Go to the documentation of this file.
3  use mct_mod, only: mct_avect_init, mct_avect_indexra, mct_avect_clean, mct_avect
4  use seq_flds_mod, only: ice_ncat, seq_flds_i2o_per_cat
5  use seq_flds_mod, only: seq_flds_x2o_fields, seq_flds_o2x_fields
7  implicit none ; public
9  !> Structure with indices needed for MCT attribute vectors
11  ! ocean to coupler
12  integer :: o2x_so_t !< Surface potential temperature (deg C)
13  integer :: o2x_so_u !< Surface zonal velocity [m s-1]
14  integer :: o2x_so_v !< Surface meridional velocity [m s-1]
15  integer :: o2x_so_s !< Surface salinity (PSU)
16  integer :: o2x_so_dhdx !< Zonal slope in the sea surface height
17  integer :: o2x_so_dhdy !< Meridional lope in the sea surface height
18  integer :: o2x_so_bldepth !< Boundary layer depth (m)
19  integer :: o2x_fioo_q !< Ocean melt and freeze potential (W/m2)
20  integer :: o2x_faoo_fco2_ocn !< CO2 flux
21  integer :: o2x_faoo_fdms_ocn !< DMS flux
23  ! coupler to ocean
24  integer :: x2o_si_ifrac !< Fractional ice wrt ocean
25  integer :: x2o_so_duu10n !< 10m wind speed squared (m^2/s^2)
26  integer :: x2o_sa_pslv !< Sea-level pressure (Pa)
27  integer :: x2o_sa_co2prog !< Bottom atm level prognostic CO2
28  integer :: x2o_sa_co2diag !< Bottom atm level diagnostic CO2
29  integer :: x2o_sw_lamult !< Wave model langmuir multiplier
30  integer :: x2o_sw_ustokes !< Surface Stokes drift, x-component
31  integer :: x2o_sw_vstokes !< Surface Stokes drift, y-component
32  integer :: x2o_foxx_taux !< Zonal wind stress (W/m2)
33  integer :: x2o_foxx_tauy !< Meridonal wind stress (W/m2)
34  integer :: x2o_foxx_swnet !< Net short-wave heat flux (W/m2)
35  integer :: x2o_foxx_sen !< Sensible heat flux (W/m2)
36  integer :: x2o_foxx_lat !< Latent heat flux (W/m2)
37  integer :: x2o_foxx_lwup !< Longwave radiation, up (W/m2)
38  integer :: x2o_faxa_lwdn !< Longwave radiation, down (W/m2)
39  integer :: x2o_faxa_swvdr !< Visible, direct shortwave (W/m2)
40  integer :: x2o_faxa_swvdf !< Visible, diffuse shortwave (W/m2)
41  integer :: x2o_faxa_swndr !< near-IR, direct shortwave (W/m2)
42  integer :: x2o_faxa_swndf !< near-IR, direct shortwave (W/m2)
43  integer :: x2o_fioi_melth !< Heat flux from snow & ice melt (W/m2)
44  integer :: x2o_fioi_meltw !< Water flux from sea ice and snow melt (kg/m2/s)
45  integer :: x2o_fioi_bcpho !< Black Carbon hydrophobic release from sea ice component
46  integer :: x2o_fioi_bcphi !< Black Carbon hydrophilic release from sea ice component
47  integer :: x2o_fioi_flxdst !< Dust release from sea ice component
48  integer :: x2o_fioi_salt !< Salt flux (kg(salt)/m2/s)
49  integer :: x2o_foxx_evap !< Evaporation flux (kg/m2/s)
50  integer :: x2o_faxa_prec !< Total precipitation flux (kg/m2/s)
51  integer :: x2o_faxa_snow !< Water flux due to snow (kg/m2/s)
52  integer :: x2o_faxa_rain !< Water flux due to rain (kg/m2/s)
53  integer :: x2o_faxa_bcphidry !< Black Carbon hydrophilic dry deposition
54  integer :: x2o_faxa_bcphodry !< Black Carbon hydrophobic dry deposition
55  integer :: x2o_faxa_bcphiwet !< Black Carbon hydrophilic wet deposition
56  integer :: x2o_faxa_ocphidry !< Organic Carbon hydrophilic dry deposition
57  integer :: x2o_faxa_ocphodry !< Organic Carbon hydrophobic dry deposition
58  integer :: x2o_faxa_ocphiwet !< Organic Carbon hydrophilic dry deposition
59  integer :: x2o_faxa_dstwet1 !< Size 1 dust -- wet deposition
60  integer :: x2o_faxa_dstwet2 !< Size 2 dust -- wet deposition
61  integer :: x2o_faxa_dstwet3 !< Size 3 dust -- wet deposition
62  integer :: x2o_faxa_dstwet4 !< Size 4 dust -- wet deposition
63  integer :: x2o_faxa_dstdry1 !< Size 1 dust -- dry deposition
64  integer :: x2o_faxa_dstdry2 !< Size 2 dust -- dry deposition
65  integer :: x2o_faxa_dstdry3 !< Size 3 dust -- dry deposition
66  integer :: x2o_faxa_dstdry4 !< Size 4 dust -- dry deposition
67  integer :: x2o_foxx_rofl !< River runoff flux (kg/m2/s)
