mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs Type Reference

Detailed Description

The barotropic stepping control stucture.

Definition at line 100 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

Collaboration diagram for mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs:

Public variables and constants

real, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable frhatu
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
real, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable frhatv
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to v grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
real, dimension(:, :), allocatable idatu
 Inverse of the basin depth at u grid points [Z-1 ~> m-1]. More...
real, dimension(:, :), allocatable lin_drag_u
 A spatially varying linear drag coefficient acting on the zonal barotropic flow [H T-1 ~> m s-1 or kg m-2 s-1]. More...
real, dimension(:, :), allocatable uhbt_ic
 The barotropic solvers estimate of the zonal transport as the initial condition for the next call to btstep [H L2 T-1 ~> m3 s-1 or kg s-1]. More...
real, dimension(:, :), allocatable ubt_ic
 The barotropic solvers estimate of the zonal velocity that will be the initial condition for the next call to btstep [L T-1 ~> m s-1]. More...
real, dimension(:, :), allocatable ubtav
 The barotropic zonal velocity averaged over the baroclinic time step [L T-1 ~> m s-1]. More...
real, dimension(:, :), allocatable idatv
 Inverse of the basin depth at v grid points [Z-1 ~> m-1]. More...
real, dimension(:, :), allocatable lin_drag_v
 A spatially varying linear drag coefficient acting on the zonal barotropic flow [H T-1 ~> m s-1 or kg m-2 s-1]. More...
real, dimension(:, :), allocatable vhbt_ic
 The barotropic solvers estimate of the zonal transport as the initial condition for the next call to btstep [H L2 T-1 ~> m3 s-1 or kg s-1]. More...
real, dimension(:, :), allocatable vbt_ic
 The barotropic solvers estimate of the zonal velocity that will be the initial condition for the next call to btstep [L T-1 ~> m s-1]. More...
real, dimension(:, :), allocatable vbtav
 The barotropic meridional velocity averaged over the baroclinic time step [L T-1 ~> m s-1]. More...
real, dimension(:, :), allocatable eta_cor
 The difference between the free surface height from the barotropic calculation and the sum of the layer thicknesses. This difference is imposed as a forcing term in the barotropic calculation over a baroclinic timestep [H ~> m or kg m-2]. More...
real, dimension(:, :), allocatable eta_cor_bound
 A limit on the rate at which eta_cor can be applied while avoiding instability [H T-1 ~> m s-1 or kg m-2 s-1]. This is only used if CSbound_BT_corr is true. More...
real, dimension(:, :), allocatable ua_polarity
 Test vector components for checking grid polarity. More...
real, dimension(:, :), allocatable va_polarity
 Test vector components for checking grid polarity. More...
real, dimension(:, :), allocatable bathyt
 A copy of bathyT (ocean bottom depth) with wide halos [Z ~> m]. More...
real, dimension(:, :), allocatable iareat
 This is a copy of GIareaT with wide halos, but will still utilize the macro IareaT when referenced, [L-2 ~> m-2]. More...
real, dimension(:, :), allocatable d_u_cor
 A simply averaged depth at u points [Z ~> m]. More...
real, dimension(:, :), allocatable dy_cu
 A copy of Gdy_Cu with wide halos [L ~> m]. More...
real, dimension(:, :), allocatable idxcu
 A copy of GIdxCu with wide halos [L-1 ~> m-1]. More...
real, dimension(:, :), allocatable d_v_cor
 A simply averaged depth at v points [Z ~> m]. More...
real, dimension(:, :), allocatable dx_cv
 A copy of Gdx_Cv with wide halos [L ~> m]. More...
real, dimension(:, :), allocatable idycv
 A copy of GIdyCv with wide halos [L-1 ~> m-1]. More...
real, dimension(:, :), allocatable q_d
 f / D at PV points [Z-1 T-1 ~> m-1 s-1]. More...
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer frhatu1 => NULL()
 Predictor step values of frhatu stored for diagnostics. More...
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer frhatv1 => NULL()
 Predictor step values of frhatv stored for diagnostics. More...
 A structure with all of this modules fields for applying open boundary conditions. More...
real dtbt
 The barotropic time step [T ~> s]. More...
real dtbt_fraction
 The fraction of the maximum time-step that should used. The default is 0.98. More...
real dtbt_max
 The maximum stable barotropic time step [T ~> s]. More...
real dt_bt_filter
 The time-scale over which the barotropic mode solutions are filtered [T ~> s] if positive, or as a fraction of DT if negative [nondim]. This can never be taken to be longer than 2*dt. Set this to 0 to apply no filtering. More...
integer nstep_last = 0
 The number of barotropic timesteps per baroclinic time step the last time btstep was called. More...
real bebt
 A nondimensional number, from 0 to 1, that determines the gravity wave time stepping scheme. 0.0 gives a forward-backward scheme, while 1.0 give backward Euler. In practice, bebt should be of order 0.2 or greater. More...
logical split
 If true, use the split time stepping scheme. More...
logical bound_bt_corr
 If true, the magnitude of the fake mass source in the barotropic equation that drives the two estimates of the free surface height toward each other is bounded to avoid driving corrective velocities that exceed MAXCFL_BT_CONT. More...
logical gradual_bt_ics
 If true, adjust the initial conditions for the barotropic solver to the values from the layered solution over a whole timestep instead of instantly. This is a decent approximation to the inclusion of sum(u dh_dt) while also correcting for truncation errors. More...
logical sadourny
 If true, the Coriolis terms are discretized with Sadourny's energy conserving scheme, otherwise the Arakawa & Hsu scheme is used. If the deformation radius is not resolved Sadourny's scheme should probably be used. More...
logical nonlinear_continuity
 If true, the barotropic continuity equation uses the full ocean thickness for transport. More...
integer nonlin_cont_update_period
 The number of barotropic time steps between updates to the face area, or 0 only to update at the start of a call to btstep. The default is 1. More...
logical bt_project_velocity
 If true, step the barotropic velocity first and project out the velocity tendency by 1+BEBT when calculating the transport. The default (false) is to use a predictor continuity step to find the pressure field, and then do a corrector continuity step using a weighted average of the old and new velocities, with weights of (1-BEBT) and BEBT. More...
logical dynamic_psurf
 If true, add a dynamic pressure due to a viscous ice shelf, for instance. More...
real dmin_dyn_psurf
 The minimum depth to use in limiting the size of the dynamic surface pressure for stability [Z ~> m]. More...
real ice_strength_length
 The length scale at which the damping rate due to the ice strength should be the same as if a Laplacian were applied [L ~> m]. More...
real const_dyn_psurf
 The constant that scales the dynamic surface pressure [nondim]. Stable values are < ~1.0. The default is 0.9. More...
logical tides
 If true, apply tidal momentum forcing. More...
real g_extra
 A nondimensional factor by which gtot is enhanced. More...
