Our Team

A number of reseachers have play a role in developing the workflow and datasets used for in this project. Here’s a quick look at these contributors and their rolesin this project s and analyses of NCAR models and NEON data. ioners, and people helping in a technical capacity.

Negin Sobhani

Negin developed the NCAR workflow to run single point sites with NEON data and analyze/visualize model results (NCAR).

David Durden

David worked to gap fill NEON data and provide input and evaluation data that are use for NCAR simulations (NEON).

Jim Edwards

Jim built up the workflow for bringing NEON data products and using them in CLM simulations (NCAR).

Dawn Lenz

Dawn handles data issues and data sharing for the project (NEON).

Danica Lombardozzi

Danica built the tutorial materials and visualization tools. She also works with universitity partners on the project (NCAR).

Mike SanClements

Mike kept the team on track, organized workshops, and coordinated activites across organizations (NEON).

Brian Dobbins

Brian builds and maintains the containerized CESM-Lab that are used for this project (NCAR).

Will Wieder

Will coordinated and communicated across organizations to move this work forward (NCAR).

Samantha Weintraub-Leff

Samantha contributed NEON soils data that are used for surface dataset (NEON).

Gordon Bonan

Gordon kept the team on track, organized workshops, and coordinated activites across organizations (NCAR).

Ed Ayres

Ed helped clarify questions regarding soil properties at NEON sites (NEON).

Valerio Pascucci

Valerio provided suggestions and guidance on visualizations of NCAR-NEON data (CI Compass, Univ. of Utah).

Robert Ricci

Robert provided suggestions and guidance related to the containerized CESM-Lab (CI Compass, Univ. of Utah).

Charles Vardeman

Charles provided input and support on best data practices (CI Compas, Notre Dame).

Erik Kluzek

Provides software engineering support for CLM (NCAR).

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