A cache based data reader.
Parent class for TransferFunction and IsoControl, supports positioning histogram over color/opacity m...
static const std::string _lightingCoeffsTag
RayCasterParams(DataMgr *dataManager, ParamsBase::StateSave *stateSave, XmlNode *xmlNode)
MapperFunction * GetMapperFunc()
Obtain current MapperFunction for the primary variable.
RayCasterParams(DataMgr *dataManager, ParamsBase::StateSave *stateSave, std::string classType)
long GetSampleRateMultiplier() const
void SetLightingCoeffs(const std::vector< double > &coeffs)
virtual ~RayCasterParams()
long GetCastingMode() const
std::vector< double > GetLightingCoeffs() const
void SetCastingMode(long)
static const std::string _lightingTag
static const std::string _sampleMultiplierTag
void SetSampleRateMultiplier(long)
static const std::string _castingModeTag
virtual size_t GetRenderDim() const override
A Params subclass for managing parameters used by Renderers.