integer hvel_scheme
 An integer indicating how the thicknesses at velocity points are calculated. Valid values are given by the parameters defined below: HARMONIC, ARITHMETIC, HYBRID, and FROM_BT_CONT. More...
logical strong_drag
 If true, use a stronger estimate of the retarding effects of strong bottom drag. More...
logical linear_wave_drag
 If true, apply a linear drag to the barotropic velocities, using rates set by lin_drag_u & _v divided by the depth of the ocean. More...
logical linearized_bt_pv
 If true, the PV and interface thicknesses used in the barotropic Coriolis calculation is time invariant and linearized. More...
logical use_wide_halos
 If true, use wide halos and march in during the barotropic time stepping for efficiency. More...
logical clip_velocity
 If true, limit any velocity components that are are large enough for a CFL number to exceed CFL_trunc. This should only be used as a desperate debugging measure. More...
logical debug
 If true, write verbose checksums for debugging purposes. More...
logical debug_bt
 If true, write verbose checksums for debugging purposes. More...
real vel_underflow
 Velocity components smaller than vel_underflow are set to 0 [L T-1 ~> m s-1]. More...
real maxvel
 Velocity components greater than maxvel are truncated to maxvel [L T-1 ~> m s-1]. More...
real cfl_trunc
 If clip_velocity is true, velocity components will be truncated when they are large enough that the corresponding CFL number exceeds this value, nondim. More...
real maxcfl_bt_cont
 The maximum permitted CFL number associated with the barotropic accelerations from the summed velocities times the time-derivatives of thicknesses. The default is 0.1, and there will probably be real problems if this were set close to 1. More...
logical bt_cont_bounds
 If true, use the BT_cont_type variables to set limits on the magnitude of the corrective mass fluxes. More...
logical visc_rem_u_uh0
 If true, use the viscous remnants when estimating the barotropic velocities that were used to calculate uh0 and vh0. False is probably the better choice. More...
logical adjust_bt_cont
 If true, adjust the curve fit to the BT_cont type that is used by the barotropic solver to match the transport about which the flow is being linearized. More...
logical use_old_coriolis_bracket_bug
 If True, use an order of operations that is not bitwise rotationally symmetric in the meridional Coriolis term of the barotropic solver. More...
type(time_type), pointer time => NULL()
 A pointer to the ocean models clock. More...
type(diag_ctrl), pointer diag => NULL()
 A structure that is used to regulate the timing of diagnostic output. More...
type(mom_domain_type), pointer bt_domain => NULL()
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
type(hor_index_type), pointer debug_bt_hi => NULL()
 debugging copy of horizontal index_type More...
type(tidal_forcing_cs), pointer tides_csp => NULL()
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
logical module_is_initialized = .false.
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer isdw
 The lower i-memory limit for the wide halo arrays. More...
integer iedw
 The upper i-memory limit for the wide halo arrays. More...
integer jsdw
 The lower j-memory limit for the wide halo arrays. More...
integer jedw
 The upper j-memory limit for the wide halo arrays. More...
type(group_pass_type) pass_q_dcor
 Handle for a group halo pass. More...
type(group_pass_type) pass_gtot
 Handle for a group halo pass. More...
type(group_pass_type) pass_tmp_uv
 Handle for a group halo pass. More...
type(group_pass_type) pass_eta_bt_rem
 Handle for a group halo pass. More...
type(group_pass_type) pass_force_hbt0_cor_ref
 Handle for a group halo pass. More...
type(group_pass_type) pass_dat_uv
 Handle for a group halo pass. More...
type(group_pass_type) pass_eta_ubt
 Handle for a group halo pass. More...
type(group_pass_type) pass_etaav
 Handle for a group halo pass. More...
type(group_pass_type) pass_ubt_cor
 Handle for a group halo pass. More...
type(group_pass_type) pass_ubta_uhbta
 Handle for a group halo pass. More...
type(group_pass_type) pass_e_anom
 Handle for a group halo pass. More...
integer id_pfu_bt = -1
 Diagnostic IDs. More...
integer id_pfv_bt = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_coru_bt = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_corv_bt = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_ubtforce = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_vbtforce = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_uaccel = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_vaccel = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_visc_rem_u = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_visc_rem_v = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_eta_cor = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_ubt = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_vbt = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_eta_bt = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_ubtav = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_vbtav = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_ubt_st = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_vbt_st = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_eta_st = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_ubt_hifreq = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_vbt_hifreq = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_eta_hifreq = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_uhbt_hifreq = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_vhbt_hifreq = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_eta_pred_hifreq = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_gtotn = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_gtots = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_gtote = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_gtotw = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_uhbt = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_frhatu = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_vhbt = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_frhatv = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_frhatu1 = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_frhatv1 = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_btc_fa_u_ee = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_btc_fa_u_e0 = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_btc_fa_u_w0 = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_btc_fa_u_ww = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_btc_ubt_ee = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_btc_ubt_ww = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_btc_fa_v_nn = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_btc_fa_v_n0 = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_btc_fa_v_s0 = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_btc_fa_v_ss = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_btc_vbt_nn = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_btc_vbt_ss = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_uhbt0 = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...
integer id_vhbt0 = -1
 The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim]. More...

