Fei Liu (
5/10/13 Original documentation
Rocky Dunlap (
1/12/17 Moved to doxygen
2/28/19 Rewrote for unified cap


This MOM cap has been tested with MOM6.

This document describes the MOM NUOPC "cap", which is a light weight software layer that is required when the MOM ocean model is used in National Unified Operation Prediction Capability (NUOPC) coupled systems. Also see the MOM wiki for more documentation.

NUOPC is a software layer built on top of the Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF). ESMF is a high-performance modeling framework that provides data structures, interfaces, and operations suited for building coupled models from a set of components. NUOPC refines the capabilities of ESMF by providing a more precise definition of what it means for a model to be a component and how components should interact and share data in a coupled system. The NUOPC Layer software is designed to work with typical high-performance models in the Earth sciences domain, most of which are written in Fortran and are based on a distributed memory model of parallelism (MPI).

A NUOPC "cap" is a Fortran module that serves as the interface to a model when it's used in a NUOPC-based coupled system. The term "cap" is used because it is a light weight software layer that sits on top of model code, making calls into it and exposing model data structures in a standard way.

The MOM cap package includes the cap code itself (MOM_cap.F90, MOM_cap_methods.F90 and MOM_cap_time.F90), a set of time utilities (time_utils.F90) for converting between ESMF and FMS time type and two modules MOM_ocean_model_nuopc.F90 and MOM_surface_forcing_nuopc.F90. MOM_surface_forcing_nuopc.F90 converts the input ESMF data (import data) to a MOM-specific data type (surface_forcing_CS). MOM_ocean_model_nuopc.F90 contains routines for initialization, update and finalization of the ocean model state.

Cap Subroutines

The MOM cap modules contains a set of subroutines that are required by NUOPC. These subroutines are called by the NUOPC infrastructure according to a predefined calling sequence. Some subroutines are called during initialization of the coupled system, some during the run of the coupled system, and some during finalization of the coupled system.

The initialization sequence is the most complex and is governed by the NUOPC technical rules. Details about the initialization sequence can be found in the NUOPC Reference Manual. The cap requires beta snapshot ESMF v8.0.0bs16 or later.

The following table summarizes the NUOPC-required subroutines that appear in the MOM cap. The "Phase" column says whether the subroutine is called during the initialization, run, or finalize part of the coupled system run.

Phase MOM Cap Subroutine Description
Init InitializeP0 Sets the Initialize Phase Definition (IPD) version to use
Init InitializeAdvertise Advertises standard names of import and export fields
Init InitializeRealize Creates an ESMF_Grid or ESMF_Mesh as well as ESMF_Fields for import and export fields
Run ModelAdvance Advances the model by a timestep
Final Finalize Cleans up

Underlying Model Interfaces

Domain Creation

The cap can accomodate a MOM tripolar grid which is represented either as a 2D ESMF_Grid or as a 1D ESMF_Mesh. Other MOM grids (e.g. a bipolar grid) can be represented as a 1d ESMF_Mesh only. Coupling fields are placed on either the ESMF_Grid or ESMF_Mesh. Note that for either the ESMF_Grid or ESMF_Mesh representation, the fields are translated into a 2D MOM specific surface boundary type and the distinction between the two is no longer there. Calls related to creating the grid are located in the InitializeRealize subroutine, which is called by the NUOPC infrastructure during the intialization sequence.

The cap determines parameters for setting up the grid by calling subroutines in the mpp_domains_mod module. The global domain size is determined by calling mpp_get_global_domain(). A check is in place to ensure that there is only a single tile in the domain (the cap is currently limited to one tile; multi-tile mosaics are not supported). The decomposition across processors is determined via calls to mpp_get_compute_domains() (to retrieve decomposition block indices) and mpp_get_pelist() (to determine how blocks are assigned to processors).

The ESMF_Grid is created in several steps:

  • an ESMF_DELayout is created based on the pelist from MOM
  • an ESMF_DistGrid is created over the global index space. Connections are set up so that the index space is periodic in the first dimension and has a fold at the top for the bipole. The decompostion blocks are also passed in along with the ESMF_DELayout mentioned above.
  • an ESMF_Grid is then created by passing in the above ESMF_DistGrid.
  • masks, areas, center (tlat, tlon), and corner (ulat, ulon) coordinates are then added to the ESMF_Grid by retrieving those fields from the MOM datatype ocean_grid elements.

