Posts tagged office-hours

ESDS Office Hours Support

A core goal of the ESDS community is to enhance the efficiency of the NCAR/UCAR workforce by fostering deeper collaboration across labs. ESDS Office Hours help achieve this goal by serving a dual purpose: helping scientists to more quickly overcome software challenges, which allows them to refocus on their scientific pursuits, and fostering connections among workers across different labs. Office Hours assistants benefit from having a scientific colleague as a “client”, enabling them to refine scientific use cases for their software development and fostering a greater sense of camaraderie. ESDS is always open to additional Office Hours assistants with diverse skill sets to join our team. If you are interested in becoming a part of the ESDS Office Hours team or if you would like to explore a similar service for your own team, this blog post is for you.

If you’re curious about the ESDS Office Hours system, see our previous New Office Hours Appointment System blog post).

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New Office Hours Appointment System

The ESDS office hours are moving to an appointment scheduling page.

The previous office hours system was two one-hour blocks at the same time every week via a Zoom call where software engineers sit in and await scientists to show up and receive help. This was not ideal because some weeks no one showed up (which eventually leads to attrition of software engineers), and other weeks many people showed up and could not all receive the individualized help they needed. Also we had many software engineers and scientists with scheduling conflicts during these two static time blocks. You may have noticed these are no longer on the ESDS calendar.

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