Variables and constants

◆ adjust_bt_cont

logical mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::adjust_bt_cont

If true, adjust the curve fit to the BT_cont type that is used by the barotropic solver to match the transport about which the flow is being linearized.

Definition at line 259 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

259  logical :: adjust_BT_cont !< If true, adjust the curve fit to the BT_cont type

◆ bathyt

real, dimension( : , : ), allocatable mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::bathyt

A copy of bathyT (ocean bottom depth) with wide halos [Z ~> m].

Definition at line 138 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ bebt

real mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::bebt

A nondimensional number, from 0 to 1, that determines the gravity wave time stepping scheme. 0.0 gives a forward-backward scheme, while 1.0 give backward Euler. In practice, bebt should be of order 0.2 or greater.

Definition at line 172 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

172  real :: bebt !< A nondimensional number, from 0 to 1, that

◆ bound_bt_corr

logical mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::bound_bt_corr

If true, the magnitude of the fake mass source in the barotropic equation that drives the two estimates of the free surface height toward each other is bounded to avoid driving corrective velocities that exceed MAXCFL_BT_CONT.

Definition at line 178 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

178  logical :: bound_BT_corr !< If true, the magnitude of the fake mass source

◆ bt_cont_bounds

logical mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::bt_cont_bounds

If true, use the BT_cont_type variables to set limits on the magnitude of the corrective mass fluxes.

Definition at line 252 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

252  logical :: BT_cont_bounds !< If true, use the BT_cont_type variables to set

◆ bt_domain

type(mom_domain_type), pointer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::bt_domain => NULL()

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 268 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

268  type(MOM_domain_type), pointer :: BT_Domain => null()

◆ bt_obc

type(bt_obc_type) mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::bt_obc

A structure with all of this modules fields for applying open boundary conditions.

Definition at line 159 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

159  type(BT_OBC_type) :: BT_OBC !< A structure with all of this modules fields

◆ bt_project_velocity

logical mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::bt_project_velocity

If true, step the barotropic velocity first and project out the velocity tendency by 1+BEBT when calculating the transport. The default (false) is to use a predictor continuity step to find the pressure field, and then do a corrector continuity step using a weighted average of the old and new velocities, with weights of (1-BEBT) and BEBT.

Definition at line 200 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

200  logical :: BT_project_velocity !< If true, step the barotropic velocity first

◆ cfl_trunc

real mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::cfl_trunc

If clip_velocity is true, velocity components will be truncated when they are large enough that the corresponding CFL number exceeds this value, nondim.

Definition at line 244 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

244  real :: CFL_trunc !< If clip_velocity is true, velocity components will

◆ clip_velocity

logical mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::clip_velocity

If true, limit any velocity components that are are large enough for a CFL number to exceed CFL_trunc. This should only be used as a desperate debugging measure.

