer  CS,
real, dimension( g %isd: g %ied, g %jsd: g %jed, g %ke), intent(in)  h,
real, dimension( g %isd: g %ied, g %jsd: g %jed), intent(in)  ustar 

Constructs the Stokes Drift profile on the model grid based on desired coupling options.

csWave parameter Control structure
[in,out]gGrid structure
[in]gvVertical grid structure
[in]usA dimensional unit scaling type
[in]hThickness [H ~> m or kg m-2]
[in]ustarWind friction velocity [Z T-1 ~> m s-1].

Definition at line 479 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

479  type(wave_parameters_CS), pointer :: CS !< Wave parameter Control structure
480  type(ocean_grid_type), intent(inout) :: G !< Grid structure
481  type(verticalGrid_type), intent(in) :: GV !< Vertical grid structure
482  type(unit_scale_type), intent(in) :: US !< A dimensional unit scaling type
483  real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(G)), &
484  intent(in) :: h !< Thickness [H ~> m or kg m-2]
485  real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G)), &
486  intent(in) :: ustar !< Wind friction velocity [Z T-1 ~> m s-1].
487  ! Local Variables
488  real :: Top, MidPoint, Bottom, one_cm
489  real :: DecayScale
490  real :: CMN_FAC, WN, UStokes
491  real :: La
492  integer :: ii, jj, kk, b, iim1, jjm1
494  one_cm = 0.01*us%m_to_Z
496  ! 1. If Test Profile Option is chosen
497  ! Computing mid-point value from surface value and decay wavelength
498  if (wavemethod==testprof) then
499  decayscale = 4.*pi / tp_wvl !4pi
500  do ii = g%isdB,g%iedB
501  do jj = g%jsd,g%jed
502  iim1 = max(1,ii-1)
503  bottom = 0.0
504  midpoint = 0.0
505  do kk = 1,g%ke
506  top = bottom
507  midpoint = bottom - gv%H_to_Z*0.25*(h(ii,jj,kk)+h(iim1,jj,kk))
508  bottom = bottom - gv%H_to_Z*0.5*(h(ii,jj,kk)+h(iim1,jj,kk))
509  cs%Us_x(ii,jj,kk) = tp_stkx0*exp(midpoint*decayscale)
510  enddo
511  enddo
512  enddo
513  do ii = g%isd,g%ied
514  do jj = g%jsdB,g%jedB
515  jjm1 = max(1,jj-1)
516  bottom = 0.0
517  midpoint = 0.0
518  do kk = 1,g%ke
519  top = bottom
520  midpoint = bottom - gv%H_to_Z*0.25*(h(ii,jj,kk)+h(ii,jjm1,kk))
521  bottom = bottom - gv%H_to_Z*0.5*(h(ii,jj,kk)+h(ii,jjm1,kk))
522  cs%Us_y(ii,jj,kk) = tp_stky0*exp(midpoint*decayscale)
523  enddo
524  enddo
525  enddo
526  ! 2. If Surface Bands is chosen
527  ! In wavenumber mode compute integral for layer averaged Stokes drift.
528  ! In frequency mode compuate value at midpoint.
529  elseif (wavemethod==surfbands) then
530  cs%Us_x(:,:,:) = 0.0
531  cs%Us_y(:,:,:) = 0.0
532  cs%Us0_x(:,:) = 0.0
533  cs%Us0_y(:,:) = 0.0
534  ! Computing X direction Stokes drift
535  do ii = g%isdB,g%iedB
536  do jj = g%jsd,g%jed
537  ! 1. First compute the surface Stokes drift
538  ! by integrating over the partitionas.
539  do b = 1,numbands
540  if (partitionmode==0) then
541  ! In wavenumber we are averaging over (small) level
542  cmn_fac = (1.0-exp(-one_cm*2.*cs%WaveNum_Cen(b))) / &