68  integer :: x2o_foxx_rofi !< Ice runoff flux (kg/m2/s)
70  ! optional per thickness category fields
71  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: x2o_frac_col !< Fraction of ocean cell, per column
72  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: x2o_fracr_col !< Fraction of ocean cell used in radiation computations,
73  !! per column
74  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: x2o_qsw_fracr_col !< qsw * fracr, per column
75  end type cpl_indices_type
77  public :: cpl_indices_init
79 !=======================================================================
80 contains
81 !=======================================================================
83  !> Determines attribute vector indices
84  subroutine cpl_indices_init(ind)
85  type(cpl_indices_type), intent(inout) :: ind !< Structure with coupler indices and vectors
87  ! Local Variables
88  type(mct_avect) :: o2x !< Array with ocean to coupler data
89  type(mct_avect) :: x2o !< Array with coupler to ocean data
90  integer :: ncat !< Thickness category index
91  character(len=2) :: cncat !< Character version of ncat
92  integer :: ncol !< Column index
93  integer :: mcog_ncols !< Number of ice thickness categories?
94  integer :: lmcog_flds_sent !< Used to convert per thickness category fields?
96  ! create temporary attribute vectors
97  call mct_avect_init(x2o, rlist=seq_flds_x2o_fields, lsize=1)
98  call mct_avect_init(o2x, rlist=seq_flds_o2x_fields, lsize=1)
100  ! ocean to coupler
101  ind%o2x_So_t = mct_avect_indexra(o2x,'So_t')
102  ind%o2x_So_u = mct_avect_indexra(o2x,'So_u')
103  ind%o2x_So_v = mct_avect_indexra(o2x,'So_v')
104  ind%o2x_So_s = mct_avect_indexra(o2x,'So_s')
105  ind%o2x_So_dhdx = mct_avect_indexra(o2x,'So_dhdx')
106  ind%o2x_So_dhdy = mct_avect_indexra(o2x,'So_dhdy')
107  ind%o2x_So_bldepth = mct_avect_indexra(o2x,'So_bldepth')
108  ind%o2x_Fioo_q = mct_avect_indexra(o2x,'Fioo_q')
109  ind%o2x_Faoo_fco2_ocn = mct_avect_indexra(o2x,'Faoo_fco2_ocn',perrwith='quiet')
110  ind%o2x_Faoo_fdms_ocn = mct_avect_indexra(o2x,'Faoo_fdms_ocn',perrwith='quiet')
112  ! coupler to ocean
113  ind%x2o_Si_ifrac = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Si_ifrac')
114  ind%x2o_Sa_pslv = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Sa_pslv')
115  ind%x2o_So_duu10n = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'So_duu10n')
116  ind%x2o_Sw_lamult = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Sw_lamult')
117  ind%x2o_Sw_ustokes = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Sw_ustokes')
118  ind%x2o_Sw_vstokes = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Sw_vstokes')
119  ind%x2o_Foxx_tauy = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Foxx_tauy')
120  ind%x2o_Foxx_taux = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Foxx_taux')
121  ind%x2o_Foxx_swnet = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Foxx_swnet')
122  ind%x2o_Foxx_lat = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Foxx_lat')
123  ind%x2o_Foxx_sen = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Foxx_sen')
124  ind%x2o_Foxx_lwup = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Foxx_lwup')
125  ind%x2o_Faxa_lwdn = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Faxa_lwdn')
126  ind%x2o_Faxa_swvdr = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Faxa_swvdr',perrwith='quiet')
127  ind%x2o_Faxa_swvdf = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Faxa_swvdf',perrwith='quiet')
128  ind%x2o_Faxa_swndr = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Faxa_swndr',perrwith='quiet')
129  ind%x2o_Faxa_swndf = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Faxa_swndf',perrwith='quiet')
130  ind%x2o_Fioi_melth = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Fioi_melth')
131  ind%x2o_Fioi_meltw = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Fioi_meltw')
132  ind%x2o_Fioi_salt = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Fioi_salt')