The ESMF_Mesh is also created in several steps:

  • the target mesh is generated offline.
  • a temporary mesh is created from an input file specified by the config variable mesh_ocn. the mesh has a distribution that is automatically generated by ESMF when reading in the mesh
  • an ESMF_DistGrid is created from the global index space for the computational domain.
  • the final ESMF_Mesh is then created by distributing the temporary mesh using the created ESMF_DistGrid.


During the InitializeAdvertise phase, calls are made to MOM's native initialization subroutines, including fms_init(), constants_init(), field_manager_init(), diag_manager_init(), and set_calendar_type(). The MPI communicator is pulled in through the ESMF VM object for the MOM component. The dt and start time are set from parameters from the incoming ESMF clock with calls to set_time() and set_date().


The ModelAdvance subroutine is called by the NUOPC infrastructure when it's time for MOM to advance in time. During this subroutine, there is a call into the MOM update routine:

 call update_ocean_model(Ice_ocean_boundary, Ocean_state, Ocean_public, Time, Time_step_coupled)

Priori to the call to update_ocean_model(), the cap performs these steps

  • the Time and Time_step_coupled parameters, based on FMS types, are derived from the incoming ESMF clock
  • diagnostics are optionally written to files field_ocn_import_*, one for each import field
  • mom_import is called and translates to the ESMF input data to a MOM specific data type
    • momentum flux vectors are rotated to internal grid

After the call to update_ocean_model(), the cap performs these steps:

  • mom_export is called
    • the ocean_mask export is set to match that of the internal MOM mask
    • the freezing_melting_potential export is converted from J m-2 to W m-2 by dividing by the coupling interval
    • vector rotations are applied to the ocean_current_zonal and ocean_current_merid exports, back to lat-lon grid
    • diagnostics are optionally written to files field_ocn_export_*, one for each export field
    • optionally, a call is made to ocean_model_restart() at the interval restart_interval

Vector Rotations

Vector rotations are applied to incoming momentum fluxes (from regular lat-lon to tripolar grid) and outgoing ocean currents (from tripolar to regular lat-lon). The rotation angles are provided from the native MOM grid by a call to get_ocean_grid(Ocean_grid). The cosine and sine of the rotation angle are:


The rotation of momentum flux from regular lat-lon to tripolar is:

\[ \begin{bmatrix} \tau_x' \\ \tau_y' \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} cos \theta & sin \theta \\ -sin \theta & cos \theta \end{bmatrix} * \begin{bmatrix} \tau_x \\ \tau_y \end{bmatrix} \]

The rotation of ocean current from tripolar to regular lat-lon is:

\[ \begin{bmatrix} u' \\ v' \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} cos \theta & -sin \theta \\ sin \theta & cos \theta \end{bmatrix} * \begin{bmatrix} u \\ v \end{bmatrix} \]


NUOPC infrastructure calls ocean_model_finalize at the end of the run. This subroutine is a hook to call into MOM's native shutdown procedures:

call ocean_model_end (ocean_public, ocean_State, Time)
call diag_manager_end(Time )
call field_manager_end
call fms_io_exit
call fms_end

Model Fields

The following tables list the import and export fields currently set up in the MOM cap.

Import Fields

Standard Name Units Model Variable Description Notes
inst_pres_height_surface Pa p pressure of overlying sea ice and atmosphere
mass_of_overlying_sea_ice kg mi mass of overlying sea ice
seaice_melt_heat W m-2 seaice_melt_heat sea ice and snow melt heat flux
seaice_melt kg m-2 s-1 seaice_melt water flux due to sea ice and snow melting
mean_calving_heat_flx W m-2 calving_hflx heat flux, relative to 0C, of frozen land water into ocean
mean_calving_rate kg m-2 s-1 calving mass flux of frozen runoff
mean_evap_rate kg m-2 s-1 q_flux specific humidity flux
mean_fprec_rate kg m-2 s-1 fprec mass flux of frozen precip
mean_merid_moment_flx Pa v_flux j-directed wind stress into ocean vector rotation applied - lat-lon to tripolar
mean_net_lw_flx W m-2 lw_flux long wave radiation
mean_net_sw_ir_dif_flx W m-2 sw_flux_nir_dif diffuse near IR shortwave radiation
mean_net_sw_ir_dir_flx W m-2 sw_flux_nir_dir direct near IR shortwave radiation
mean_net_sw_vis_dif_flx W m-2 sw_flux_vis_dif diffuse visible shortware radiation
mean_net_sw_vis_dir_flx W m-2 sw_flux_vis_dir direct visible shortware radiation
mean_prec_rate kg m-2 s-1 lprec mass flux of liquid precip
mean_runoff_heat_flx W m-2 runoff_hflx heat flux, relative to 0C, of liquid land water into ocean
mean_runoff_rate kg m-2 s-1 runoff mass flux of liquid runoff
mean_salt_rate kg m-2 s-1 salt_flux salt flux
mean_sensi_heat_flx W m-2 t_flux sensible heat flux into ocean
mean_zonal_moment_flx Pa u_flux i-directed wind stress into ocean vector rotation applied - lat-lon to tripolar

