#include <MOM_memory.h>
Go to the source code of this file.
module | ocn_comp_mct |
| This is the main driver for MOM6 in CIME.
subroutine, public | ocn_comp_mct::ocn_init_mct (EClock, cdata_o, x2o_o, o2x_o, NLFilename) |
| This subroutine initializes MOM6. More...
subroutine, public | ocn_comp_mct::ocn_run_mct (EClock, cdata_o, x2o_o, o2x_o) |
| Step forward ocean model for coupling interval. More...
subroutine, public | ocn_comp_mct::ocn_final_mct (EClock, cdata_o, x2o_o, o2x_o) |
| Finalizes MOM6. More...
subroutine, private | ocn_comp_mct::ocn_setgsmap_mct (mpicom_ocn, MOM_MCT_ID, gsMap_ocn, gsMap3d_ocn) |
| Sets mct global segment maps for the MOM decomposition. More...
subroutine, private | ocn_comp_mct::ocn_domain_mct (lsize, gsMap_ocn, dom_ocn) |
| Sets MCT global segment maps for the MOM6 decomposition. More...
character(32) function, private | ocn_comp_mct::get_runtype () |
| Returns the CESM run type. More...
subroutine, private | ocn_comp_mct::ocean_model_init_sfc (OS, Ocean_sfc) |
| It has to be separate from the ocean_initialization call because the coupler module allocates the space for some of these variables. More...
subroutine | ocn_comp_mct::iob_allocate (IOB, isc, iec, jsc, jec) |
| Allocates ice-ocean boundary type containers and sets to 0. More...