
Data Flow Classes and Functions

This module contains the classes and functions needed to define Data Flows.

A Data Flow is a directed acyclic graph (DAG) that describes the flow of data from one node in the graph to another. Each node in the flow represents a data action of some sort, such as reading data from file, transposing data, unit conversion, addition, subtraction, etc. The data transmitted along the graph edges is assumed to a Numpy.NDArray-like object.

The action associated with each node is not performed until the data is “requested” with the __getitem__ interface, via Node[key].

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class pyconform.dataflow.DataFlow(inpds, outds)[source]

Bases: object

An object describing the flow of data from input to output

property dimension_map

The internally generated input-to-output dimension name map

execute(chunks={}, serial=False, history=False, scomm=None, deflate=None, debug=False)[source]

Execute the Data Flow

  • chunks (dict) – A dictionary of output dimension names and chunk sizes for each dimension given. Output dimensions not included in the dictionary will not be chunked. (Use OrderedDict to preserve order of dimensions, where the first dimension will be assumed to correspond to the fastest-varying index and the last dimension will be assumed to correspond to the slowest-varying index.)

  • serial (bool) – Whether to run in serial (True) or parallel (False)

  • history (bool) – Whether to write a history attribute generated during execution for each variable in the file

  • scomm (SimpleComm) – An externally created SimpleComm object to use for managing parallel operation

  • deflate (int) – Override all output file deflate levels with given value

  • debug (bool) – Whether to enable some rudimentary debugging features

exception pyconform.dataflow.VariableNotFoundError[source]

Bases: ValueError

Indicate if an input variable could not be found during construction