Definition at line 234 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

234  logical :: clip_velocity !< If true, limit any velocity components that are

◆ const_dyn_psurf

real mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::const_dyn_psurf

The constant that scales the dynamic surface pressure [nondim]. Stable values are < ~1.0. The default is 0.9.

Definition at line 215 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

215  real :: const_dyn_psurf !< The constant that scales the dynamic surface

◆ d_u_cor

real, dimension( : , : ), allocatable mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::d_u_cor

A simply averaged depth at u points [Z ~> m].

Definition at line 145 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

145  real ALLOCABLE_, dimension(NIMEMBW_,NJMEMW_) :: &
146  D_u_Cor, & !< A simply averaged depth at u points [Z ~> m].
147  dy_Cu, & !< A copy of G%dy_Cu with wide halos [L ~> m].
148  IdxCu !< A copy of G%IdxCu with wide halos [L-1 ~> m-1].

◆ d_v_cor

real, dimension( : , : ), allocatable mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::d_v_cor

A simply averaged depth at v points [Z ~> m].

Definition at line 149 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

149  real ALLOCABLE_, dimension(NIMEMW_,NJMEMBW_) :: &
150  D_v_Cor, & !< A simply averaged depth at v points [Z ~> m].
151  dx_Cv, & !< A copy of G%dx_Cv with wide halos [L ~> m].
152  IdyCv !< A copy of G%IdyCv with wide halos [L-1 ~> m-1].

◆ debug

logical mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::debug

If true, write verbose checksums for debugging purposes.

Definition at line 238 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

238  logical :: debug !< If true, write verbose checksums for debugging purposes.

◆ debug_bt

logical mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::debug_bt

If true, write verbose checksums for debugging purposes.

Definition at line 239 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

239  logical :: debug_bt !< If true, write verbose checksums for debugging purposes.

◆ debug_bt_hi

type(hor_index_type), pointer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::debug_bt_hi => NULL()

debugging copy of horizontal index_type

Definition at line 269 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

269  type(hor_index_type), pointer :: debug_BT_HI => null() !< debugging copy of horizontal index_type

◆ diag

type(diag_ctrl), pointer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::diag => NULL()

A structure that is used to regulate the timing of diagnostic output.

Definition at line 266 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

266  type(diag_ctrl), pointer :: diag => null() !< A structure that is used to regulate

◆ dmin_dyn_psurf

real mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::dmin_dyn_psurf

The minimum depth to use in limiting the size of the dynamic surface pressure for stability [Z ~> m].

Definition at line 210 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

210  real :: Dmin_dyn_psurf !< The minimum depth to use in limiting the size

◆ dt_bt_filter

real mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::dt_bt_filter

The time-scale over which the barotropic mode solutions are filtered [T ~> s] if positive, or as a fraction of DT if negative [nondim]. This can never be taken to be longer than 2*dt. Set this to 0 to apply no filtering.

Definition at line 166 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

166  real :: dt_bt_filter !< The time-scale over which the barotropic mode solutions are

◆ dtbt

real mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::dtbt

The barotropic time step [T ~> s].

Definition at line 162 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

162  real :: dtbt !< The barotropic time step [T ~> s].

◆ dtbt_fraction

real mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::dtbt_fraction

The fraction of the maximum time-step that should used. The default is 0.98.

Definition at line 163 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

163  real :: dtbt_fraction !< The fraction of the maximum time-step that

◆ dtbt_max

real mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::dtbt_max

The maximum stable barotropic time step [T ~> s].

Definition at line 165 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

165  real :: dtbt_max !< The maximum stable barotropic time step [T ~> s].

◆ dx_cv

real, dimension( : , : ), allocatable mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::dx_cv

A copy of Gdx_Cv with wide halos [L ~> m].

Definition at line 149 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ dy_cu

real, dimension( : , : ), allocatable mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::dy_cu

A copy of Gdy_Cu with wide halos [L ~> m].

Definition at line 145 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ dynamic_psurf

logical mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::dynamic_psurf

If true, add a dynamic pressure due to a viscous ice shelf, for instance.

Definition at line 208 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

208  logical :: dynamic_psurf !< If true, add a dynamic pressure due to a viscous

◆ eta_cor

real, dimension( : , : ), allocatable mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::eta_cor

The difference between the free surface height from the barotropic calculation and the sum of the layer thicknesses. This difference is imposed as a forcing term in the barotropic calculation over a baroclinic timestep [H ~> m or kg m-2].

Definition at line 131 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

131  real ALLOCABLE_, dimension(NIMEM_,NJMEM_) :: eta_cor

◆ eta_cor_bound

real, dimension( : , : ), allocatable mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::eta_cor_bound

A limit on the rate at which eta_cor can be applied while avoiding instability [H T-1 ~> m s-1 or kg m-2 s-1]. This is only used if CSbound_BT_corr is true.