543  (one_cm*2.*cs%WaveNum_Cen(b))
544  elseif (partitionmode==1) then
545  ! In frequency we are not averaging over level and taking top
546  cmn_fac = 1.0
547  endif
548  cs%US0_x(ii,jj) = cs%US0_x(ii,jj) + cs%STKx0(ii,jj,b)*cmn_fac
549  enddo
550  ! 2. Second compute the level averaged Stokes drift
551  bottom = 0.0
552  do kk = 1,g%ke
553  top = bottom
554  iim1 = max(ii-1,1)
555  midpoint = bottom - gv%H_to_Z*0.25*(h(ii,jj,kk)+h(iim1,jj,kk))
556  bottom = bottom - gv%H_to_Z*0.5*(h(ii,jj,kk)+h(iim1,jj,kk))
557  do b = 1,numbands
558  if (partitionmode==0) then
559  ! In wavenumber we are averaging over level
560  cmn_fac = (exp(top*2.*cs%WaveNum_Cen(b))-exp(bottom*2.*cs%WaveNum_Cen(b)))&
561  / ((top-bottom)*(2.*cs%WaveNum_Cen(b)))
562  elseif (partitionmode==1) then
563  if (cs%StkLevelMode==0) then
564  ! Take the value at the midpoint
565  cmn_fac = exp(midpoint*2.*(2.*pi*cs%Freq_Cen(b)*us%T_to_s)**2/(us%L_to_Z**2*gv%g_Earth))
566  elseif (cs%StkLevelMode==1) then
567  ! Use a numerical integration and then
568  ! divide by layer thickness
569  wn = (2.*pi*cs%Freq_Cen(b)*us%T_to_s)**2 / (us%L_to_Z**2*gv%g_Earth) !bgr bug-fix missing g
570  cmn_fac = (exp(2.*wn*top)-exp(2.*wn*bottom)) / (2.*wn*(top-bottom))
571  endif
572  endif
573  cs%US_x(ii,jj,kk) = cs%US_x(ii,jj,kk) + cs%STKx0(ii,jj,b)*cmn_fac
574  enddo
575  enddo
576  enddo
577  enddo
578  ! Computing Y direction Stokes drift
579  do ii = g%isd,g%ied
580  do jj = g%jsdB,g%jedB
581  ! Compute the surface values.
582  do b = 1,numbands
583  if (partitionmode==0) then
584  ! In wavenumber we are averaging over (small) level
585  cmn_fac = (1.0-exp(-one_cm*2.*cs%WaveNum_Cen(b))) / &
586  (one_cm*2.*cs%WaveNum_Cen(b))
587  elseif (partitionmode==1) then
588  ! In frequency we are not averaging over level and taking top
589  cmn_fac = 1.0
590  endif
591  cs%US0_y(ii,jj) = cs%US0_y(ii,jj) + cs%STKy0(ii,jj,b)*cmn_fac
592  enddo
593  ! Compute the level averages.
594  bottom = 0.0
595  do kk = 1,g%ke
596  top = bottom
597  jjm1 = max(jj-1,1)
598  midpoint = bottom - gv%H_to_Z*0.25*(h(ii,jj,kk)+h(ii,jjm1,kk))
599  bottom = bottom - gv%H_to_Z*0.5*(h(ii,jj,kk)+h(ii,jjm1,kk))
600  do b = 1,numbands
601  if (partitionmode==0) then
602  ! In wavenumber we are averaging over level
603  cmn_fac = (exp(top*2.*cs%WaveNum_Cen(b)) - &
604  exp(bottom*2.*cs%WaveNum_Cen(b))) / &
605  ((top-bottom)*(2.*cs%WaveNum_Cen(b)))
606  elseif (partitionmode==1) then
607  if (cs%StkLevelMode==0) then
608  ! Take the value at the midpoint
609  cmn_fac = exp(midpoint*2.*(2.*pi*cs%Freq_Cen(b)*us%T_to_s)**2/(us%L_to_Z**2*gv%g_Earth))
610  elseif (cs%StkLevelMode==1) then
611  ! Use a numerical integration and then
612  ! divide by layer thickness
613  wn = (2.*pi*cs%Freq_Cen(b)*us%T_to_s)**2 / (us%L_to_Z**2*gv%g_Earth)
614  cmn_fac = (exp(2.*wn*top)-exp(2.*wn*bottom)) / (2.*wn*(top-bottom))
615  endif
616  endif
