Source code for pyconform.dataflow

Data Flow Classes and Functions

This module contains the classes and functions needed to define Data Flows.

A Data Flow is a directed acyclic graph (DAG) that describes the flow of data
from one node in the graph to another.  Each node in the flow represents a
data action of some sort, such as reading data from file, transposing data,
unit conversion, addition, subtraction, etc.  The data transmitted along the
graph edges is assumed to a Numpy.NDArray-like object.

The action associated with each node is not performed until the data is
"requested" with the __getitem__ interface, via Node[key].

Copyright 2017-2020, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
LICENSE: See the LICENSE.rst file for details

from warnings import warn

import numpy
from asaptools.partition import WeightBalanced
from asaptools.simplecomm import SimpleComm, create_comm

from pyconform.datasets import DefinitionWarning, InputDatasetDesc, OutputDatasetDesc
from pyconform.flownodes import (
from pyconform.functions import find_function, find_operator
from pyconform.parsing import FuncType, OpType, VarType, parse_definition
from pyconform.physarray import PhysArray

[docs]class VariableNotFoundError(ValueError): """Indicate if an input variable could not be found during construction"""
[docs]class DataFlow(object): """ An object describing the flow of data from input to output """ def __init__(self, inpds, outds): """ Initializer Parameters: inpds (InputDatasetDesc): The input dataset to use as reference when parsing variable definitions outds (OutputDatasetDesc): The output dataset defining the output variables and their definitions or data """ # Input dataset if not isinstance(inpds, InputDatasetDesc): raise TypeError("Input dataset must be of InputDatasetDesc type") self._ids = inpds # Output dataset if not isinstance(outds, OutputDatasetDesc): raise TypeError("Output dataset must be of OutputDatasetDesc type") self._ods = outds # Create a dictionary of DataNodes from variables with non-string # definitions datnodes = self._create_data_nodes_() # Create a dictionary to store FlowNodes for variables with string # definitions defnodes = self._create_definition_nodes_(datnodes) # Compute the definition node info objects (zero-sized physarrays) definfos = self._compute_node_infos_(defnodes) # Construct the dimension map self._i2omap, self._o2imap = self._compute_dimension_maps_(definfos) # Create the map nodes defnodes = self._create_map_nodes_(defnodes, definfos) # Create the validate nodes for each valid output variable self._valnodes = self._create_validate_nodes_(datnodes, defnodes) # Get the set of all sum-like dimensions (dimensions that cannot be # broken into chunks) self._sumlike_dimensions = self._find_sumlike_dimensions_() # Create the WriteNodes for each time-series output file self._writenodes = self._create_write_nodes_() # Compute the bytesizes of each output variable varsizes = self._compute_variable_sizes_() # Compute the file sizes for each output file self._filesizes = self._compute_file_sizes(varsizes) def _create_data_nodes_(self): datnodes = {} for vname in self._ods.variables: vdesc = self._ods.variables[vname] if not isinstance(vdesc.definition, str): if vdesc.datatype == "char": vdata = numpy.asarray(vdesc.definition, dtype="S") else: vdata = numpy.asarray(vdesc.definition, dtype=vdesc.dtype) vunits = vdesc.cfunits() vdims = tuple(vdesc.dimensions.keys()) varray = PhysArray(vdata, name=vname, units=vunits, dimensions=vdims) datnodes[vname] = DataNode(varray) return datnodes def _create_definition_nodes_(self, datnodes): defnodes = {} for vname in self._ods.variables: vdesc = self._ods.variables[vname] if isinstance(vdesc.definition, str): try: pdef = parse_definition(vdesc.definition) vnode = self._construct_flow_(pdef, datnodes=datnodes) except VariableNotFoundError as err: warn( "{}. Skipping output variable {}.".format(str(err), vname), DefinitionWarning, ) else: defnodes[vname] = vnode return defnodes def _construct_flow_(self, obj, datnodes={}): if isinstance(obj, VarType): vname = obj.key if vname in self._ids.variables: indices = numpy.index_exp[tuple(obj.ind)] if