Definition at line 135 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

135  real ALLOCABLE_, dimension(NIMEM_,NJMEM_) :: eta_cor_bound

◆ frhatu

real, dimension( : , : , : ), allocatable mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::frhatu

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 101 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

101  real ALLOCABLE_, dimension(NIMEMB_PTR_,NJMEM_,NKMEM_) :: frhatu

◆ frhatu1

real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::frhatu1 => NULL()

Predictor step values of frhatu stored for diagnostics.

Definition at line 156 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

156  real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: frhatu1 => null() !< Predictor step values of frhatu stored for diagnostics.

◆ frhatv

real, dimension( : , : , : ), allocatable mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::frhatv

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to v grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 103 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

103  real ALLOCABLE_, dimension(NIMEM_,NJMEMB_PTR_,NKMEM_) :: frhatv

◆ frhatv1

real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::frhatv1 => NULL()

Predictor step values of frhatv stored for diagnostics.

Definition at line 157 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

157  real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: frhatv1 => null() !< Predictor step values of frhatv stored for diagnostics.

◆ g_extra

real mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::g_extra

A nondimensional factor by which gtot is enhanced.

Definition at line 219 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

219  real :: G_extra !< A nondimensional factor by which gtot is enhanced.

◆ gradual_bt_ics

logical mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::gradual_bt_ics

If true, adjust the initial conditions for the barotropic solver to the values from the layered solution over a whole timestep instead of instantly. This is a decent approximation to the inclusion of sum(u dh_dt) while also correcting for truncation errors.

Definition at line 183 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

183  logical :: gradual_BT_ICs !< If true, adjust the initial conditions for the

◆ hvel_scheme

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::hvel_scheme

An integer indicating how the thicknesses at velocity points are calculated. Valid values are given by the parameters defined below: HARMONIC, ARITHMETIC, HYBRID, and FROM_BT_CONT.

Definition at line 220 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

220  integer :: hvel_scheme !< An integer indicating how the thicknesses at

◆ iareat

real, dimension( : , : ), allocatable mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::iareat

This is a copy of GIareaT with wide halos, but will still utilize the macro IareaT when referenced, [L-2 ~> m-2].

Definition at line 142 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

142  real ALLOCABLE_, dimension(NIMEMW_,NJMEMW_) :: IareaT

◆ ice_strength_length

real mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::ice_strength_length

The length scale at which the damping rate due to the ice strength should be the same as if a Laplacian were applied [L ~> m].

Definition at line 212 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

212  real :: ice_strength_length !< The length scale at which the damping rate

◆ id_btc_fa_u_e0

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_btc_fa_u_e0 = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 302 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ id_btc_fa_u_ee

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_btc_fa_u_ee = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 302 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

302  integer :: id_BTC_FA_u_EE = -1, id_btc_fa_u_e0 = -1, id_btc_fa_u_w0 = -1, id_btc_fa_u_ww = -1

◆ id_btc_fa_u_w0

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_btc_fa_u_w0 = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 302 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ id_btc_fa_u_ww

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_btc_fa_u_ww = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 302 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ id_btc_fa_v_n0

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_btc_fa_v_n0 = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 304 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ id_btc_fa_v_nn

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_btc_fa_v_nn = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 304 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

304  integer :: id_BTC_FA_v_NN = -1, id_btc_fa_v_n0 = -1, id_btc_fa_v_s0 = -1, id_btc_fa_v_ss = -1

◆ id_btc_fa_v_s0

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_btc_fa_v_s0 = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 304 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ id_btc_fa_v_ss

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_btc_fa_v_ss = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 304 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ id_btc_ubt_ee

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_btc_ubt_ee = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 303 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

303  integer :: id_BTC_ubt_EE = -1, id_btc_ubt_ww = -1

◆ id_btc_ubt_ww

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_btc_ubt_ww = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 303 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ id_btc_vbt_nn

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_btc_vbt_nn = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 305 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

305  integer :: id_BTC_vbt_NN = -1, id_btc_vbt_ss = -1

◆ id_btc_vbt_ss

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_btc_vbt_ss = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 305 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ id_coru_bt

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_coru_bt = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 291 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ id_corv_bt

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_corv_bt = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 291 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ id_eta_bt

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_eta_bt = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 294 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ id_eta_cor

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_eta_cor = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 293 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ id_eta_hifreq

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_eta_hifreq = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 296 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ id_eta_pred_hifreq

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_eta_pred_hifreq = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 297 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ id_eta_st

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_eta_st = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 295 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ id_frhatu

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_frhatu = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 299 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ id_frhatu1

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_frhatu1 = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 300 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

300  integer :: id_frhatu1 = -1, id_frhatv1 = -1

◆ id_frhatv

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_frhatv = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 299 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ id_frhatv1

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_frhatv1 = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 300 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ id_gtote

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_gtote = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 298 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ id_gtotn

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_gtotn = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 298 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

298  integer :: id_gtotn = -1, id_gtots = -1, id_gtote = -1, id_gtotw = -1

◆ id_gtots

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_gtots = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 298 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ id_gtotw

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_gtotw = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 298 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ id_pfu_bt

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_pfu_bt = -1

Diagnostic IDs.

