VAPOR3 3.9.4
An abstract class for managing geo-referenced world maps, decomposed into tiles, and supporting level-of-detail refinement. More...
#include <GeoTile.h>
An abstract class for managing geo-referenced world maps, decomposed into tiles, and supporting level-of-detail refinement.
This representation is based on Microsoft's Virtual Earth Tile System (Bing Maps), described here
The image tiles are also compatible with the tiling system used by Google Maps and the open source Tile Map Service, differing only in how the tiles are indexed. Microsoft (and this class) use "quadkeys", whereas, Google and TMS employ different indexing/naming conventions for tiles. The encoding of quadkeys in this implementation differs from Microsoft's in one respect: a quadkey == "" (empty string) is a valid key, coresponding to level-of-detail zero, a single tile covering the entire globe. I.e. the coarsest lod permitted by Microsoft is level one, and coresponds to a four-tile decomposition of the global map projection. A single tile, level-zero, map is permitted by this class.
The above world map tiling systems all employ a Mercator projection. No projection is specified by this base class. The projection type is left to derived classes.