617  cs%US_y(ii,jj,kk) = cs%US_y(ii,jj,kk) + cs%STKy0(ii,jj,b)*cmn_fac
618  enddo
619  enddo
620  enddo
621  enddo
622  elseif (wavemethod==dhh85) then
623  if (.not.(staticwaves .and. dhh85_is_set)) then
624  do ii = g%isdB,g%iedB
625  do jj = g%jsd,g%jed
626  bottom = 0.0
627  do kk = 1,g%ke
628  top = bottom
629  iim1 = max(ii-1,1)
630  midpoint = bottom - gv%H_to_Z*0.25*(h(ii,jj,kk)+h(iim1,jj,kk))
631  bottom = bottom - gv%H_to_Z*0.5*(h(ii,jj,kk)+h(iim1,jj,kk))
632  !bgr note that this is using a u-point ii on h-point ustar
633  ! this code has only been previous used for uniform
634  ! grid cases. This needs fixed if DHH85 is used for non
635  ! uniform cases.
636  call dhh85_mid(gv, us, midpoint, ustokes)
637  ! Putting into x-direction (no option for direction
638  cs%US_x(ii,jj,kk) = ustokes
639  enddo
640  enddo
641  enddo
642  do ii = g%isd,g%ied
643  do jj = g%jsdB,g%jedB
644  bottom = 0.0
645  do kk=1, g%ke
646  top = bottom
647  jjm1 = max(jj-1,1)
648  midpoint = bottom - gv%H_to_Z*0.25*(h(ii,jj,kk)+h(ii,jjm1,kk))
649  bottom = bottom - gv%H_to_Z*0.5*(h(ii,jj,kk)+h(ii,jjm1,kk))
650  !bgr note that this is using a v-point jj on h-point ustar
651  ! this code has only been previous used for uniform
652  ! grid cases. This needs fixed if DHH85 is used for non
653  ! uniform cases.
654  ! call DHH85_mid(GV, US, Midpoint, UStokes)
655  ! Putting into x-direction, so setting y direction to 0
656  cs%US_y(ii,jj,kk) = 0.0 !### Note that =0 should be =US - RWH
657  ! bgr - see note above, but this is true
658  ! if this is used for anything
659  ! other than simple LES comparison
660  enddo
661  enddo
662  enddo
663  dhh85_is_set = .true.
664  endif
665  else! Keep this else, fallback to 0 Stokes drift
666  do kk= 1,g%ke
667  do ii = g%isdB,g%iedB
668  do jj = g%jsd,g%jed
669  cs%Us_x(ii,jj,kk) = 0.
670  enddo
671  enddo
672  do ii = g%isd,g%ied
673  do jj = g%jsdB,g%jedB
674  cs%Us_y(ii,jj,kk) = 0.
675  enddo
676  enddo
677  enddo
678  endif
680  ! Turbulent Langmuir number is computed here and available to use anywhere.
681  ! SL Langmuir number requires mixing layer depth, and therefore is computed
682  ! in the routine it is needed by (e.g. KPP or ePBL).
683  do ii = g%isc,g%iec
684  do jj = g%jsc, g%jec
685  top = h(ii,jj,1)*gv%H_to_Z
686  call get_langmuir_number( la, g, gv, us, top, ustar(ii,jj), ii, jj, &
687  h(ii,jj,:),override_ma=.false.,waves=cs)
688  cs%La_turb(ii,jj) = la
689  enddo
690  enddo
692  ! Output any desired quantities
693  if (cs%id_surfacestokes_y>0) &
694  call post_data(cs%id_surfacestokes_y, cs%us0_y, cs%diag)
695  if (cs%id_surfacestokes_x>0) &
696  call post_data(cs%id_surfacestokes_x, cs%us0_x, cs%diag)
697  if (cs%id_3dstokes_y>0) &
698  call post_data(cs%id_3dstokes_y, cs%us_y, cs%diag)
699  if (cs%id_3dstokes_x>0) &
700  call post_data(cs%id_3dstokes_x, cs%us_x, cs%diag)
701  if (cs%id_La_turb>0) &
702  call post_data(cs%id_La_turb, cs%La_turb, cs%diag)

