Update MW table for current CO2 concentration
done, WAC 2019 – keep updating
Add, to constants table, a reference to what has been in use previously. (See Code.amlib as saved 2011, for examples)
WAC – not sure if needed?
Ask Teresa and Mike R. to review the discussion re trace-gas units
done, MR
Get info from Chris W describing interpolation and time adjustments, for inclusion as an addition to the section on times. Revise section.
Get place to put algorithm notes, and include links to those additional discussions in this document.
done WAC
In algorithm boxes, when variables are referenced, make those references active links to the discussion of the variable
WAC: mostly done now in Rmd version
Get description of the history of the C-130 INS, with characteristics for the Litton at least.
Add history of GPS systems: What was used when (C-130 at least)
Add/clarify section on height-above-terrain; modify to ref. geoid. Need to change HeightAboveTerrain() script.
partly done, WAC,
check/clarify discussion of height-above-geoid and, generally, geopotential vs geometric vs geoid height
done - WAC
Add a variable representing geopotential height and change DVALUE to be based on it minus PALT
WAC - done
Clarify meaning of mode and status for old GPS units, and if used anymore
Add new section on ALTC? Info is there in comments. Implement?
should there be a vertical velocity of the AC based on data-system GPS? ROC as used for reprocessing, and WIR as backup to WIC?
Check/update sensors used on both aircraft.
Add to historical description of PCORs, esp. re subroutine references (QCF, MACH_A, ADIFR)
Add a discussion of the additional corrections to QCR that could make this less sensitive to AOA? Algorithm is developed and documented; implement? Coefficients in ProcessingAlgorithms.pdf are based on ARISTO2016 flight 6.
WAC - done
Suggestion: consider ALT_G and avoid ALT for GPS avionics variable
Consider change to spherical geometry for distance north and east of reference point because range of GV is so great
need to explain how the two measures of longitude, with high and low resolution, are used together.
Need to implement the discussion re correction for the displacement of the GPS antenna from the INS. When done, need to add LG=-4.30 m to the attributes for GGVSPD, GGVEW, GGVNS (GV) and get appropriate values for the C-130
WAC - done
Get Dick Friesen or someone to review and update the discussion of GPS GSTAT
Revise the values listed for the complementary-filter feedback to match what is used now – better with lower values than listed
It might be useful to disable the roll test in gpsc.c, now that GPS is better than when this was implemented
Goodrich Technical Report 5755: should we get permission and post this? (FAAM has it posted)
(It is posted now)
In-cloud air T radiometer: could use more detail re the processing algorithm
Check all the complex M-K section, esp. Tk and DP interp. function
done - WAC
Consider changing name to FP_CR2 in preference to MIRRORT_CR2?
For CONCV_VXL, I think we need cal coefficients and equations used
For RHOx, the code now uses 216.68 instead of 100000/461.5228=216.674 as specified here; change?
Check that current code uses the modified PCOR function with humidity correction and early-error corrected
The PSURF definition references PSFDC; replace with PSXC?
“ATTACK” and “SSLIP” differ from other “preferred” variables by not having “X” at the end. Consider name change?
The variable WIC is described as “GPS-corrected” but that is misleading because it is really based, for aircraft motion, solely on GPS in recent usage (where dependence is on GGVSPD). Contrast to WDC/WSC which are really GPS-corrected. Suggest a different name, like “Wind Vector, Vertical Component, using GPS”?
Re Gerber probe, I didn’t find code for this; need to describe the algorithm.
It would be useful to update Bulletin 24 re hydrometeor spectrometers, with info from Bansemer and reference to work by Korolev, Strapp, Jensen, etc.
Is “PMS/CSIRO King” correct? DMT?
Variables like AS200 have names with “Raw Accumulation” – seems awkward, consider name change? Maybe “Count” per channel?
add the variables for total counts?
some additions are needed here: RAFFD, PVOLU, TCNTD (total counts all cells, CDP); housekeeping variables? All: first and last bins? UHSAS: T and P in canister including UPRESS intensity, etc., better in sect 7
REFF2DC seems mis-named; all others based on 1D sizing from 2D have names involving 2DC
need Teresa and/or Andy W to check this section
need to understand and document what te03c.c does, and perhaps move to obsolete?
Is NO-related discussion OK? is this right: The one named NO2 is actually for NOy?
In true measurement mode, XNOZA and XNZAF will be near zero – is this right?
I think the corrected-NO mixing ratio section may need revision?
“has the provision for the addition of water vapor” – does that mean this is always done, or only sometimes?
to “0.1-360 s” add “but is typically set to 0.1 s”?
UPRESS: the attributes for this variable say the units are kPa; is that incorrect? Mike R lists it as hPa.
check signs here for WD and WS; this differs from the section-9 equation … ??
For EDPC, the <-50 branch looks suspicious and needs checking
For old cryogenic hygrometer, find and include the 3rd-order equation referenced here
check Goff-Gratch formulas; there was some ambiguity in what was in B9
Should include basic equation for SWTC
re TECO CO: is the direct measurement (ppb) a mass ratio? Need explanation here if so to describe difference between ppb and ppbv
COCAL: how does this differ from XCOMR? Why is this in the “obsolete” section? Same for O3FS?
For SCLWC, this is missing crucial information like how accreted mass is obtained from voltage. Couldn’t find the algorithm. Consider Mazin version? Or old one for Wyo KA?
There are some additional notes regarding obsolete variables, esp. involving FSSP processing, that are not included here.
WIC, GGALT, etc.
Review and correct descriptive attributes (e.g., WIC, GGALT, *DGPS
StdSpeedofSound is wrong; enters ias.c – obsolete now?
fix Rd in xlate/const.c: calculated with wrong Md, although right one is listed later in routine. (trivial difference)
Lv defined in xlate/const.c is not latent heat but derivative of latent heat vs T. Used correctly in thetap.c and plwcc.c, but deceptively commented
Review and approve new AKRD description