133  ind%x2o_Fioi_bcpho = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Fioi_bcpho')
134  ind%x2o_Fioi_bcphi = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Fioi_bcphi')
135  ind%x2o_Fioi_flxdst = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Fioi_flxdst')
136  ind%x2o_Faxa_prec = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Faxa_prec')
137  ind%x2o_Faxa_snow = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Faxa_snow')
138  ind%x2o_Faxa_rain = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Faxa_rain')
139  ind%x2o_Foxx_evap = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Foxx_evap')
140  ind%x2o_Foxx_rofl = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Foxx_rofl')
141  ind%x2o_Foxx_rofi = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Foxx_rofi')
142  ind%x2o_Faxa_bcphidry = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Faxa_bcphidry')
143  ind%x2o_Faxa_bcphodry = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Faxa_bcphodry')
144  ind%x2o_Faxa_bcphiwet = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Faxa_bcphiwet')
145  ind%x2o_Faxa_ocphidry = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Faxa_ocphidry')
146  ind%x2o_Faxa_ocphodry = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Faxa_ocphodry')
147  ind%x2o_Faxa_ocphiwet = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Faxa_ocphiwet')
148  ind%x2o_Faxa_dstdry1 = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Faxa_dstdry1')
149  ind%x2o_Faxa_dstdry2 = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Faxa_dstdry2')
150  ind%x2o_Faxa_dstdry3 = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Faxa_dstdry3')
151  ind%x2o_Faxa_dstdry4 = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Faxa_dstdry4')
152  ind%x2o_Faxa_dstwet1 = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Faxa_dstwet1')
153  ind%x2o_Faxa_dstwet2 = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Faxa_dstwet2')
154  ind%x2o_Faxa_dstwet3 = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Faxa_dstwet3')
155  ind%x2o_Faxa_dstwet4 = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Faxa_dstwet4')
156  ind%x2o_Sa_co2prog = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Sa_co2prog',perrwith='quiet')
157  ind%x2o_Sa_co2diag = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Sa_co2diag',perrwith='quiet')
159  ! optional per thickness category fields
160  ! convert cpl indices to mcog column indices
161  ! this implementation only handles columns due to ice thickness categories
162  lmcog_flds_sent = seq_flds_i2o_per_cat
164  if (seq_flds_i2o_per_cat) then
165  mcog_ncols = ice_ncat+1
166  allocate(ind%x2o_frac_col(mcog_ncols))
167  allocate(ind%x2o_fracr_col(mcog_ncols))
168  allocate(ind%x2o_qsw_fracr_col(mcog_ncols))
169  ncol = 1
170  ind%x2o_frac_col(ncol) = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Sf_afrac')
171  ind%x2o_fracr_col(ncol) = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Sf_afracr')
172  ind%x2o_qsw_fracr_col(ncol) = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Foxx_swnet_afracr')
174  do ncat = 1, ice_ncat
175  write(cncat,'(i2.2)') ncat
176  ncol = ncat+1
177  ind%x2o_frac_col(ncol) = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'Si_ifrac_'//cncat)
178  ind%x2o_fracr_col(ncol) = ind%x2o_frac_col(ncol)
179  ind%x2o_qsw_fracr_col(ncol) = mct_avect_indexra(x2o,'PFioi_swpen_ifrac_'//cncat)
180  enddo
181  else
182  mcog_ncols = 1
183  endif
185  call mct_avect_clean(x2o)
186  call mct_avect_clean(o2x)
188  end subroutine cpl_indices_init
190 !=======================================================================
192 end module ocn_cpl_indices
subroutine, public cpl_indices_init(ind)
Determines attribute vector indices.
Definition: ocn_cpl_indices.F90:85
Definition: ocn_cpl_indices.F90:1
Structure with indices needed for MCT attribute vectors.
Definition: ocn_cpl_indices.F90:10