References dhh85, dhh85_is_set, dhh85_mid(), get_langmuir_number(), numbands, partitionmode, pi, staticwaves, surfbands, testprof, tp_stkx0, tp_stky0, tp_wvl, and wavemethod.

Referenced by mom::step_mom().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ update_surface_waves()

subroutine, public mom_wave_interface::update_surface_waves ( type(ocean_grid_type), intent(inout)  G,
type(verticalgrid_type), intent(in)  GV,
type(unit_scale_type), intent(in)  US,
type(time_type), intent(in)  Day,
type(time_type), intent(in)  dt,
type(wave_parameters_cs), pointer  CS 

Subroutine that handles updating of surface wave/Stokes drift related properties.

csWave parameter Control structure
[in,out]gGrid structure
[in]gvVertical grid structure
[in]usA dimensional unit scaling type
[in]dayCurrent model time
[in]dtTimestep as a time-type

Definition at line 437 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

437  type(wave_parameters_CS), pointer :: CS !< Wave parameter Control structure
438  type(ocean_grid_type), intent(inout) :: G !< Grid structure
439  type(verticalGrid_type), intent(in) :: GV !< Vertical grid structure
440  type(unit_scale_type), intent(in) :: US !< A dimensional unit scaling type
441  type(time_type), intent(in) :: Day !< Current model time
442  type(time_type), intent(in) :: dt !< Timestep as a time-type
443  ! Local variables
444  integer :: ii, jj, kk, b
445  type(time_type) :: Day_Center
447  ! Computing central time of time step
448  day_center = day + dt/2
450  if (wavemethod == testprof) then
451  ! Do nothing
452  elseif (wavemethod==surfbands) then
453  if (datasource==dataovr) then
454  call surface_bands_by_data_override(day_center, g, gv, us, cs)
455  elseif (datasource==coupler) then
456  ! Reserve for coupler hooks
457  elseif (datasource==input) then
458  do b=1,numbands
459  do ii=g%isdB,g%iedB
460  do jj=g%jsd,g%jed
461  cs%STKx0(ii,jj,b) = cs%PrescribedSurfStkX(b)
462  enddo
463  enddo
464  do ii=g%isd,g%ied
465  do jj=g%jsdB, g%jedB
466  cs%STKY0(ii,jj,b) = cs%PrescribedSurfStkY(b)
467  enddo
468  enddo
469  enddo
470  endif
471  endif
473  return

References coupler, dataovr, datasource, input, numbands, surface_bands_by_data_override(), surfbands, testprof, and wavemethod.

Referenced by mom_main(), mom_ocean_model_mct::update_ocean_model(), and mom_ocean_model_nuopc::update_ocean_model().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ust_2_u10_coare3p5()

subroutine mom_wave_interface::ust_2_u10_coare3p5 ( real, intent(in)  USTair,
real, intent(out)  U10,
type(verticalgrid_type), intent(in)  GV,
type(unit_scale_type), intent(in)  US 

Computes wind speed from ustar_air based on COARE 3.5 Cd relationship Probably doesn't belong in this module, but it is used here to estimate wind speed for wind-wave relationships. Should be a fine way to estimate the neutral wind-speed as written here.