Definition at line 291 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

291  integer :: id_PFu_bt = -1, id_pfv_bt = -1, id_coru_bt = -1, id_corv_bt = -1

◆ id_pfv_bt

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_pfv_bt = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 291 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ id_uaccel

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_uaccel = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 292 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ id_ubt

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_ubt = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 294 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

294  integer :: id_ubt = -1, id_vbt = -1, id_eta_bt = -1, id_ubtav = -1, id_vbtav = -1

◆ id_ubt_hifreq

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_ubt_hifreq = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 296 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

296  integer :: id_ubt_hifreq = -1, id_vbt_hifreq = -1, id_eta_hifreq = -1

◆ id_ubt_st

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_ubt_st = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 295 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

295  integer :: id_ubt_st = -1, id_vbt_st = -1, id_eta_st = -1

◆ id_ubtav

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_ubtav = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 294 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ id_ubtforce

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_ubtforce = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 292 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

292  integer :: id_ubtforce = -1, id_vbtforce = -1, id_uaccel = -1, id_vaccel = -1

◆ id_uhbt

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_uhbt = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 299 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

299  integer :: id_uhbt = -1, id_frhatu = -1, id_vhbt = -1, id_frhatv = -1

◆ id_uhbt0

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_uhbt0 = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 306 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

306  integer :: id_uhbt0 = -1, id_vhbt0 = -1

◆ id_uhbt_hifreq

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_uhbt_hifreq = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 297 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

297  integer :: id_uhbt_hifreq = -1, id_vhbt_hifreq = -1, id_eta_pred_hifreq = -1

◆ id_vaccel

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_vaccel = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 292 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ id_vbt

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_vbt = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 294 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ id_vbt_hifreq

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_vbt_hifreq = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 296 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ id_vbt_st

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_vbt_st = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 295 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ id_vbtav

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_vbtav = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 294 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ id_vbtforce

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_vbtforce = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 292 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ id_vhbt

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_vhbt = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 299 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ id_vhbt0

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_vhbt0 = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 306 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ id_vhbt_hifreq

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_vhbt_hifreq = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 297 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ id_visc_rem_u

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_visc_rem_u = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 293 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

293  integer :: id_visc_rem_u = -1, id_visc_rem_v = -1, id_eta_cor = -1

◆ id_visc_rem_v

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::id_visc_rem_v = -1

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 293 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ idatu

real, dimension( : , : ), allocatable mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::idatu

Inverse of the basin depth at u grid points [Z-1 ~> m-1].

Definition at line 105 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

105  real ALLOCABLE_, dimension(NIMEMB_PTR_,NJMEM_) :: IDatu

◆ idatv

real, dimension( : , : ), allocatable mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::idatv

Inverse of the basin depth at v grid points [Z-1 ~> m-1].

Definition at line 118 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

118  real ALLOCABLE_, dimension(NIMEM_,NJMEMB_PTR_) :: IDatv

◆ idxcu

real, dimension( : , : ), allocatable mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::idxcu

A copy of GIdxCu with wide halos [L-1 ~> m-1].

Definition at line 145 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ idycv

real, dimension( : , : ), allocatable mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::idycv

A copy of GIdyCv with wide halos [L-1 ~> m-1].

Definition at line 149 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ iedw

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::iedw

The upper i-memory limit for the wide halo arrays.

Definition at line 274 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

274  integer :: iedw !< The upper i-memory limit for the wide halo arrays.

◆ isdw

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::isdw

The lower i-memory limit for the wide halo arrays.

Definition at line 273 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

273  integer :: isdw !< The lower i-memory limit for the wide halo arrays.

◆ jedw

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::jedw

The upper j-memory limit for the wide halo arrays.

Definition at line 276 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

276  integer :: jedw !< The upper j-memory limit for the wide halo arrays.

◆ jsdw

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::jsdw

The lower j-memory limit for the wide halo arrays.

Definition at line 275 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

275  integer :: jsdw !< The lower j-memory limit for the wide halo arrays.

◆ lin_drag_u

real, dimension( : , : ), allocatable mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::lin_drag_u

A spatially varying linear drag coefficient acting on the zonal barotropic flow [H T-1 ~> m s-1 or kg m-2 s-1].

Definition at line 107 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

107  real ALLOCABLE_, dimension(NIMEMB_PTR_,NJMEM_) :: lin_drag_u

◆ lin_drag_v

real, dimension( : , : ), allocatable mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::lin_drag_v

A spatially varying linear drag coefficient acting on the zonal barotropic flow [H T-1 ~> m s-1 or kg m-2 s-1].

Definition at line 120 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

120  real ALLOCABLE_, dimension(NIMEM_,NJMEMB_PTR_) :: lin_drag_v

◆ linear_wave_drag

logical mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::linear_wave_drag

If true, apply a linear drag to the barotropic velocities, using rates set by lin_drag_u & _v divided by the depth of the ocean.