Export Fields

Export fields are populated from the ocean_public parameter (type ocean_public_type) after the call to update_ocean_model().

Standard Name Units Model Variable Description Notes
freezing_melting_potential W m-2 combination of frazil and melt_potential cap converts model units (J m-2) to (W m-2) for export
ocean_mask ocean mask
ocn_current_merid m s-1 v_surf j-directed surface velocity on u-cell vector rotation applied - tripolar to lat-lon
ocn_current_zonal m s-1 u_surf i-directed surface velocity on u-cell vector rotation applied - tripolar to lat-lon
s_surf psu s_surf sea surface salinity on t-cell
sea_surface_temperature K t_surf sea surface temperature on t-cell
sea_surface_slope_zonal unitless created from ssh sea surface zonal slope
sea_surface_slope_merid unitless created from ssh sea surface meridional slope
so_bldepth m obld ocean surface boundary layer depth

Memory Management

The MOM cap has an internal state type with pointers to three types defined by MOM. There is also a small wrapper derived type required to associate an internal state instance with the ESMF/NUOPC component:

type ocean_internalstate_type
   type(ocean_public_type),       pointer :: ocean_public_type_ptr
   type(ocean_state_type),        pointer :: ocean_state_type_ptr
   type(ice_ocean_boundary_type), pointer :: ice_ocean_boundary_type_ptr
end type

type ocean_internalstate_wrapper
   type(ocean_internalstate_type), pointer :: ptr
end type

The member of type ocean_public_type stores ocean surface fields used during the coupling. The member of type ocean_state_type is required by the ocean driver, although its internals are private (not to be used by the coupling directly). This type is passed to the ocean init and update routines so that it can maintain state there if desired. The member of type ice_ocean_boundary_type is populated by this cap with incoming coupling fields from other components. These three derived types are allocated during the InitializeAdvertise phase. Also during that phase, the ice_ocean_boundary type members are all allocated using bounds retrieved from mpp_get_compute_domain().

During the InitializeRealize phase, ESMF_Fields are created for each of the coupling fields in the ice_ocean_boundary and ocean_public_type members of the internal state. These fields directly reference into the members of the ice_ocean_boundary and ocean_public_type so that memory-to-memory copies are not required to move data from the cap's import and export states to the memory areas used internally by MOM.


The cap can optionally output coupling fields for diagnostic purposes if the ESMF attribute "DumpFields" has been set to "true". In this case the cap will write out NetCDF files with names "field_ocn_import_<fieldname>.nc" and "field_ocn_export_<fieldname>.nc". Additionally, calls will be made to the cap subroutine dumpMomInternal to write out model internal fields to files named "field_ocn_internal_<fieldname>.nc". In all cases these NetCDF files will contain a time series of field data.

Runtime Configuration

At runtime, the MOM cap can be configured with several options provided as ESMF attributes. Attributes can be set in the cap by the NUOPC Driver above this cap, or in some systems ESMF attributes are set by reading in from a configuration file. The available attributes are:

  • DumpFields - when set to "true", write out diagnostic NetCDF files for import/export/internal fields
  • ProfileMemory - when set to "true", write out memory usage information to the ESMF log files; this information is written when entering and leaving the ModelAdvance subroutine and before and after the call to update_ocean_model().
  • restart_interval - integer number of seconds indicating the interval at which to call ocean_model_restart(); no restarts written if set to 0