[in]ustairWind friction velocity [m s-1]
[out]u1010-m neutral wind speed [m s-1]
[in]gvvertical grid type
[in]usA dimensional unit scaling type

Definition at line 1321 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

1321  real, intent(in) :: USTair !< Wind friction velocity [m s-1]
1322  real, intent(out) :: U10 !< 10-m neutral wind speed [m s-1]
1323  type(verticalGrid_type), intent(in) :: GV !< vertical grid type
1324  type(unit_scale_type), intent(in) :: US !< A dimensional unit scaling type
1326  ! Local variables
1327  real, parameter :: vonkar = 0.4 ! Should access a get_param von karman
1328  real, parameter :: nu=1e-6 ! Should access a get_param air-viscosity
1329  real :: z0sm, z0, z0rough, u10a, alpha, CD
1330  integer :: CT
1332  ! Uses empirical formula for z0 to convert ustar_air to u10 based on the
1333  ! COARE 3.5 paper (Edson et al., 2013)
1334  ! alpha=m*U10+b
1335  ! Note in Edson et al. 2013, eq. 13 m is given as 0.017. However,
1336  ! m=0.0017 reproduces the curve in their figure 6.
1338  z0sm = 0.11 * nu * us%m_to_Z / ustair !Compute z0smooth from ustar guess
1339  u10 = ustair/sqrt(0.001) !Guess for u10
1340  u10a = 1000
1342  ct=0
1343  do while (abs(u10a/u10-1.) > 0.001)
1344  ct=ct+1
1345  u10a = u10
1346  alpha = min(0.028, 0.0017 * u10 - 0.005)
1347  z0rough = alpha * (us%m_s_to_L_T*ustair)**2 / gv%g_Earth ! Compute z0rough from ustar guess
1348  z0 = z0sm + z0rough
1349  cd = ( vonkar / log(10.*us%m_to_Z / z0) )**2 ! Compute CD from derived roughness
1350  u10 = ustair/sqrt(cd) ! Compute new u10 from derived CD, while loop
1351  ! ends and checks for convergence...CT counter
1352  ! makes sure loop doesn't run away if function
1353  ! doesn't converge. This code was produced offline
1354  ! and converged rapidly (e.g. 2 cycles)
1355  ! for ustar=0.0001:0.0001:10.
1356  if (ct>20) then
1357  u10 = ustair/sqrt(0.0015) ! I don't expect to get here, but just
1358  ! in case it will output a reasonable value.
1359  exit
1360  endif
1361  enddo
1362  return

Referenced by get_stokessl_lifoxkemper().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ waves_end()

subroutine, public mom_wave_interface::waves_end ( type(wave_parameters_cs), pointer  CS)

Clear pointers, deallocate memory.

csControl structure

Definition at line 1367 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

1367  type(wave_parameters_CS), pointer :: CS !< Control structure
1369  if (allocated(cs%WaveNum_Cen)) deallocate( cs%WaveNum_Cen )
1370  if (allocated(cs%Freq_Cen)) deallocate( cs%Freq_Cen )
1371  if (allocated(cs%Us_x)) deallocate( cs%Us_x )
1372  if (allocated(cs%Us_y)) deallocate( cs%Us_y )
1373  if (allocated(cs%La_SL)) deallocate( cs%La_SL )
1374  if (allocated(cs%La_turb)) deallocate( cs%La_turb )
1375  if (allocated(cs%STKx0)) deallocate( cs%STKx0 )
1376  if (allocated(cs%STKy0)) deallocate( cs%STKy0 )
1377  if (allocated(cs%KvS)) deallocate( cs%KvS )
1378  if (allocated(cs%Us0_y)) deallocate( cs%Us0_y )
1379  if (allocated(cs%Us0_x)) deallocate( cs%Us0_x )
1381  deallocate( cs )
1383  return

Variable Documentation

◆ coupler

integer, parameter mom_wave_interface::coupler = 2

Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used.