Definition at line 226 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

226  logical :: linear_wave_drag !< If true, apply a linear drag to the barotropic

◆ linearized_bt_pv

logical mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::linearized_bt_pv

If true, the PV and interface thicknesses used in the barotropic Coriolis calculation is time invariant and linearized.

Definition at line 229 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

229  logical :: linearized_BT_PV !< If true, the PV and interface thicknesses used

◆ maxcfl_bt_cont

real mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::maxcfl_bt_cont

The maximum permitted CFL number associated with the barotropic accelerations from the summed velocities times the time-derivatives of thicknesses. The default is 0.1, and there will probably be real problems if this were set close to 1.

Definition at line 247 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

247  real :: maxCFL_BT_cont !< The maximum permitted CFL number associated with the

◆ maxvel

real mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::maxvel

Velocity components greater than maxvel are truncated to maxvel [L T-1 ~> m s-1].

Definition at line 242 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

242  real :: maxvel !< Velocity components greater than maxvel are

◆ module_is_initialized

logical mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::module_is_initialized = .false.

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 271 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

271  logical :: module_is_initialized = .false.

◆ nonlin_cont_update_period

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::nonlin_cont_update_period

The number of barotropic time steps between updates to the face area, or 0 only to update at the start of a call to btstep. The default is 1.

Definition at line 196 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

196  integer :: Nonlin_cont_update_period !< The number of barotropic time steps

◆ nonlinear_continuity

logical mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::nonlinear_continuity

If true, the barotropic continuity equation uses the full ocean thickness for transport.

Definition at line 194 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

194  logical :: Nonlinear_continuity !< If true, the barotropic continuity equation

◆ nstep_last

integer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::nstep_last = 0

The number of barotropic timesteps per baroclinic time step the last time btstep was called.

Definition at line 170 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

170  integer :: nstep_last = 0 !< The number of barotropic timesteps per baroclinic

◆ pass_dat_uv

type(group_pass_type) mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::pass_dat_uv

Handle for a group halo pass.

Definition at line 283 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

283  type(group_pass_type) :: pass_Dat_uv !< Handle for a group halo pass

◆ pass_e_anom

type(group_pass_type) mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::pass_e_anom

Handle for a group halo pass.

Definition at line 288 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

288  type(group_pass_type) :: pass_e_anom !< Handle for a group halo pass

◆ pass_eta_bt_rem

type(group_pass_type) mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::pass_eta_bt_rem

Handle for a group halo pass.

Definition at line 281 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

281  type(group_pass_type) :: pass_eta_bt_rem !< Handle for a group halo pass

◆ pass_eta_ubt

type(group_pass_type) mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::pass_eta_ubt

Handle for a group halo pass.

Definition at line 284 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

284  type(group_pass_type) :: pass_eta_ubt !< Handle for a group halo pass

◆ pass_etaav

type(group_pass_type) mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::pass_etaav

Handle for a group halo pass.

Definition at line 285 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

285  type(group_pass_type) :: pass_etaav !< Handle for a group halo pass

◆ pass_force_hbt0_cor_ref

type(group_pass_type) mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::pass_force_hbt0_cor_ref

Handle for a group halo pass.

Definition at line 282 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

282  type(group_pass_type) :: pass_force_hbt0_Cor_ref !< Handle for a group halo pass

◆ pass_gtot

type(group_pass_type) mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::pass_gtot

Handle for a group halo pass.

Definition at line 279 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

279  type(group_pass_type) :: pass_gtot !< Handle for a group halo pass

◆ pass_q_dcor

type(group_pass_type) mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::pass_q_dcor

Handle for a group halo pass.

Definition at line 278 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

278  type(group_pass_type) :: pass_q_DCor !< Handle for a group halo pass

◆ pass_tmp_uv

type(group_pass_type) mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::pass_tmp_uv

Handle for a group halo pass.

Definition at line 280 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

280  type(group_pass_type) :: pass_tmp_uv !< Handle for a group halo pass

◆ pass_ubt_cor

type(group_pass_type) mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::pass_ubt_cor

Handle for a group halo pass.

Definition at line 286 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

286  type(group_pass_type) :: pass_ubt_Cor !< Handle for a group halo pass

◆ pass_ubta_uhbta

type(group_pass_type) mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::pass_ubta_uhbta

Handle for a group halo pass.

Definition at line 287 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

287  type(group_pass_type) :: pass_ubta_uhbta !< Handle for a group halo pass

◆ q_d

real, dimension( : , : ), allocatable mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::q_d

f / D at PV points [Z-1 T-1 ~> m-1 s-1].

Definition at line 153 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

153  real ALLOCABLE_, dimension(NIMEMBW_,NJMEMBW_) :: &
154  q_D !< f / D at PV points [Z-1 T-1 ~> m-1 s-1].

◆ sadourny

logical mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::sadourny

If true, the Coriolis terms are discretized with Sadourny's energy conserving scheme, otherwise the Arakawa & Hsu scheme is used. If the deformation radius is not resolved Sadourny's scheme should probably be used.

