mom_entrain_diffusive::entrain_diffusive_cs Type Reference

Detailed Description

The control structure holding parametes for the MOM_entrain_diffusive module.

Definition at line 29 of file MOM_entrain_diffusive.F90.

Collaboration diagram for mom_entrain_diffusive::entrain_diffusive_cs:

Public variables and constants

logical bulkmixedlayer
 If true, a refined bulk mixed layer is used with GVnk_rho_varies variable density mixed & buffer layers. More...
logical correct_density
 If true, the layer densities are restored toward their target variables by the diapycnal mixing. More...
integer max_ent_it
 The maximum number of iterations that may be used to calculate the diapycnal entrainment. More...
real tolerance_ent
 The tolerance with which to solve for entrainment values [H ~> m or kg m-2]. More...
real rho_sig_off
 The offset between potential density and a sigma value [R ~> kg m-3]. More...
type(diag_ctrl), pointer diag => NULL()
 A structure that is used to regulate the timing of diagnostic output. More...
integer id_kd = -1
 Diagnostic ID for diffusivity. More...
integer id_diff_work = -1
 Diagnostic ID for mixing work. More...

Variables and constants

◆ bulkmixedlayer

logical mom_entrain_diffusive::entrain_diffusive_cs::bulkmixedlayer

If true, a refined bulk mixed layer is used with GVnk_rho_varies variable density mixed & buffer layers.

Definition at line 30 of file MOM_entrain_diffusive.F90.

30  logical :: bulkmixedlayer !< If true, a refined bulk mixed layer is used with

◆ correct_density

logical mom_entrain_diffusive::entrain_diffusive_cs::correct_density

If true, the layer densities are restored toward their target variables by the diapycnal mixing.

Definition at line 32 of file MOM_entrain_diffusive.F90.

32  logical :: correct_density !< If true, the layer densities are restored toward

◆ diag

type(diag_ctrl), pointer mom_entrain_diffusive::entrain_diffusive_cs::diag => NULL()

A structure that is used to regulate the timing of diagnostic output.

Definition at line 39 of file MOM_entrain_diffusive.F90.

39  type(diag_ctrl), pointer :: diag => null() !< A structure that is used to

◆ id_diff_work

integer mom_entrain_diffusive::entrain_diffusive_cs::id_diff_work = -1

Diagnostic ID for mixing work.

Definition at line 42 of file MOM_entrain_diffusive.F90.

42  integer :: id_diff_work = -1 !< Diagnostic ID for mixing work

◆ id_kd

integer mom_entrain_diffusive::entrain_diffusive_cs::id_kd = -1

Diagnostic ID for diffusivity.

Definition at line 41 of file MOM_entrain_diffusive.F90.

41  integer :: id_Kd = -1 !< Diagnostic ID for diffusivity

◆ max_ent_it

integer mom_entrain_diffusive::entrain_diffusive_cs::max_ent_it

The maximum number of iterations that may be used to calculate the diapycnal entrainment.

Definition at line 34 of file MOM_entrain_diffusive.F90.

34  integer :: max_ent_it !< The maximum number of iterations that may be used to

◆ rho_sig_off

real mom_entrain_diffusive::entrain_diffusive_cs::rho_sig_off

The offset between potential density and a sigma value [R ~> kg m-3].

Definition at line 38 of file MOM_entrain_diffusive.F90.

38  real :: Rho_sig_off !< The offset between potential density and a sigma value [R ~> kg m-3]

◆ tolerance_ent

real mom_entrain_diffusive::entrain_diffusive_cs::tolerance_ent

The tolerance with which to solve for entrainment values [H ~> m or kg m-2].

Definition at line 36 of file MOM_entrain_diffusive.F90.

36  real :: Tolerance_Ent !< The tolerance with which to solve for entrainment values

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