len(obj.ind) > 0 else () return ReadNode(self._ids.variables[vname], index=indices) elif vname in datnodes: return datnodes[vname] else: raise VariableNotFoundError( "Input variable {!r} not found or cannot be used as input".format( vname ) ) elif isinstance(obj, OpType): name = obj.key nargs = len(obj.args) op = find_operator(name, numargs=nargs) args = [self._construct_flow_(arg, datnodes=datnodes) for arg in obj.args] return EvalNode(name, op, *args) elif isinstance(obj, FuncType): name = obj.key func = find_function(name) args = [self._construct_flow_(arg, datnodes=datnodes) for arg in obj.args] kwds = { k: self._construct_flow_(obj.kwds[k], datnodes=datnodes) for k in obj.kwds } return EvalNode(name, func, *args, **kwds) else: return obj def _compute_node_infos_(self, nodes): # Gather information about each FlowNode's metadata (via empty # PhysArrays) infos = {} for name in nodes: node = nodes[name] try: info = node[None] except Exception as err: ndef = self._ods.variables[name].definition err_msg = "Failure to generate variable {!r} info with definition {!r}: {}".format( name, ndef, str(err) ) raise RuntimeError(err_msg) else: infos[name] = info return infos def _compute_dimension_maps_(self, definfos): # Each output variable FlowNode must be mapped to its output dimensions. # To aid with this, we sort by number of dimensions: nodeorder = list( zip( *sorted( (len(self._ods.variables[vname].dimensions), vname) for vname in definfos ) ) )[1] # Now, we construct the dimension maps i2omap = {} o2imap = {} for vname in nodeorder: out_dims = tuple(self._ods.variables[vname].dimensions.keys()) inp_dims = definfos[vname].dimensions unmapped_out = tuple(d for d in out_dims if d not in o2imap) mapped_inp = tuple(o2imap[d] for d in out_dims if d in o2imap) unmapped_inp = tuple(d for d in inp_dims if d not in mapped_inp) if len(unmapped_out) != len(unmapped_inp): map_str = ", ".join("{}-->{}".format(k, i2omap[k]) for k in i2omap) err_msg = ( "Cannot map dimensions {} to dimensions {} in output variable {} " "(MAP: {})" ).format(inp_dims, out_dims, vname, map_str) raise ValueError(err_msg) if len(unmapped_out) == 0: continue for out_dim, inp_dim in zip(unmapped_out, unmapped_inp): o2imap[out_dim] = inp_dim i2omap[inp_dim] = out_dim # Now that we know how dimensions are mapped, compute the output # dimension sizes for dname, ddesc in self._ods.dimensions.items(): if dname in o2imap and o2imap[dname] in self._ids.dimensions: idd = self._ids.dimensions[o2imap[dname]] if ( ddesc.is_set() and ddesc.stringlen and ddesc.size < idd.size ) or not ddesc.is_set(): ddesc.set(idd) return i2omap, o2imap @property def dimension_map(self): """The internally generated input-to-output dimension name map""" return self._i2omap def _create_map_nodes_(self, defnodes, definfos): mapnodes = {} for vname in defnodes: dnode = defnodes[vname] dinfo = definfos[vname] map_dims = tuple(self._i2omap[d] for d in dinfo.dimensions) name = "map({!s}, to={})".format(vname, map_dims) mapnodes[vname] = MapNode(name, dnode, self._i2omap) return mapnodes def _create_validate_nodes_(self, datnodes, defnodes): valid_vars = tuple(datnodes.keys()) + tuple(defnodes.keys()) valnodes = {} for vname in valid_vars: vdesc = self._ods.variables[vname] vnode = datnodes[vname] if vname in datnodes else defnodes[vname] try: validnode = ValidateNode(vdesc, vnode) except Exception as err: vdef = vdesc.definition err_msg = "Failure in variable {!r} with definition {!r}: {}".format( vname, vdef, str(err) ) raise RuntimeError(err_msg) valnodes[vname] = validnode return valnodes def _find_sumlike_dimensions_(self): unmapped_sumlike_dimensions = set() for vname in self._valnodes: vnode = self._valnodes[vname] for nd in iter_dfs(vnode): if isinstance(nd, EvalNode): unmapped_sumlike_dimensions.update(nd.sumlike_dimensions) # Map the sum-like dimensions to output dimensions return set( self._i2omap[d] for d in unmapped_sumlike_dimensions if d in self._i2omap ) def _create_write_nodes_(self): writenodes = {} for fname in self._ods.files: fdesc = self._ods.files[fname] vmissing = tuple( vname for vname in fdesc.variables if vname not in self._valnodes ) if