Module variable! Move into a control structure.

Definition at line 177 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

Referenced by mom_wave_interface_init(), and update_surface_waves().

◆ dataoverrideisinitialized

logical mom_wave_interface::dataoverrideisinitialized

Flag for DataOverride Initialization.

Module variable! Move into a control structure.

Definition at line 159 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

159 logical :: dataoverrideisinitialized !< Flag for DataOverride Initialization

Referenced by mom_wave_interface_init(), and surface_bands_by_data_override().

◆ dataovr

integer, parameter mom_wave_interface::dataovr = 1

Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used.

Module variable! Move into a control structure.

Definition at line 177 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

Referenced by mom_wave_interface_init(), and update_surface_waves().

◆ datasource

integer mom_wave_interface::datasource

Integer that specifies where the Model Looks for Data Valid choices are: 1 - FMS DataOverride Routine 2 - Reserved For Coupler 3 - User input (fixed values, useful for 1d testing)

Module variable! Move into a control structure.

Definition at line 149 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

149 integer :: DataSource !< Integer that specifies where the Model Looks for Data

Referenced by mom_wave_interface_init(), and update_surface_waves().

◆ dhh85

integer, parameter mom_wave_interface::dhh85 = 2

Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used.

Module variable! Move into a control structure.

Definition at line 177 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

Referenced by get_langmuir_number(), mom_wave_interface_init(), and update_stokes_drift().

◆ dhh85_is_set

logical mom_wave_interface::dhh85_is_set

Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used.

Module variable! Move into a control structure.

Definition at line 184 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

Referenced by update_stokes_drift().

◆ input

integer, parameter mom_wave_interface::input = 3

Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used.

Module variable! Move into a control structure.

Definition at line 177 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

Referenced by mom_wave_interface_init(), and update_surface_waves().

◆ la_frachbl

real mom_wave_interface::la_frachbl

Fraction of OSBL for averaging Langmuir number.

Module variable! Move into a control structure.

Definition at line 163 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

163 real :: LA_FracHBL !< Fraction of OSBL for averaging Langmuir number

Referenced by get_langmuir_number(), mom_wave_interface_init(), and mom_wave_interface_init_lite().

◆ la_misalignment

logical mom_wave_interface::la_misalignment = .false.

Flag to use misalignment in Langmuir number.

Module variable! Move into a control structure.

Definition at line 165 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

165 logical :: LA_Misalignment = .false. !< Flag to use misalignment in Langmuir number

Referenced by get_langmuir_number(), and mom_wave_interface_init().

◆ lf17

integer, parameter mom_wave_interface::lf17 = 3

Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used.

Module variable! Move into a control structure.

Definition at line 177 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

Referenced by get_langmuir_number(), mom_wave_interface_init(), and mom_wave_interface_init_lite().

◆ mdl

character(len=40) mom_wave_interface::mdl = "MOM_wave_interface"

This module's name.

Definition at line 171 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

171 character(len=40) :: mdl = "MOM_wave_interface" !< This module's name.

Referenced by mom_wave_interface_init(), and mom_wave_interface_init_lite().

◆ null_wavemethod

integer, parameter mom_wave_interface::null_wavemethod =-99

Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used.

Module variable! Move into a control structure.

Definition at line 177 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

Referenced by get_langmuir_number(), and mom_wave_interface_init_lite().

◆ numbands

integer, public mom_wave_interface::numbands =0

Number of wavenumber/frequency partitions to receive This needs to match the number of bands provided via either coupling or file.

Module variable! Move into a control structure.

Definition at line 141 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

141 integer, public :: NumBands =0 !< Number of wavenumber/frequency partitions to receive

Referenced by get_langmuir_number(), mom_wave_interface_init(), surface_bands_by_data_override(), update_stokes_drift(), and update_surface_waves().