Definition at line 189 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

189  logical :: Sadourny !< If true, the Coriolis terms are discretized

◆ split

logical mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::split

If true, use the split time stepping scheme.

Definition at line 177 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

177  logical :: split !< If true, use the split time stepping scheme.

◆ strong_drag

logical mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::strong_drag

If true, use a stronger estimate of the retarding effects of strong bottom drag.

Definition at line 224 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

224  logical :: strong_drag !< If true, use a stronger estimate of the retarding

◆ tides

logical mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::tides

If true, apply tidal momentum forcing.

Definition at line 218 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

218  logical :: tides !< If true, apply tidal momentum forcing.

◆ tides_csp

type(tidal_forcing_cs), pointer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::tides_csp => NULL()

The fraction of the total column thickness interpolated to u grid points in each layer [nondim].

Definition at line 270 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

270  type(tidal_forcing_CS), pointer :: tides_CSp => null()

◆ time

type(time_type), pointer mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::time => NULL()

A pointer to the ocean models clock.

Definition at line 265 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

265  type(time_type), pointer :: Time => null() !< A pointer to the ocean models clock.

◆ ua_polarity

real, dimension( : , : ), allocatable mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::ua_polarity

Test vector components for checking grid polarity.

Definition at line 138 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

138  real ALLOCABLE_, dimension(NIMEMW_,NJMEMW_) :: &
139  ua_polarity, & !< Test vector components for checking grid polarity.
140  va_polarity, & !< Test vector components for checking grid polarity.
141  bathyT !< A copy of bathyT (ocean bottom depth) with wide halos [Z ~> m]

◆ ubt_ic

real, dimension( : , : ), allocatable mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::ubt_ic

The barotropic solvers estimate of the zonal velocity that will be the initial condition for the next call to btstep [L T-1 ~> m s-1].

Definition at line 113 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

113  real ALLOCABLE_, dimension(NIMEMB_PTR_,NJMEM_) :: ubt_IC

◆ ubtav

real, dimension( : , : ), allocatable mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::ubtav

The barotropic zonal velocity averaged over the baroclinic time step [L T-1 ~> m s-1].

Definition at line 116 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

116  real ALLOCABLE_, dimension(NIMEMB_PTR_,NJMEM_) :: ubtav

◆ uhbt_ic

real, dimension( : , : ), allocatable mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::uhbt_ic

The barotropic solvers estimate of the zonal transport as the initial condition for the next call to btstep [H L2 T-1 ~> m3 s-1 or kg s-1].

Definition at line 110 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

110  real ALLOCABLE_, dimension(NIMEMB_PTR_,NJMEM_) :: uhbt_IC

◆ use_old_coriolis_bracket_bug

logical mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::use_old_coriolis_bracket_bug

If True, use an order of operations that is not bitwise rotationally symmetric in the meridional Coriolis term of the barotropic solver.

Definition at line 262 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

262  logical :: use_old_coriolis_bracket_bug !< If True, use an order of operations

◆ use_wide_halos

logical mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::use_wide_halos

If true, use wide halos and march in during the barotropic time stepping for efficiency.

Definition at line 232 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

232  logical :: use_wide_halos !< If true, use wide halos and march in during the

◆ va_polarity

real, dimension( : , : ), allocatable mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::va_polarity

Test vector components for checking grid polarity.

Definition at line 138 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

◆ vbt_ic

real, dimension( : , : ), allocatable mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::vbt_ic

The barotropic solvers estimate of the zonal velocity that will be the initial condition for the next call to btstep [L T-1 ~> m s-1].

Definition at line 126 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

126  real ALLOCABLE_, dimension(NIMEM_,NJMEMB_PTR_) :: vbt_IC

◆ vbtav

real, dimension( : , : ), allocatable mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::vbtav

The barotropic meridional velocity averaged over the baroclinic time step [L T-1 ~> m s-1].

Definition at line 129 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

129  real ALLOCABLE_, dimension(NIMEM_,NJMEMB_PTR_) :: vbtav

◆ vel_underflow

real mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::vel_underflow

Velocity components smaller than vel_underflow are set to 0 [L T-1 ~> m s-1].

Definition at line 240 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

240  real :: vel_underflow !< Velocity components smaller than vel_underflow

◆ vhbt_ic

real, dimension( : , : ), allocatable mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::vhbt_ic

The barotropic solvers estimate of the zonal transport as the initial condition for the next call to btstep [H L2 T-1 ~> m3 s-1 or kg s-1].

Definition at line 123 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

123  real ALLOCABLE_, dimension(NIMEM_,NJMEMB_PTR_) :: vhbt_IC

◆ visc_rem_u_uh0

logical mom_barotropic::barotropic_cs::visc_rem_u_uh0

If true, use the viscous remnants when estimating the barotropic velocities that were used to calculate uh0 and vh0. False is probably the better choice.

Definition at line 255 of file MOM_barotropic.F90.

255  logical :: visc_rem_u_uh0 !< If true, use the viscous remnants when estimating

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