vmissing: warn( "Skipping output file {} due to missing required variables: " "{}".format(fname, ", ".join(sorted(vmissing))), DefinitionWarning, ) else: vnodes = tuple(self._valnodes[vname] for vname in fdesc.variables) wnode = WriteNode(fdesc, inputs=vnodes) writenodes[wnode.label] = wnode return writenodes def _compute_variable_sizes_(self): bytesizes = {} for vname in self._valnodes: vdesc = self._ods.variables[vname] vsize = sum(ddesc.size for ddesc in vdesc.dimensions.values()) vsize = 1 if vsize == 0 else vsize bytesizes[vname] = vsize * vdesc.dtype.itemsize return bytesizes def _compute_file_sizes(self, varsizes): filesizes = {} for fname, wnode in self._writenodes.items(): filesizes[fname] = sum(varsizes[vnode.label] for vnode in wnode.inputs) return filesizes
[docs] def execute( self, chunks={}, serial=False, history=False, scomm=None, deflate=None, debug=False, ): """ Execute the Data Flow Parameters: chunks (dict): A dictionary of output dimension names and chunk sizes for each dimension given. Output dimensions not included in the dictionary will not be chunked. (Use OrderedDict to preserve order of dimensions, where the first dimension will be assumed to correspond to the fastest-varying index and the last dimension will be assumed to correspond to the slowest-varying index.) serial (bool): Whether to run in serial (True) or parallel (False) history (bool): Whether to write a history attribute generated during execution for each variable in the file scomm (SimpleComm): An externally created SimpleComm object to use for managing parallel operation deflate (int): Override all output file deflate levels with given value debug (bool): Whether to enable some rudimentary debugging features """ # Check chunks type if not isinstance(chunks, dict): raise TypeError("Chunks must be specified with a dictionary") # Make sure that the specified chunking dimensions are valid for odname, odsize in chunks.items(): if odname not in self._o2imap: raise ValueError( "Cannot chunk over unknown output dimension {!r}".format(odname) ) if not isinstance(odsize, int): raise TypeError( ("Chunk size invalid for output dimension {!r}: " "{}").format( odname, odsize ) ) # Check that we are not chunking over any "sum-like" dimensions sumlike_chunk_dims = sorted(d for d in chunks if d in self._sumlike_dimensions) if len(sumlike_chunk_dims) > 0: if debug: for d in sumlike_chunk_dims: chunks.pop(d) else: raise ValueError( 'Cannot chunk over dimensions that are summed over (or "sum-like")' ": {}".format(", ".join(sumlike_chunk_dims)) ) # Create the simple communicator, if necessary if scomm is None: scomm = create_comm(serial=bool(serial)) elif isinstance(scomm, SimpleComm): if scomm.is_manager(): print( "Inheriting SimpleComm object from parent. (Ignoring serial argument.)" ) else: raise TypeError("Communication object is not a SimpleComm!") # Start general output prefix = "[{}/{}]".format(scomm.get_rank(), scomm.get_size()) if scomm.is_manager(): print("Beginning execution of data flow...") print("Mapping Input Dimensions to Output Dimensions:") for d in sorted(self._i2omap): print(" {} --> {}".format(d, self._i2omap[d])) if len(chunks) > 0: print("Chunking over Output Dimensions:") for d in chunks: print(" {}: {}".format(d, chunks[d])) else: print("Not chunking output.") # Partition the output files/variables over available parallel (MPI) # ranks fnames = scomm.partition( list(self._filesizes.items()), func=WeightBalanced(), involved=True ) if scomm.is_manager(): print( "Writing {} files across {} MPI processes.".format( len(self._filesizes), scomm.get_size() ) ) scomm.sync() # Standard output print("{}: Writing {} files: {}".format(prefix, len(fnames), ", ".join(fnames))) scomm.sync() # Loop over output files and write using given chunking for fname in fnames: print("{}: Writing file: {}".format(prefix, fname)) if history: self._writenodes[fname].enable_history() else: self._writenodes[fname].disable_history() self._writenodes[fname].execute(chunks=chunks, deflate=deflate) print("{}: Finished writing file: {}".format(prefix, fname)) scomm.sync() if scomm.is_manager(): print("All output variables written.") print()