◆ partitionmode

integer, public mom_wave_interface::partitionmode

Method for partition mode (meant to check input) 0 - wavenumbers 1 - frequencies.

Module variable! Move into a control structure.

Definition at line 145 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

145 integer, public :: PartitionMode !< Method for partition mode (meant to check input)

Referenced by mom_wave_interface_init(), surface_bands_by_data_override(), and update_stokes_drift().

◆ pi

real mom_wave_interface::pi

Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used.

Module variable! Move into a control structure.

Definition at line 186 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

186 real :: PI

Referenced by dhh85_mid(), get_stokessl_lifoxkemper(), mom_wave_interface_init(), mom_wave_interface_init_lite(), surface_bands_by_data_override(), and update_stokes_drift().

◆ staticwaves

logical mom_wave_interface::staticwaves

Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used.

Module variable! Move into a control structure.

Definition at line 184 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

184 logical :: StaticWaves, DHH85_Is_Set

Referenced by mom_wave_interface_init(), and update_stokes_drift().

◆ surfbandfilename

character(len=40) mom_wave_interface::surfbandfilename

Filename if using DataOverride.

Module variable! Move into a control structure.

Definition at line 157 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

157 character(len=40) :: SurfBandFileName !< Filename if using DataOverride

Referenced by mom_wave_interface_init(), and surface_bands_by_data_override().

◆ surfbands

integer, parameter mom_wave_interface::surfbands = 1

Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used.

Module variable! Move into a control structure.

Definition at line 177 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

Referenced by get_langmuir_number(), mom_wave_interface_init(), update_stokes_drift(), and update_surface_waves().

◆ testprof

integer, parameter mom_wave_interface::testprof = 0

Undocumented parameters.

These module variables need to be documented as static/private variables or moved into a control structure.

Definition at line 177 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

177 integer, parameter :: TESTPROF = 0, surfbands = 1, &
178  dhh85 = 2, lf17 = 3, null_wavemethod=-99, &
179  dataovr = 1, coupler = 2, input = 3

Referenced by get_langmuir_number(), mom_wave_interface_init(), update_stokes_drift(), and update_surface_waves().

◆ tp_stkx0

real mom_wave_interface::tp_stkx0

Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used.

Module variable! Move into a control structure.

Definition at line 182 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

182 Real :: TP_STKX0, TP_STKY0, TP_WVL

Referenced by mom_wave_interface_init(), and update_stokes_drift().

◆ tp_stky0

real mom_wave_interface::tp_stky0

Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used.

Module variable! Move into a control structure.

Definition at line 182 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

Referenced by mom_wave_interface_init(), and update_stokes_drift().

◆ tp_wvl

real mom_wave_interface::tp_wvl

Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used.

Module variable! Move into a control structure.

Definition at line 182 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

Referenced by mom_wave_interface_init(), and update_stokes_drift().

◆ waveage

real mom_wave_interface::waveage

Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used.

Module variable! Move into a control structure.

Definition at line 185 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

185 real :: WaveAge, WaveWind

Referenced by dhh85_mid(), and mom_wave_interface_init().

◆ waveagepeakfreq

logical mom_wave_interface::waveagepeakfreq

Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used.

Module variable! Move into a control structure.

Definition at line 183 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

183 logical :: WaveAgePeakFreq ! Flag to use W

Referenced by dhh85_mid(), and mom_wave_interface_init().

◆ wavemethod

integer mom_wave_interface::wavemethod =-99

Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used.

Module variable! Move into a control structure.

Definition at line 131 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

131 integer :: WaveMethod=-99 !< Options for including wave information

Referenced by get_langmuir_number(), mom_wave_interface_init(), mom_wave_interface_init_lite(), update_stokes_drift(), and update_surface_waves().

◆ wavewind

real mom_wave_interface::wavewind

Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used.

Module variable! Move into a control structure.

Definition at line 185 of file MOM_wave_interface.F90.

Referenced by dhh85_mid(), and mom_wave_interface_init().