PIO  2.5.4
All Classes Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Macros Modules Pages
Here is a list of all modules:
 Write from Distributed ArraysThe overloaded PIO_write_darray writes a distributed array to disk in Fortran
 Read to Distributed ArraysThe overloaded PIO_read_darray function reads a distributed array from disk in Fortran
 Box Rearranger SettingsSet the box rearranger blocksize in Fortran
 Open a FileOpen an existing netCDF file with PIO in Fortran
 Sync FileSync a file to disk, flushing all buffers in Fortran
 Create a FileCreate a new netCDF file in Fortran
 Set Record NumberSet the record number for distributed array reads/writes in Fortran
 Close a FileClose a netCDF file in Fortran
 Free a DecompositionFree a decomposition, releasing all resources in Fortran
 Initialize an IOSystemCreate a new IO System, designating numbers of I/O and computation tasks in Fortran
 Free an IOSystemFree an IO System, releasing all resources in Fortran
 Define a DecompositionDefine a new decomposition of variables to distributed arrays in Fortran
 Get Number IO TasksGet the number of IO tasks in Fortran
 Internal Debug Settings for FortranSet the debug level in Fortran
 Error Handling for FortranSet the behavior if an error is encountered in Fortran
 Get Local Array SizeGet the local size of the distributed array in a decomposition in Fortran
 Set MPI HintSet the MPI hint in Fortran
 Write AttributesWrites an attribute to a file in Fortran
 Read AttributesReads an attribute from a file in Fortran
 Learn About DimensionLearn dimension name, ID, or length in Fortran
 Learn About a FileLearn the number of variables, dimensions, global attributes, and the unlimited dimension ID in Fortran
 Define ModeEnd or re-enter define mode in Fortran
 Debug LoggingSet debugging log level in Fortran
 Error MessagesGet the error message from an error in Fortran
 Define a DimensionDefine a new dimension, with name and length in Fortran
 Learn About a VariableLearn variable name, ID, type, dimensions, compression, chunking in Fortran
 Learn About an AttributeLearn attribute name, number, type, size in Fortran
 Define a VariableDefine a new variable in Fortran
 Read Non-Decomposed DataReads non-decomposed data from a NetCDF file in Fortran. The get_var interface is provided as a simplified interface to read variables from a NetCDF format file. The variable is read on the root IO task and broadcast in its entirety to all tasks
 Write VariableWrites data to a variable
 Creating DecompositionsCreate a decomposition of data from a variable to multiple computation tasks
 PIO_iotypeAn integer parameter which controls the iotype
 Rearranger MethodsRearranger methods
 Error Handling MethodsThe error handling setting controls what happens if errors are encountered by PIO. The three types of error handling methods are:
 Error Return CodesThe error return code (see Error Handling for Fortran)
 PIO Fortran Type KindsPIO supports different kinds of Fortran types
 Rearranger CommunicationThere are two choices for rearranger communication
 PIO_rearr_comm_dirThere are four choices for rearranger communication direction
 Rearranger Flow Control OptionsType that defines the PIO rearranger options
 Rearranger OptionsType that defines the PIO rearranger options
 Learn About FileLearn the number of variables, dimensions, and global atts, and the unlimited dimension in C
 Learn Aboue a Data TypeLearn the length of a data type in C
 Learn About Binary FormatLearn about the binary format in C
 Learn About a DimensionLearn dimension name and length in C
 Learn About a VariableLearn variable name, dimensions, and type in C
 Learn About an AttributeLearn length, type, and name of an attribute in C
 Rename a DimensionRename a dimension in C
 Rename a VariableRename a variable in C
 Rename an AttributeRename an attribute in C
 Delete an AttributeDelete an attribute in C
 Set Fill ValueSet the fill value for a variable in C
 End Define ModeEnd define mode in C
 Re-enter Define ModeRe-enter Define Mode in C
 Define a DimensionDefine a new dimension in the file in C
 Define a VariableDefine a new variable in the file in C
 Reading Distributes ArraysRead data from a netCDF file to a distributed array in C
 Writing Distributes ArraysWrite data from a distributed array to a netCDF file in C
 Initialize the IO SystemInitialize the IOSystem, including specifying number of IO and computation tasks in C
 Shut Down the IO SystemShut down an IOSystem, freeing all associated resources in C
 Initialize a DecompositionIntiailize a decomposition of data into distributed arrays in C
 Free a DecompositionFree a decomposition, and associated resources in C
 Set the Record NumberSet the record number for a future call to PIOc_write_darray() or PIOc_read_darray() in C
 Set a HintSet an MPI Hint in C
 Set Error HandlingSet the error handling method in case error is encountered in C
 Get the Local SizeGet the local size of a distributed array in C
 Check IOSystemIs the IO system active (in C)?
 Get Number IO TasksGet the Number of IO Tasks in C
 Set BlocksizeSet the Blocksize in C
 Open a FileOpen an existing netCDF file with PIO in C
 Create a FileCreate a new netCDF file with PIO in C
 Sync a FileFlush buffers and sync data to disk in C
 Close a FileClose a file in C
 Get Attribute Values
 Write an Attribute
 Read Strided Arrays
 Read Arrays
 Read Entire Variable
 Read One Value
 Write Strided Arrays
 Write One Value
 Write Arrays
 Write Entire Variable