mom_opacity::opacity_cs Type Reference

Detailed Description

The control structure with paramters for the MOM_opacity module.

Definition at line 50 of file MOM_opacity.F90.

Collaboration diagram for mom_opacity::opacity_cs:

Public variables and constants

logical var_pen_sw
 If true, use one of the CHL_A schemes (specified by OPACITY_SCHEME) to determine the e-folding depth of incoming shortwave radiation. More...
integer opacity_scheme
 An integer indicating which scheme should be used to translate water properties into the opacity (i.e., the e-folding depth) and (perhaps) the number of bands of penetrating shortwave radiation to use. More...
real pen_sw_scale
 The vertical absorption e-folding depth of the penetrating shortwave radiation [m]. More...
real pen_sw_scale_2nd
 The vertical absorption e-folding depth of the (2nd) penetrating shortwave radiation [m]. More...
real sw_1st_exp_ratio
 Ratio for 1st exp decay in Two Exp decay opacity. More...
real pen_sw_frac
 The fraction of shortwave radiation that is penetrating with a constant e-folding approach. More...
real blue_frac
 The fraction of the penetrating shortwave radiation that is in the blue band [nondim]. More...
real opacity_land_value
 The value to use for opacity over land [m-1]. The default is 10 m-1 - a value for muddy water. More...
type(diag_ctrl), pointer diag => NULL()
 A structure that is used to regulate the timing of diagnostic output. More...
integer id_sw_pen = -1
 Diagnostic IDs. More...
integer id_sw_vis_pen = -1
 Diagnostic IDs. More...
integer, dimension(:), pointer id_opacity => NULL()
 Diagnostic IDs. More...

Variables and constants

◆ blue_frac

real mom_opacity::opacity_cs::blue_frac

The fraction of the penetrating shortwave radiation that is in the blue band [nondim].

Definition at line 63 of file MOM_opacity.F90.

63  real :: blue_frac !< The fraction of the penetrating shortwave

◆ diag

type(diag_ctrl), pointer mom_opacity::opacity_cs::diag => NULL()

A structure that is used to regulate the timing of diagnostic output.

Definition at line 67 of file MOM_opacity.F90.

67  type(diag_ctrl), pointer :: diag => null() !< A structure that is used to

◆ id_opacity

integer, dimension(:), pointer mom_opacity::opacity_cs::id_opacity => NULL()

Diagnostic IDs.

Definition at line 72 of file MOM_opacity.F90.

72  integer, pointer :: id_opacity(:) => null()

◆ id_sw_pen

integer mom_opacity::opacity_cs::id_sw_pen = -1

Diagnostic IDs.

Definition at line 71 of file MOM_opacity.F90.

71  integer :: id_sw_pen = -1, id_sw_vis_pen = -1

◆ id_sw_vis_pen

integer mom_opacity::opacity_cs::id_sw_vis_pen = -1

Diagnostic IDs.

Definition at line 71 of file MOM_opacity.F90.

◆ opacity_land_value

real mom_opacity::opacity_cs::opacity_land_value

The value to use for opacity over land [m-1]. The default is 10 m-1 - a value for muddy water.

Definition at line 65 of file MOM_opacity.F90.

65  real :: opacity_land_value !< The value to use for opacity over land [m-1].

◆ opacity_scheme

integer mom_opacity::opacity_cs::opacity_scheme

An integer indicating which scheme should be used to translate water properties into the opacity (i.e., the e-folding depth) and (perhaps) the number of bands of penetrating shortwave radiation to use.

Definition at line 53 of file MOM_opacity.F90.

53  integer :: opacity_scheme !< An integer indicating which scheme should be used to translate

◆ pen_sw_frac

real mom_opacity::opacity_cs::pen_sw_frac

The fraction of shortwave radiation that is penetrating with a constant e-folding approach.

Definition at line 61 of file MOM_opacity.F90.

61  real :: pen_sw_frac !< The fraction of shortwave radiation that is

◆ pen_sw_scale

real mom_opacity::opacity_cs::pen_sw_scale

The vertical absorption e-folding depth of the penetrating shortwave radiation [m].

Definition at line 56 of file MOM_opacity.F90.

56  real :: pen_sw_scale !< The vertical absorption e-folding depth of the

◆ pen_sw_scale_2nd

real mom_opacity::opacity_cs::pen_sw_scale_2nd

The vertical absorption e-folding depth of the (2nd) penetrating shortwave radiation [m].

Definition at line 58 of file MOM_opacity.F90.

58  real :: pen_sw_scale_2nd !< The vertical absorption e-folding depth of the

◆ sw_1st_exp_ratio

real mom_opacity::opacity_cs::sw_1st_exp_ratio

Ratio for 1st exp decay in Two Exp decay opacity.

Definition at line 60 of file MOM_opacity.F90.

60  real :: SW_1ST_EXP_RATIO !< Ratio for 1st exp decay in Two Exp decay opacity

◆ var_pen_sw

logical mom_opacity::opacity_cs::var_pen_sw

If true, use one of the CHL_A schemes (specified by OPACITY_SCHEME) to determine the e-folding depth of incoming shortwave radiation.

Definition at line 51 of file MOM_opacity.F90.

51  logical :: var_pen_sw !< If true, use one of the CHL_A schemes (specified by OPACITY_SCHEME) to

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