
Data Flow Node Classes and Functions

This module contains the classes and functions needed to define nodes in Data Flows.

Copyright 2017-2020, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research LICENSE: See the LICENSE.rst file for details

class pyconform.flownodes.DataNode(data)[source]

Bases: pyconform.flownodes.FlowNode

FlowNode class to create data in memory

This is a “source” FlowNode.

exception pyconform.flownodes.DateTimeAutoParseWarning[source]

Bases: Warning

Warning for not being able to autoparse new filename based on date-time in the file

class pyconform.flownodes.EvalNode(label, func, *args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: pyconform.flownodes.FlowNode

FlowNode class for evaluating a function on input from neighboring DataNodes

The EvalNode is constructed with a function reference and any number of arguments to that function. The number of arguments supplied must match the number of arguments accepted by the function. The arguments can be any type, and the order of the arguments will be preserved in the call signature of the function. If the arguments are of type FlowNode, then a reference to the FlowNode will be stored. If the arguments are of any other type, the argument will be stored by the EvalNode.

This is a “non-source”/”non-sink” FlowNode.

property sumlike_dimensions

Return the set of sum-like dimensions registered by the node’s function

class pyconform.flownodes.FlowNode(label, *inputs)[source]

Bases: object

The base class for objects that can appear in a data flow

The FlowNode object represents a point in the directed acyclic graph where multiple edges meet. It represents a functional operation on the DataArrays coming into it from its adjacent DataNodes. The FlowNode itself outputs the result of this operation through the __getitem__ interface (i.e., FlowNode[item]), returning a slice of a PhysArray.

property inputs

Inputs into this FlowNode

property label

The FlowNode’s label

class pyconform.flownodes.MapNode(label, dnode, dmap={})[source]

Bases: pyconform.flownodes.FlowNode

FlowNode class to map input data from a neighboring FlowNode to new dimension names and units

The MapNode can rename the dimensions of a FlowNode’s output data. It does not change the data itself, however. The input dimension names will be changed according to the dimension map given. If an input dimension name is not referenced by the map, then the input dimension name does not change.

This is a “non-source”/”non-sink” FlowNode.

class pyconform.flownodes.ReadNode(variable, index=slice(None, None, None))[source]

Bases: pyconform.flownodes.FlowNode

FlowNode class for reading data from a NetCDF file

This is a “source” FlowNode.

exception pyconform.flownodes.UnitsWarning[source]

Bases: Warning

Warning for units errors

class pyconform.flownodes.ValidateNode(vdesc, dnode)[source]

Bases: pyconform.flownodes.FlowNode

FlowNode class to validate input data from a neighboring FlowNode

The ValidateNode takes additional attributes in its initializer that can effect the behavior of its __getitem__ method. The special attributes are:

‘valid_min’: The minimum value the data should have, if valid ‘valid_max’: The maximum value the data should have, if valid ‘min_mean_abs’: The minimum acceptable value of the mean of the absolute value of the data ‘max_mean_abs’: The maximum acceptable value of the mean of the absolute value of the data

If these attributes are supplied to the ValidateNode at construction time, then the associated validation checks will be made on the data when __getitem__ is called.

Additional attributes may be added to the ValidateNode that do not affect functionality. These attributes may be named however the user wishes and can be retrieved from the FlowNode as a dictionary with the ‘attributes’ property.

This is a “non-source”/”non-sink” FlowNode.

property attributes

Attributes dictionary of the variable returned by the ValidateNode

property dimensions

Dimensions tuple of the variable returned by the ValidateNode

exception pyconform.flownodes.ValidationWarning[source]

Bases: Warning

Warning for validation errors

class pyconform.flownodes.WriteNode(filedesc, inputs=())[source]

Bases: pyconform.flownodes.FlowNode

FlowNode that writes validated data to a file.

This is a “sink” node, meaning that the __getitem__ (i.e., [index]) interface does not return anything. Rather, the data “retrieved” through the __getitem__ interface is sent directly to file.

For this reason, it is possible to “retrieve” data multiple times, resulting in writing and overwriting of data. To eliminate this inefficiency, it is advised that you use the ‘execute’ method to write data efficiently once (and only once).


Disable writing of the history attribute to the file


Enable writing of the history attribute to the file

execute(chunks={}, deflate=None)[source]

Execute the writing of the WriteNode file at once

This method efficiently writes all of the data for each file only once, chunking the data according to the ‘chunks’ parameter, as needed.

  • chunks (dict) – A dictionary of output dimension names and chunk sizes for each dimension given. Output dimensions not included in the dictionary will not be chunked. (Use OrderedDict to preserve order of dimensions, where the first dimension will be assumed to correspond to the fastest-varying index and the last dimension will be assumed to correspond to the slowest-varying index.)

  • deflate (int) – Override the output file deflate level with given value


Iterate through graph of FlowNodes from a starting node using a Breadth-First Search


node (FlowNode) – the starting node from where to begin iterating


Iterate through graph of FlowNodes from a starting node using a Depth-First Search


node (FlowNode) – the starting node from where to begin iterating